78 research outputs found

    Acclimation of biochemical and diffusive components of photosynthesis in rice, wheat and maize to heat and water deficit:implications for modeling photosynthesis

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    The impact of the combined effects of heat stress, increased vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and water deficit on the physiology of major crops needs to be better understood to help identify the expected negative consequences of climate change and heat waves on global agricultural productivity. To address this issue, rice, wheat and maize plants were grown under control temperature (CT, 25°C, VPD 1.8 kPa), and a high temperature (HT, 38°C, VPD 3.5 kPa), both under well-watered (WW) and water deficit (WD) conditions. Gas-exchange measurements showed that, in general, WD conditions affected the leaf conductance to CO2, while growth at HT had a more marked effect on the biochemistry of photosynthesis. When combined, HT and WD had an additive effect in limiting photosynthesis. The negative impacts of the imposed treatments on the processes governing leaf gas-exchange were species-dependent. Wheat presented a higher sensitivity while rice and maize showed a higher acclimation potential to increased temperature. Rubisco and PEPC kinetic constants determined in vitro at 25°C and 38°C were used to estimated Vcmax, Jmax and Vpmax in the modeling of C3 and C4 photosynthesis. The results here obtained reiterate the need to use species-specific and temperature-specific values for Rubisco and PEPC kinetic constants for a precise parameterization of the photosynthetic response to changing environmental conditions in different crop species

    Photosynthetic Adaptation to Length of Day Is Dependent on S-Sulfocysteine Synthase Activity in the Thylakoid Lumen

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    Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) chloroplasts contain two O-acetyl-serine(thiol)lyase (OASTL) homologs, OAS-B, which is an authentic OASTL, and CS26, which has S-sulfocysteine synthase activity. In contrast with OAS-B, the loss of CS26 function resulted in dramatic phenotypic changes, which were dependent on the light treatment. We have performed a detailed characterization of the photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in cs26 plants compared with those of wild-type plants under short-day growth conditions (SD) and long-day growth conditions (LD). Under LD, the photosynthetic characterization, which was based on substomatal CO2 concentrations and CO2 concentration in the chloroplast curves, revealed significant reductions in most of the photosynthetic parameters for cs26, which were unchanged under SD. These parameters included net CO2 assimilation rate, mesophyll conductance, and mitochondrial respiration at darkness. The analysis also showed that cs26 under LD required more absorbed quanta per driven electron flux and fixed CO2. The nonphotochemical quenching values suggested that in cs26 plants, the excess electrons that are not used in photochemical reactions may form reactive oxygen species. A photoinhibitory effect was confirmed by the background fluorescence signal values under LD and SD, which were higher in young leaves compared with mature ones under SD. To hypothesize the role of CS26 in relation to the photosynthetic machinery, we addressed its location inside of the chloroplast. The activity determination and localization analyses that were performed using immunoblotting indicated the presence of an active CS26 enzyme exclusively in the thylakoid lumen. This finding was reinforced by the observation of marked alterations in many lumenal proteins in the cs26 mutant compared with the wild type.Peer Reviewe

    Rubisco catalytic properties optimized for present and future climatic conditions

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    10 páginas.-- 3 figuras.-- 4 tablas.-- 85 referencias.-- Appendix A. Supplementary dataBecause of its catalytic inefficiencies, Rubisco is the most obvious target for improvement to enhance the photosynthetic capacity of plants. Two hypotheses are tested in the present work: (1) existing Rubiscos have optimal kinetic properties to maximize photosynthetic carbon assimilation in existing higher plants; (2) current knowledge allows proposal of changes to kinetic properties to make Rubiscos more suited to changed conditions in chloroplasts that are likely to occur with climate change. The catalytic mechanism of Rubisco results in higher catalytic rates of carboxylation being associated with decreased affinity for CO2, so that selection for different environments involves a trade-off between these two properties. The simulations performed in this study confirm that the optimality of Rubisco kinetics depends on the species and the environmental conditions. In particular, environmental drivers affecting the CO2 availability for carboxylation (C c) or directly shifting the photosynthetic limitations between Rubisco and RuBP regeneration determine to what extend Rubisco kinetics are optimally suited to maximize CO2 assimilation rate. In general, modeled values for optimal kinetic reflect the predominant environmental conditions currently encountered by the species in the field. Under future climatic conditions, photosynthetic CO2 assimilation will be limited by RuBP-regeneration, especially in the absence of water stress, the largest rise in [CO2] and the lowest increases in temperature. Under these conditions, the model predicts that optimal Rubisco should have high Sc/o and low Kc catThe Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (AGL2009-07999 and AGL2009-11310/AGR), the Estonian Ministry of Science and Education (institutional grant IUT-8-3) and the European Commission through the European Regional Fund (the Center of Excellence in Environmental Adaptation). JAP received a pre-doctoral fellowship of Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Universitats (Govern de les Illes Balears)Peer reviewe

