298 research outputs found

    Nuevos datos sobre el endemismo balear Daucus carota L. subsp. majoricus A. Pujadas (Apiaceae) en el archipiélago de Cabrera

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    Daucus carota L. subsp. majoricus A. Pujadas es un endemismo balear que sólo se conoce del archipiélago de Cabrera y del oeste de Mallorca (incluyendo Dragonera). Este taxon pertenece al grupo de D. carota L. sensu lato, un agregado taxonómico que incluye un gran número de subespecies y que se considera muy problemático debido a su marcada variabilidad morfológica (tanto inter- como intrapoblacional). En este artículo se aportan datos morfológicos complementarios a los ya existentes, con la intención de ofrecer, en conjunto, una caracterización morfológica de la población presente en el archipiélago de Cabrera con el máximo detalle. Dicha caracterización será útil para establecer comparaciones con otras poblaciones mediterráneas que resultan problemáticas en su taxonomía. Por otro lado, también se presentan datos sobre ecología, fitosociología y conservación del taxon.Daucus carota L. subsp. majoricus A. Pujadas is a Balearic endemic plant which is only present in the Cabrera archipelago and west of Majorca island. This taxon belongs to the D. carota L. sensu lato group, a taxonomic aggregate that includes a large number of taxa and that is considered very problematic due to its remarkable morphological variation (both interand intrapopulation). New complementary data are reported to characterize the Cabrera population in a more detailed extent. This will be useful for further morphological studies we are undertaking with other related Mediterranean populations that are still not well resolved taxonomically. Moreover, ecological, phytosociological and conservation data are also presented

    Field Activity of Reticulitermes grassei (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in Oak Forests of the Southern Iberian Peninsula

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    This paper presents preliminary data on the field activity of Reticulitermes grassei Clément in oak forests of the southern Iberian Peninsula. Recent research has provided information on the nature and intensity of termite damage to cork oaks (Quercus suber, L.) in northern Andalusia (Spain). Taking that information into account, the present study sought to determine annual field activity pattern in R. grassei, with a view to identifying more precisely the best time for applying control techniques. Data were obtained from field monitoring experiments conducted over a complete one-year cycle using termite-specific baited traps. Results for relative termite numbers at different periods indicated that forest activity was most intense in mid-summer, whilst the surface foraging area was greatest from late summer to early fall, peaking after the first autumnal rains. The findings of this study may help to enhance the efficacy of termite bait treatments in natural environments, since baits decay and lose effectiveness over time, and are also dispersed by the termites themselves. Accurate information on peak termite activity periods would enable products to be applied in most favorable timing, thus optimizing the results of treatment

    Reproductive biology of Chlaenius velutinus (Duftschmid, 1812)(Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the south of the Iberian Peninsula

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    Se estudia la biología de reproducción de Chlaenius velutinus Duftschmid, 1812, especie bien representada en las comunidades de carábidos ripícolas del sur de la Península, en las que suele ser un elemento dominante. Se parte de muestreos sistemáticos efectuados en el arroyo Arenosillo (tributario de la cuenca del Guadalquivir por su margen derecho), de estudios anatómicos relativos a la edad y sexo de los ejemplares y al estado gonadal de las hembras y de cultivos de laboratorio. Los resultados indican que la actividad de los imagos se centra en primavera, con un máximo en abril y mayo, momento en que también es máxima la oviposición, que la fecundidad es elevada (10,05 huevos/hembra), que el período medio de desarrollo en el laboratorio es algo más de un mes y que la fase más crítica, en condiciones artificiales, es la eclosión del huevo. De todo lo anterior se deduce que el ciclo de vida de C. velutinus se ajusta al de los reproductores de primavera (Larsson, 1939)

    Measuring residents' perceptions of corporate social responsibility at small and medium-sized sports events

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    Due to the increase of sports events in local communities, it has become essential to organize such events in a socially responsible way at the environmental, social, and economic levels. The aim of this research was to develop a measurement tool to help determine the degree of social responsibility perceived by residents at small-medium scale sports events, to guide sports managers towards the design of socially responsible sports events. From the elaboration of a questionnaire developed ad-hoc, the perception of the residents was analyzed (n = 516). The psychometric properties of the tool, composed of 35 items, were analyzed by means of an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. As main conclusions, we were able to contrast the validity and reliability of the questionnaire on the perception of corporate social responsibility in small-scale sports events, around the dimensions of Sustainable Sports Activity, Social Cohesion, and Well-Being. As a consequence, it allowed us to identify three strategic management areas towards which the organizers of these events should focus special attention if they want to progress towards the achievement of socially responsible sports event

