485 research outputs found

    The Importance of Self-Generation of Electricity through Controlled Recycling: a Case Study in West Sub-Saharan African Regions

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    Controlled recycling of different materials, typical to household appliances, from the landfills located in developing countries in West Sub-Saharan Africa and their subsequent reuse can favour the social, economic and environmental sustainability of the involved regions. This process reduces the unhealthy conditions associated with landfills and the inadequate use of fuels, and it also solves certain deficits in the population. As a continuation of previous studies, this article proposes a practical example of manufacture through the controlled reuse of an asynchronous wind-powered electricity generation system, analysing the benefits and possibilities detected, especially in domestic self-generation and in the reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. In summary, the topic is the manufacture of an energy generating system using recycled material for domestic use. In this way, the associated self-generation of electricity can supply or reduce the energy demand of a large part of the population in these regions that do not have electricity supply; for example, for a household in Nigeria, it would save between 15% and 75% of the electricity supply. Providing electricity supply also prevents deforestation in regions that use natural biomass as an alternative energy source, an issue that has a global impact on CO2 emissions into the atmosphere

    Litterfall, litter decomposition and associated nutrient fluxes in Pinus halepensis: influence of tree removal intensity in a Mediterranean forest

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    The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10342-015-0893-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users[EN] Our knowledge about the influence of silvicultural treatments on nutrient cycling processes in Mediterranean forests is still limited. Four levels of tree removal were compared in an Aleppo pine forest in eastern Spain to determine the effects on litterfall, litter decomposition and the associated nutrient fluxes after 12 years. Removal treatments included clearfelling, two shelterwood intensities (60 and 75 % of basal area removed) and untreated controls. Twelve years later, the basal area removed still explained 60 % of litterfall mass variance and 60 % of C, 52 % of N, 45 % of P, 17 % of K, 47 % of Ca and 60 % of Mg return variances. Litter decomposed somewhat more slowly in clearfellings compared to controls (p = 0.049), accumulated more Ca and released less K compared to the other three treatments. This was explained by contamination with mineral particles due to the poorly developed O horizon in clearfellings. We conclude that the management practices reduced the nutrient return via litterfall, but the nutrient release through decomposition seems poorly sensitive to canopy disturbance. In order to accurately quantify the harvesting impacts on nutrient cycling in this Mediterranean forest system, it is necessary to measure the litterfall of the understory layer.This work has been supported by a fellowship from the Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria de Educacion, Formacion y Empleo awarded to L. Lado-Monserrat (BFPI/2008/041). Silvicultural treatments were carried out by the Mediterranean Centre for Environmental Studies (CEAM) through programme "I + D en relacion con la restauracion de la cubierta vegetal y otros aspectos de investigacion forestal". Dataloggers and probes were provided by the Generalitat Valenciana through Project "Efecto de diferentes sistemas de aclareo de masa forestal sobre la disponibilidad de agua, nutrientes y la regeneracion de la masa arborea y arbustiva en parcelas de pinar" (GV06/126). We acknowledge Joana Oliver, Ruth M. Tavera and Daniel Fortanet for their help in the laboratory and in the field. The authors wish to thank Francisco Galiana for his assistance, including help in fieldwork and providing information about the experimental design of the silvicultural treatments. Thanks also go to Rafael Herrera from the Centro de Ecologia, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas, Caracas, Venezuela and two anonymous reviewers for critically reviewing the manuscript.Lado Monserrat, L.; Lidón, A.; Bautista, I. (2015). Litterfall, litter decomposition and associated nutrient fluxes in Pinus halepensis: influence of tree removal intensity in a Mediterranean forest. European Journal of Forest Research. 134(5):833-844. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-015-0893-zS8338441345Almagro M, Martínez-Mena M (2012) Exploring short-term leaf-litter decomposition dynamics in a Mediterranean ecosystem: dependence on litter type and site conditions. Plant Soil 358:323–335Alvarez A, Gracia M, Vayreda J, Retana J (2012) Patterns of fuel types and crown fire potential in Pinus halepensis forests in the Western Mediterranean Basin. For Ecol Manage 270:282–290Austin AT, Vivanco L (2006) Plant litter decomposition in a semi-arid ecosystem controlled by photodegradation. Nature 442:555–558Bates JD, Svejcar TS, Miller RF (2007) Litter decomposition in cut and uncut western juniper woodlands. J Arid Environ 70:222–236Binkley D (2008) Three key points in the design of forest experiments. For Ecol Manage 255:2022–2023Blair JM, Crossley DA Jr (1988) Litter decomposition, nitrogen dynamics and litter microarthropods in a southern Appalachian hardwood forest 8 years following clearcutting. J Appl Ecol 25:683–698Blanco JA, Zavala MA, Imbert JB, Castillo FJ (2005) Sustainability of forest management practices: evaluation through a simulation model of nutrient cycling. For Ecol Manage 213:209–228Blanco JA, Imbert JB, Castillo FJ (2006) Influence of site characteristics and thinning intensity on litterfall production in two Pinus sylvestris L. forests in the western Pyrenees. For Ecol Manage 237:342–352Blanco JA, Imbert JB, Castillo FJ (2008) Nutrient return via litterfall in two contrasting Pinus sylvestris forests in the Pyrenees under different thinning intensities. For Ecol Manage 256:1840–1852Blanco JA, Imbert JB, Castillo FJ (2011) Thinning affects Pinus sylvestris needle decomposition rates and chemistry differently depending on site conditions. 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    Antibiotics Threaten Wildlife: Circulating Quinolone Residues and Disease in Avian Scavengers