    Leaf morphological and physiological adaptations of a deciduous oak (Quercus faginea Lam.) to the Mediterranean climate: A comparison with a closely related temperate species (Quercus robur L.)

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    13 páginas.-- 4 figuras.-- 7 tablas.-- 82 referencia.-- Supplementary data for this article are available at Tree Physiology Online. The authors are grateful to Emilio Roldán (UIB) for his help in determining leaf TSP and Rubisco content and to Arantxa Molins and Carmen Hermida (UIB) for rbcL sequencing.‘White oaks’—one of the main groups of the genus Quercus L.—are represented in western Eurasia by the ‘roburoid oaks’, a deciduous and closely related genetic group that should have an Arcto-Tertiary origin under temperate-nemoral climates. Nowadays, roburoid oak species such as Quercus robur L. are still present in these temperate climates in Europe, but others are also present in southern Europe under Mediterranean-type climates, such as Quercus faginea Lam. We hypothesize the existence of a coordinated functional response at the whole-shoot scale in Q. faginea under Mediterranean conditions to adapt to more xeric habitats. The results reveal a clear morphological and physiological segregation between Q. robur and Q. faginea, which constitute two very contrasting functional types in response to climate dryness. The most outstanding divergence between the two species is the reduction in transpiring area in Q. faginea, which is the main trait imposed by the water deficit in Mediterranean-type climates. The reduction in leaf area ratio in Q. faginea should have a negative effect on carbon gain that is partially counteracted by a higher inherent photosynthetic ability of Q. faginea when compared with Q. robur, as a consequence of higher mesophyll conductance, higher maximum velocity of carboxylation and much higher stomatal conductance (gs). The extremely high gs of Q. faginea counteracts the expected reduction in gs imposed by the stomatal sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit, allowing this species to diminish water losses maintaining high net CO2 assimilation values along the vegetative period under nonlimiting soil water potential values. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that Q. faginea can be regarded as an example of adaptation of a deciduous oak to Mediterranean-type climates.Financial support from Gobierno de Aragón (H38 research group) and Plan Nacional project AGL2009-07999 are acknowledged. Work of D.S.-K. is supported by a DOC INIA contract cofunded by the Spanish National Institute for Agriculture and Food Research and Technology (INIA) and the European Social Fund (ESF).Peer reviewe

    Positively selected amino acid replacements within the RuBisCO enzyme of oak trees are associated with ecological adaptations

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    Phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood (PAML) has become the standard approach to study positive selection at the molecular level, but other methods may provide complementary ways to identify amino acid replacements associated with particular conditions. Here, we compare results of the decision tree (DT) model method with ones of PAML using the key photosynthetic enzyme RuBisCO as a model system to study molecular adaptation to particular ecological conditions in oaks (Quercus). We sequenced the chloroplast rbcL gene encoding RuBisCO large subunit in 158 Quercus species, covering about a third of the global genus diversity. It has been hypothesized that RuBisCO has evolved differentially depending on the environmental conditions and leaf traits governing internal gas diffusion patterns. Here, we show, using PAML, that amino acid replacements at the residue positions 95, 145, 251, 262 and 328 of the RuBisCO large subunit have been the subject of positive selection along particular Quercus lineages associated with the leaf traits and climate characteristics. In parallel, the DT model identified amino acid replacements at sites 95, 219, 262 and 328 being associated with the leaf traits and climate characteristics, exhibiting partial overlap with the results obtained using PAML

    Ecophysiological traits and their responses to drought in species from the Balearic Islands with different growth forms

