62 research outputs found

    The Effect of Phosphorus Fertilization on Botanical Composition and Production in Temperate Pastures in Argentina

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    The objective of this paper is to evaluate floristic changes and above-ground primary production in native grasslands and old pastures dominated by tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) that were fertilized with different levels of phosphorus. For this, aerial biomass was sequentially harvested from November 1998 to October 1999. Above-ground production of native grassland more than doubled (from 3000 to 7300 kg DM/ha) with the highest level of P through the increment of three naturalized species: the winter annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and two legumes: white clover (Trifolium repens) and lotus (Lotus corniculatus). In contrast, above-ground production of old fescue pastures remained unchanged while nutritive value improved as legumes and warm-season grasses increased where they were fertilized

    Dynamic of a non homogeneously coarse grained system

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    To study materials phenomena simultaneously at various length scales, descriptions in which matter can be coarse grained to arbitrary levels, are necessary. Attempts to do this in the static regime (i.e. zero temperature) have already been developed. In this letter, we present an approach that leads to a dynamics for such coarse-grained models. This allows us to obtain temperature-dependent and transport properties. Renormalization group theory is used to create new local potentials model between nodes, within the approximation of local thermodynamical equilibrium. Assuming that these potentials give an averaged description of node dynamics, we calculate thermal and mechanical properties. If this method can be sufficiently generalized it may form the basis of a Molecular Dynamics method with time and spatial coarse-graining.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Gradiente de pastoreo bovino desde la aguada según la permanencia animal en Digitaria eriantha diferida

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    3 sectors were defined with different intensity of disturbance in a paddock of Digitaria eriantha, by georeferenced positions of a cow. Fecal abundance into 9 squares sampling sites of 144 m2 and coverage of Digitaria and native winter species before and after grazing period, in 3 permanent transects 10 m long by sector, were registered. To summarize the information of vegetation, INTECO was applied and forage availability was estimated in 9 samples of 0.5 m2 by sector. Fecal concentration gradually decreased getting away from the watering point. Digitaria coverage and forage availability after grazing period decreased in the 3 sectors, while in winter species just did it in nearby "C" and medium "M". The forage condition established by INTECO decreased one category after grazing period for sectors "C" and "M", in "L" (far) show a greater impact due to the entry of external animals. The geoposition of grazing animals lets to define a grazing gradient, and the studied variables support this effect. The position of grazing animals allows to define a grazing gradient, and the studied variables support this effect. The identification of grazing gradient regard to the watering point is paramount to improve the design of paddocks and water distribution, to enhance the efficiency of forage harvest.Se delimitaron 3 sectores con distinta intensidad de disturbio en un potrero de Digitaria eriantha, mediante la localización georeferenciada de una vaca de cría. Se registraron las heces presentes en 9 cuadros de muestreo de 144 m2 y cobertura de digitaria e invernales forrajeras antes y después del periodo de pastoreo en 3 transectas fijas de 10 m de largo, por sector. Para sintetizar la información de la vegetación, se aplicó el INTECO y se estimó la disponibilidad forrajera de 9 muestras de 0,5 m2 por sector. La concentración de heces decreció gradualmente al alejarse de la aguada. Las coberturas de Digitaria y forrajimasa luego del periodo de pastoreo disminuyeron en los 3 sectores, mientras la de invernales sólo lo hizo en cercano “C” y medio “M”. La condición forrajera establecida por INTECO, disminuyó una categoría luego del pastoreo en los sectores “C” y “M”, en “L” (lejos) hubo un mayor impacto debido al ingreso de animales externos. La geoposición de animales en pastoreo permite definir un gradiente de pastoreo, y las variables estudiadas corroboran dicho efecto. La identificación del gradiente de pastoreo respecto a la aguada es de suma importancia para mejorar el diseño de potreros y aguadas, y optimizar la eficiencia de cosecha forrajera

    Using bond-length dependent transferable force constants to predict vibrational entropies in Au-Cu, Au-Pd, and Cu-Pd alloys

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    A model is tested to rapidly evaluate the vibrational properties of alloys with site disorder. It is shown that length-dependent transferable force constants exist, and can be used to accurately predict the vibrational entropy of substitutionally ordered and disordered structures in Au-Cu, Au-Pd, and Cu-Pd. For each relevant force constant, a length- dependent function is determined and fitted to force constants obtained from first-principles pseudopotential calculations. We show that these transferable force constants can accurately predict vibrational entropies of L12_{2}-ordered and disordered phases in Cu3_{3}Au, Au3_{3}Pd, Pd3_{3}Au, Cu3_{3}Pd, and Pd3_{3}Au. In addition, we calculate the vibrational entropy difference between L12_{2}-ordered and disordered phases of Au3_{3}Cu and Cu3_{3}Pt.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    What eddy-covariance measurements tell us about prior land flux errors in CO2-flux inversion schemes

