2,040 research outputs found

    Una nueva rutina en inglés: The Weather

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    Con este trabajo de fin de grado se pretende estudiar la asimilación y comprensión de una nueva rutina en un segundo idioma, inglés, así como tratar las emociones en determinado alumnado en el aula de 3 años de Infantil de un colegio de Palencia a través de esa misma rutina. Partiendo del hecho de que el tiempo meteorológico es un factor que las personas observan a diario y que marca, en parte, la forma de vida, ya que el ser humano se adecúa a él a la hora de vestir y, sobre todo, para cuidar de la salud, se ha decidido llevar a cabo la incorporación de esta rutina, The Weather, en la clase de tres años teniendo en cuenta que es una rutina que normalmente se introduce en años posteriores.This project aims to study the assimilation and comprehension of a new routine concerning the weather in a second language, English, in a class of three years olds at a school in Palencia. This routine also includes aspects of the emotions of children. It has been decided to incorporate this routine given that the weather is a factor that people observe on a daily basis and which, to some extent, marks their way of life. They adapt to it when choosing what to wear and above all when protecting their health. This routine is usually introduced later on.Grado en Educación Infanti

    The eco-social transition in generalist television channels in Spain: Presence and Themes

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    La transición ecosocial es la transformación de las sociedades hacia modos de vida armónicos con la naturaleza, especialmente en el contexto actual de crisis ecosistémica. Resultan fundamentales en este proceso las dinámicas y rutinas mediáticas relacionadas con la configuración de la agenda setting, avaladas por las teorías del framing y el priming, pudiendo los medios convertirse en un referente inspirador para la sociedad, o por el contrario actuar de parapeto, tal y como asumimos en este artículo. Esta investigación analiza la presencia de temáticas de transición ecosocial en las programaciones y los principales informativos de las cadenas generalistas de televisión con cobertura estatal en España: TVE1, La2, Antena3, Cuatro, Telecinco y LaSexta. El diseño metodológico se basa, por un lado, en el análisis cuantitativo de las parrillas de programación durante cuatro semanas. Por otro lado, se han analizado los informativos de las cadenas citadas, cuantificando aquellas noticias relacionadas con temáticas que puedan favorecer la transición ecosocial, ya sea por poner el enfoque en problemáticas ecosistémicas o por presentar alternativas de la economía circular, entre otros mecanismos. Los resultados muestran que solamente las cadenas públicas difunden programas de tipo ecológico, y en ningún caso esta programación supera el 2% del total de sus parrillas. En relación con la presencia en los informativos de cobertura nacional, no alcanza el 4% de sus contenidos. Esta ínfima incidencia indica que aún queda mucho por hacer. Investigación derivada de la aplicación de Irscom (Indicador de Rentabilidad Social en Comunicación, LabCOMandalucía, Universidad de Málaga) a cadenas de televisión.The Eco-social transition is the transformation of societies towards ways of life in harmony with nature, especially within the context of the current ecosystem crisis. The dynamics and media routines related to the configuration of the agenda setting are fundamental to this process, supported by the theories of framing and priming. In this sense, the media might become an inspiring reference for society or, on the contrary, simply act as a parapet, as we indeed assume in this article. This study analyses the presence of eco-social transition themes in the programming and main news programmes of the general television channels with state coverage in Spain: TVE1, La2, Antena3, Cuatro, Telecinco and LaSexta. The methodological design is based, on the one hand, on the quantitative analysis of the programming schedules for four weeks. On the other hand, the news programmes of the aforementioned channels were analysed, quantifying those pieces of news related to topics that might favour the eco-social transition, either by focusing on ecosystem problems or by presenting circular economy alternatives, among other mechanisms. The results show that only the public channels broadcast ecological programmes, and nowhere does this programming exceed 2% of the total of their programming. In relation to the presence of these topics in the news with national coverage, it does not attain 4% of its content. This minimal incidence indicates that much remains to be done. Research derived from the application of Irscom (Indicator of Social Profitability in Communication, LabCOMandalucía, University of Malaga) to television channels.Investigación enmarcada en la aplicación del IRSCOM (Indicador de Rentabilidad Social en Comunicación, LabCOMandalucía, Universidad de Málaga) a cadenas de televisión: Proyecto UMA18-FEDERJA-187)

    Relatos del ser ciudadano en el exilio

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    Potential protective role of reactive astrocytes in the periventricular parenchyma in congenital hydrocephalus

