6 research outputs found

    Mesenquimoma fibrocartilaginoso de hueso: caso clínico.

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    Se presenta un caso clínico de un mesenquimoma fibrocartilaginoso a nivel de tibia proximal. Se trata de una rara entidad anatomopatológica descrita por Dahlin en 1984. La lesión puede ser localmente agresiva y el tratamiento debe ser una resección tumoral amplia. Realizamos una revisión de la bibliografía, señalando las principales características de esta entidad poco frecuente.We report a case of fibrocartilaginous mesenchy- moma of bone located in proximal tibia. This is a rare bone tumor which was described in 1984 by Dahlin. The lesion may be locally aggresive and the treatment must be a wide resec- tion. The pertinent medical literature related to this uncom- mon entity has been reviewed

    Artritis séptica de hombro: caso clínico en varón joven

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    La artritis séptica de hombro en adultos es poco frecuente, representando aproximadamente un 3% de todas las artritis sépticas. Con frecuencia se diagnostica tardíamente con lo que se compromete el resultado final. Se presenta el caso de un varón de 15 años de edad que acudió a urgencias hospitalarias por dolor intenso e impotencia funcional del hombro izquierdo, tumefacción y aumento de la temperatura local. Como antecedente refería haber realizado un esfuerzo físico unos días antes. Pese a la inespecificidad de los resultados de las pruebas realizadas en urgencias, clínicamente se sospechó una artritis séptica de hombro, confirmándose el diagnóstico mediante RM y punción, y realizándose tratamiento antibiótico precoz y limpieza artroscópica. El paciente evolucionó satisfactoriamente con recuperación completa. A propósito del mismo revisamos las claves para el diagnóstico y tratamiento actuales de esta patología.Septic arthritis of the shoulder in adults is an unusual disease (only 3 % of all septic arthritis). Diagnosis is usually made too late, thus interfering in the last result. We report a clinical case in a fifteen years old man who went to the emergency room relating a great pain and difficult movement in his left shoulder, which was swelling and warm. He had made an effort some days before. The initial studies results in the emergency room were normal but clinically we suspected a septic arthritis of the glenohumeral joint. This diagnosis was ratified with RM and punture of the joint. We carried out a treatment consisting of early antibiotic therapy and arthroscopic cleaning. The patient goes on satisfactorily with complete recovery. Thereafter we review the present diagnosis and treatment of this entity

    Necrosis del miembro superior tras administración de drogas vía arterial: caso clínico

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    La administración de drogas por vía parenteral puede causar complicaciones de variada intensidad que pueden llegar a comprometer la viabilidad no sólo de la extremidad, sino también la vida del paciente. Los mejores resultados terapéuticos se lograrían con un diagnóstico y tratamiento precoces. La amputación del miembro debe reservarse para necrosis establecidas y limitadas del mismo.The injection of drugs can cause complications of varying intensity which can compromise the viability of not only the limb but also the patient's life. The best therapeutic results can be achieved with early diagnosis and treatment. Amputation should be reserved for a demarcated gangrene

    Osteosarcoma perióstico: caso clínico

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    El osteosarcoma perióstico es un sarcoma raro que asienta en la superficie del hueso. Aunque algunos autores lo incluyen en los osteosarcomas yuxtacorticales sus peculiaridades clínicas, radiológicas y anatomopatológicas entre ellos que llevan a diferencias en el tratamiento y pronóstico le otorgan personalidad propia. Presentamos un caso clínico de osteosarcoma perióstico en un varón de 18 años, a nivel de fémur. Se realiza una revisión de la bibliografía, señalando las principales características de esta entidad.Periosteal osteosarcoma is a rare malignant neoplasm located on bone surface. Although some authors include it among juxtacortical osteosarcoma, its clinical feature, imaging studies findings and histologic patterns which lead to differences in the treatment and prognostic, give to it a peculiar identity. We report a case of an 18 years old man who had this tumour in his femur. We do a review of literature

    Upregulated function of mitochondria-associated ER membranes in Alzheimer disease

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    Item does not contain fulltextAlzheimer disease (AD) is associated with aberrant processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) by gamma-secretase, via an unknown mechanism. We recently showed that presenilin-1 and -2, the catalytic components of gamma-secretase, and gamma-secretase activity itself, are highly enriched in a subcompartment of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that is physically and biochemically connected to mitochondria, called mitochondria-associated ER membranes (MAMs). We now show that MAM function and ER-mitochondrial communication-as measured by cholesteryl ester and phospholipid synthesis, respectively-are increased significantly in presenilin-mutant cells and in fibroblasts from patients with both the familial and sporadic forms of AD. We also show that MAM is an intracellular detergent-resistant lipid raft (LR)-like domain, consistent with the known presence of presenilins and gamma-secretase activity in rafts. These findings may help explain not only the aberrant APP processing but also a number of other biochemical features of AD, including altered lipid metabolism and calcium homeostasis. We propose that upregulated MAM function at the ER-mitochondrial interface, and increased cross-talk between these two organelles, may play a hitherto unrecognized role in the pathogenesis of AD

    The Role of Mitochondria in Neurodegenerative Diseases: the Lesson from Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease

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