391 research outputs found

    Integración de redacciones en Austria, España y Alemania : modelos de convergencia de medios

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    El presente artículo trata sobre el trabajo de los periodistas en las redacciones que elaboran contenidos para múltiples medios: prensa, radio, televisión, Internet y otros. El estudio explora los procesos de cambio en las prácticas periodísticas y el flujo de trabajo en las redacciones de seis empresas de comunicación en tres países: Österreich y Der Standard en Austria; La Verdad Multimedia y El Mundo en España; y los grupos Die Welt/Morgenpost y Hessische/Niedersächsische Allgemeine en Alemania. Los autores entrevistaron a profesiona-les y llevaron a cabo un período de observación en cada redacción. Se elaboró una matriz de descriptores de la convergencia que abarcan el enfoque del proyecto, la gestión redaccional, la práctica periodística y la organización del trabajo. Los resultados plantean la existencia de tres modelos diferentes de convergencia de redacciones: el de integración plena, el de colaboración entre redacciones y el de coordinación de soportes aislados, cada uno con sus propios rasgos configuradores. Aunque ninguno de los modelos propuestos existe de forma pura y ninguna de las compañías analizadas cumple totalmente los requisitos de cada uno, buena parte de las experiencias de integración marcan distintos grados de desarrollo empresarial y polivalencia periodística.This article addresses the work of journalists in newsrooms producing content for multiple media: print, radio, television, the internet and others. Specifically, the study explores change in journalistic practice and workflow in the newsrooms of six European media companies: Austria's Österreich and Der Standard; Spain's La Verdad Multimedia and El Mundo; and Germany's Die Welt/Morgenpost Group and Hessische/Niedersächsische Allgemeine. Researchers interviewed reporters and news directors and observed newsroom practices. Aspects of project scope, newsroom management, journalistic practices and work organization were analysed by using a matrix of convergence descriptors. The results suggest the emergence of three different models of newsroom convergence: full integration, cross-media collaboration and coordination of isolated platforms, with each of them having a different production system, newsroom organization and degree of journalists' multi-skilling. Although none of the cases studied fits completely into any of those models, and they might not be regarded as «pure models», they still can be useful approaches to analyze the development of any particular media company

    Planificación para la construcción del albergue Awastara, ubicado en el municipio de puerto Cabezas, Región Autónoma de la Costa Caribe Norte RACCN

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    El estudio se propone aportar soluciones para mejorar las condiciones de vida y seguridad de las familias de la comunidad Awastara del municipio de Puerto Cabezas, que se vean afectadas ante cualquier fenómeno natural. Por tal razón, se realiza la planificación de obra del proyecto, “Construcción del Albergue Awastara, localizado en la comunidad Awastara de la Región Autónoma de la Costa Caribe Norte (RACCN)”, el cual consta de un área de construcción de 270 m²

    Helophyte germination in a Mediterranean salt marsh: gut-passage by ducks changes seed response to salinity

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    8 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables.Questions: In seeds which are regularly consumed by waterbirds in the field, how does gut–passage modify their response to salinity gradients? Locations: Doñana National Park salt marsh, south-west of Spain. Methods: Seeds of Scirpus litoralis and Scirpus maritimus were collected and force fed to mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). Both the ingested seeds (passage) and non-ingested seeds (controls) were exposed, in germination chambers, to a salinity range similar to that observed in the field (0-32 dS/m). After 30 days, the total percentage germination, the duration of the dormancy period and the germination speed were computed. The response of the different germination parameters to ingestion and salinity was analyzed using generalized lineal models. Recovery tests on seeds that did not germinate in the various treatments and tests of the effect of ingestion on the intrinsic variability in seed response were also performed. Results: An increase in salinity reduced germinability and increased the length of dormancy, while gut passage increased the intrinsic variability of the temporal seed response in both species. In S. litoralis there was a significant interaction between the effects of salinity and passage on germination rate. Passage increased germination rate at low salinities (£2 dS/m) but decreased it at high salinities (≥4 dS/m). Conclusion: Gut-passage by ducks significantly changes seed response to salinity. The outcome of plant-animal interactions can be influenced by environmental gradients. Studies of germination in response to gut passage that do not take such gradients into account may produce misleading results.Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Environment (MMA, project 05/99) and the Junta de Andalucía (research group #4086) has enabled us to carry out the present work.Peer reviewe

