872 research outputs found

    Carbon tax sectoral (CATS) model: a sectoral model for energy transition stress test scenarios

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    Este artículo presenta un modelo de equilibrio general diseñado para producir escenarios macroeconómicos que incorporen los riesgos de transición asociados a las políticas adoptadas para evitar el proceso de cambio climático (no los riesgos físicos asociados al coste del cambio climático a largo plazo). El modelo está calibrado para la economía española, y puede simular el impacto de shocks en el precio y la cobertura de derechos de emisión de gases efecto invernadero, con particular atención a las asimetrías sectoriales provenientes de i) la intensidad de uso de la energía; ii) la fuente de dicha energía, y iii) las interdependencias entre industrias. Mostramos que, tras un incremento en el precio de los derechos de emisión similar al observado en los últimos años (de aproximadamente 25 € por tonelada de CO2 en 2019 a casi 100 € por tonelada en 2022), el modelo predice una caída acumulada del PIB después de tres años del 0,37 %. La pérdida de valor añadido es muy heterogénea entre distintas industrias, con valores que van de pérdidas del 4 % en las industrias más afectadas a un impacto prácticamente nulo en los sectores menos afectados. En relación con el uso del modelo para pruebas de estrés, esta heterogeneidad apunta a la existencia de riesgos potenciales para la estabilidad financiera, y a la importancia de una correcta diversificación bancaria para disminuir su exposición a los riesgos de transición.This paper presents a general equilibrium sectoral model designed to produce macroeconomic scenarios that incorporate transition risks associated with policies to curb climate change (but not physical risks associated with the long-term costs of climate change). The model is calibrated to the Spanish economy, and can simulate the impact of shocks to the price and coverage of greenhouse gas emission allowances, with particular attention to sectoral asymmetries arising from (i) the energy intensity of each industry, (ii) the source of that energy, and (iii) the interdependencies with other industries. We show that for an increase in the price of emission allowances similar to that observed in recent years (from approximately €25 per tonne of CO2 in 2019 to almost €100 per tonne in 2022) the model predicts a cumulative decline in Spanish GDP after three years of 0.37%. The loss in value added is very heterogeneous across industries, ranging from 4% in the most severely affected industries to virtually no impact in the least affected industries. In terms of the use of the model for stress testing, this heterogeneity points to potential risks for financial stability and the importance of the right diversification for banks to diminish their exposure to transition risks

    The design of macroeconomic scenarios for climate change stress tests

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    The challenges of climate change affect all aspects of the economy, including financial stability, which may be affected both by the physical risks (associated with the climate change process itself) and the transition risks (associated with initiatives to curb the climate change process). This article presents a model designed to produce macroeconomic scenarios, chiefly related to transition risks, to serve as a basis for stress tests to verify that all the components of the financial system are prepared for possible adverse events of this type. In particular, these scenarios are based on a hypothetical rise in the price of CO2 emission allowances, over a 2-5 year horizon. The model simulates the impact of this shock on the Spanish economy, paying particular attention to sectoral asymmetries arising from the intensity with which different types of energy are used in each industry, the interdependencies summarised in the input-output tables for the Spanish economy and the general equilibrium effects in terms of relative price changes and sectoral reallocation

    Diseño de escenarios macroeconómicos para las pruebas de resistencia de cambio climático

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    Los desafíos del cambio climático afectan a todas las facetas de la economía, y en particular también a la estabilidad financiera, que puede sufrir efectos tanto de los riesgos físicos (asociados al propio proceso de cambio climático) como de los riesgos de transición (asociados a las iniciativas para frenar el proceso de cambio climático). Este artículo presenta un modelo diseñado para producir escenarios macroeconómicos relacionados principalmente con los riesgos de transición, que puedan servir de base para pruebas de resistencia que comprueben que todas las piezas del sistema financiero estén preparadas para enfrentarse a posibles eventos adversos en este sentido. En particular, estos escenarios se basan en un hipotético encarecimiento en el precio de los derechos de emisión de CO2, en un horizonte de entre dos y cinco años. El modelo simula el impacto de esta perturbación en la economía española, con especial atención a las asimetrías sectoriales en función de la intensidad en el uso de distintos tipos de energía en cada rama, a las interrelaciones de dependencia resumidas por las tablas input-output de la economía española, y a los efectos de equilibrio general en términos de cambios en los precios relativos y de reasignación sectorial

