44 research outputs found

    On the maximum age resolution achievable through stellar population synthesis models

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    As the reconstruction of the star-formation histories (SFH) of galaxies from spectroscopic data becomes increasingly popular, we explore the best age resolution achievable with stellar population synthesis (SPS) models, relying on different constraints: broad-band colours, absorption indices, a combination of the two, and the full spectrum. We perform idealized experiments on SPS models and show that the minimum resolvable relative duration of a star-formation episode (time difference between 10% and 90% of the stellar mass formed divided by the median age) is never better than 0.4, even when using spectra with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) larger than 100 per AA. Typically, the best relative age resolution ranges between 0.4 and 0.7 over most of the age-metallicity plane, corresponding to minimum bin sizes for SFH sampling between 0.15 and 0.25 dex. This resolution makes the spectroscopic exploration of distant galaxies mandatory in order to reconstruct the early phases of galaxies' SFHs. We show that spectroscopy with SNR \gtrsim 2/AA is essential for good age resolution. Remarkably, using the full spectrum does not prove significantly more effective than relying on absorption indices, especially at SNR \lesssim 20/AA. We discuss the physical origins of the age resolution trends as a function of age and metallicity, and identify the presence of maxima in age resolution (i.e. minima in measurable relative time duration) at the characteristic ages that correspond to quick time variations in spectral absorption features. We connect these maxima to bumps commonly observed in reconstructed SFHs.Comment: Accepted for publication on MNRAS - 16 page

    The similar stellar populations of quiescent spiral and elliptical galaxies

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    We compare the stellar population properties in the central regions of visually classified non-star-forming spiral and elliptical galaxies from Galaxy Zoo and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7. The galaxies lie in the redshift range 0.04 < z < 0.1 and have stellar masses larger than log M-* = 10.4. We select only face-on spiral galaxies in order to avoid contamination by light from the disc in the SDSS fibre and enabling the robust visual identification of spiral structure. Overall, we find that galaxies with larger central stellar velocity dispersions, regardless of morphological type, have older ages, higher metallicities and an increased overabundance of alpha-elements. Age and alpha-enhancement, at fixed velocity dispersion, do not depend on morphological type. The only parameter that, at a given velocity dispersion, correlates with morphological type is metallicity, where the metallicity of the bulges of spiral galaxies is 0.07 dex higher than that of the ellipticals. However, for galaxies with a given total stellar mass, this dependence on morphology disappears. Under the assumption that, for our sample, the velocity dispersion traces the mass of the bulge alone, as opposed to the total mass (bulge+disc) of the galaxy, our results imply that the formation epoch of galaxy and the duration of its star-forming period are linked to the mass of the bulge. The extent to which metals are retained within the galaxy, and not removed as a result of outflows, is determined by the total mass of the galaxy

    The similar stellar populations of quiescent spiral and elliptical galaxies

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    We compare the stellar population properties in the central regions of visually classified non-star-forming spiral and elliptical galaxies from Galaxy Zoo and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7. The galaxies lie in the redshift range 0.04 < z < 0.1 and have stellar masses larger than log M* = 10.4. We select only face-on spiral galaxies in order to avoid contamination by light from the disc in the SDSS fibre and enabling the robust visual identification of spiral structure. Overall, we find that galaxies with larger central stellar velocity dispersions, regardless of morphological type, have older ages, higher metallicities and an increased overabundance of α-elements. Age and α-enhancement, at fixed velocity dispersion, do not depend on morphological type. The only parameter that, at a given velocity dispersion, correlates with morphological type is metallicity, where the metallicity of the bulges of spiral galaxies is 0.07 dex higher than that of the ellipticals. However, for galaxies with a given total stellar mass, this dependence on morphology disappears. Under the assumption that, for our sample, the velocity dispersion traces the mass of the bulge alone, as opposed to the total mass (bulge+disc) of the galaxy, our results imply that the formation epoch of galaxy and the duration of its star-forming period are linked to the mass of the bulge. The extent to which metals are retained within the galaxy, and not removed as a result of outflows, is determined by the total mass of the galaxy