    Influence of the structural components of artificial turf systems on impact attenuation in amateur football players

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    The purpose of this research was to evaluate the infuence of the structural components of diferent 3rd generation artifcial turf football feld systems on the biomechanical response of impact attenuation in amateur football players. A total of 12 amateur football players (24.3±3.7 years, 73.5±5.5kg, 178.3±4.1cm and 13.7±4.3 years of sport experience) were evaluated on three third generation artifcial turf systems (ATS) with diferent structural components. ATS were composed of asphalt subbase and 45mm of fbre height with (ATS1) and without (ATS2) elastic layer or compacted granular sub-base, 60mm of fbre height without elastic layer (ATS3). Two triaxial accelerometers were frmly taped to the forehead and the distal end of the right tibia of each individual. The results reveal a higher force reduction on ATS3 in comparison to ATS1 (+6.24%, CI95%: 1.67 to 10.92, ES: 1.07; p<0.05) and ATS2 (+21.08%, CI95%: 16.51 to 25.66, ES: 2.98; p<0.05) elastic layer. Tibia acceleration rate was lower on ATS3 than ATS1 (−0.32, CI95%: −0.60 to −0.03, ES: 4.23; p<0.05) and ATS2 (−0.35, CI95%: −0.64 to −0.06; ES: 4.69; p<0.05) at 3.3m/s. A very large correlation (r=0.7 to 0.9; p<0.05) was found between energy restitution and fbre height in both head and tibial peak acceleration and stride time. In conclusion, structural components (fbre height, infll, sub-base and elastic layer) determine the mechanical properties of artifcial turf felds. A higher force reduction and lower energy restitution diminished the impact received by the player which could protect against injuries associated with impacts compared to harder artifcial turf surfaces

    Stress and coping styles of informal caregivers of dependent elderly people: a systematic review

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    [ES] La familia es la principal fuente de apoyo que asume la responsabilidad de cuidar a las personas mayores. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de diferentes investigaciones, mediante la consulta en seis bases de datos científicas: WoS, Scielo, PubMed, Dialnet, Elsevier y Teseo. La revisión se realizó con 24 documentos de carácter empírico y teórico, se basaron en estudios dentro de territorio español, el tipo de diseño de los documentos elegidos fue muy variado y se excluyeron diseños de meta-análisis y revisión bibliográfica, la edad de la muestra de las cuidadoras fue entre los 50-67 años. Se buscó la relación de la cuidadora con el dependiente, así como el nivel de dependencia que presentan. Los estudios coinciden en la prevalencia significativa de estrés dentro del colectivo de las cuidadoras informales. además de presentar mayoritariamente un estilo de afrontamiento huidizo. Se concluye que el estrés y las diferentes formas de afrontarlo es un fenómeno multifacético y un hecho cada vez más importante y preocupante. Las cuidadoras presentan un menor apoyo social y el riesgo de experimentar sobrecarga es más alto.[EN] The family is the main source of support that assumes the responsibility of caring for the elderly. A systematic review of different investigations was carried out, by consulting six scientific databases: WoS, Scielo, PubMed, Dialnet, Elsevier and Teseo. The review was carried out with 24 empirical and theoretical documents, they were based on studies within Spanish territory, the type of design of the chosen documents was very varied and meta-analysis and bibliographic review designs were excluded, the age of the sample of the caregivers was between 50-67 years old. The relationship of the caregiver with the dependent was sought, as well as the level of dependency they present. The studies agree on the significant prevalence of stress within the group of informal caregivers. In addition to presenting mostly an elusive coping style. It is concluded that stress and the different ways of coping with it is a multifaceted phenomenon and an increasingly important and worrying fact. Female caregivers have less social support and the risk of experiencing overload is highe

    Estrés y estilos de afrontamiento de las cuidadoras informales de personas mayores dependientes: Revisión Sistemática

