50 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico da assistência farmacêutica para o componente especializado e especial em municípios do RS

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    Introdução: O Componente Especializado propicia a integralidade do tratamento para todas as condições clínicas contempladas neste Componente, por diferentes linhas de cuidado definidas nos Protocolos e Diretrizes Terapêuticas (PCDT) O financiamento deste componente é de responsabilidade do Ministério da Saúde e das Secretarias Estaduais de Saúde. O acesso a estes medicamentos pode ocorrer em farmácias especiais ou nas farmácias da rede pública municipal. Objetivos: Diagnóstico da estrutura, processo e resultado da Assistência Farmacêutica para o Componente Especializado e Especial realizado em farmácias municipais, juntamente ao Componente Básico, em municípios do Rio Grande do Sul. Métodos: A pesquisa caracteriza-se por um estudo transversal realizado em 22 farmácias da rede pública em municípios do RS que dispensam medicamentos dos Componentes Especializado, Especial e Básico. A coleta de dados abordou aspectos de estrutura, processos e resultados e foi realizada por meio de entrevistas, análise de documentos e observação direta. A coleta ocorreu entre os meses de janeiro a março de 2020, com auxílio do aplicativo Epicolletc, que permite a captura dos dados por meio de formulários de entrada de texto, fotos e vídeos. Os dados foram extraídos, codificados e analisados no programa Excel (parecer de aprovação no CEP/UFRGS nº 2.437.516). Resultados: Das 47 farmácias visitadas 22 atendem ao Componente Básico, Especializado e Especial. Essas se destacam em relação às demais, com diferença significativa para as variáveis: sala de espera própria, aguardar atendimento sentado, sanitário e sala de lanches exclusivos para funcionários, local para guarda dos pertences e ordem de armazenamento dos medicamentos em relação ao prazo de validade. Em 81,8% há sala específica para atendimento do Componente Especializado e 40,9% das farmácias possuem Procedimentos Operacionais Padrão (POPs). O controle diário de temperatura de locais que armazenam termolábeis ocorre em 86,9% dos locais. O registro de monitoramento dos usuários, em relação aos desfechos clínicos, ocorre em 18,2% dos serviços. A garantia da integralidade dos tratamentos se dá em 45,5% dos locais visitados. Conclusão: O presente estudo apresentou bons resultados com relação a estrutura se comparado com pesquisas anteriores e PNAUM. No item processos, é necessário avançar para qualificar o atendimento, o acompanhamento ao paciente, para que os resultados com a saúde e a qualidade de vida do mesmo sejam alcançados.Introduction: The Specialized Component consists of drugs for the treatment of rare, low-prevalence or long-term chronic use and high cost, whose lines of care are defined in Clinical Protocols and Therapeutic Guidelines (PCDT), published by the Ministry of Health. The financing of this component is the responsibility of the Ministry of Health and the State Health Secretariats. Access to these medications can take place in special pharmacies or in pharmacies in the municipal public network. Objectives: Diagnosis of the structure, process and result of Pharmaceutical Service for the Specialized and Special Component carried out in municipal pharmacies, together with the Basic Component, in municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul. Methods: The research is characterized by a cross-sectional study carried out in 22 public pharmacies in RS cities that dispense drugs from Specialized, Special and Basic Components. Data collection addressed aspects of structure, processes and results and was carried out through interviews, document analysis and direct observation. Data collection took place between January and March 2020, with the aid of the Epicolletc application, which allows the capture of data through text, photos and video entry forms. Data were extracted, coded and analyzed using the Excel program (approval opinion in CEP/UFRGS nº 2.437.516). Results: Of the 47 pharmacies visited, 22 serve the Basic, Specialized and Special Component. These stand out in relation to the others, with a significant difference for the variables: own waiting room, waiting for service in a sitting position, toilet and snack room exclusively for employees, place to store belongings and storage order of medicines in relation to the expiration date . In 81.8% there is a specific room for the Specialized Component and 40.9% of the pharmacies have Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Daily temperature control of thermolabile storage locations occurs in 86.9% of locations. The monitoring record of users, in relation to clinical outcomes, occurs in 18.2% of services. The guarantee of completeness of treatments is given in 45.5% of the places visited... Conclusion: The present study showed good results regarding structure when compared to previous research and PNAUM. In the item processes, it is necessary to advance in order to qualify the service, the follow-up to the patient, so that the results with the patient's health and quality of life are achieved