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    Antibiotic residues that may be present in carcasses of medicated livestock could pass to and greatly reduce scavenger wildlife populations. We surveyed residues of the quinolones enrofloxacin and its metabolite ciprofloxacin and other antibiotics (amoxicillin and oxytetracycline) in nestling griffon Gyps fulvus, cinereous Aegypius monachus and Egyptian Neophron percnopterus vultures in central Spain. We found high concentrations of antibiotics in the plasma of many nestling cinereous (57%) and Egyptian (40%) vultures. Enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin were also found in liver samples of all dead cinereous vultures. This is the first report of antibiotic residues in wildlife. We also provide evidence of a direct association between antibiotic residues, primarily quinolones, and severe disease due to bacterial and fungal pathogens. Our results indicate that, by damaging the liver and kidney and through the acquisition and proliferation of pathogens associated with the depletion of lymphoid organs, continuous exposure to antibiotics could increase mortality rates, at least in cinereous vultures. If antibiotics ingested with livestock carrion are clearly implicated in the decline of the vultures in central Spain then it should be considered a primary concern for conservation of their populations

    HLA-DRB1 association with Henoch-Schonlein purpura

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    Objective: Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) is the most common vasculitis in children but it is not exceptional in adults. Increased familial occurrence supports a genetic predisposition for HSP. In this context, an association with the human leukocyte antigen-HLA-DRB1*01 phenotype has been suggested in Caucasian individuals with HSP. However, data on the potential association of HSP with HLA-DRB1*01 were based on small case series. To further investigate this issue, we performed HLA-DRB1 genotyping of the largest series of HSP patients ever assessed for genetic studies in Caucasians. Methods: 342 Spanish patients diagnosed with HSP fulfilling the American College of Rheumatology and the Michel et al classification criteria, and 303 sex and ethnically matched controls were assessed. HLA-DRB1 alleles were determined using a PCR-Sequence-Specific-Oligonucleotide Probe (PCR-SSOP) method. Results: A statistically significant increase of HLA-DRB1*01 in HSP patients when compared with controls was found (43% vs 7%, respectively; p<0.001; odds ratio-OR=2.03 [1.43-2.87]). It was due to the increased frequency of HLA-DRB1*0103 phenotype in HSP (14% vs 2%; p<0.001; OR=8.27 [3.46-23.9]). These results remained statistically significant after adjusting for Bonferroni correction. In contrast, a statistically significant decreased frequency of the HLA-DRB1*0301 phenotype was observed in patients compared to controls (5.6% vs 18.1%, respectively; p<0.001, OR=0.26 [0.14-0.47]), even after adjustment for Bonferroni correction. No HLA-DRB1 association with specific features of the disease was found. Conclusion: Our study confirms an association of HSP with HLA-DRB1*01 in Caucasians. Also, a protective effect against the development of HSP appears to exist in Caucasians carrying the HLA-DRB1*03 phenotype

    Seropositivity and Risk Factors Associated with Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Wild Birds from Spain

