63 research outputs found

    Un estado de la cuestión de las teorías de las migraciones

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    El objetivo de este trabajo no es hacer teoría de las migraciones, sino aproximarnos a describir las diferentes perspectivas analíticas desde las que ha sido abordado el fenómeno de las migraciones, desde E.G. Ravenstein (1885) hasta las nuevas corrientes de investigación. La necesidad de la realización de este estado de la cuestión viene fundamentada por el hecho de que todavía hoy en día no existe una teoría general de las migraciones ni un modelo de análisis único que abarque toda la realidad. Por el contrario, las diferentes teorías muestran la diversidad y complejidad existentes en dicho campo, y la aparente contraposición o antagonismo en el que entran algunas de ellas, que utilizan de metodologías y enfoques totalmente diferentes.El trabajo concluye con una propuesta de complementariedad de las diferentes teorías, donde tengan cabida diferentes enfoques y metodologías, rescatando los aspectos positivos y complementarios de cada una de ellas

    To serve the master or the husband. Women to Ría de Bilbao during the first industrialization

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    La formación de las sociedades industriales contemporáneas no pueden entenderse hoy en día sin la presencia de enormes contingentes de inmigrantes que llegaron a las nuevas ciudades para labrarse un futuro laboral y familiar. Dentro de este importante proceso, la participación de las mujeres fue determinante tanto por su volumen, como por su presencia en el mercado laboral -oficial o sumergido-, como por su ayuda a la inserción de sus familias en un nuevo medio hostil. Este artículo pretende rescatar del silencio que la historiografia clásica ha impuesto a las mujeres en su doble condición de inmigrantes y trabajadoras.The formation of contemporary industrial societies can not be understood, nowadays, without the presence of huge contingents of immigrants who arrived at the new cities to carve out a professional and familiar future. Within this important process, women' participation was determining as much as in volume, presence in regular or submerged labour market, like helping to their families integration in new hostile spaces. This article tries to rescue this silence that classic historiography has imposed to women in a double condition of immigrants and workers

    La vida social en la zona minera vizcaína (siglos XIX-XX): estado de la cuestión y algunas aportaciones

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    Although the historical knowledge about the biscayan miner zone has become large, in a long-term look, decisive aspects are lacking, for the XXth century especially. This article addresses the continuities of rural/autochthonous population, women' presence into the zone with their miner and nonminer activities and societarial life (not only the syndical one).; Aunque el conocimiento histórico sobre la zona minera vizcaína es amplio, faltan aspectos decisivos en una mirada de largo plazo, especialmente para el siglo XX. Este artículo aborda las continuidades de la población rural/autóctona, la presencia de las mujeres en la zona con sus actividades mineras y no mineras y la vida societaria (no sólo la sindical)

    Drivers and barriers in the transition to open science: the perspective of stakeholders in the Spanish scientific community

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    This paper presents the results of a research study whose objective was to identify the facilitating factors and barriers that, in the opinion of representatives of the Spanish scientific community, impact the implementation of the new open science model in four areas: open access, open research data, research assessment and open peer review. A qualitative study was designed in which information was obtained through interviews with researchers, editors of scientific journals, representatives of assessment agencies and vice-chancellors, and through a focus group of librarians with expertise in aspects of open science. The enabling factors and barriers identified were related to the researcher and the fruit of their research, as well as to the scientific ecosystem, which provides direct institutional support and backing (universities/research centres), the regulatory framework (management of the science system) and the science communication system (media). The results indicate that a shift in scientific practices toward the open science model can only be achieved if there is a policy framework that integrates all initiatives and links into the scientific assessment and reward system, and if the necessary funding is in place to support this transition

    Drivers and barriers in the transition to open science : the perspective of stakeholders in the Spanish scientific community

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    This paper presents the results of a research study whose objective was to identify the facilitating factors and barriers that, in the opinion of representatives of the Spanish scientific community, impact the implementation of the new open science model in four areas: open access, open research data, research assessment and open peer review. A qualitative study was designed in which information was obtained through interviews with researchers, editors of scientific journals, representatives of assessment agencies and vice-chancellors, and through a focus group of librarians with expertise in aspects of open science. The enabling factors and barriers identified were related to the researcher and the fruit of their research, as well as to the scientific ecosystem, which provides direct institutional support and backing (universities/research centres), the regulatory framework (management of the science system) and the science communication system (media). The results indicate that a shift in scientific practices toward the open science model can only be achieved if there is a policy framework that integrates all initiatives and links into the scientific assessment and reward system, and if the necessary funding is in place to support this transition

    Allele and haplotype frequencies of HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1, -DQB1 and -DQA1 in Castile and Leon region from North West of Spain

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    HLA studies have been used to determine the admixture of different populations within the Iberian Peninsula including neighbouring regions with shared origins, such as Portugal and Castile and Leon. These studies certainly can be used to study human migration that could establish populations currently settled according to genetic distant analysis based on the HLA diversity and language variety.This work was supported by the “Gerencia Regional de Salud de Castilla y Leon” (GRS 2080/A/19, 2019) and (GRS COVID 70/A/20, 2020)

    ¿Qué tenemos en urgencias ostétricas?

