983 research outputs found

    Estudio de la producción científica de las publicaciones en México referentes a la catalogación de documentos: 1990-2009

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    This article evaluates Mexican scientific monograph production, magazine articles, congresses and its communications, as well as Thesis, Dissertations and Academic Reports about Cataloguing of documents between 1990 and 2009, from the registers found in INFOBILA database, in CLASE database, in the OPAC of National Library of Mexico, in the OPAC of CUIB library and in Investigación Bibliotecológica magazine. The publication date, authorship, genre, publishing places and entities are studied, among others interest aspects that make possible an approach to this area of the knowledge.En este artículo se hace un balance de la producción científica mexicana de monografías, artículos de revistas, congresos y sus comunicaciones, así como Tesis, Tesinas e Informes académicos referentes a la catalogación de documentos entre los años 1990-2009, a partir de los registros encontrados en la base de datos INFOBILA, en la base de datos CLASE, en el OPAC de la Biblioteca Nacional de México, en el OPAC de la biblioteca del CUIB y en la revista Investigación Bibliotecológica. Se estudia la fecha de publicación, la autoría, el género, los lugares y entidades editoras, entre otros aspectos de interés que posibilitan un acercamiento a esta área del conocimiento

    Ansiedad y rendimiento atlético en condiciones de estrés : efectos moduladores de la practica

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    En dos estudios se investigan los efectos de la ansiedad (rasgo, estado somático y estado cognitivo) en pruebas de rendimiento atlético (fuerza, habilidad y resistencia) bajo condiciones de estrés de competición. La ansiedad tuvo un efecto negativo en tres pruebas: lanzamiento de balón, habilidad con móviles (ansiedad cognitiva) y equilibrio dinámico (ansiedad somática). Este efecto no estuvo moderado por la frecuencia con que los sujetos informaban de haber practicado ejercicio en el pasado, ni por su capacidad aeróbica. En cambio, el entrenamiento físico programado en aptitudes de fuerza, habilidad y resistencia contribuyó a reducir los efectos negativos de la ansiedad. Se sugiere que el entrenamiento cumple esta función amortiguadora porque permite reinterpretar los síntomas de ansiedad positivamente y utilizarlos de modo compensatorio.In this two studies, the effects of anxiety (trait, somatic and cognitive state) on athletic performance (strength, flexibility, and endurance) under competitive stress conditions were examined. Anxiety was associated with a detrimental effect on three tests: throwing of a ball, corporal ability with moving object (cognitive anxiety), and dynamic equilibrium (somatic anxiety). This effect was not moderated by frequency of reported prior practice, or by aerobic fitness. In contrast, physical training on strength, flexibility, and endurance reduced the negative effects of anxiety. It is suggested that physical training has this beneficial role because it furthers a positive reinterpretation of somatic anxiety symptoms and a compensatory use of cognitive worry

    Sistema Informático de Costos de Almacén para Mejorar la Gestión de Inventario de Promart S.A. de Trujillo, Año 2018

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    La presente investigación titulada “Sistema Informático de Costos de Almacén para Mejorar la Gestión de Inventario de Promart S.A. de Trujillo, Año 2018” tuvo como objetivo, mejorar la Gestión de Inventarios mediante el Sistema Informático de Costos de almacén de Promart S.A. de Trujillo 2018. A través de la implementación de un sistema informático, utilizando los indicadores de costos de desmedros, importe de rotación de inventarios con cuadros comparativos para los años 2017 y 2018. El método empleado fue aplicado, longitudinal y experimental con diseño pre-experimental, la población tomada corresponde a los trabajadores relacionados directamente con las áreas de almacén y ventas igual a cuarenta (40). Para el análisis de resultados se generó el reporte de desmedros y de rotación de inventarios. Así mismo se emplearon los instrumentos como la encuesta Se concluye que el sistema informático mejoró la gestión de inventarios de Promart S.A. de Trujillo en el 2018 con relación al 2017

    Viral respiratory infections in very low birthweight infants at neonatal intensive care unit: prospective observational study