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    Background Cerebrospinal fluid accumulation in hydrocephalus produces an elevation of intraventricular pressure with pathological consequences on the periventricular brain parenchyma including ischemia, oedema, oxidative stress, and accumulation of metabolic waste products. Here we studied in the hyh mouse, an animal model of congenital hydrocephalus, the role of reactive astrocytes in this clinical degenerative condition. Materials and Methods Wild type and hydrocephalic hyh mice at 30 days of postnatal age were used. Three metabolites related to the oxidative and neurotoxic conditions were analysed in ex vivo samples (glutathione, glutamine and taurine) using High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS). Glutathione synthetase and peroxidase, glutamine synthetase, kidney-type glutaminase (KGA), and taurine/taurine transporter were immunolocated in brain sections. Results Levels of the metabolites were remarkably higher in hydrocephalic conditions. Glutathione peroxidase and synthetase were both detected in the periventricular reactive astrocytes and neurons. Taurine was mostly found free in the periventricular parenchyma and in the reactive astrocytes, and the taurine transporter was mainly present in the neurons located in such regions. Glutamine synthetase was found in reactive astrocytes. Glutaminase was also detected in the reactive astrocytes and in periventricular neurons. These results suggest a possible protective response of reactive astrocytes against oxidative stress and neurotoxic conditions. Conclusions Astrocyte reaction seems to trigger an anti-oxidative and anti-neurotoxic response in order to ameliorate pathological damage in periventricular areas of the hydrocephalic mice.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. PI15-00619 to AJJ

    Prevalence of Depression and Related Factors among Patients with Chronic Disease during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The management of chronic diseases in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic is especially challenging, and reducing potential psychological harm is essential. This review aims to determine the prevalence of depression during the COVID-19 pandemic in patients with chronic disease, and to characterize the impacts of related factors. A systematic review was conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The meta-analysis was performed using StatsDirect software. The review identified 33 articles with a total of 50,905 patients with chronic diseases. Four meta-analyses were performed to estimate the prevalence of depression. In diabetic patients, the prevalence ranged from 17% (95% CI = 7–31) (PHQ-9) to 33% (95% CI = 16–51) (PHQ-8); in obese patients, the prevalence was 48% (95% CI = 26–71); and in hypertensive patients, the prevalence was 18% (95% CI = 13–24). The factors significantly associated with depression were female sex, being single, deterioration in the clinical parameters of diabetes, a decrease in self-care behavior, reduced physical activity and sleep time and fear of contagion. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly increased levels of depression among persons with chronic disease. Pandemics and other emergency events have a major impact on mental health, so early psychological interventions and health management policies are needed to reinforce chronic patients’ physical and mental health

    ¡No sé si reír o llorar! Secuencia de actividades verbo-tonales para la pronunciación del español

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    En este artículo se pretenden desarrollar una serie de actividades verbo-tonales dirigidas a estudiantes sinohablantes, que poseen determinadas desventajas lingüísticas respecto al español. Por una parte, se plantea favorecer la expresión y reconocimiento de las emociones, mientras que por otra parte se pretende fomentar la práctica del sonido [r]. La propuesta didáctica se compone de tres fases donde primero se presentan y practican las entonaciones del español, después se tratan las emociones asociadas con colores en base a la película Del revés (favoreciendo primero la destreza de comprensión auditiva y, después, la expresión oral). En la última fase los estudiantes ponen en práctica lo visto anteriormente a través de un juego lúdico. Así, con esta sesión didáctica, se pretende favorecer la competencia léxica, gramatical y pragmática-kinésicaque afecta a este colectivo en parte debido a motivos socioculturales

    Modelling Type 1 and 2 Wind Turbines based on IEC 61400-27-1: Transient Response under Voltage Dips

