1,240 research outputs found

    The Development of Sepak Takraw Skill Training Model Based on Drill Double Event in South Jakarta Club Takraw

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    This study aims to determine the needs of Sepak Takraw athletes in improving the skills through base on drill double event players in South Jakarta Club Takraw. In 2011, Indonesian Takraw team got gold medal in SEA Games, and in 2013 got silver medal. In the Singapore SEA Games, Indonesian Takraw team got only one bronze medal. Its decrease in Indonesian achievements in the sepak takraw branch in particular double event number. Based on the background, Sepak Takraw team need a training model program. The researcher analyzes the needs of players through an explanatory sequential mixed approach, namely conducting quantitative research with survey methods and then arranging detailed results through a qualitative approach. Qualitative data was obtained through observations during drill double event based Takraw playing skills. The researcher worked with 12 athletes by conducting interviews for 30 to 40 minutes. This study was conducted for 12 weeks. The results of this study indicate that the development of skills training model through guidebooks is said to be feasible to use in Takraw practice. An increase in service, smash and double event feedback. Sepak Takraw skill training based on drill double event model is effective and improves the skills of athletes. So that this research can be implemented in every training of Sepak Takraw players to improve the quality of the game


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    Land is very closely related to human life. Everyone needs land and land, one of the objects regulated by agrarian law. Land means the area (area). Region in terms of terminology, namely area (power, government, and supervision) or regional environment (province, district which consists of sub-districts, villages and villages). The definition of land in this construction is as if the land is closely related to the administrative area, there are those in urban areas or rural areas, which are mostly people who use the land function to match the land. Land also functions as an economic potential, for example in the form of protected forests where all kinds of plants, rivers, mountains, mineral resources and agricultural lands grow. and cultural potential in the form of meeting two or more cultures in a society. So that's when people interact with each other. Keywords: Legal certainty, ownership of land right

    Penggunaan Pendekatan Eksplorasi Lingkungan Untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Sains Anak

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    The purpose of this study was to increase the knowledge of children in Al - Iqra 'Penendem Kindergarten in their scientific knowledge through environmental exploration methods or approaches. The research was conducted by classroom action with quantitative and qualitative methods. The research subjects used in this study were TK Al - Iqra 'Penendem Group B students, totaling 19 children. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive percentage and descriptive activity of students. Data validity uses content validity. The results showed that the exploration of the surrounding environment can improve students' scientific abilities as evidenced by the fact that the initial condition before the action was taken, the average percentage of children's scientific abilities was 31%. Then after the classroom action research was carried out through Exploration of the Surrounding Environment, the average percentage of children's scientific abilities increased to 41%. Next in the second cycle the average percentage of children's scientific abilities increased by 59% and finally in the third cycle the average percentage of children's scientific abilities had reached the target as expected by researchers, which was 83%. The suitability of the use of learning methods will determine the achievement of educational goals. All educational goals to be achieved should have been arranged in the curriculum as a tool that teachers must have in carrying out their duties. While how to use the tool will depend on the competence of the teacher. The ability of teachers to connect educational goals by achieving them cannot be separated from three important steps. These three important steps include planning, implementation and evaluation. The determination of the learning method occurs in the three important steps of the process. Determining the method of exploring the surrounding environment to increase scientific knowledge is the right way and has proven successful in the practice of Classroom Action Research at Al - Iqra' Penendem Kindergarten


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    Target of this research, (1) To know cash inflow accounting system  CV.SINAR Pasundan, (2) To know system internal control of cash  CV.SINAR Pasundan. Method which is used in this research is percentage having the character of korelatif. Free variable and tied at this research of environment is system internal control of cash. This research is conducted by in CV.SINAR Pasundan in June 2013. Data collecting of research of this data propagated enquette mengunakan at all employees of  Sinar Pasundan. Technique analyse data use descriptively of data, prerequisite test analyse and hypothesis test. Conclusion of this research that is existence of good enough internal control in acceptance and pengeluaraan of relied on cash is organization chart depicting dissociation of function, so that can be concluded that system internal control of cash executed by Sinar of Pasundan adequate enough (43,93%) Keyword : cash inflow accounting syste

    Culture of Siri' Na Pacce As Part of Legal Awareness of the Bugis-Makassar Community

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    This research provides a description of the main values of the Siri’ na Pacce culture of the Bugis-Makassar community and investigates the factors contained in the Siri’ na Pacce values that shape the legal awareness of the Bugis-Makassar community. The study includes normative and empirical legal research, using a sociological jurisprudence approach. The flow of sociological jurisprudence requires that in the process of forming legal reforms it must pay attention to public awareness and also pay attention to legal values of the society. Based on the research objectives of this law are descriptive legal research, explicative legal research, and prescriptive legal research. The value of Siri’ na Pesse (in Bugis terminology) or Siri’ na Pacce (in Makassar terminology) in Bugis-Makassarese society teaches about decency in the form of recommendations, prohibitions, rights and obligations that dominate human actions to protect and defend their honor. Three research locations inhabited by Bugis and Makassarese people in South Sulawesi Province were selected for the study, namely Bone Regency, Gowa Regency, and Jeneponto Regency. The results of the study show that the existence of Siri’ na Pacce as an abstract value that lives in the midst of Bugis-Makassarese society, this cultural value undergoes a process of concretization in the form of the Pangngaderreng system (legal system) which is then actualized into the five legal norms contained in Pangngaderreng (Ade, Talk, Wari, Rapang, and Sara). Enforcement of these norms is in the framework of realizing the objectives of law, namely justice, legal certainty, and expediency. The realization of the three legal objectives makes the values of Siri’ na Pacce even stronger in the eyes of the community, which is seen as a form of legal awareness. Keywords: Siri’ na Pacce culture, legal awareness, Bugis societ