    Characterization of dispensing processes in primary care pharmacies in Rio Grande do Sul

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    Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar processos realizados em farmácias municipais do Rio Grande do Sul, abordando principalmente a dispensação, além de ações de farmacovigilância e de descarte de medicamentos. Métodos: Foram incluídos no estudo os 18 municípios sede das Coordenadorias Regionais de Saúde da Secretaria de Saúde do Estado do RS e outros municípios com mais de 100 mil habitantes, resultando em um total de 29 municípios. A coleta de dados deu-se por meio de entrevistas in loco com os responsáveis pelas farmácias municipais, sendo o instrumento da coleta de dados um questionário com perguntas elaboradas a partir de revisão da literatura científica. Resultados: Dentre os principais resultados, tem-se que 39,6% dos responsáveis pelos serviços de dispensação sãom farmacêuticos; todas as farmácias possuem sistema informatizado para controle e registro da dispensação; ações relacionadas a farmacovigilância ainda são incipientes; o fracionamento de medicamentos é uma prática utilizada nas farmácias (64,6%), mas uma minoria parece seguir as Boas Práticas de Fracionamento de Medicamentos (12,9%); os medicamentos vencidos, quebrados, vazados e sem utilizar dos usuários são recebidos pelas farmácias (89,6%); em todas as farmácias ofertam-se serviços farmacêuticos, em que a dispensação (100%) e a orientação farmacêutica (91,7%) são os mais realizados. Conclusão: Há necessidade de qualificar as farmácias para que a assistência farmacêutica caminhe junto com os princípios e diretrizes do SUS, tendo o uso racional de medicamentos como propósito que influencia de forma decisiva na qualidade de vida e na saúde dos usuários.Objective: The objective of this study is to characterize processes carried out in municipal pharmacies in Rio Grande do Sul; mainly addressing dispensation, in addition to pharmacovigilance and drug disposal actions. Methods: The study included the 18 municipalities that host the Regional Health Coordinators of the Health Secretariat of the State of RS and other municipalities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants, resulting in a total of 29 municipalities. Data collection took place through on-the-spot interviews with those responsible for municipal pharmacies, and the data collection instrument was prepared from a review of the scientific literature. Results: Among the main results, 39,6% of those responsible for dispensing services were pharmacists; all pharmacies have a computerized system to control and record the dispensation; actions related to pharmacovigilance are still incipient; fractionation of medicines is a practice used in pharmacies (64,6%), but a minority seems to follow the Good Practices of fractionation of medicines (12,9%); expired, broken, leaked, and unused medications from users are received by pharmacies (89,6%); in all pharmacies, pharmaceutical services are offered, in which dispensation (100%) and pharmaceutical guidance (91,7%) are the most common. Conclusion: There is a need to qualify dispensing services so that pharmaceutical assistance goes hand in hand with SUS principles and guidelines, with the rational use of medicines as a purpose that decisively influences the quality of life and health of users

