94 research outputs found

    Theory of justice: Beyond the national limits

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    La teoría de la justicia generalmente trata problemas que se dan dentro de los límites nacionales, es decir, justicia e injusticia tienen en cuenta lo que pasa dentro de estos límites y a aquellos sujetos reconocidos como ciudadanos de ese país. Sin embargo, en los últimos años el debate de la teoría de la justicia se ha centrado no solo en qué es una injusticia sino también en quién debe ser tenido en cuenta como sujeto de justicia. Podemos entender como injusticia la exclusión por parte de las instituciones hacia aquellos sujetos a los que no consideran ciudadanos, haciéndoles imposible reclamar justicia. La pregunta que hacemos es: ¿cómo podemos establecer quién está legitimado como sujeto de justicia?Theory of justice generally addresses issues within national borders, which means that justice and injustice only take into account what happens inside the borders of a country and those are recognized as citizen of that country. However, in recent years the debate around theory of justice has focused not only on what an injustice is, but also on who should be taken into account as subject of justice. Injustice could be also understood as the exclusion performed by institutions towards subjects who are not taken as citizens, making it impossible for them to claim justice. So the question is: how can we establish who is a legitimate subject of justice

    Avaliação do risco de desenvolvimento de burnout nos dietistas/nutricionistas em Portugal mediante a análise de seis áreas da vida no trabalho

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    Classificações do JEL Classification System: I12 (Health Behavior), I18 (Public Health)O burnout é a condição resultante da erosão psicológica pela exposição prolongada a fatores de stress ocupacionais. Os profissionais de saúde, entre os quais os profissionais de Nutrição, enfrentam desafios diários exigentes a nível emocional, e torna-se por isso essencial perceber de que forma estes profissionais estão expostos a fatores preditores de burnout, estudar os seus efeitos e atuar na sua redução/prevenção. O estudo tem como objetivos avaliar o grau de predisposição ao desenvolvimento de burnout pelos profissionais de Dietética e Nutrição tendo em conta as seis áreas da vida no trabalho definidas no modelo de Maslach e Leiter (1997) e verificar de que forma as características sociodemográficas e a situação profissional influenciam a relação com o trabalho nessas mesmas áreas. A amostra é constituída por 177 profissionais de Dietética e Nutrição e a recolha dos dados foi feita com recurso a um questionário composto por três partes (questionário sociodemográfico, situação profissional e questionário Areas of Worklife Scale - AWS). Os resultados mostram que existe predisposição para o desenvolvimento de burnout nas áreas laborais da carga de trabalho e justiça para os profissionais da amostra. Existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos scores do questionário AWS tendo em conta algumas das características sociodemográficas e a situação profissional da amostra. A intervenção direcionada para a relação entre o indivíduo e o ambiente de trabalho deve perspetivar uma abordagem organizacional que permita identificar situações de burnout e desenvolver um plano de ação adequado.Burnout can be defined as a condition resulting from psychological erosion by prolonged exposure to occupational stress factors. Healthcare professionals, including nutrition professionals, face demanding daily challenges in an emotional level, and therefore becomes essential to understand how these professionals are exposed to predictors of burnout, studying its effects on the individuals and acting to its reduction/prevention. The study aims to evaluate the degree of predisposition to the development of burnout for Dietetics and Nutrition professionals considering the six areas of worklife defined in the model of Maslach and Leiter (1997), and to verify how the sociodemographic characteristics and occupational status influence the relationship with work in those areas. The sample consists of 177 Dietetics and Nutrition professionals and the data collection was done using a questionnaire divided into three parts (sociodemographic questionnaire, occupational status questionnaire and Areas of Worklife Scale - AWS questionnaire). The outcomes reveal, within the context of the sample, that there is a predisposition to the development of burnout in the areas of workload and fairness for professionals. There are statistically significant differences in AWS scores regarding some of the sociodemographic characteristics and occupational status in the sample. A targeted intervention to the relationship between the individual and the work setting, must set up an organizational approach in order to identify situations of burnout and develop an appropriate action plan