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    Toxoplasma gondii is a zoonotic intracellular protozoan parasite of worldwide distribution that infects many species of warm-blooded animals, including birds. To date, there is scant information about the seropositivity of T. gondii and the risk factors associated with T. gondii infection in wild bird populations. In the present study, T. gondii infection was evaluated on sera obtained from 1079 wild birds belonging to 56 species (including Falconiformes (n = 610), Strigiformes (n = 260), Ciconiiformes (n = 156), Gruiformes (n = 21), and other orders (n = 32), from different areas of Spain. Antibodies to T. gondii (modified agglutination test, MAT titer ≥1∶25) were found in 282 (26.1%, IC95%:23.5–28.7) of the 1079 birds. This study constitute the first extensive survey in wild birds species in Spain and reports for the first time T. gondii antibodies in the griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus), short-toed snake-eagle (Circaetus gallicus), Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata), golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus), osprey (Pandion haliaetus), Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus), Western marsh-harrier (Circus aeruginosus), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), long-eared owl (Asio otus), common scops owl (Otus scops), Eurasian spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia), white stork (Ciconia ciconia), grey heron (Ardea cinerea), common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus); in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) “vulnerable” Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti), lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) and great bustard (Otis tarda); and in the IUCN “near threatened” red kite (Milvus milvus). The highest seropositivity by species was observed in the Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo) (68.1%, 98 of 144). The main risk factors associated with T. gondii seropositivity in wild birds were age and diet, with the highest exposure in older animals and in carnivorous wild birds. The results showed that T. gondii infection is widespread and can be at a high level in many wild birds in Spain, most likely related to their feeding behaviour

    Effect of COMBinAtion therapy with remote ischemic conditioning and exenatide on the Myocardial Infarct size: a two-by-two factorial randomized trial (COMBAT-MI)

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    Remote ischemic conditioning (RIC) and the GLP-1 analog exenatide activate different cardioprotective pathways and may have additive effects on infarct size (IS). Here, we aimed to assess the efficacy of RIC as compared with sham procedure, and of exenatide, as compared with placebo, and the interaction between both, to reduce IS in humans. We designed a two-by-two factorial, randomized controlled, blinded, multicenter, clinical trial. Patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction receiving primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) within 6 h of symptoms were randomized to RIC or sham procedure and exenatide or matching placebo. The primary outcome was IS measured by late gadolinium enhancement in cardiac magnetic resonance performed 3–7 days after PPCI. The secondary outcomes were myocardial salvage index, transmurality index, left ventricular ejection fraction and relative microvascular obstruction volume. A total of 378 patients were randomly allocated, and after applying exclusion criteria, 222 patients were available for analysis. There were no significant interactions between the two randomization factors on the primary or secondary outcomes. IS was similar between groups for the RIC (24 ± 11.8% in the RIC group vs 23.7 ± 10.9% in the sham group, P = 0.827) and the exenatide hypotheses (25.1 ± 11.5% in the exenatide group vs 22.5 ± 10.9% in the placebo group, P = 0.092). There were no effects with either RIC or exenatide on the secondary outcomes. Unexpected adverse events or side effects of RIC and exenatide were not observed. In conclusion, neither RIC nor exenatide, or its combination, were able to reduce IS in STEMI patients when administered as an adjunct to PPCI

    Diagnostic, etiologic, and genetic aspects of congenital ichthyoses at birth: Characteristics of the ECEMC cases

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    Dismorfología, Citogenética y Clínica: Resultados de estudios sobre los datos del ECEMCThe Ichthyoses constitutes a large family of genetic skin diseases characterized by dry skin and variable degrees of blisters and scales. There are at least twenty varieties of ichthyosis, with a wide range of severity and associated symptoms, and genetic heterogeneity (autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked inheritance). The clinical symptoms, which are non-specific, may not be apparent. We have attempted to provide a classification of the ichthyoses and some guidance for the diagnosis and management of these conditions. The present classification is based in the type of alteration of the skin layer, the molecular findings, the biochemical characteristics, and the family history.There are three main categories, which include different subgroups of ichthyoses: 1) Those that are caused by an altered process of keratinocytic diferenciation (altered intermediate filaments/keratins). This category includes the following subgroups: a) Harlequin fetus; b) bullous erythroderma ichthyosiformis congenital; c) Ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens; d) Ichthyosis hystrix of Curth-Macklin; and e) Ichthyosis vulgaris. 2) Those that are caused by a deficient formation of the cornified envelope (transglutaminase 1 enzyme deficiency). In this category we include two main subgrups: a) Lamellar ichthyosis AR, which includes i) ichthyosis lamellar (IL1, IL2, IL3, IL4, and IL5), and ii) ichthyosiform erythroderma congenital nonbullous, and b) Nonlamellar ichthyosis and nonerythrodermic congenital ichthyosis AR. 3) Those caused by an abnormal steroid sulfatase (X-linked Ichtyosis). In spite of having only data at birth and the lack of molecular analysis, we attempted to classify the ECEMC cases according to this classification using available clinical data. We also calculated the frequency of this disease identified at birth, and provide some guidance for the clinical diagnosis, the management of the affected newborn, and the information that should be offered to the parents.N