    Resolving the age bimodality of galaxy stellar populations on kpc scales

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    Galaxies in the local Universe are known to follow bimodal distributions in the global stellar populations properties. We analyze the distribution of the local average stellar-population ages of 654,053 sub-galactic regions resolved on ~1-kpc scales in a volume-corrected sample of 394 galaxies, drawn from the CALIFA-DR3 integral-field-spectroscopy survey and complemented by SDSS imaging. We find a bimodal local-age distribution, with an old and a young peak primarily due to regions in early-type galaxies and star-forming regions of spirals, respectively. Within spiral galaxies, the older ages of bulges and inter-arm regions relative to spiral arms support an internal age bimodality. Although regions of higher stellar-mass surface-density, mu*, are typically older, mu* alone does not determine the stellar population age and a bimodal distribution is found at any fixed mu*. We identify an "old ridge" of regions of age ~9 Gyr, independent of mu*, and a "young sequence" of regions with age increasing with mu* from 1-1.5 Gyr to 4-5 Gyr. We interpret the former as regions containing only old stars, and the latter as regions where the relative contamination of old stellar populations by young stars decreases as mu* increases. The reason why this bimodal age distribution is not inconsistent with the unimodal shape of the cosmic-averaged star-formation history is that i) the dominating contribution by young stars biases the age low with respect to the average epoch of star formation, and ii) the use of a single average age per region is unable to represent the full time-extent of the star-formation history of "young-sequence" regions.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, MNRAS accepte

    An exquisitely deep view of quenching galaxies through the gravitational lens: Stellar population, morphology, and ionized gas

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    This work presents an in-depth analysis of four gravitationally lensed red galaxies at z = 1.6-3.2. The sources are magnified by factors of 2.7-30 by foreground clusters, enabling spectral and morphological measurements that are otherwise challenging. Our sample extends below the characteristic mass of the stellar mass function and is thus more representative of the quiescent galaxy population at z > 1 than previous spectroscopic studies. We analyze deep VLT/X-SHOOTER spectra and multi-band Hubble Space Telescope photometry that cover the rest-frame UV-to-optical regime. The entire sample resembles stellar disks as inferred from lensing-reconstructed images. Through stellar population synthesis analysis we infer that the targets are young (median age = 0.1-1.2 Gyr) and formed 80% of their stellar masses within 0.07-0.47 Gyr. Mg II λλ2796,2803\lambda\lambda 2796,2803 absorption is detected across the sample. Blue-shifted absorption and/or redshifted emission of Mg II is found in the two youngest sources, indicative of a galactic-scale outflow of warm (T104T\sim10^{4} K) gas. The [O III] λ5007\lambda5007 luminosity is higher for the two young sources (median age less than 0.4 Gyr) than the two older ones, perhaps suggesting a decline in nuclear activity as quenching proceeds. Despite high-velocity (v1500v\approx1500 km s1^{-1}) galactic-scale outflows seen in the most recently quenched galaxies, warm gas is still present to some extent long after quenching. Altogether our results indicate that star formation quenching at high redshift must have been a rapid process (< 1 Gyr) that does not synchronize with bulge formation or complete gas removal. Substantial bulge growth is required if they are to evolve into the metal-rich cores of present-day slow-rotators.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 37 pages, 20 figures, 10 table

    Stars, gas, and star formation of distant post-starburst galaxies

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    We present a comprehensive multi-wavelength study of 5 poststarburst galaxies with M>1011MM_\ast > 10^{11} M_\odot at z0.7z\sim 0.7, examining their stars, gas, and current and past star-formation activities. Using optical images from the Subaru telescope and Hubble Space Telescope, we observe a high incidence of companion galaxies and low surface brightness tidal features, indicating that quenching is closely related to interactions between galaxies. From optical spectra provided by the LEGA-C survey, we model the stellar continuum to derive the star-formation histories and show that the stellar masses of progenitors ranging from 2×109M2\times10^9 M_\odot to 1011M10^{11} M_\odot, undergoing a burst of star formation several hundred million years prior to observation, with a decay time scale of 100\sim100 million years. Our ALMA observations detect CO(2-1) emission in four galaxies, with the molecular gas spreading over up to >1">1", or 10\sim10 kpc, with a mass of up to 2×1010M\sim2 \times10^{10} M_\odot. However, star-forming regions are unresolved by either the slit spectra or 3~GHz continuum observed by the Very Large Array. Comparisons between the star-formation rates and gas masses, and the sizes of CO emission and star-forming regions suggest a low star-forming efficiency. We show that the star-formation rates derived from IR and radio luminosities with commonly-used calibrations tend to overestimate the true values because of the prodigious amount of radiation from old stars and the contribution from AGN, as the optical spectra reveal weak AGN-driven outflows.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    Obscured star formation in intermediate-density environments:A Spitzer study of the Abell 901/902 supercluster