    Italian Thought: los comunes y el uso

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    This paper explores the proposals of Giorgio Agamben and Roberto Esposito, two of the top representatives of the Italian Thought, around the notion of community and commons. Starting from an analysis of the community based on the munus, the statute of the commons is examined as opposed to the right of property. Next, the discussion around the notion of use of the commons and its difficult reconciliation with the legal apparatus is presented. Finally, the notion of inappropriateness that underpins the Italian study of the commons is studied.El presente trabajo explora las propuestas de Giorgio Agamben y Roberto Esposito, dos de los máximos representantes del Italian Thought, en torno a la noción de comunidad y bienes comunes. A partir de un análisis sobre la comunidad basada en el munus, se examina el estatuto de los bienes comunes en contraposición al derecho de propiedad. A continuación, se presenta la discusión en torno a la noción de uso de los bienes comunes y su difícil reconciliación con el aparato jurídico. Finalmente, se estudia la noción de inapropiable que vertebra el estudio italiano de los bienes comunes

    Troca com o líder e desempenho dos trabalhadores temporários : o papel mediador da formação

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia dos Recursos Humanos, do Trabalho e das Organizações), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2012Atendendo à actual conjectura económica e social as organizações necessitam, cada vez mais, de uma força de trabalho flexível, capaz de dar resposta às constantes mudanças do negócio. De modo a fazer face a esta realidade, a contratação de trabalhadores em regime temporário é já uma opção recorrente em todo o mundo e, factores como práticas de Recursos Humanos (RH) implementadas pela organização, bem como a relação com o líder, têm muita importância para o desempenho destes colaboradores. No presente estudo, de design correlacional, foram estudadas as relações entre o LMX (trocas líder-membro), a percepção da formação e o desempenho dos colaboradores, com uma amostra de 116 participantes provenientes de duas empresas do sector das indústrias. Os resultados obtidos foram ao encontro do previsto teoricamente e, neste sentido, observou-se uma relação positiva e significativa entre o LMX e a percepção da formação e uma relação positiva e significativa entre esta percepção da formação e o desempenho, bem como uma relação de mediação do LMX e desempenho pela formação. De uma forma geral, os resultados permitem salientar o papel indispensável do líder para estes colaboradores, bem como destacar a formação como uma prática de RH muito importante nesta população.Given the current economic and social situation, organizations need a more flexible labor force capable of responding to the constant changes in the business world. In order to face this reality, hiring employees with temporary status is a recurring option worldwide and, factors like Human Resources (HR) practices implemented in the organization, as well as the relationship established with the leader have an important impact on the performance of these employees. In the present study, based on a correlational design, it was analyzed the relations between LMX (leader-member exchange), the training perception and the workers performance, with a sample of 116 participants from two enterprises of the industrial sector. The results are according to what was expected theoretically and, in that sense, it was observed a positive and significant relationship between LMX and performance and a positive and significant relationship between training perception and performance, as well as, the relationship between LMX and performance was mediated by training. Generally, the results underline the crucial role of the leader to these employees, as well as, they highlight training as a very significant HR practice in this population

    La máquina antropológica: Límites de una singularidad impersonal

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Filosofía. Fecha de lectura: 14-10-2019Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 14-04-202

    Les enfants de la cité. Un nouveau paradigme de vivre dans l'œuvre de Giorgio Agamben

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    This article examines, from an archaeological perspective, the dispositif of citizenship and its presence in the work of Giorgio Agamben. The article begins with an investigation of the discourses around the Athenian autochthonous myth that have intervened in the formation of the dispositif of citizenship. The centrality that Agamben grants to citizenship as a guiding concept of Western politics allows us to examine the place that it occupies in his work, not only as a diagnosis, but also as a prescriptive exercise of a new politics. Finally, the article studies some of the proposals that we can find on the deactivation of citizenship in different places of the work of the Italian philosopher.Este artículo examina, desde una perspectiva arqueológica, el dispositivo de la ciudadanía y su presencia en la obra de Giorgio Agamben. El artículo inicia con una indagación de los discursos en torno al mito de autoctonía ateniense que han intervenido en la formación del dispositivo de la ciudadanía. La centralidad que Agamben otorga al dispositivo de la ciudadanía como concepto-guía de la política occidental permite examinar el lugar que este ocupa en su obra no solo como diagnóstico, sino también como ejercicio prescriptivo de una nueva política. Finalmente, el artículo estudia algunas de las propuestas que podemos encontrar sobre la desactivación de la ciudadanía en diferentes lugares de la obra del filósofo italiano.Cet article examine, d’un point de vue archéologique, le dispositif de la citoyenneté et sa présence dans l’oeuvre de Giorgio Agamben. L’article commence par une enquête sur les discours autour du mythe autochtone athénien qui sont intervenus dans la formation du dispositif de citoyenneté. La centralité qu’Agamben accorde au dispositif de citoyenneté comme concept directeur de la politique occidentale permet d’interroger la place qu’il occupe dans son oeuvre, non seulement comme diagnostic, mais aussi comme exercice prescriptif d’une nouvelle politique. Enfin, l’article étudie certaines des propositions que l’on peut trouver sur la désactivation de la citoyenneté dans différents lieux de l’oeuvre du philosophe italien