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    Amb l'objectiu d'analitzar com la biodiversitat i l'adaptació al clima mediterrani es tradueixen en una diversitat de trets ecofisiològics i la seva resposta a la sequera, i d'estudiar si aquesta diversitat està relacionada amb formes de creixement i amb la història evolutiva de les espècies, es van seleccionar 24 espècies mediterrànies de les Illes Balears. Es va analitzar la capacitat germinativa, els efectes de la sequera en el creixement de plàntules, respostes ecofisiològiques a la sequera a nivell foliar i l'adaptació de l'especificitat de la Rubisco. Es va observar una elevada variabilitat entre espècies, la meitat de la qual associada a les diferents formes de creixement. No s'observà cap diferenciació entre les espècies endèmiques i les no endèmiques. Aquesta elevada diversitat en els trets ecofisiològics i la seva resposta a la sequera suposa un recurs potencial per identificar caràcters adaptatius i un banc genètic per millorar la productivitat de cultius.Con el objetivo de analizar como la biodiversidad y la adaptación al clima mediterráneo se traducen en una diversidad de caracteres ecofisiológicos y su respuesta a la sequía, y de estudiar si esta diversidad está relacionada con formas de crecimiento y con la historia evolutiva de las especies, se seleccionaron 24 especies mediterráneas de las Islas Baleares. Se analizaron la capacidad germinativa, los efectos de la sequía sobre el crecimiento de las plántulas, las respuestas ecofisiológicas a la sequía a nivel foliar y la adaptación de la especificidad de la Rubisco. Se observó una elevada variabilidad entre especies, la mitad de la cual asociada a las diferentes formas de crecimiento. No se encontraron diferencias entre las especies endémicas y las no endémicas. Esta elevada biodiversidad en respuesta a la sequía supone un recurso potencial para identificar caracteres adaptativos y un banco genético para la mejora de la productividad de cultivos.The objectives of this work were to analyze how biodiversity and adaptation to Mediterranean climate is reflected in a diversity of ecophysiological traits and their responses to drought, and to study whether such diversity was related to growth forms and endemicity. The analysis covered the germination capacity, the effects of drought on seedling growth, the leaf ecophysiological responses to drought, and the adaptation of Rubisco specificity, in 24 Mediterranean species from the Balearic Islands. A wide range of variation has been observed among the species, with about half of this variability associated to different growth forms. However, no differentiation was found between endemic and non-endemic species of the Balearic Islands. The high diversity in the ecophysiological traits and their responses to drought found among Mediterranean species must be considered as a 'resource' to identify target adaptive traits for breeding plans, but also as a genetic bank to improve crop productivity

    Ecophysiological traits and their responses to drought in species from the Balearic Islands with different growth forms

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    Amb l’objectiu d’analitzar com la biodiversitat i l’adaptació al clima mediterrani es tradueixen en una diversitat de trets ecofisiològics i la seva resposta a la sequera, i d’estudiar si aquesta diversitat està relacionada amb formes de creixement i amb la història evolutiva de les espècies, es van seleccionar 24 espècies mediterrànies de les Illes Balears. Es va analitzar la capacitat germinativa, els efectes de la sequera en el creixement de plàntules, respostes ecofisiològiques a la sequera a nivell foliar i l’adaptació de l’especificitat de la Rubisco. Es va observar una elevada variabilitat entre espècies, la meitat de la qual associada a les diferents formes de creixement. No s’observà cap diferenciació entre les espècies endèmiques i les no endèmiques. Aquesta elevada diversitat en els trets ecofisiològics i la seva resposta a la sequera suposa un recurs potencial per identificar caràcters adaptatius i un banc genètic per millorar la productivitat de cultius.Con el objetivo de analizar como la biodiversidad y la adaptación al clima mediterráneo se traducen en una diversidad de caracteres ecofisiológicos y su respuesta a la sequía, y de estudiar si esta diversidad está relacionada con formas de crecimiento y con la historia evolutiva de las especies, se seleccionaron 24 especies mediterráneas de las Islas Baleares. Se analizaron la capacidad germinativa, los efectos de la sequía sobre el crecimiento de las plántulas, las respuestas ecofisiológicas a la sequía a nivel foliar y la adaptación de la especificidad de la Rubisco. Se observó una elevada variabilidad entre especies, la mitad de la cual asociada a las diferentes formas de crecimiento. No se encontraron diferencias entre las especies endémicas y las no endémicas. Esta elevada biodiversidad en respuesta a la sequía supone un recurso potencial para identificar caracteres adaptativos y un banco genético para la mejora de la productividad de cultivos.The objectives of this work were to analyze how biodiversity and adaptation to Mediterranean climate is reflected in a diversity of ecophysiological traits and their responses to drought, and to study whether such diversity was related to growth forms and endemicity. The analysis covered the germination capacity, the effects of drought on seedling growth, the leaf ecophysiological responses to drought, and the adaptation of Rubisco specificity, in 24 Mediterranean species from the Balearic Islands. A wide range of variation has been observed among the species, with about half of this variability associated to different growth forms. However, no differentiation was found between endemic and non-endemic species of the Balearic Islands. The high diversity in the ecophysiological traits and their responses to drought found among Mediterranean species must be considered as a ‘resource’ to identify target adaptive traits for breeding plans, but also as a genetic bank to improve crop productivity

