2,219 research outputs found

    Calidad de vida y deporte : ¿conceptos siempre compatibles? : incidencia y manejo del estrés en deportistas

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    Intentamos en este trabajo contrastar la relación existente entre calidad de vida y deporte, partiendo de la revisión de los trabajos que recientemente han investigado en esta dirección. Así, comparamos las conclusiones que los diferentes estudios indica entre la mejora de la calidad de vida a partir de la realización de una práctica deportiva sistemática, y los componentes motivacionales que están en el origen de las personas que se inician en esta práctica. Precisamos que la no adaptación de ambos intereses (programas de actividad física y deporte con motivaciones para su realización puede ocasionar diferentes alteraciones, entre otras estrés). Se realiza a continuación una descripción de los diferentes.In this work, we try to show the relationship between life quality and sport, beginning from the works that have recently researched in this direction. In this way, we compare the conclusions that the different studies suggest between the improvement of the life quality beginning from the realization of a sistematic sport practice and the motivational components which are in the origin of people who initiate themselves into this practice. Likewise, we determine that when both interests (sport and physic activity programs and motivations for its realization) don't meet, different alterations can appear, stress for instance. Later, we realize a description of different predictors that can be in the origin of stress, as well as more adequate strategies for its intervention and prevention

    Un análisis del papel profesional del psicólogo del deporte desde la percepción del entrenador de fútbol

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    En este trabajo se ha pretendido conocer cuál es la percepción que los entrenadores de fútbol tienen del psicólogo del deporte. Se parte de 167 entrenadores de la Región de Murcia, a los que se les administró un cuestionario realizado por nosotros, y que entre otras preguntas pretendía recoger aspectos tales cómo qué opinión le merecía trabajar con un psicólogo del deporte, qué pensaban de la psicología del deporte en relación al resto de asignaturas, en qué aspectos creían que el psicólogo del deporte podía ayudarles, etc. Se analizan descriptivamente los resultados obtenidos y se plantea un análisis del papel del psicólogo del deporte a partir de los mismos.In this work have been pretended know who it is the perception that the coach of soccer have of the psychologist of the sport. Leave of 167 coaches of the Region of Murcia, to those that administered a cuestionnarie carried out by us, and that between other questioning pretended pick up like looks how what opinion deserved you to work with a sport psychologist, what they thought of the sport psychology in relationship to the remainder of courses, in what looks believed that the of the sport psychologist could help them, etc. Is analyzed the gotten outputs and is expounded an analysis of the paper of the psychologist of the sport starting from the same

    La emulsión bituminosa como alternativa ecológica en las estabilizaciones de suelos para firmes, en vías de baja intensidad de tráfico

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    Road construction often cause certain environmental impact, due to: - The big earthmovings required to gain the ideal grade profile. - The extraction of materials from gravels mine or quarries necessary to implement granular stabilizations of poor quality soils. In rural roads the first point have not significant entity, as for the saving cause and for the traffic characteristics, excavation quantities are very short. It is not the case of the second point, as for the great amount of earthwork that this type of stabilization needs, can cause environmental changes of some importance in zones of development of this works. This paper attempt to show present available methods, designed to reduce impact, by means of the usage of techniques and materials that needs not to operate with spoil earths.La realización de vías de comunicación ocasiona, con frecuencia, ciertos impactos ambientales debidos a: - Los importantes movimientos de tierra que el logro del perfil adecuado exige. - La extracción de materiales de graveras o canteras necesarias para realizar estabilizaciones granulométricas de terrenos de mala calidad. En los caminos rurales el primer motivo señalado no alcanza una entidad significativa ya que, por razones de economía y por permitirlo las características del tráfico, son muy reducidos los volúmenes de excavación de tierras. No sucede lo mismo con el indicado en segundo lugar, puesto que al ser sustancial el volumen de obra que precisa este tipo de estabilización, se puede ocasionar una alteración ecológica de alguna importancia en las zonas de desarrollo de estas obras. Este artículo intenta mostrar los medios disponibles en la actualidad, encaminados a reducir ese impacto, mediante el empleo de técnicas y materiales que no impliquen el uso de tierras de préstamo

    The inflated valuation problem in Valencia, Spain, and Implications for Firm Size