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    [EN] Wind power plants depend greatly on weather conditions, thus being considered intermittent, uncertain and non-dispatchable. Due to the massive integration of this energy resource in the recent decades, it is important that transmission and distribution system operators are able to model their electrical behaviour in terms of steady-state power flow, transient dynamic stability, and short-circuit currents. Consequently, in 2015, the International Electrotechnical Commission published Standard IEC 61400-27-1, which includes generic models for wind power generation in order to estimate the electrical characteristics of wind turbines at the connection point. This paper presents, describes and details the models for wind turbine topologies Types 1 and 2 following IEC 61400-27-1 for electrical simulation purposes, including the values for the parameters for the different subsystems. A hardware-in-the-loop combined with a real-time simulator is also used to analyse the response of such wind turbine topologies under voltage dips. The evolution of active and reactive powers is discussed, together with the wind turbine rotor and generator rotational speeds.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Union -FEDER Funds, ENE2016-78214-C2-1-R-; and the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports -ref. FPU16/04282-.García-Sánchez, TM.; Muñoz-Benavente, I.; Gómez-Lázaro, E.; Fernández-Guillamón, A. (2020). Modelling Type 1 and 2 Wind Turbines based on IEC 61400-27-1: Transient Response under Voltage Dips. Energies. 13(16):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13164078S1191316Fernández-Guillamón, A., Villena-Lapaz, J., Vigueras-Rodríguez, A., García-Sánchez, T., & Molina-García, Á. (2018). An Adaptive Frequency Strategy for Variable Speed Wind Turbines: Application to High Wind Integration Into Power Systems. Energies, 11(6), 1436. doi:10.3390/en11061436Fernández-Guillamón, A., Das, K., Cutululis, N. A., & Molina-García, Á. (2019). Offshore Wind Power Integration into Future Power Systems: Overview and Trends. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 7(11), 399. doi:10.3390/jmse7110399Fernández-Guillamón, A., Gómez-Lázaro, E., Muljadi, E., & Molina-García, Á. (2019). Power systems with high renewable energy sources: A review of inertia and frequency control strategies over time. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 115, 109369. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2019.109369Cardozo, C., van Ackooij, W., & Capely, L. (2018). Cutting plane approaches for frequency constrained economic dispatch problems. Electric Power Systems Research, 156, 54-63. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2017.11.001Fernández-Guillamón, A., Martínez-Lucas, G., Molina-García, Á., & Sarasua, J. I. (2020). An Adaptive Control Scheme for Variable Speed Wind Turbines Providing Frequency Regulation in Isolated Power Systems with Thermal Generation. Energies, 13(13), 3369. doi:10.3390/en13133369Global Wind Report 2019https://gwec.net/global-wind-report-2019/Muñoz-Benavente, I., Hansen, A. D., Gómez-Lázaro, E., García-Sánchez, T., Fernández-Guillamón, A., & Molina-García, Á. (2019). Impact of Combined Demand-Response and Wind Power Plant Participation in Frequency Control for Multi-Area Power Systems. Energies, 12(9), 1687. doi:10.3390/en12091687Villena-Ruiz, R., Lorenzo-Bonache, A., Honrubia-Escribano, A., Jiménez-Buendía, F., & Gómez-Lázaro, E. (2019). Implementation of IEC 61400-27-1 Type 3 Model: Performance Analysis under Different Modeling Approaches. Energies, 12(14), 2690. doi:10.3390/en12142690Kumar, D., & Chatterjee, K. (2016). A review of conventional and advanced MPPT algorithms for wind energy systems. 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Generic dynamic wind turbine models for power system stability analysis: A comprehensive review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81, 1939-1952. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2017.06.005Moschitta, A., Carbone, P., & Muscas, C. (2011). Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test for Voltage Dip Detection. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 60(5), 1644-1653. doi:10.1109/tim.2011.2113110Moschitta, A., Carbone, P., & Muscas, C. (2012). Performance Comparison of Advanced Techniques for Voltage Dip Detection. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 61(5), 1494-1502. doi:10.1109/tim.2012.2183436Gallo, D., Landi, C., Luiso, M., & Fiorucci, E. (2014). Survey on Voltage Dip Measurements in Standard Framework. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 63(2), 374-387. doi:10.1109/tim.2013.2278996Ipinnimo, O., Chowdhury, S., Chowdhury, S. P., & Mitra, J. (2013). A review of voltage dip mitigation techniques with distributed generation in electricity networks. 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    Assessment of a New Lateral Cushioned Casting Orthosis: Effects on Peroneus Longus Muscle Electromyographic Activity During Running