    Importance of mesophyll diffusion conductance in estimation of plant photosynthesis in the field

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    Mesophyll diffusion conductance to CO2 (gm) is an important leaf characteristic determining the drawdown of CO2 from substomatal cavities (Ci) to chloroplasts (CC). Finite gm results in modifications in the shape of the net assimilation (A) versus Ci response curves, with the final outcome of reduced maximal carboxylase activity of Rubisco (Vcmax), and a greater ratio of the capacity for photosynthetic electron transport to Vcmax (Jmax/Vcmax) and alterations in mitochondrial respiration rate (Rd) when estimated from A/Ci responses without considering gm. The influence of different Farquhar et al. model parameterizations on daily photosynthesis under non-stressed (Ci kept constant throughout the day) and stressed conditions (mid-day reduction in Ci) was compared. The model was parameterized on the basis of A/CC curves and A/Ci curves using both the conventional fitting procedure (Vcmax and Rd fitted separately to the linear part of the response curve and Jmax to the saturating part) and a procedure that fitted all parameters simultaneously. The analyses demonstrated that A/Ci parameterizations overestimated daily assimilation by 6-8% for high gm values, while they underestimated if by up to 70% for low gm values. Qualitative differences between the A/Ci and A/CC parameterizations were observed under stressed conditions, when underestimated Vcmax and overestimated Rd of A/Ci parameterizations resulted in excessive mid-day depression of photosynthesis. Comparison with measured diurnal assimilation rates in the Mediterranean sclerophyll species Quercus ilex under drought further supported this bias of A/Ci parameterizations. While A/Ci parameterization predicted negative carbon balance at mid-day, actual measurements and simulations with the A/CC approach yielded positive carbon gain under these conditions. In addition, overall variation captured by the best A/Ci parameterization was poor compared with the A/CC approach. This analysis strongly suggests that for correct parameterization of daily time-courses of photosynthesis under realistic field conditions, gm must be included in photosynthesis models.Peer Reviewe

    A compendium of temperature responses of Rubisco kinetic traits: variability among and within photosynthetic groups and impact on photosynthesis modelling

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    [eng] The present study provides a synthesis of the in vitro and in vivo temperature responses of Rubisco Michaelis-Menten constants for CO2 (Kc) and O2 (Ko), specificity factor (Sc,o) and maximum carboxylase turnover rate ( kcat c ) for 49 species from all the main photosynthetic kingdoms of life. Novel correction routines were developed for in vitro data to remove the effects of study-to-study differences in Rubisco assays. The compilation revealed differences in the energy of activation (ΔHa) of Rubisco kinetics between higher plants and other photosynthetic groups, although photosynthetic bacteria and algae were under-represented and very few species have been investigated so far. Within plants, the variation in Rubisco temperature responses was related to species' climate and photosynthetic mechanism, with differences in ΔHa for kcat c among C3 plants from cool and warm environments, and in ΔHa for kcat c and Kc among C3 and C4 plants. A negative correlation was observed among ΔHa for Sc/o and species' growth temperature for all data pooled, supporting the convergent adjustment of the temperature sensitivity of Rubisco kinetics to species' thermal history. Simulations of the influence of varying temperature dependences of Rubisco kinetics on Rubisco-limited photosynthesis suggested improved photosynthetic performance of C3 plants from cool habitats at lower temperatures, and C3 plants from warm habitats at higher temperatures, especially at higher CO2 concentration. Thus, variation in Rubisco kinetics for different groups of photosynthetic organisms might need consideration to improve prediction of photosynthesis in future climates. Comparisons between in vitro and in vivo data revealed common trends, but also highlighted a large variability among both types of Rubisco kinetics currently used to simulate photosynthesis, emphasizing the need for more experimenta