549 research outputs found

    A symbolic examination of dress and fashion in Modern Era Castile

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    Producción CientíficaLas vestimentas y la cultura de la moda asociada a su porte evolucionaron durante la Edad Moderna, constituyéndose en iconos capitales para comprender los cambios sociales y de civilización experimentados en la Castilla interior. El examen de los tradicionalismos simbólicos y/o de los intensos debates críticos ilustrados sobre el uso de los atuendos permite valorar mucho mejor la trascendencia que el vestido representaba en el universo mental de las poblaciones urbanas y rurales de Antiguo Régimen. Cuestiones como el lujo y la apariencia, el reconocimiento externo o la uniformización indumentaria resultan fundamentales a este respecto, tanto desde un enfoque de vida cotidiana, de cultura material o de consumo familiar.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (project HAR2013-48901-C6-3-R

    Reconstruyendo el constructivismo : hacia un modelo evolucionista del aprendizaje de conceptos

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    In this article we are presented one point of view about the two debates opened up in this journal: those of constructivism and of conceptual change. This article sets forth the formulation of a kind of constructivism based on a systemic and evolucionist perspective, a constructivism which assumes the objectivity of knowledge and which rejects any relativist positions. Hence we have the basis of an evolutionist method in the concept-learning process which explains in a plausible, simple way some essential questions of the so called conceptual change. Finally, based on this model, a few contributions have been made in the field of teaching strategies and methods, as well as an analysis of those already in existence

    Chapter Keeping up appearances in early modern Castile

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    Social emulation stimulated the demand for clothing with the rapid generalisation of certain types of dress in given social circles. Beginning with this birth of fashion in the 16th century, the 18th century witnessed a revolution in consumption. Material culture had a public projection, and appearance and luxury became variables of civilization. In this methodological framework, and using tutorship accounts and inventories (from the Renaissance and Enlightened periods, and from rural and courtesan contexts), this paper aims to examine cloths and accessories that made a difference, with consideration to age, and gender. The evolution of this process in Castile is compared with that in other western European countries in terms of innovation, availability, intercultural contacts and social aspirations

    Entre cotidianidades: vestidas para trabajar, de visita, para rezar o de paseo festivo

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    Many things were changing at the end of XVIII century inside the Castilian suite of the rooms and the clothing of the bourgeoisie and middle class. This transformation shows the power of a new civilization, daily life and material culture. The increase of the consumer and other important variety of dresses and raw materials to get a new cutlery, a more refined look and a specialized feminine appearance must be analysed in depth beginning from the dowries, the post-mortem inventories, the goods distributed between the heirs and the literature of that historic moment. In this way, we can understand the daily customs and its progressive evolution.Alumbrando nuevos criterios de civilización, vida cotidiana y cultura material, muchas cosas estaban cambiando a finales del ilustrado siglo XVIII tanto en el interior de las viviendas de la burguesía y de las clases medias castellanas como en las prendas de vestir femeninas. Los aspectos de ampliación del consumo en ropa blanca de mesa como los relacionados con la variedad de objetos y materias primas para conseguir una apariencia externa más refinada y especializada deben ser analizados en profundidad a partir de los elencos dotales, de los bienes repartidos entre los herederos a la muerte de sus propietarios y de textos literarios de la época para comprender mejor los hábitos de vida cotidianos entonces y su lenta transformación

    Green strategies for Block Diagonalization-Network MIMO with Fairness

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    This proceeding at: Workshop on Small Cell Cooperative Communications, Lyon (Francia), 2-Mayo 2012.The event Web site at http://ic1004-iplan-2012.conf.citi-lab.fr/Future cellular networks will be more dense and heterogeneous. A typical deployment will be based on micro, pico and femto cells. Under this scenario, novel interference management techniques such as network MIMO will be mandatory. However, it is usual to combine them with power allocation strategies to maximize the sum of the rates or minimize the power consumption. Those strategies are unfair at user level in heterogeneous networks and do not provide a "green" measure. In this work we propose some more equitable alternatives to the classical power allocation schemes and a strategy based on a green metric. Finally we compare the performance, in user spectral efficiency and power consumption terms, of these strategies in micro and femto cell deployments.This work has been partly funded by projects GRE3N TEC2011-29006-C03-03 and COMONSENS CSD2008-00010.Publicad

    La evolución del concepto de sostenibilidad y su introducción en la enseñanza

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    In the first part of this work, we realize a critical assessment on several of the sustainability concepts and we argue in favour of the strong or ecological sustainability. Then we proceed to enumerate the operative criteria of sustainability and base them on the Second Principle of Thermodynamics and on the complexity of the dynamic systems. In the second part of this article, we propose a general organization of the contents related with sustainability in order to introduce them to the different levels of teaching

    La responsabilidad civil médico-sanitaria en el ordenamiento jurídico español

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    En este trabajo se expone el régimen jurídico de la responsabilidad civil médico-sanitaria en Derecho español. Por una parte, se aborda la cuestión de qué jurisdicción es competente en el Derecho español, en la actualidad, para conocer de los distintos casos de responsabilidad civil médico-sanitaria (jurisdicción penal, contencioso-administrativa y/o civil). Por otra parte, se aborda el análisis de qué normas sustantivas del Ordenamiento español son aplicables a este tipo de casos. En Derecho español, el régimen jurídico de la responsabilidad civil médico-sanitaria es una cuestión no exenta de polémica doctrinal, como consecuencia de la diversidad de normativa aplicable a este tipo de supuestos (normas de responsabilidad contractual, normas de responsabilidad extracontractual, normas en materia de Derecho de consumidores y usuarios). Esta diversidad normativa conlleva que la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo juegue un importante papel en la determinación del concreto régimen jurídico aplicable, razón por la cual en este trabajo hay continuas referencias jurisprudencialesThis article discusses the juridical system of civil medical-sanitary liability in the Spanish law. First, the issue of which jurisdiction is currently competent in the Spanish law, so this jurisdiction can know the different cases of civil medical-sanitary liability (penal jurisdiction, actions under administrative law and/or civil), is addressed. Second, which substantive regulations in the Spanish law system are applicable to the type of cases are discussed. In the Spanish law, the juridical system of civil medical-sanitary liability is no issue exempt from doctrinal polemics as a consequence of the diversity of regulations applicable to the type of assumptions (contractual liability regulations extracontractual liability regulations, regulations in connection with consumers’ and users’ laws). This regulatory diversity leads the Supreme Court to play an important role in the determination of the applicable concrete juridical system; and this is the reason for the many jurisprudential references in this articl