    Effectiveness of the psychological and pharmacological treatment of catastrophization in patients with fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Fibromyalgia is a prevalent and disabling disorder characterized by widespread pain and other symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue or depression. Catastrophization is considered a key clinical symptom in fibromyalgia; however, there are no studies on the pharmacological or psychological treatment of catastrophizing. The general aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of cognitive-behaviour therapy and recommended pharmacological treatment for fibromyalgia (pregabalin, with duloxetine added where there is a comorbid depression), compared with usual treatment at primary care level.</p> <p>Method/design</p> <p><it>Design</it>: A multi-centre, randomized controlled trial involving three groups: the control group, consisting of usual treatment at primary care level, and two intervention groups, one consisting of cognitive-behaviour therapy, and the other consisting of the recommended pharmacological treatment for fibromyalgia.</p> <p><it>Setting</it>: 29 primary care health centres in the city of Zaragoza, Spain.</p> <p><it>Sample</it>: 180 patients, aged 18–65 years, able to understand and read Spanish, who fulfil criteria for primary fibromyalgia, with no previous psychological treatment, and no pharmacological treatment or their acceptance to discontinue it two weeks before the onset of the study.</p> <p><it>Intervention</it>: Psychological treatment is based on the manualized protocol developed by Prof. Escobar et al, from the University of New Jersey, for the treatment of somatoform disorders, which has been adapted by our group for the treatment of fibromyalgia. It includes 10 weekly sessions of cognitive-behaviour therapy. Pharmacological therapy consists of the recommended pharmacological treatment for fibromyalgia: pregabalin (300–600 mg/day), with duloxetine (60–120 mg/day) added where there is a comorbid depression).</p> <p><it>Measurements</it>: The following socio-demographic data will be collected: sex, age, marital status, education, occupation and social class. The diagnosis of psychiatric disorders will be made with the Structured Polyvalent Psychiatric Interview. Other instruments to be administered are the Pain Catastrophizing Scale, the Hamilton tests for Anxiety and for Depression, the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), the EuroQuol-5 domains (EQ-5D), and the use of health and social services (CSRI). Assessments will be carried out at baseline, 1, 3, and 6 months.</p> <p><it>Main variable</it>: Pain catastrophizing.</p> <p><it>Analysis</it>: The analysis will be per intent to treat. We will use the general linear models of the SPSS version 15 statistical package, to analyse the effect of the treatment on the result variable (pain catastrophizing).</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>It is necessary to assess the effectiveness of pharmacological and psychological treatments for pain catastrophizing in fibromyalgia. This randomized clinical trial will determine whether both treatments are effective for this important prognostic variable in patients with fibromyalgia.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN10804772</p

    Role of PTPN22 and CSK gene polymorphisms as predictors of susceptibility and clinical heterogeneity in patients with Henoch-Schönlein purpura (IgA vasculitis)

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    INTRODUCTION: To determine whether the PTPN22 (protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor 22)/CSK (c-src tyrosine kinase) pathway is implicated in the susceptibility and clinical heterogeneity of Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) in the largest series of Caucasian HSP patients ever assessed for genetic studies. METHODS: A set of 329 Spanish patients diagnosed with HSP fulfilling the American College of Rheumatology and the Michel et al. classification criteria and 515 sex and ethnically matched controls were recruited in this study. Two well-known CSK (CSK rs34933034 and CSK rs1378942) and two functional PTPN22 (PTPN22 rs2476601 (R620W) and PTPN22 rs33996649 (R263Q)) polymorphisms, previously associated with autoimmunity, were genotyped with TaqMan single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping assays. RESULTS: No significant differences in the genotype and allele frequencies between HSP patients and controls were observed when the CSK rs34933034, CSK rs1378942, PTPN22 rs2476601 (R620W) and PTPN22 rs33996649 (R263Q) polymorphisms were analyzed independently. In keeping with this observation, no significant differences were found when we assessed these polymorphisms combined conforming haplotypes. In addition, there were no differences in the allele or genotype frequencies when HSP patients were stratified according the age at disease onset, sex, presence of arthralgia/arthritis, nephritis or gastrointestinal manifestations. CONCLUSIONS: Our results do not support association between PTPN22/CSK and HSP