3,164 research outputs found

    Study of photon emission by electron capture during solar nuclei acceleration. 2: Delimitation of conditions for charge transfert establishment

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    The conditions for establishment of charge transfer during acceleration of nuclei up to Fe, for typical conditions of solar flare regions T = 5 x 10 to the 3rd power to 2.5 x 10 to the 8th power degrees K were explored. Results show that such conditions are widely assorted, depending on the acceleration mechanism, the kind of projections and their velocity, the target elements, the source temperature and consequently on the degree of ionization of matter and the local charge state of the accelerated ions. Nevertheless, in spite of that assorted behavior, there are some general tendencies that can be summarized as follows. In atomic H electron capture is systematically established from thermal energies up to high energies, whatever the element and for both acceleration process. For a given element and fixed temperature (T), the probability and energy domain of electron capture and loss with Fermi are higher than with Betatron acceleration. For a given acceleration process the heavier the ion the higher the probability and the wider the energy range for electron capture and loss. For given acceleration mechanism and fixed element the importance and energy domain of capture and loss increase with T: for those reasons, the energy range of charge equilibrium (illustrated with solid lines on the next figs.) is wider with Fermi and increases with temperature and atomic number of projectiles. For the same reasons, electron loss is smaller while the lighter the element, the lower the temperature and the Betatron process, such that there are conditions for which electron loss is not allowed at low energies, but only electron capture is established

    Study of photon emission by electron capture during solar nuclei acceleration. 3: Photon production evaluations

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    Lower limits of photon fluxes were evaluated from electron capture during acceleration in solar flares, because the arbitrary q sub c asterisk assumed in this work evolves very slow with velocity, probably much more slowly than the physical actual situation: in fact, more emission is expected toward the IR region. Nevertheless the authors claim to show that the factibility of sounding acceleration processes, charge evolution processes and physical parameters of the source itself, by the observational analysis of this kind of emissions. For instance, it would be interesting to search observationally, for the predicted flux and energy drift of F sub e ions interacting with the atomic 0 and F sub e of the source matter, or, even more feasible for the X-ray lines at 4.2 keV and 2.624 + 0.003 KeV from Fe and S ions in ionized Fe at T = 10 to the 7th power K respectively, the 418 + or - 2 eV and 20 + or - 4 eV lines of Fe and S in ionized Fe at 5 x 10 to the 6th power K, which are predicted from Fermi acceleration

    Study of non-thermal photon production under different scenarios in solar flares. 1: Scenarios and formulations

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    In order to study the overall phenomenology involved in solar flares, it is necessary to understand their individual manifestation before building a corresponding description of the global phenomenon. Here the concern is with the production of X and gamma rays in solar flares. Flares are initiated very often within the closed magnetic field configurations of active centers. According (2) when beta = kinetic energy density/magnetic energy density approximately 0.2, the magnetic trap configuration is destructed within the time scale of the impulsive phase of flares ( 100 s). A first particle acceleration stage occurs during this phase as indicated by impulsive microwave and hard X-rays bursts. In some flare events, when the field strength beta is very high, the broken field lines may close again, such that later, in the course of the flash and main phases more hot plasma of very high conductivity is created, and so, the field and frozen plasma expand outward, as the kinetic pressure inside the closed loops increases. The magnetically trapped particles excite strong Alfven wave turbulence of small transverse scale

    Study of photon emission by electron capture during solar nuclei acceleration, 1: Temperature-dependent cross section for charge changing processes

