92 research outputs found

    La isla de Izaro: Sedimentación carbonatada en un talud arrecifal durante el Aptiense Sup.-Albiense medio (Región Vasco-Cantábrica, N de Vizcaya)

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    El estudio estratigrafico y sedimentológico de la isla de Izaro (provincia de Vizcaya, N de España), aconseja su inclusión en el Complejo Urgoniano. Se han diferenciado y cartografiado tres facies dentro de la isla: margas y margocalizas (facies M, ML), calcirruditas y calcarenitas bioclásticas (BC) y calizas brechoides (BrL), cuya sucesión revela el desarrollo de una progradacibn hacia el N de depósitos de talud arrecifal

    Toponimia alavesa: cuestiones de normativización

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    El castellano del País Vasco (bilingüe y monolingüe) presenta usos no estándares de construcciones nativas explicables como resultado de influencia indirecta del euskera. Sin embargo, la inexistencia de paralelismo estructural pleno entre construcciones de ambas lenguas o las propias tendencias internas de la lengua castellana impiden que otros usos noveles pasen del locus del contacto (mente del bilingüe) al sistema.Euskal Herriko gaztelanian (elebiduna eta elebakarra) jatorrizko egituren eraikuntza ez-estandarrak erabiltzen dira, euskararen eragin zuzenaren ondorioz. Dena den, bi hizkuntzen egiturak erabat bat ez datozenez, edo gaztelaniaren barne-joerak eraginda, beste erabilera berri batzuk ez dira harreman-locusetik (elebidunaren burutik) sistemara pasatzen.L'espagnol du Pays Basque (bilingue et monolingue) présente des usages non-standard de constructions natives explicables comme résultat de l'influence indirecte de l'euskara. Cependant, l'inexistence d'un parallélisme structurel plein entre constructions des deux langes ou les propres tendances internes de la langue espagnole empêchent que d'autres usages naissants passent du locus de contact (esprit du bilingue) au système.Spanish in the Basque Country (bilingual and monolingual) offers non standard uses of native constructions explicable as a result of the indirect influence ofBasque. However, the non-existence of full structural parallelism betweenconstructions in both languages or the internal trends of the Spanish language prevent other new uses passing from the locus of contact (the bilingual mind) to the system

    Evaluation of turbulence-related high-frequency tidal current velocity fluctuation

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    Within the development needed for economy viability of tidal stream energy, adaptability of laboratory converters to sea flow conditions is a milestone. The objective of this work is to investigate the high frequency fluctuations in current velocity magnitude and direction related to the turbulent nature of the flow and present a new method for their prediction. With this purpose, high frequency data measured by two ADV (32 Hz) and two ADCP (8 Hz) at four different points in the sea area surrounding Goto Islands (Japan) are analyzed. The data were divided in short-time samples (3-min data for ADV and 5-min data for ADCP) and treated separately. Velocity magnitude fits a normal distribution, with prediction levels higher than 95% for a margin of error of 0.25 m/s when comparing different percentiles between 0.1 and 99.9. Flow direction is analyzed in terms of opening angle between two representative percentiles equidistant from the median (99.9-0.1, 95-5, …), giving as a result a leptokurtic distribution, more outlier-prone than normal. Empirically, for opening angles 99.9-0.1, 97.7-2.3 and 95-5, slopes of 6.79 (6 in normal distribution), 4.17 (4) and 3.38 (3.29) were found, with results similar to a theoretical normal distribution for narrower angles. The new prediction method for high frequency fluctuations is based in this direct correlation between velocity magnitude and direction fluctuations with turbulence intensity and transverse turbulence intensity, respectively. These two parameters can be estimated indirectly by numerical models, giving rise to a tool for the prediction of turbulence-related high frequency fluctuationThe authors would like to thank the Ministry of Environment of Japan for permission to publish of the data used in this study, which were obtained through the project for Promotion of Realization of Tidal Current Power Generation supported by the ministry in 2014 and 2015S

    Variable structure control for maximum wind power extraction

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    EuroPES 2009The actual wind turbines are provided with adjustable speed generators.Iike the double feed induction generator, that are capable to work in variable speed operations. One of the main advantage of adjustable speed generators is that they improve the system efficiency compared to fixed speed generators because twbine speed is adjusted as a function of wind speed to maximize output power. However this systems requires a suitable speed controller in order to track the optimal wind turbine speed reference. In this work, it is proposed a sliding mode control for variable speed wind turbines. The robustness analysis of the proposed controller under disturbances and pararneter uncertainties is provided using the Lyapunov stability theory and simulated results show that the proposed controller provides a good performance

    Conductivity variations of multi-walled carbon nanotubes oriented in liquid crystal cells

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    The control of carbon nanotubes conductivity is generating interest in several fields since it may be relevant for a number of applications. The self-organizing properties of liquid crystals may be used to impose alignment on dispersed carbon nanotubes,thus control-ling their conductivity and its anisotropy. This leads to a number of possible applications in photonic and electronic devices such as electrically controlled carbon nanotube switch- es and crossboards. In this work, cells of liquid crystals doped with multi-walled nanotubes have been prepared in different configurations. Their conductivity variations upon switching have been investigated. It turns out that conductivity evolution depends on the initial configuration (either homogeneous, homeotropic or in-plane switching), the cell thickness and the switching record. The control of these manufacturing paramenters allows the modulation of the electrical behavior of carbon nanotubes