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    Kabupaten Subang adalah sebuah kabupaten di provinsi Jawa Barat Ibukotanya adalah Subang. Kabupaten ini berbatasan dengan Laut Jawa di utara, Kabupaten Indramayu di timur, Kabupaten Sumedang di tenggara, Kabupaten Bandung Barat di selatan, serta Kabupaten Purwakarta dan Kabupaten Karawang di barat. Seiring kemajuan zaman dari tahun ketahun banyak perusahaan besar dan sedang yang sudah beroperasi secara komersial di Kabupaten Subang. Perkembangan jumlah industri konveksi baik besar maupun sedang tersebut, selain karena letak geografis kabupaten Subang yang strategis, juga dikarenakan adanya berbagai kebijakan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah kabupaten Subang yang berkenaan dengan jaminan kemudahan investasi. Hambatan yang muncul dalam industri konveksi ini perlu adanya Sistem yang mudah untuk mendapatkan informasi yang baik untuk pendataan industri konveksi di Kabupaten Subang . Pemetaan lokasi industri konveksi merupakan penyajian informasi yang akurat terkait dengan keberadaan suatu usaha disuatu wilayah sangat diperlukan selain untuk memonitor peluang usaha dan kebutuhan tenaga kerja juga dapat dijadikan sebagai informasi untuk menyerap para investor untuk menanam modal. Solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut diperlukan penyampaian informasi yang baik agar mempermudah penyampaian informasi perkembangan industri konveksi maka dibutuhkan suatu teknologi yang lebih mudah dipahami yaitu melalui Tabel dan gambar teknologi ini sering dikenal dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Metode perancangan yang digunakan menggunakan tools Unified Modelling Language (UML). Aplikasi SIG sangat berguna untuk studi pemilihan lokasi karena kemampuan yang sangat baik dalam menyimpan, menganalisis dan menampilkan data spasial sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang ditetapkan pengguna

    Pengembangan lab equipment games berbasis android pada materi alat laboratorium IPA

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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk dapat mengembangkan media pembelajaran yang dapat dipakai pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian Research and Development (RD) dengan acuan model ADDIE. Aplikasi Lab Equipment Games berfungsi untuk membantu siswa dalam mengenal nama alat-alat laboratorium yang tepat berdasarkan gambar beserta fungsinya. Berdasarkan validasi yang dilakukan oleh ahli media, aplikasi Lab Equipment Games termasuk dalam kategori yang layak dengan persentase keidealan sebesar 92,8%. Validasi oleh ahli materi tergolong pada kategori layak dengan persentase keidealan sebesar 93,08%. Berdasarkan angket siswa mengenai aplikasi Lab Equipment Games berbasis Android termasuk pada kategori layak dengan persentase keidealan sebesar 92,71% yang berarti media pembelajaran memiliki nilai realibitas lebih besar dari 75% sehingga media pembelajaran layak untuk dikembangkan

    Toleransi Menurut Quran Dan Hadis

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    Terminology tolerance (in Arabic: tasâmuh) in Islam basically dates from Surah al-KâfirĂ»n. It is implied that in the life of religious there is a potential happened different perspective. Islam is aware that among non-Muslim happen in the understanding that her religion the right same with the Muslims feel that way. The all supposition the truth in each is something necessity to remain consistent in following a get it. Religion or get it considers himself indeed a habitude. If not, people will tied to uncertainty confidence. However, if there is no tolerance, religious people are also people whom apologis and arrogant. How many from among all religions dare to die for maintaining the truth religion are foolhardy. This is because people do not gives space to all else to live in side by side, as if it is entitled to hold the right. Command martyred (mati syahid) to maintain the truth islamic it is true that.  However, it must be performed when the people in the time of his distress for example in a condition are attacked. In the condition of peace, islamic obliging him to give space and even help each other.  Give space to live to the followers other that is the form of tolerance


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali dan memahami bagaimana regulasi hukum beradaptasi dengan perkembangan fintech syariah yang dinamis dan berkembang pesat, serta tantangan hukum yang muncul dalam konteks tersebut. Artikel ini memaparkan perkembangan fintech syariah dan regulasi hukumnya melalui metode kualitatif dan studi pustaka. Studi ini mengidentifikasi bahwa regulasi hukum harus terus diperbarui untuk mengimbangi inovasi dalam industri fintech syariah, dengan mempertimbangkan prinsip-prinsip syariah dan kebutuhan pengguna. Penelitian ini juga mengemukakan bahwa meski tantangan hukum signifikan ada, namun melalui regulasi yang tepat, perkembangan lebih lanjut dari fintech syariah dapat difasilitasi
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