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    The study of charge changing cross sections of fast ions colliding with matter provides the fundamental basis for the analysis of the charge states produced in such interactions. Given the high degree of complexity of the phenomena, there is no theoretical treatment able to give a comprehensive description. In fact, the involved processes are very dependent on the basic parameters of the projectile, such as velocity charge state, and atomic number, and on the target parameters, the physical state (molecular, atomic or ionized matter) and density. The target velocity, may have also incidence on the process, through the temperature of the traversed medium. In addition, multiple electron transfer in single collisions intrincates more the phenomena. Though, in simplified cases, such as protons moving through atomic hydrogen, considerable agreement has been obtained between theory and experiments However, in general the available theoretical approaches have only limited validity in restricted regions of the basic parameters. Since most measurements of charge changing cross sections are performed in atomic matter at ambient temperature, models are commonly based on the assumption of targets at rest, however at Astrophysical scales, temperature displays a wide range in atomic and ionized matter. Therefore, due to the lack of experimental data , an attempt is made here to quantify temperature dependent cross sections on basis to somewhat arbitrary, but physically reasonable assumptions

    Study of non-thermal photon production under different scenarios in solar flares. 2: The Compton inverse and Bremsstrahlung models and fittings

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    Energy spectra of photons emitted from Bremsstrahlung (BR) of energetic electrons with matter, is obtained from the deconvolution of the electron energy spectra. It can be inferred that the scenario for the production of X-rays and gamma rays in solar flares may vary from event to event. However, it is possible in many cases to associated low energy events to impulsive acceleration, and the high energy phase of some events to stochastic acceleration. In both cases, flare particles seem to be strongly modulated by local energy losses. Electric field acceleration, associated to neutral current sheets is a suitable candidate for impulsive acceleration. Finally, that the predominant radiation process of this radiation is the inverse Compton effect due to the local flare photon field

    Red cell trapping and postischemic renal blood flow. Differences between the cortex, outer and inner medulla

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    Red cell trapping and postischemic renal blood flow. Differences between the cortex, outer and inner medulla. The distribution of blood flow in the rat kidney after 60 minutes of renal ischemia was studied by single-fiber laser-Doppler flowmetry. Blood flow in superficial cortex and inner medulla was measured with a probe directed towards the kidney surface and exposed papilla, respectively. Outer medullary blood flow was measured with a probe introduced through the renal core. After ischemia the blood flow decreased to 60% of the pre-ischemic value (P < 0.01) in superficial cortex and to 16% (P < 0.01) in outer medulla, while inner medullary blood flow increased paradoxically to 125% (P < 0.01). There was extensive trapping of red blood cells (RBC) in the outer medulla, but not in the inner medulla or cortex. The fractional RBC volume as measured by radiolabeled RBCs was 21% in the inner stripe of the outer medulla, but 2% in this area in a normal kidney. To investigate the influence of RBC trapping on intrarenal distribution of blood flow after ischemia, the hematocrit was reduced from 46% to 31% by isovolemic hemodilution. When performed before ischemia, this maneuver almost completely abolished RBC trapping. In this group blood flow in both outer and inner medulla was almost unchanged after ischemia, while superficial cortical blood flow decreased to 66% (P < 0.01) of the pre-ischemic value. It is concluded that RBC trapping in the outer medulla causes a large decrease in blood flow in this area and, at the same time, shunting of blood to the inner medulla. In the absence of RBC trapping, blood flow of both outer and inner medulla is well preserved after ischemia

    Coleman-Weinberg mechanism in a three-dimensional supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter model

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    Using the superfield formalism, we study the dynamical breaking of gauge symmetry in the N=1 three-dimensional supersymmetric Chern-Simons model, coupled to a complex scalar superfield with a quartic self-coupling. This is an analogue of the conformally invariant Coleman-Weinberg model in four spacetime dimensions. We show that a mass for the gauge and matter superfields are dynamically generated after two-loop corrections to the effective superpotential. We also discuss the N=2 extension of our work, showing that the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism in such model is not feasible, because it is incompatible with perturbation theory.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. Minor corrections, references added. Journal versio

    Fracture of a Heterotopic Ossification of the Syndesmosis in a Collegiate Football Player: A Case Report.