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    [EN] Home purchase-sale prices have been widely modeled by several authors. Nonetheless, other values exist, such as home mortgage appraisal values, used by financial institutions, which have played a key role in the recent financial crisis. This article attempts to model the appraisal price of one m(2) of residential properties obtained by 31 appraisal companies in Valencia (Spain). Mortgage appraisal values of 17 007 residential properties were used for this purpose. Spatial autocorrelation was detected in both the data and residuals of the ordinary regression model, which justified using spatial regression models. Of the four employed models, the error model offered the best results. Significant differences were found among appraisal companies, which varied as much as 83% for some. Generally speaking, small appraisal companies obtained higher over-valuation percentages, which confirms their situation of weakness. The fact that over-valuations exist in mortgage securities is a high risk for a stable financial system.Guadalajara Olmeda, MN.; Lopez-Gomez, MA. (2018). The inflated valuation problem in Valencia, Spain, and Implications for Firm Size. International Journal of Strategic Property Management. 22(4):300-313. https://doi.org/10.3846/ijspm.2018.4348S30031322

    Empty Urbanism: the bursting of the Spanish housing bubble

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    The depth of the Spanish housing crisis manifests itself in the collapse of construction activity and in the amount of housing and land stocks. The geography of the crisis shows its widespread nature, and the intensity of the previous bubble explains spatial differences. Resulting from this collapse are some problematic areas of 'empty urbanism'. An enormous land bubble, emerging from the peculiar Spanish urban development model, was a key factor in the impacts - caused by the crisis - on the territory and land-use plans. The crisis has demonstrated the unsustainability of this and the urgency of change in the existing land-use plans

    Higher education segregation in Spain: Gender constructs and social background

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    The waning influence of ascriptive factors on occupational status has been related to the expansion of higher education systems and economic modernisation. The theory of Effectively Maintained Inequality observes that the horizontal stratification of university degrees is a strategy of social differentiation used mainly by the most advantaged social class to access the occupations that are better valued in the labour market. This article verifies the effectively maintained inequality theory by means of a statistical analysis of selected degrees, differentiated by gender and social class, carried out in a Spanish university during the period of expansion and consolidation of the higher education system. The results confirm the theory, but they are partially conditioned by the vertical stratification that alters the composition by gender of the contingent of students of less advantaged social class, in which women present a greater tendency to choose degrees that are less valued by the market

    An integrated view on monitoring and compensation for dynamic optical networks: from management to physical layer

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    A vertical perspective, ranging from management and routing to physical layer options, concerning dynamic network monitoring and compensation of impairments (M&C), is given. Feasibility, reliability, and performance improvements on reconfigurable transparent networks are expected to arise from the consolidated assessment of network management and control specifications, as a more accurate evaluation of available M&C techniques. In the network layer, physical parameters aware algorithms are foreseen to pursue reliable network performance. In the physical layer, some new M&C methods were developed and rating of the state-of-the-art reported in literature is given. Optical monitoring implementation and viability is discussed.Publicad

    Impact of subtrochanteric fractures in the geriatric population : better pre-fracture condition but poorer outcome than pertrochanteric fractures: evidence from the Spanish Hip Fracture Registry

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    Clinical management in orthogeriatric units and outcome indicators are similar for extracapsular fragility hip fractures, without discriminating between subtrochanteric and pertrochanteric fractures. Geriatric patients, 75 years or older, with subtrochanteric fractures have worse clinical and functional outcomes than those with pertrochanteric fractures. Retrospective observational study of data prospectively collected by the Spanish Hip Fracture Registry including patients 75 years or older, admitted for extracapsular hip fractures from January 2017 to June 2019. Demographic and baseline status, pre-operative, post-operative and 30-day follow-up data were included. A total of 13,939 patients with extracapsular hip fractures were registered: 12,199 (87.5%) pertrochanteric and 1740 (12.5%) subtrochanteric. At admission, patients with subtrochanteric fractures were younger (86.5 ± 5.8 versus 87.1 ± 5.6 years old), had better pre-fracture mobility (3.7 ± 2.7 versus 3.9 ± 2.8) (1-to-10 scale, 1 being independent) and were more likely to be living at home; those with pertrochanteric fractures had worse cognitive function (Pfeiffer 3.3 ± 3.3 versus 3.8 ± 3.5). The subtrochanteric fracture group showed worse post-fracture mobility (7.3 ± 2.7 versus 6.7 ± 2.7) and greater deterioration of mobility (3.7 ± 3.0 versus 2.9 ± 2.7). Among individuals living at home at baseline, those with subtrochanteric fractures were more likely to remain in an assisted facility at 30-day follow-up. In-hospital mortality during acute admission was higher for the subtrochanteric group (5.6% versus 4.5%) (p = 0.028). To our knowledge, this is the first paper highlighting the differences between these two fracture groups in the geriatric population. Subtrochanteric fractures in the older population are a different and worse entity, with greater morbimortality and functional decline than pertrochanteric fractures. Despite being younger and fitter at admission, older patients with subtrochanteric fractures have a higher risk of remaining non-weight bearing and undergoing re-operation and institutionalization. Orthogeriatric units should be aware of this and manage subtrochanteric fractures accordingly. Level of evidence: IV. The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s10195-022-00637-8