1,475 research outputs found

    Letter and Recollections of Alexander Agassiz: The 1891 Albatross Expedition

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    Presented here is another in the list of historic accounts of iconic research cruises of the USFC Steamer Albatross, this a reminiscence of the renowned scientist Alexander Agassiz edited by his son G. R. Agassiz, a chapter from the volume “Letters and Recollections of Alexander Agassiz,” published in 1913. Agassiz made three major cruises in the Albatross in 1891, 1899–1900, and 1904–05, adding greatly to the world’s store of specimens and knowledge of thalasography, his favored term for oceangraphy, and specifically of the Pacific Ocean. Having made important cruises and studies with the Blake in the Caribbean, he sought to do comparable research in the Pacific. His opportunity came in 1890, and with the consent of President Benjamin Harrison, he took charge of this Albatross research cruise, paying much of the expense himself. In contrast with the other ships he had been on, he found the laboratories, equipment, and furnishings to be comparatively luxurious and extremely well appointed for his work. Further, the Albatross was then captained by Lieutenant Commander Zera Luther Tanner who seemed to take as much interest in the oceanographic research as did the scientists, and Agassiz appreciated working with him, too. Little of the original text has been altered, and readers are cautioned that some of the views expressed may reflect unfortunate prejudices of that era toward individuals, nationalities, etc

    Guareschi\u27s Mondo Piccolo and the Sacrality of Conscience

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    This study adopts a Christian hermeneutic to explore sacred themes in several of the 346 Don Camillo short stories that Giovannino Guareschi wrote between 1946 and 1966. Such a critical approach may seem non-traditional to use in analyzing a post-World War II, twentieth-century author. And yet, Guareschi defies convention in many ways beyond his profession as a journalist, humorist and popular author: he openly opposed the anti-clerical and Marxist literary establishment; defined himself as an anti-intellectual; and, as a layperson, he wrote unromantically about matters of faith. Especially as editor of the immensely popular weekly newspaper Candido, he had the perfect forum to reach millions of readers who shared his Christian values and were not part of the intellectual elite. To be sure, Don Camillo stories delight and earn frequent smiles and giggles, but the narrative action in best of them powerfully echoes Jesus of Nazareth’s call to conversion and forgiveness through the way characters heed their consciences

    Una excursió a sa Galera

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    On international cost-sharing of pharmaceutical R&D

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    Ramsey pricing has been proposed in the pharmaceutical industry as a principle to price discriminate among markets while allowing to recover the (fixed) R&D cost. However, such analyses neglect the presence of insurance or the fund raising costs for most of drug reimbursement. By incorporating these new elements, we aim at providing some building blocks towards an economic theory incorporating Ramsey pricing and insurance coverage. We show how coinsurance affects the optimal prices to pay for the R&D investment. We also show that under certain conditions, there is no strategic incentive by governments to set coinsurance rates in order to shift the financial burden of R&D. This will have important implications to the application of Ramsey pricing principles to pharmaceutical products across countries

    A compreensão feita de diálogos e silêncios

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    RAMOS, G. Minsk. Ilustrações de Rosinha. Rio de Janeiro: Galera Record, 2013.RAMOS, G. Minsk. Ilustrações de Rosinha. Rio de Janeiro: Galera Record, 2013

    Información y poder. Internet como medio alternativo de comunicación en situaciones de conflicto. Un análisis de la «Crisis de los rehenes» en Perú a partir de la lectura de los discursos de los distintos actores sociales intervinientes

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    En la presente investigación se analiza la toma de rehenes en la residenciadel embajador japonés en Perú, ocurrida en Lima entre diciembre de 1996y marzo de 1997.Este tema se aborda a partir de dos ejes. En primera instancia, se indaganlas influencias existentes entre el desarrollo de las estrategias de informacióny comunicación, implementadas para posicionarse ante la opinión públicanacional e internacional desarrolladas por el grupo insurgente MovimientoRevolucionario Tupac Amaru (MRTA), y las del gobierno de Alberto Fujimori.El otro eje temático es el análisis de la importancia que tuvo Internet enese momento como espacio alternativo de comunicación.En el momento de «la crisis de los rehenes», Perú tenía un gobierno nodemocrático que poseía una importante maquinaria propagandística. Porese motivo, es importante evaluar la influencia que tuvo la informaciónemitida por el MRTA sobre la sociedad civil para la construcción de redes,la participación política y la acción social efectiva en el espacio virtual y enel espacio objetiv

    El espacio narrativo en El Señor de los Anillos.

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    The work consists of an analysis of the narrative space in the trilogy The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien. The analysis was carried out by dividing the space into three levels: location, scope of performance, and spatial configuration. Examples and quotes of each level are provided from each part of the novel

    Projecte d'activitat, contra incendis i elèctric de baixa tensió d'un edifici destinat a la venda i reparació d'automòbils

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    Es presenta un projecte per a legalitzar una activitat d’exposició, venda i reparació de vehicles automòbils. L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte es la legalització i dotació de les instal•lacions bàsiques i adients per a aquest establiment. Ens centrarem en tres projectes que considerem essencials per a la posada en marxa aquest negoci. Projecte d’activitat, necessari per a la obertura al públic del negoci. S’ha realitzat basant-se en la llei 3/98 de la Intervenció Integral de l’Administració Ambiental, que regula les activitats segons el nivell de perillositat per al medi ambient i les persones d’aquestes. Projecte de protecció contra incendis, exigit per a la obertura de qualsevol activitat. Té com a objectiu prevenir, protegir, minimitzar i controlar una possible situació d’incendi. Està basat en el Reglament de Seguretat Contra Incendis per als Establiments Industrials i el Document Bàsic de Seguretat d’Incendi del Codi Tècnic de l’Edificació Projecte elèctric de Baixa Tensió, necessari per a poder obtenir potència elèctrica per part de la companyia subministradora i així alimentar tota la maquinaria i enllumenat necessaris per a la correcte funcionament de l’establiment. Per a realitzar aquest projecte s’utilitzarà el Reglament Electrotècnic de Baixa Tensió, entre d’altres. Conscients del fort deteriorament del medi ambient i de l’impacte a aquest que pot provocar un taller de reparació d’automòbils, s’ha realitzat un estudi de minimització de residus perillosos i un Informe Preliminar de Situació per a controlar la contaminació del sòl. Per últim, per tal de dotar al Projecte Fi de Carrera d’una part pròpiament mecànica, s’ha realitzat el disseny i càlcul d’una estructura tipus marquesina

    Carta de un abogado a los médicos

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    Por suerte, esto está escrito por un abogado. Sería bueno que los responsables de las Sociedades Científicas se pusieran en contacto con él. Nos parece oportuno transcribir parte de este artículo publicado en el Diario El Cronista, hace aproximadamente dos años, por el Dr. Marcos R. Llambias (h), (apellido muy conocido entre los abogados argentinos)

    Six test to evaluate music abilities: a review

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    Se realiza un análisis de seis test que tratan de medir diferentes habilidades musicales. En cada uno de ellos, sus autores tratan de definir el constructo que abordan sus instrumentos de medida. Los test se dividen entre aquellos que tratan de medir habilidades musicales innatas o adquiridas dentro de una formación musical no formal y aquellos que miden habilidades musicales fruto del aprendizaje en un contexto musical formalThe study analyses six test of music ability. The test authors try to define which kind of construct is being studied. The works are divided into those that try to evaluate innate music skills and those that measure music achievement