    Pharmaceutical supply centers of Rio Grande do Sul

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    Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever as Centrais de Abastecimento Farmacêutico (CAFs) de municípios do Rio Grande do Sul, quanto à estrutura, aos processos realizados e os resultados obtidos. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo de caráter transversal e descritivo cuja coleta de dados deu-se por visitas às CAFs de 29 municípios. Além de entrevistas in loco, utilizando um questionário elaborado a partir da revisão da literatura, realizou-se análise de documentos e observação direta da estrutura e das condições de armazenamento. Resultados: Os resultados mostram que o registro do controle diário de temperatura e umidade era realizado em 84,6% e 76,9% das CAFs respectivamente e todas aquelas que possuíam refrigerador para os termolábeis, realizavam o controle destes parâmetros. A maioria das centrais que armazenavam medicamentos sujeitos a controle especial utilizavam uma sala separada e com chave (75,0%). No recebimento dos medicamentos, era realizada a inspeção referente à validade e documentações necessárias (nota fiscal, por exemplo) em 92,3% dos locais. Todas as CAFs utilizavam sistema informatizado para controle de estoque, em seis (23,1%) havia um acúmulo de estoque resultante de demanda superestimada, de recursos aproveitados do ano anterior, excesso de compra ou sazonalidade e 88,5% realizavam inventário. Para que funcionem dentro da legalidade são necessárias algumas documentações como alvará sanitário, que apenas 26,9% das CAFs afirmaram possuir. Conclusão: Na avaliação da etapa de armazenamento da AF, por meio dos componentes: estrutura, processos e resultados, observou-se resultados parcialmente positivos em relação às recomendações técnicas e administrativas para as CAFs, necessitando de melhorias em alguns quesitos.Objectives: The objective of this study is to depict the Pharmaceutical Supply Centers (PSCs) of municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul, regarding the structure, the processes carried out and the results obtained. Methods: The sample consists of a total of 29 municipalities. Data collection took place through visits to the PSC of these municipalities and on-site interviews, document analysis, direct observation, and the use of a questionnaire developed with questions drawn from the literature review. Results: The results showed that the daily control of temperature and humidity is recorded in 84.6% and 76.9% of the PSCs, respectively, and all those that have a refrigerator for thermolabile, control these parameters. Most centers that store controlled drugs (Portaria 344/98) use a separate room with a key (75.0%). Upon receipt of the medicines, an inspection is carried out regarding the validity and necessary documentation (invoice, for example) in 92.3% of the places. All PSCs used a computerized system for stock control, in six (23.1%) there was an accumulation of stock resulting from overestimated demand, resources used from the previous year, excess purchases or seasonality and 88.5% carry inventory. For them to function legally, some documentation is needed, such as a health permit, which only 26.9% of the PSCs claimed to have. Conclusion: In the evaluation of the quality of the storage stage of the AF, through the components: structure, processes, and results, partially positive results were observed about the technical and administrative recommendations for the PSCs, requiring improvements in some aspects

    Behind the scenes of public funding for performing arts in Italy: hidden phenomena beyond the rhetoric of legislation

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    This paper focuses on how Italian performing arts organizations were funded between 2003 and 2005. How does policy regulate the financing system for performing arts? What are the underlying logics that govern financing choices? In this paper the authors move beyond the simple examination of formal policies by analysing the funding data and organizational routines of the ministerial offices responsible for the allocation of grants. The authors implemented a multi-method research methodology consisting of document analysis, in-depth interviews, and quantitative analysis of funding data. The main findings can be summarized as follows. First, funds are continuously allocated to the same group of organizations. Second, although rigid, the system is imbued by a 'rhetoric of the project'. Third, the system does not reward innovation. In conclusion, only by studying how the law is actually implemented can one capture the choices that underlie financing actions, and thus unravel unanticipated outcomes and inconsistencies between rhetoric and conduct

    A multicenter study on the diagnostic significance of a single cerebrospinal fluid IgG band

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    The analysis of paired cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum samples with isolectric focusing (IEF) can yield different patterns which can be of aid in the differential diagnosis of central nervous system (CNS) disorders. Rarely, a single CSF-restricted IgG band, which is not included within these patterns, can be detected in association with inflammatory disorders, multiple sclerosis (MS) above all. However, the diagnostic meaning of this abnormality is still uncertain. The main aim of our multicenter study was to establish the frequency and disease associations of single CSF IgG bands. Differences in the CSF profiles between MS and other diseases, and the follow-up patterns were also evaluated. Medical records of patients who underwent CSF analysis, which included IEF, over a 11.5-year period were retrospectively scrutinized at the participating centers, which used similar IEF techniques. One hundred and fifty-one of 9422 CSF reports (1.6%) showed single CSF-restricted IgG bands. Of the 129 patients with a definite diagnosis, 58.2% had CNS inflammatory-demyelinating diseases (the most frequent being MS: 21.7%), 6.2% tumours, 5.4% inflammatory peripheral nervous system diseases and 30.2% miscellaneous diseases. At follow-up, 3 out of the 10 patients with a repeated CSF analysis had developed an oligoclonal band pattern. Our findings indicate that single CSF IgG bands tend to associate with diseases characterized by the involvement of intrathecal humoral immune responses, and strongly support the notion that this abnormality should be regularly reported, thus alerting clinicians of possible inflammatory disorders of the CNS

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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