    Educación musical y patrimonial: Referentes para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la música tradicional mexicana, en el Taller de Guitarra del Instituto Villanovense de Cultura “Antonio Aguilar Barraza” (Villanueva, Zacatecas, México)

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    The objective of this research is to analyze musical education and heritage education as theoretical-methodological references for the design of a work program that integrates a methodology for the teaching-learning of traditional Mexican music, based on the experience of what has been implemented in the Guitar Workshop of the Villanovense Institute of Culture "Antonio Aguilar Barraza", in Villanueva, Zacatecas, Mexico. Using a qualitative methodology with a descriptive-analytical approach, it is considered that musical and heritage education help to value cultural and musical diversity; As part of the conclusions, a thematic work program is proposed.El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la educación musical y la educación patrimonial como referentes teórico metodológicos para el diseño de un programa de trabajo que integre una metodología para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la música tradicional mexicana, esto a partir de la experiencia de lo implementado en el Taller de guitarra del Instituto Villanovense de Cultura “Antonio Aguilar Barraza”, de Villanueva, Zacatecas, México. Con una metodología cualitativa de enfoque descriptivo-analítico, se considera que la educación musical y patrimonial coadyuvan a valorar la diversidad cultural y musical; como parte de las conclusiones se propone un programa temático de trabajo

    Implementación de servicios de infraestructura IT de mayor nivel para Intranet y Extranet a partir de Soluciones a necesidades específicas con GNU/Linux

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    La seguridad es un aspecto que se trata en Linux como sistema operativo para brindar soluciones a gran parte de las problemáticas con respecto a migración y puesta en marcha de los sistemas de seguridad de la infraestructura de red por lo que este trabajo desarrolla la fase final del diplomado de Linux orientada a la administración y control de una distribución GNU/Linux como Zentyal Server y los servicios que este presta, ya que se enfoca en la ejecución de servicios de infraestructura IT para Intranet y Extranet por lo cual se tratan los aspectos de implementación y configuración detallada de acceso de una estación de trabajo GNU/Linux con el apoyo de un usuario y contraseña, por medio de estación en los servicios de Infraestructura IT de Zentyal para conectividad a Internet con restricciones de la apertura de sitios o portales Web evidenciando las reglas y políticas creadas por medio del cortafuego, controlador de dominio LDAP a los servicios de carpetas compartidas e impresoras, tanto para VPN que permite establecer un túnel privado de comunicación con una estación de trabajo GNU/LinuxSafety is an aspect that is treats in Linux as an operating system to provide solutions to most of the problems with regarding migration and implementation of security systems of the network infrastructure that this work develops the final phase of the diploma Linux oriented to the administration and control of a GNU / Linux distribution such as Zentyal Server and the services that it provides, since it focuses on the execution of IT infrastructure services for Intranet and Extranet for which the aspects of implementation and detailed configuration of access a GNU / Linux workstation supported by a username and password, through the station in the Zentyal IT Infrastructure services for Internet connectivity with opening restrictions of Web sites or portals evidencing the rules and policies created through firewall, controller LDAP domain to folder services shared and printers, both for VPN that allows establish a private communication tunnel with a GNU / Linux workstatio

    Mild and short-term caloric restriction prevents obesity-induced cardiomyopathy in young zucker rats without changing in metabolites and fatty acids cardiac profile

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    Caloric restriction (CR) ameliorates cardiac dysfunction associated with obesity. However, most of the studies have been performed under severe CR (30-65% caloric intake decrease) for several months or even years in aged animals. Here, we investigated whether mild (20% food intake reduction) and short-term (2-weeks) CR prevented the obese cardiomyopathy phenotype and improved the metabolic profile of young (14 weeks of age) genetically obese Zucker fa/fa rats. Heart weight (HW) and HW/tibia length ratio was significantly lower in fa/fa rats after 2 weeks of CR than in counterparts fed ad libitum. Invasive pressure measurements showed that systolic blood pressure, maximal rate of positive left ventricle (LV) pressure, LV systolic pressure and LV end-diastolic pressure were all significantly higher in obese fa/fa rats than in lean counterparts, which were prevented by CR. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed that the increase in LV end-systolic volume, stroke volume and LV wall thickness observed in fa/fa rats was significantly lower in animals on CR diet. Histological analysis also revealed that CR blocked the significant increase in cardiomyocyte diameter in obese fa/fa rats. High resolution magic angle spinning magnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis of the LV revealed a global decrease in metabolites such as taurine, creatine and phosphocreatine, glutamate, glutamine and glutathione, in obese fa/fa rats, whereas lactate concentration was increased. By contrast, fatty acid concentrations in LV tissue were significantly elevated in obese fa/fa rats. CR failed to restore the LV metabolomic profile of obese fa/fa rats. In conclusion, mild and short-term CR prevented an obesity-induced cardiomyopathy phenotype in young obese fa/fa rats independently of the cardiac metabolic profile.This study was supported by grants from Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BFU2011-25303), Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III (CP15/00129), UCM groups (GR-921641), SESCAMET, Fundación Mutua Madrileña, Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual and Fondos FEDER.Peer Reviewe