    A Modular Test-Suite for the Validation and Verification of Electromagnetic Solvers in Electromagnetic Compatibility Applications

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    Computational solvers are increasingly used to solve complex electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems in re- search, product design, and manufacturing. The reliability of these simulation tools must be demonstrated in order to give confidence in their results. Standards prescribe a range of techniques for the validation, verification, and calibration of computational electro- magnetics solvers including external references based on measure- ment or for cross-validation with other models. We have developed a modular test-suite based on an enclosure to provide the EMC community with a complex external reference for model valida- tion. We show how the test-suite can be used to validate a range of electromagnetic solvers. The emphasis of the test-suite is on the features of interest for EMC applications, such as apertures and coupling to cables. We have fabricated a hardware implementa- tion of many of the test-cases and measured them in an anechoic chamber over the frequency range to 1–6 GHz to provide a mea- surement reference for validation over this range. The test-suite has already been used extensively in two major aeronautical research programs and is openly available for use and future development by the community.This work was supported by the U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under the Flapless Air Vehicle Integrated Industrial Research program under Grant GR/S71552/01, and from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Program FP7/2007-2013 under Grant 205294 on the High Intensity Radio-frequency Field Synthetic Environment research project

    Deporte y pandemia: el caso del baloncesto

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    En el momento en que las autoridades supieron del primer caso de coronavirus todo se paralizó. Se cerraron negocios, restaurantes, bibliotecas. Los centros de entrenamiento, parques y canchas también cerraron. Para cualquiera que practique un deporte el encierro implica una pérdida de libertad, pero para los basquetbolistas profesionales significa que no hay público, ni torneos, ni premios, ni sueldo. Pasó el tiempo y el discurso de las medidas de bioseguridad empezó a resonar en la calle. Tomar distancia, decían, lavarse las manos cada hora, andar con tapabocas siempre. ¿Cómo puede un jugador volver a la cancha con tapabocas?¿Cómo puede mantener distancia en un deporte de contacto? &nbsp

    Features in the NMR spectra of the aglycones of Agave spp. saponins. HMBC method for aglycone identification (HMAI)

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    Introduction: The analysis and detection of steroidal saponins is mainly performed using chromatographic techniques coupled with mass spectrometry. However, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a potential tool that can be combined with these techniques to obtain unambiguous structural characterisation. Objective: This work provides a review of the carbon-13 (13C)- and proton (1H)-NMR spectroscopic data of aglycones from Agave saponins reported in the literature and also the development of an easy identification method for these natural products. Methods: The database Scifinder was used for spectroscopic data collection in addition to data obtained from the Cadiz Allelopathy research group. The keywords used were Agave, spirostanic, furostanic, and saponin. Results: The shielding variations produced by functional groups on the aglycone core and the structural features of the most representative aglycones from Agave species are described. The effects are additive for up to four long-range connectivities. A method for the identification of aglycones (HMAI) is proposed to classify aglycones from Agave spp. through the use of 1H-NMR and heteronuclear multiple bond correlation (HMBC) experiments. Conclusions: The HMBC spectrum is representative of the structural features of aglycones from Agave spp. The HMBC method for aglycone identification (HMAI) method allowed the identification of pure saponins or mixtures thereof and this method can be used in combination with chromatographic techniques coupled with mass spectrometry to provide a more thorough analysis of Agave samples that contain aglycones

    Evaluación de las vulnerabilidades y potencialidades del paisaje en el municipio de Sacapulas, Quiché, Guatema