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    Background and objective: Very low birthweight (VLBW) infants are highly susceptible to respiratory infections. Information about prevalence of viral respiratory infections (VRIs) in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is scarce. Recent evidence suggests short-term and long-term impact of VRI in morbidity of VLBW infants. The goal of this study is to conduct a VRI surveillance in VLBW infants during NICU admission to address the prevalence, type of viruses and associated clinical features. Methods: Prospective observational cohort study on infants below 32 gestational weeks admitted to a tertiary NICU during a 2-year period. Respiratory virus detection (influenza, parainfluenza, rhinovirus (hRV), enterovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, metapneumovirus, coronavirus, bocavirus and adenovirus) was performed by real time multiplex PCR assays in nasopharyngeal aspirates (NPAs), within the first 72 hours after birth and weekly, until discharge. Additional samples were taken if clinically indicated. Results: 147 out of 224 eligible infants were enrolled. At least one positive NPA was found in 38% of the study cohort. Main viruses identified were hRV (58%) and adenovirus (31%). Among the 56 infants with positive NPA, 26 showed non-specific respiratory features in 58% (increased respiratory workload, tachypnoea, apnoea) or typical cold features in 38% (rhinorrhea, cough, fever), at least in one episode. Antibiotics were prescribed in 29% of cases. Positive infants showed higher rates of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), need for supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilation, and had longer hospital stay. Cox regression analysis found BPD as an independent risk factor for viral infection (p<0.001) and symptomatic VRI (p<0.04). Conclusions: Systematic surveillance in VLBW infants reports VRI is frequent, particularly by hRV. Asymptomatic infection is highly prevalent which is critical in the face of establishing appropriate preventive strategies. Infants with BPD are especially vulnerable to such infections.This study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the project PI15CIII/00028 and PI18/00167 (Co-funded by European Regional Development Fund "A way to make Europe").S

    Sexist Myths Emergency Healthcare Professionals and Factors Associated with the Detection of Intimate Partner Violence in Women

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    This study analysed the capacity of emergency physicians and nurses working in the city of Granada (Spain) to respond to intimate partner violence (IPV) against women, and the mediating role of certain factors and opinions towards certain sexist myths in the detection of cases. This is a cross-sectional study employing the physician readiness to manage intimate partner violence survey (PREMIS) between October 2020 and January 2021, with 164 surveys analysed. Descriptive and analytical statistics were applied, designing three multivariate regression models by considering opinions about different sexist myths. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were considered for the detection of cases. In the past six months, 34.8% of professionals reported that they had identified some cases of IPV, particularly physicians (OR = 2.47, 95% CI = 1.14–5.16; OR = 2.65, 95% CI = 1.26–5.56). Those who did not express opinions towards sexist myths related to the understanding of the victim or the consideration of alcohol/drug abuse as the main causes of violence and showed a greater probability of detecting a case (NS) (OR = 1.26 and OR = 1.65, respectively). In order to confirm the indicia found, further research is required, although there tends to be a common opinion towards the certain sexual myth of emergency department professionals not having an influence on IPV against women.Support and Promotion of Research on Equality and Inclusion, programme 50 of the Research and Transfer Plan (University of Granada

    Construcción de contenido para un Sistema Tutor Inteligente en idiomas: un estudio piloto con el corpus OneStopEnglish

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    During foreign language acquisition, reading represents one of the opportunities to get closer to the language. However, inappropriate texts can cause students to have a negative experience; thus, in regular courses, teachers use their experience or an editorial team to select the readings. In an automatic system, as in an Intelligent Tutor System, making recommendations appropriate to the student's profile is a priority. It is not enough to know the language level of the text. This work uses tools to classify a sample of texts from the OneStopEnglish corpus according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. We create thematic groups based on Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) and use three popular metrics of readability as a guide to suggest texts to students.Durante la adquisición de un idioma extranjero, la lectura representa una de las oportunidades de acercamiento al lenguaje. Sin embargo, los textos inadecuados pueden desencadenar una experiencia contraproducente para un estudiante, por ello, en los cursos regulares, los docentes utilizan su experiencia o la de un equipo editorial para seleccionar las lecturas. En un sistema automático como en un Sistema Tutor Inteligente, es prioritario realizar recomendaciones adecuadas al perfil del alumno. No basta conocer el nivel de idioma del texto, El presente trabajo aplica herramientas para clasificar una muestra de textos extraídos del corpus OneStopEnglish conforme al Marco Común de Referencia Europeo, crea grupos temáticos con análisis semántico latente (LSA), y aplica tres métricas populares de lecturabilidad como un referente para recomendar textos a los estudiantes