    Prevalence of post-intensive care syndrome in mechanically ventilated patients with COVID-19

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    Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) patients usually require long periods of mechanical ventilation and sedation, which added to steroid therapy, favours a predisposition to the development of delirium and subsequent mental health disorders, as well as physical and respiratory sequelae. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) at 3 months after hospital discharge, in a cohort of mechanically ventilated patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). An ambispective, observational study was conducted in three hospitals with intensive care unit (ICU) follow-up clinics. We studied adults who survived a critical illness due to SARS-CoV-2 infection requiring invasive mechanical ventilation. A physical (muscle strength and pulmonary function), functional [12-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12), and Barthel score], psychological [hospital anxiety and depression (HADS) and posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity scales], and cognitive [Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) test] assessment were performed. A total of 186 patients were evaluated at 88 days (IQR 68–121) after hospital discharge. Mean age was 59 ± 12 years old, 126 (68%) patients were men, and median length of mechanical ventilation was 14 days (IQR 8–31). About 3 out of 4 patients (n = 139, 75%) met PICS criteria. Symptoms of cognitive and psychiatric disorders were found in 59 (32%) and 58 (31%) patients, respectively. Ninety-one (49%) patients had muscle weakness. Pulmonary function tests in patients with no respiratory comorbidities showed a normal pattern in 93 (50%) patients, and a restrictive disorder in 62 (33%) patients. Also, 69 patients (37%) were on sick leave, while 32 (17%) had resumed work at the time of assessment. In conclusion, survivors of critical illness due to SARS-CoV-2 infection requiring mechanical ventilation have a high prevalence of PICS. Physical domain is the most frequently damaged, followed by cognitive and psychiatric disorders. ICU follow-up clinics enable the assistance of this vulnerable populationThis study did not receive any funding or fnancial support. JMA and JV are funded by Grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (CB06/06/1088, PI19/00141)

    How binomial (traditional rainfed olive grove-Crocus sativus) crops impact the soil bacterial community and enhance microbial capacities

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    Intercropping can favour the yield of the main crop. However, because of the potential competition among woody crops, this system is rarely used by farmers. To increase knowledge about the intercropping system, we have explored three different combinations of alley cropping in rainfed olive groves compared to conventional management (CP): (i) Crocus sativus (D-S); (ii) Vicia sativa/Avena sativa in annual rotation (D-O); and (iii) Lavandula x intermedia (D-L). Different soil chemical properties were analyzed to evaluate the effects of alley cropping, while 16S rRNA amplification and enzymatic activities were determined to study the changes that occurred in soil microbial communities and activity. In addition, the influence of intercropping on the potential functionality of the soil microbial community was measuredThis research was funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 project Diverfarming (Crop diversification and low-input farming across Europe: From practitioners' engagement and ecosystems services to increased revenues and value chain organisation), grant agreement 728003Peer reviewe

    NLRP3 inflammasome activation and symptom burden in KRAS-mutated CMML patients is reverted by IL-1 blocking therapy

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    Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) is frequently associated with mutations in the rat sarcoma gene (RAS), leading to worse prognosis. RAS mutations result in active RAS-GTP proteins, favoring myeloid cell proliferation and survival and inducing the NLRP3 inflammasome together with the apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a caspase recruitment domain (ASC), which promote caspase-1 activation and interleukin (IL)-1(3 release. Here, we report, in a cohort of CMML patients with mutations in KRAS, a constitutive activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome in monocytes, evidenced by ASC oligomerization and IL-1(3 release, as well as a specific inflammatory cytokine signature. Treatment of a CMML patient with a KRASG12D mutation using the IL-1 receptor blocker anakinra inhibits NLRP3 inflammasome activation, reduces monocyte count, and improves the patient's clinical status, enabling a stem cell transplant. This reveals a basal inflammasome activation in RAS-mutated CMML patients and suggests potential therapeutic applications of NLRP3 and IL-1 blockers