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    Objective: Present a clinical case detailing the assessment and management of a collegiate football player suffering from the fracturing of a heterotopic ossification of the syndesmosis. Background: Heterotopic ossifications are not uncommon following surgical fixation of the tibiofibular syndesmosis. Typically, properly healed fibular fractures do not result in further complications associated with heterotopic ossification. Treatment: A 21-year-old collegiate football player (1.8 m, 77.1 kg) reported to the athletic training staff complaining of acute lateral ankle pain following a plant and twist mechanism while running receiving routes. Initial evaluation led to a diagnosis of a syndesmotic ankle sprain, with a plan to pursue conservative management. When patient was unable to participate in the following practice due to intensity of pain, the patient was referred for x-rays a revealed poorly healed Weber Type C fracture that had been mislabeled as a Maisonneuve fracture at the patient’s previous university. This previous injury led to a heterotopic ossification of the syndesmosis that had fractured during the more recent injury. With this new diagnosis, the patient consented to conservative treatment that allowed the patient to return to football activities the following offseason. Uniqueness: While heterotopic ossification of the ankle syndesmosis has been reported in literature, there has yet to be extensive research on the condition. Generally, when these ossifications become symptomatic best practices involve surgical removal. In spite of presenting with symptoms, the patient was able to return to full participation following conservative treatment. Conclusion: When providing patient care, accurate diagnosis is crucial to optimal outcomes. Caring for patients in a collegiate setting presents a unique number of instances of patient care transfer, which may make previous misdiagnosis hard to recognize. Diligent health care practitioners should always ensure that a comprehensive medical history is obtained in order to make an accurate assessment. Keywords: Heterotopic ossification, syndesmosis, ankl

    Utilization of Cupping Therapy in the Treatment of Vascular Thoracic Outlet Syndrome in a Collegiate Pitcher: A Case Study

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    Objective: Present a clinical case detailing the effectiveness of dry cupping therapy in treating thoracic outlet syndrome. The utilization of dry cupping therapy on a 20-year-old collegiate baseball pitcher with diagnosed thoracic outlet syndrome is presented. Background: Thoracic outlet syndrome is a relatively rare musculoskeletal condition affecting 1/100,000 patients annually. Dry cupping therapy is an ancient therapeutic modality that utilizes various means of suction with the goal of decompressing myofascial layers. Treatment: Following diagnosis, patient was successfully treated in two weeks using dry cupping therapy. The patient experienced no further incidence of thoracic outlet syndrome symptoms and was able to complete the remainder of his competitive season. Uniqueness: The patient’s thoracic outlet syndrome was diagnosed at an early stage, leading to the need of clearance from a vascular specialist before returning to competition. To the author’s knowledge, there are currently no published case reports detailing the use of cupping therapy to treat thoracic outlet syndrome. Conclusion: Cupping therapy may be a viable treatment option when seeking to address tight musculature. Further research needs to be conducted to determine optimal parameters for cupping therapy as a therapeutic modality

    Lesiones y problemas físicos padecidos por senderistas y cicloturistas en una ruta por etapas: el caso del Camino de Santiago

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    Este trabajo ha tenido por objetivo conocer los problemas físicos, dolencias o enfermedades padecidas por el peregrino mayor de 15 años que recorre el Camino de Santiago, andando o en bicicleta, analizando las diferencias producidas en función de la edad, sexo, medio de locomoción y nacionalidad. La investigación se ha desarrollado mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario autoadministrado en Compostela a una muestra de 1.091 sujetos, utilizando el procedimiento de muestreo estratificado polietápico con afijación proporcional, con un margen de error muestral del ±3 % y un nivel de confianza del 95,5%. Los resultados indicaron que el medio utilizado para realizar una ruta por etapas, y la distancia recorrida, son determinantes de los problemas físicos sufridos, comprobándose que las ampollas y las llagas en los pies, así como la tendinitis, las padecen más los senderistas, mientras que a los cicloturistas afectan más las insolaciones, resfriados y caídas y golpes
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