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    0.2 after 200 km). Separating out the plant functional types did not increase the spatial correlations, except for the deciduous broad-leaved forests. Using the statistics of the flux measurements as a proxy for the statistics of the prior flux errors was shown not to be a viable approach. A statistical model allowed us to upscale the site-level flux error statistics to the coarser spatial and temporal resolutions used in regional or global models. This approach allowed us to quantify how aggregation reduces error variances, while increasing correlations. As an example, for a typical inversion of grid point (300 km × 300 km) monthly fluxes, we found that the prior flux error follows an approximate e-folding correlation length of 500 km only, with correlations from one month to the next as large as 0.6

    Ab Initio Study of the Structural Phase Transition in Cubic Pb_3GeTe_4

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    In the substitutionally disordered narrow-gap semiconductor Pb_{1-x}Ge_xTe, a finite-temperature cubic-rhombohedral transition appears above a critical concentration x0.005x \approx 0.005. As a first step towards a first-principles investigation of this transition in the disordered system, a (hypothetical) ordered cubic Pb_3GeTe_4 supercell is studied. First principles density-functional calculations of total energies and linear response functions are performed using the conjugate-gradients method with ab initio pseudopotentials and a plane-wave basis set. Unstable modes in Pb_3GeTe_4 are found, dominated by off-centering of the Ge ions coupled with displacements of their neighboring Te ions. A model Hamiltonian for this system is constructed using the lattice Wannier function formalism. The parameters for this Hamiltonian are determined from first principles. The equilibrium thermodynamics of the model system is studied via Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations. The calculated transition temperature, T_c, is approximately 620K for the cubic Pb_3GeTe_4 model, compared to the experimental value of T_c \approx 350K for disordered Pb_{0.75}Ge_{0.25}Te. Generalization of this analysis to the disordered Pb_{1-x}Ge_xTe system is discussed.Comment: 38 pages, LaTeX, 11 PostScript figure

    Effectiveness of Protected Areas in Maintaining Plant Production

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    Given the central importance of protected area systems in local, regional and global conservation strategies, it is vital that there is a good understanding of their effectiveness in maintaining ecological functioning. Here, we provide, to our knowledge, the first such global analysis, focusing on plant production, a “supporting” ecosystem function necessary for multiple other ecosystem services. We use data on the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) as a measure of variation in plant production in the core, boundary and surroundings of more than 1000 large protected areas over a 25 year period. Forested protected areas were higher (or similar), and those non-forested were lower (or similar), in NDVI than their surrounding areas, and these differences have been sustained. The differences from surrounding areas have increased for evergreen broadleaf forests and barren grounds, decreased for grasslands, and remained similar for deciduous forests, woodlands, and shrublands, reflecting different pressures on those surroundings. These results are consistent with protected areas being effective both in the representation and maintenance of plant production. However, widespread overall increases in NDVI during the study period suggest that plant production within the core of non-forested protected areas has become higher than it was in the surroundings of those areas in 1982, highlighting that whilst the distinctiveness of protected areas from their surroundings has persisted the nature of that difference has changed

    Meta-analysis of the detection of plant pigment concentrations using hyperspectral remotely sensed data

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    Passive optical hyperspectral remote sensing of plant pigments offers potential for understanding plant ecophysiological processes across a range of spatial scales. Following a number of decades of research in this field, this paper undertakes a systematic meta-analysis of 85 articles to determine whether passive optical hyperspectral remote sensing techniques are sufficiently well developed to quantify individual plant pigments, which operational solutions are available for wider plant science and the areas which now require greater focus. The findings indicate that predictive relationships are strong for all pigments at the leaf scale but these decrease and become more variable across pigment types at the canopy and landscape scales. At leaf scale it is clear that specific sets of optimal wavelengths can be recommended for operational methodologies: total chlorophyll and chlorophyll a quantification is based on reflectance in the green (550–560nm) and red edge (680–750nm) regions; chlorophyll b on the red, (630–660nm), red edge (670–710nm) and the near-infrared (800–810nm); carotenoids on the 500–580nm region; and anthocyanins on the green (550–560nm), red edge (700–710nm) and near-infrared (780–790nm). For total chlorophyll the optimal wavelengths are valid across canopy and landscape scales and there is some evidence that the same applies for chlorophyll a