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    We explore the amount of obscured star formation as a function of environment in the Abell 901/902 (A901/902) supercluster at z = 0.165 in conjunction with a field sample drawn from the A901 and CDFS fields, imaged with the Hubble Space Telescope as part of the Space Telescope A901/902 Galaxy Evolution Survey and Galaxy Evolution from Morphology and Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) Survey. We combine the combo-17 near-UV/optical SED with Spitzer 24 mu m photometry to estimate both the unobscured and obscured star formation in galaxies with M-* > 10(10) M-circle dot. We find that the star formation activity in massive galaxies is suppressed in dense environments, in agreement with previous studies. Yet, nearly 40% of the star-forming (SF) galaxies have red optical colors at intermediate and high densities. These red systems are not starbursting; they have star formation rates (SFRs) per unit stellar mass similar to or lower than blue SF galaxies. More than half of the red SF galaxies have low infrared-to-ultraviolet (IR-to-UV) luminosity ratios, relatively high Sersicindices, and they are equally abundant at all densities. They might be gradually quenching their star formation, possibly but not necessarily under the influence of gas-removing environmental processes. The other greater than or similar to 40% of the red SF galaxies have high IR-to-UV luminosity ratios, indicative of high dust obscuration. They have relatively high specific SFRs and are more abundant at intermediate densities. Our results indicate that while there is an overall suppression in the SF galaxy fraction with density, the small amount of star formation surviving the cluster environment is to a large extent obscured, suggesting that environmental interactions trigger a phase of obscured star formation, before complete quenching

    Optically-passive spirals: The missing link in gradual star formation suppression upon cluster infall

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    Galaxies migrate from the blue cloud to the red sequence when their star formation is quenched. Here, we report on galaxies quenched by environmental effects and not by mergers or strong AGN as often invoked: They form stars at a reduced rate which is optically even less conspicuous, and manifest a transition population of blue spirals evolving into S0 galaxies. These 'optically passive' or 'red spirals' are found in large numbers in the STAGES project (and by Galaxy Zoo) in the infall region of clusters and groups.Comment: Proceedings of "The Starburst-AGN connection" conference held in Shanghai, Oct 27-31, 200

    The STAGES view of red spirals and dusty red galaxies: Mass-dependent quenching of star-formation in cluster infall

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    We investigate the properties of optically passive spirals and dusty red galaxies in the A901/2 cluster complex at redshift ~0.17 using restframe near-UV-optical SEDs, 24 micron IR data and HST morphologies from the STAGES dataset. The cluster sample is based on COMBO-17 redshifts with an rms precision of sigma_cz~2000 km/sec. We find that 'dusty red galaxies' and 'optically passive spirals' in A901/2 are largely the same phenomenon, and that they form stars at a substantial rate, which is only 4x lower than that in blue spirals at fixed mass. This star formation is more obscured than in blue galaxies and its optical signatures are weak. They appear predominantly in the stellar mass range of log M*/Msol=[10,11] where they constitute over half of the star-forming galaxies in the cluster; they are thus a vital ingredient for understanding the overall picture of star formation quenching in clusters. We find that the mean specific SFR of star-forming galaxies in the cluster is clearly lower than in the field, in contrast to the specific SFR properties of blue galaxies alone, which appear similar in cluster and field. Such a rich red spiral population is best explained if quenching is a slow process and morphological transformation is delayed even more. At log M*/Msol<10, such galaxies are rare, suggesting that their quenching is fast and accompanied by morphological change. We note, that edge-on spirals play a minor role; despite being dust-reddened they form only a small fraction of spirals independent of environment.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Less than 10 percent of star formation in z=0.6 massive galaxies is triggered by major interactions

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    Both observations and simulations show that major tidal interactions or mergers between gas-rich galaxies can lead to intense bursts of starformation. Yet, the average enhancement in star formation rate (SFR) in major mergers and the contribution of such events to the cosmic SFR are not well estimated. Here we use photometric redshifts, stellar masses and UV SFRs from COMBO-17, 24 micron SFRs from Spitzer and morphologies from two deep HST cosmological survey fields (ECDFS/GEMS and A901/STAGES) to study the enhancement in SFR as a function of projected galaxy separation. We apply two-point projected correlation function techniques, which we augment with morphologically-selected very close pairs (separation <2 arcsec) and merger remnants from the HST imaging. Our analysis confirms that the most intensely star-forming systems are indeed interacting or merging. Yet, for massive (M* > 10^10 Msun) star-forming galaxies at 0.4<z<0.8, we find that the SFRs of galaxies undergoing a major interaction (mass ratios <1:4 and separations < 40 kpc) are only 1.80 +/- 0.30 times higher than the SFRs of non-interacting galaxies when averaged over all interactions and all stages of the interaction, in good agreement with other observational works. We demonstrate that these results imply that <10% of star formation at 0.4 < z < 0.8 is triggered directly by major mergers and interactions; these events are not important factors in the build-up of stellar mass since z=1.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. 41 pages, 11 figure