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    El desarrollo, departamento al mismo de El tiempo Quiché que forma posee parte importantes de un corredor remanentes seco, de el arquitectura cual limita sus residencial capacidades tradicional agrícolas rural y de adobe y teja asociados al paisaje del altiplano con elementos representativos del bosque seco y especies endémicas. Estos remanentes han ido desapareciendo y ya son escasos en el país. El presente estudio determinó la vulnerabilidad paisajística desde un enfoque multidisciplinario, por medio de una investigación práctica explicativa. El resultado obtenido fue conocer la vulnerabilidad paisajística del municipio de Sacapulas recabada en cartografía georreferenciada, como una herramienta relevante para la toma de decisiones para proteger y/o potenciar el uso del paisaje con un enfoque de valoración patrimonial y de desarrollo sostenible. Se utilizó para análisis de paisaje la determinación de unidades de características homogéneas y áreas de visibilidad asociada al relieve desde un eje ubicado en la carretera principal, el método de análisis se organizó en tres niveles: (1) elementos primarios de la percepción, (2) de la percepción elaborados para el diagnóstico y (3) de la percepción para la toma de decisión. Dicho proceso utiliza como base cartografía digital georreferenciada. Se obtuvo un mapeo de vulnerabilidad visual y paisajística. El principal resultado es la cartografía que indica las áreas con mayor vulnerabilidad paisajística la cual permite a instituciones y tomadores de decisiones tomar en cuenta el valor paisajístico que esta puede tener en cuanto a ser intervenida en cualquier momento

    A composite 10Be, IR-50 and 14C chronology of the pre-LGM full ice extent of the western Patagonian Ice Sheet in the Isla de Chiloé, south Chile (42ºS

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    Unanswered questions about the glacier and climate history preceding the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in the southern temperate latitudes remain. The Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 is normally understood as a global interstadial period; nonetheless its climate was punctuated by conspicuous variability, and its signature has not been resolved beyond the polar realms. In this paper, we compile a 10Be depth profile, single grain infrared (IR) stimulated luminescence dating and 14C samples to derive a new glacier record for the principal outwash plain complex, deposited by the western Patagonian Ice Sheet (PIS) during the last glacial period (Llanquihue Glaciation) on the Isla de Chiloé, southern Chile (42∘ S). In this region, the Golfo de Corcovado Ice Lobe left a distinct geomorphic and stratigraphic imprint, suitable for reconstructing former ice dynamics and timing of past climate change. Our data indicate that maximum glaciation occurred by 57.8±4.7 ka without reaching the Pacific Ocean coast. Ice readavanced and buttressed against the eastern side of the Cordillera de la Costa again by 26.0±2.9 ka. Our data further support the notion of a large ice extent during parts of the MIS 3 in Patagonia and New Zealand but appear to contradict near contemporaneous interstadial evidence in the southern midlatitudes, including Chiloé. We propose that the PIS expanded to its full-glacial Llanquihue moraines, recording a rapid response of southern mountain glaciers to the millennial-scale climate stadials that punctuated the MIS 3 at the poles and elsewhere.</p

    Waterfowl endozoochory: an overlooked long-distance dispersal mode for Cuscuta (dodder, Convolvulaceae)

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    PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Dispersal of parasitic Cuscuta species (dodders) worldwide has been assumed to be largely anthropomorphic because their seeds do not match any previously known dispersal syndrome and no natural dispersal vectors have been reliably documented. However, the genus has a subcosmopolitan distribution and recent phylogeographic results have indicated that at least18 historical cases of long-distance dispersal (LDD) have occurred during its evolution. The objective of this study is to report the first LDD biological vector for Cuscuta seeds. METHODS: Twelve northern pintails (Anas acuta) were collected from Suisun Marsh, California and the contents of their lowest part of the large intestine (rectum) were extracted and analyzed. Seed identification was done both morphologically and using a molecular approach. Extracted seeds were tested for germination and compared to seeds not subjected to gut passage to determine the extent of structural changes caused to the seed coat by passing through the digestive tract. KEY RESULTS: Four hundred and twenty dodder seeds were found in the rectum of four northern pintails. From these, 411 seeds were identified as Cuscuta campestris and nine as most likely C. pacifica. The germination rate of C. campestris seeds after gut passage was 55%. Structural changes caused by the gut passage in both species were similar to those caused by an acid scarification. CONCLUSIONS: Endozoochory by waterbirds may explain the historical LDD cases in the evolution of Cuscuta. This also suggests that current border quarantine measures may be insufficient to stopping spreading of dodder pests along migratory flywaysPeer reviewe