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    Los objetivos de este trabajo son: -Describir los motivos por los que las gestantes acuden a urgencias. -Identificar como influyen las variables demográficas (edad, nacionalidad y núcleo poblacional). -Analizar como influyen las variables obstétricas (edad gestacional, paridad y motivo de consulta). -Conocer los horarios de la demanda asistencia

    Combination of Tocilizumab and Steroids to Improve Mortality in Patients with Severe COVID-19 Infection : A Spanish, Multicenter, Cohort Study

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    We aimed to determine the impact of tocilizumab use on severe COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 19) pneumonia mortality. We performed a multicentre retrospective cohort study in 18 tertiary hospitals in Spain from March to April 2020. Consecutive patients admitted with severe COVID-19 treated with tocilizumab were compared to patients not treated with tocilizumab, adjusting by inverse probability of the treatment weights (IPTW). Tocilizumab's effect in patients receiving steroids during the 48 h following inclusion was analysed. During the study period, 506 patients with severe COVID-19 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Among them, 268 were treated with tocilizumab and 238 patients were not. Median time to tocilizumab treatment from onset of symptoms was 11 days [interquartile range (IQR) 8-14]. Global mortality was 23.7%. Mortality was lower in patients treated with tocilizumab than in controls: 16.8% versus 31.5%, hazard ratio (HR) 0.514 [95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.355-0.744], p < 0.001; weighted HR 0.741 (95% CI 0.619-0.887), p = 0.001. Tocilizumab treatment reduced mortality by 14.7% relative to no tocilizumab treatment [relative risk reduction (RRR) 46.7%]. We calculated a number necessary to treat of 7. Among patients treated with steroids, mortality was lower in those treated with tocilizumab than in those treated with steroids alone [10.9% versus 40.2%, HR 0.511 (95% CI 0.352-0.741), p = 0.036; weighted HR 0.6 (95% CI 0.449-0.804), p < 0.001] (interaction p = 0.094). These results show that survival of patients with severe COVID-19 is higher in those treated with tocilizumab than in those not treated and that tocilizumab's effect adds to that of steroids administered to non-intubated patients with COVID-19 during the first 48 h of presenting with respiratory failure despite oxygen therapy. Randomised controlled studies are needed to confirm these results. European Union electronic Register of Post-Authorization Studies (EU PAS Register) identifier, EUPAS34415 The online version of this article (10.1007/s40121-020-00373-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Percepción de los usuarios de la farmacia comunitaria sobre la COVID-19 al final de la alarma y comparación con la situación al inicio

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    Objetivos: evaluar la percepción de los usuarios de las farmacias sobre la repercusión de la COVID-19 en su salud al final del confinamiento y comparar los resultados con los obtenidos al inicio. Material y métodos: estudio observacional transversal aleatorizado, en farmacias de Pontevedra y Ourense, del 10 al 25 de junio de 2020. Sujetos: ≥18 años que acuden en demanda de medicamentos y/o material de protección. Procedimiento: el usuario cumplimentaba un cuestionario anónimo, depositándolo en una bandeja desinfectada diariamente. Resultados: 839 encuestas. 492 (58,6 %) mujeres, edad media 54,6 (DE=17,4) años. 144 (17,2 %) viven solos. 771 (91,9 %) creen que la COVID-19 es más peligrosa que la gripe, 233 (27,7 %) desconocen estar en algún grupo de riesgo. 137 (16,4 %) dicen sentirse mal/muy mal con el aislamiento. Aspectos más afectados: familiar 429 (51,1 %) y emocional 377 (44,9 %). La afectación de los aspectos físico 210 (25,0 %) y laboral 183 (21,8 %) mejoraron significativamente en fase final. En 2020/21 piensan vacunarse de la gripe 376 (44,4 %), en 2019/20 lo hicieron 243 (34,4 %). 541 (64,5 %) se vacunarán frente a la COVID-19 cuando exista vacuna. Aumentan los que se vacunarán, aunque no esté financiada: 511 (60,9 %) / 280 (39,7 %). Conclusiones: no ha variado significativamente la percepción sobre la peligrosidad de la COVID-19 y la repercusión en su salud. Los aspectos del bienestar más afectados siguen siendo el familiar y el emocional. Aumenta el número de los que se sintieron mal/muy mal con el confinamiento y el de mayores afectados por la soledad. Aumenta la intención de vacunarse del SARS-CoV-2, aunque no sea financiada