    Electrical response of liquid crystal cells doped with multi-walled carbon nanotubes

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    The inclusion of nanoparticles modifies a number of fundamental properties of many materials. Doping of nanoparticles in self-organized materials such as liquid crystals may be of interest for the reciprocal interaction between the matrix and the nanoparticles. Elongated nanoparticles and nanotubes can be aligned and reoriented by the liquid crystal, inducing noticeable changes in their optical and electrical properties. In this work, cells of liquid crystal doped with high aspect ratio multi-walled carbon nanotubes have been prepared, and their characteristic impedance has been studied at different frequencies and excitation voltages. The results demonstrate alterations in the anisotropic conductivity of the samples with the applied electric field, which can be followed by monitoring the impedance evolution with the excitation voltage. Results are consistent with a possible electric contact between the coated substrates of the LC cell caused by the reorientation of the nanotubes. The reversibility of the doped system upon removal of the electric field is quite lo

    Dinámicas espaciales de ocupación de suelo en torno a la burbuja inmobiliaria española (1990-2012)

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    Although the recent housing boom & bust in Spain has triggered significant transformations in its urban fabric, the geographical dimensions of this economic phenomenon and its spatial impacts on the local urban structure have not yet been described in depth. Following the latest published data from CORINE Land cover (2012), this study undertakes a dynamic multi-scale spatial analysis of data representing urban land cover over a 22-year span, contributing to the understanding of four main issues: (i) the total amount of change, (ii) its proportion in comparison with the initial stage of geographical distribution, and the (iv) the implications for the metropolitan and regional urban layout. This quantification describes the outlying regional structure of Spain’s urbanization process during the last decades in Europe, showing great acceleration and a significant transformation in land use patterns, as well as major differences in rates and components on smaller scales, using an integrated growth index.Utilizando los datos de ocupación de suelo de CORINE Land Cover (2012), este trabajo propone un análisis multiescalar, cuantitativo y espacial de las dinámicas de urbanización antes, durante y después de la burbuja inmobiliaria española, aportando una visión inédita del fenómeno en cuatro aspectos interrelacionados: (i) la magnitud absoluta del cambio, (ii) su proporción respecto al estado inicial, (iii) su variación temporal respecto a los usos del suelo, y (iv) sus implicaciones para los distintos componentes del sistema urbano español. El estudio precisa el lugar destacado del caso español en el continente europeo, y evidencia, a nivel provincial, una fuerte transformación del modelo de ocupación del territorio o las desigualdades en el ritmo y componentes del proceso, mediante la utilización de un índice integrado de crecimiento

    When crystals become dust: Speleothem degradation processes in Praileaitz I Cave (Northern Spain)

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    Within the Praileaitz cave there are evident signs of deterioration of different types and generations, affecting both the host rock and the speleothems. The supports of many of the paintings, specifically the drapes, are in a clear state of deterioration due to disintegration of the texture of the speleothem, resulting from selective dissolution of the crystals and the creation of intercrystalline porosity. To analyse and study the different types of degradation and their causes, we gathered a total of 14 samples of speleothems and rock throughout the cave. The speleothems sampled are of different types and come from different growth phases. In order to monitor the parameters that may be causing the pathologies of degradation, a protocol was drawn up for measuring the environmental parameters and the condensation water and drip water in the cave. To analyse the water from the cave, samples were taken at four representative drip points in the cave and from condensation water.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Industrial Data Homogenization and Monitoring Scheme with Blockchain Oracles

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    Research efforts on Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) for industrial applications have constantly been increasing over the last years. The use of DLTs in the Industry 4.0 paradigm provides traceability, integrity, and immutability of the generated industrial data. However, Industry 4.0 ecosystems are typically composed of multiple smart factory clusters belonging to several companies, which are immersed in constant interaction with other business partners, clients, or suppliers. In such complex ecosystems, multiple DLTs are necessarily employed to maintain the integrity of the data throughout the whole process, from when the data is generated until it is processed at higher levels. Moreover, industrial data is commonly heterogeneous, which causes compatibility issues, along with security and efficiency issues in the homogenization process. Thus, the data needs to be pre-processed and homogenized in a secure manner before being exploited. Consequently, in this work, we address the issues mentioned above by providing an industrial raw data pre-processing and homogenization process according to a standard data model. We employ decentralized blockchain oracles to guarantee the integrity of the external data during the homogenization process. Hereafter, we design an interoperable plant blockchain for trustworthy storage and processing of the resulting homogenized data across several industrial plants. We also present a prototype implementation of the aforementioned scheme and discuss its effectiveness. Finally, we design a monitoring scheme to overview the usage the performance of the architecture processes and identify possible performance and security issues.This work has been financed by the European Commission through the Horizon Europe program under the IDUNN project (grant agreement number 101021911). It was also partially supported by the Ayudas Cervera para Centros Tecnológicos grant of the Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) under the project EGIDA (CER-20191012), and by the Basque Country Government under the ELKARTEK program, project ELKARTEK program, project REMEDY - REal tiME control and embeddeD securitY (KK-2021/00091)