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    RESUMEN La familia es la principal fuente de apoyo que asume la responsabilidad de cuidar a las personas mayores. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de diferentes investigaciones, mediante la consulta en seis bases de datos científicas: WoS, Scielo, PubMed, Dialnet, Elsevier y Teseo. La revisión se realizó con 24 documentos de carácter empírico y teórico, se basaron en estudios dentro de territorio español, el tipo de diseño de los documentos elegidos fue muy variado y se excluyeron diseños de meta-análisis y revisión bibliográfica, la edad de la muestra de las cuidadoras fue entre los 50-67 años. Se buscó la relación de la cuidadora con el dependiente, así como el nivel de dependencia que presentan. Los estudios coinciden en la prevalencia significativa de estrés dentro del colectivo de las cuidadoras informales. además de presentar mayoritariamente un estilo de afrontamiento huidizo. Se concluye que el estrés y las diferentes formas de afrontarlo es un fenómeno multifacético y un hecho cada vez más importante y preocupante. Las cuidadoras presentan un menor apoyo social y el riesgo de experimentar sobrecarga es más alto. ABSTRACT The family is the main source of support that assumes the responsibility of caring for the elderly. A systematic review of different investigations was carried out, by consulting six scientific databases: WoS, Scielo, PubMed, Dialnet, Elsevier and Teseo. The review was carried out with 24 empirical and theoretical documents, they were based on studies within Spanish territory, the type of design of the chosen documents was very varied and meta-analysis and bibliographic review designs were excluded, the age of the sample of the caregivers was between 50-67 years old. The relationship of the caregiver with the dependent was sought, as well as the level of dependency they present. The studies agree on the significant prevalence of stress within the group of informal caregivers. In addition to presenting mostly an elusive coping style. It is concluded that stress and the different ways of coping with it is a multifaceted phenomenon and an increasingly important and worrying fact. Female caregivers have less social support and the risk of experiencing overload is higher


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    Living biomass biofilters constitute an excellent alternative for heavy metal bioremediation. In situ biomass and exopolysaccharides production involve a crucial advantage over other bioremediation alternatives such as lignocellulosic biomass-based materials. In this study, a biofilm-forming bacterium was isolated from an ambient exposed to heavy metals. Bacterial biomass was inoculated on a biofilter packed with Furcraea andina fibers. The goal was to develop a continuous low-cost biofilter to remove low-to-moderate concentrations of Pb2+. Adsorption equilibrium and kinetics were determined for the fibers and the biofilm developed on the fibers. Biofilm presence had positive effects on the maximum adsorption capacity and the process kinetics. Biofilters packed with 20 g of F. andina fibers, with and without living biomass biofilm, were evaluated under continuous inflow of Pb2+ (325mg/day) at a concentration of 50 mg/L. The best results were obtained with the biofilm- fiber biofilter where total adsorption on Pb2+ were observed for 72 h. Maximum absorption capacity was 48.75 mg/g at pH=7

    Very early Guillain-Barré syndrome: A clinical-electrophysiological and ultrasonographic study

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    Objectives: Using recent optimized electrodiagnostic criteria sets, we primarily aimed at verifying the accuracy of the initial electrophysiological test in very early Guillain-Barré syndrome (VEGBS), ?4 days of onset, compared with the results of serial electrophysiology. Our secondary objective was to correlate early electrophysiological results with sonographic nerve changes. Methods: This is a retrospective study based on consecutive VEGBS patients admitted to the hospital. Each patient had serial nerve conduction studies (NCS) in at least 4 nerves. Initial NCS were done within 4 days after onset, and serial ones from the second week onwards. Electrophysiological recordings of each case were re-evaluated, GBS subtype being established accordingly. Nerve ultrasonography was almost always performed within 2 weeks after onset. Results: Fifteen adult VEGBS patients were identified with a mean age of 57.8 years. At first NCS, VEGBS sub-typing was only possible in 3 (20%) cases that showed an axonal pattern, the remaining patterns being mixed (combining axonal and demyelinating features) in 6 (40%), equivocal in 5 (33.3%), and normal in 1 (6.7%). Upon serial NCS, 7 (46.7%) cases were categorized as acute demyelinating polyneuropathy, 7 (46.7%) as axonal GBS, and 1 (6.6%) as unclassified syndrome. Antiganglioside reactivity was detected in 5 out of the 7 axonal cases. Nerve US showed that lesions mainly involved the ventral rami of scanned cervical nerves. Conclusions: Serial electrophysiological evaluation is necessary for accurate VEGBS subtype classification. Ultrasonography helps delineate the topography of nerve changes. Significance: We provide new VEGBS pathophysiological insights into nerve conduction alterations within the first 4 days of the clinical course.Acknowledgement: This paper was supported by IDIVAL (ID APG/11) and CIBERNED. The authors are most grateful to Mrs Marta de la Fuente for secretarial assistance