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    Background: Classical medial wedge (CMW) orthoses have been prescribed to treat overpronation foot pathologies in runners. The effects of a novel supination orthosis (NSO) on the surface electromyography (EMG) activity of the peroneus longus (PL) muscle during a complete cycle of running have yet to be tested. Purpose/Hypothesis: The purpose of this study was to compare the EMG activity of the PL in participants wearing CMW orthoses and NSOs versus neutral running shoes (NRS) during a full cycle of running gait. It was hypothesized that the PL muscle activity would be lower for the NSO compared with CMW or NRS. Study Design: Controlled laboratory study. Methods: Included were 31 healthy recreational runners of both sexes (14 male and 17 female; mean age, 38.58 ± 4.02 years) with a neutral Foot Posture Index and standard rearfoot-strike pattern. Participants ran on a treadmill at 9 km/h while wearing NSO (3-, 6-, and 9-mm thicknesses), CMW (3-, 6-, and 9-mm thicknesses), and NRS, for a total of 7 different conditions randomly selected, while the EMG signal activity of the PL was recorded for 30 seconds. Each trial was recorded 3 times, and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) to test reliability of the measurements was calculated. The Wilcoxon pair to pair nonparametric test with Bonferroni correction was performed to analyze differences among the conditions. Results: The reliability of all assessments was almost perfect (ICC, >0.81). For both the CMW and NSO, regardless of thickness, the PL activity was statistically significantly lower compared with the NRS (P < .05 for all). For all CMW thicknesses, the PL activity was lower compared with the respective NSO thicknesses, with the 3-mm thickness having the largest difference (CMW3mm, 18.63 ± 4.64 vs NSO3mm, 20.78 ± 4.99 mV; P < .001). Conclusion: Both CMW and NSO produced reduced EMG activity of the PL muscle; therefore, they can be prescribed to treat overpronation pathologies without associated PL strain concerns. In addition, the NSO saved the enhancement material placed on the medial-rear side of CMW, making it easier to wear sports shoes. Clinical Relevance: Knowing the safety of CMW and NSO will aid in understanding treatments for overpronation pathologies


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    Objective: Crimes occurred in Rwanda (1994) and Kosovo (1999) have been considered as genocides. Our main objective was to describe the difference between the crimes committed in Kosovo and Rwanda based on the victims found in each area according to their age, gender, and way to die. Methods: Bodies were found in those places selected by field observers. We have included all human and material elements that were found near the bodies in Rwanda and Kosovo. We also have taken photographs to the lesions in some cases to document our findings. As a criterion for inclusion, it was necessary to be able to identify the form of death and the ethnic group (in Rwanda, Tutsi or moderate Hutus, and in Kosovo, the Kosovar Albanian victims). All samples that did not meet the requirements to determine personal characteristics were excluded. Results: A total of 1044 bodies were individually studied, 857 from Rwanda and 187 from Kosovo. Our results reveal differences in the injuries presented in most Rwandan victims, were most were due to machetes or canes, and those in Kosovo where most were due to firearms or explosions. Most of the bodies studied in Rwanda belong to the Tutsi ethnic group and were not buried. However, the majority of the bodies found in Kosovo were individually buried. Conclusions: We conclude that there are differences in the studied victims attending to their characteristic and their wounds in Kosovo and Rwanda

    Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus from Oxcutzcab, Yucatán

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    Introduction: The complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), such as chronic kidney disease (CKD), are the second leading cause of death in Oxcutzcab municipality of Yacatan, Mexico. The objective of the study was to estimate the burden of chronic kidney disease in a sample of patients with T2DM from Oxcutzcab municipality of Yacatan, Mexico, region characterized by high amound of poverty and vulnerabidity.Methods: This is a descriptive study involving 108 adult patients between 26 and 79 years old with T2DM who attended the PROSPERA, social protection program under the direction of Ministry of Social Development of Mexico (88% female and 12% male). Weight, height, BMI, and years of post T2DM diagnosis were measured. Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was calculated using the Cockcroft-Gault formula. Results: We found that 39.81% of participants had stage one kidney damage, 34.26% stage two, 24.07% stage three, one case of stage four, and one of stage five. BMI measurements indicated that 40.74% of participants were obese (?30kg/m2), 35.19% were overweight, and 1.85% were underweight. In terms of years since diagnosis, 37.04% of the participants were diagnosed five years ago and less, 29.63% of participants were diagnosed 6-10 years ago, 22.22% between 11-15 years ago, 8.33% between 16-20 years ago, and 2.78% of participants over 20 years ago.Conclusions: Most participants were in stages one to three of kidney damage, where the main objective of the medical team was medical treatment of T2DM and comorbidities, as well as nutritional support to prevent further complications. There was only one case in stage four and five each, where dialysis and kidney transplantation became necessary. Both cases presented had a history of T2DM for over 20 years. It is important to identify early kidney damage to improve quality of life, reduce the treatment costs, and lower mortality