    A systematic review of reproductive physiology of jaguars (Panthera onca)

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    The jaguar (Panthera onca), the largest felid in the Americas, has been classified by IUCN as „near-threatened‟. The purpose of this review was to gather the current knowledge on jaguar reproduction. Information from over forty-five sources has been selected. Jaguars have been classified as polyestrous with generally an inducedovulation, with a moderate incidence of spontaneity. Estrus, estrous cycle and pseudopregnancy lengths varied from 4 to 17, and 22 to 63, and 14 to 67 days, respectively. Ejaculate volume is around 3.9 ml and the spermatogenic cycle takes 57.7 ± 0.07 days. In spite of its low gonadosomatic index, the whole spermatogenic process in jaguars is more efficient than that of the domestic cat. Although minor seasonal variation in most reproductive traits has been found at the studied latitudes, local rains seemed to have an effect. Gestation takes from 91 to 111 days. Females queen one to four immature cubs. As evidenced by the wide range reported for most reproductive parameters further work is still necessary to achieve fundamental knowledge that could facilitate breeding, management and conservation activities.Fil: Ortiz, Gala. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Cs.veterinarias. Centro de Fisiologia Reproductiva y Metodos Complementarios de Diagnostico.; ArgentinaFil: Batista, Pablo Rodrigo. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Cs.veterinarias. Centro de Fisiologia Reproductiva y Metodos Complementarios de Diagnostico.; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Blanco, Paula Graciela. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Cs.veterinarias. Centro de Fisiologia Reproductiva y Metodos Complementarios de Diagnostico.; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Gobello, María Cristina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Cs.veterinarias. Centro de Fisiologia Reproductiva y Metodos Complementarios de Diagnostico.; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentin

    Tuning the charge stabilization and transport in naphthalimide-based semiconductors via a fused-ring and core-engineering strategy

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    The synthesis and characterization of a family of rationally designed compounds based on naphtha- limide units attached, through conjugated nitrogenated linkers (i.e. pyrazine and imidazoline units), to fused thiophene-based moieties is shown. This combination of different donor–acceptor moieties allows fine tuning of the HOMO and LUMO energy levels, and thus the modulation of their electronic properties. A comprehensive physical chemistry study is carried out, in which the nature of the neutral and charged species are analyzed and their electrical performance is understood in terms of molecular and supramolecular characteristics.This work was financially supported by MICINN (PID2022- 138908NB-C33, PID2022-139548NB-I00 and TED2021-129886B- C43) and the UCM (INV.GR.00.1819.10759). R GN thanks the MICINN for a FPI predoctoral fellowship (PRE2020-092327). FSB and MJAN gratefully acknowledge Universidad Rey Juan Carlos for their predoctoral and postdoctoral contracts. Com- puter resources, technical expertise and assistance was pro- vided by the SCBI (Supercomputing and Bioinformatics) center of the University of M´alaga and are gratefully acknowledged. The Vibrational spectroscopy (EVI) lab of the Research Central Services (SCAI) of the University of M´alaga is also gratefully acknowledged. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Presence of the genus Aglaoctenus Tullgren (Araneae: Lycosidae) in Chile

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    Aglaoctenus Tullgren, 1905 es un género de arañas sudamericanas perteneciente a la familia Lycosidae, del cual se conocen cinco especies. Se reporta por primera vez su presencia en Chile, donde en febrero de 2018 se registraron ejemplares de la especie Aglaoctenus puyen Piacentini, 2011 en un ambiente altoandino. Se observaron y fotografiaron un macho y una hembra cargando sus crías en el abdomen, en un faldeo occidental del cerro Tronador, dentro del Parque Nacional Vicente Pérez Rosales, en la Región de Los Lagos. Se aportan datos y fotos que revelan hábitos de esta especie recientemente descrita y poco conocida. Estos hallazgos resaltan la necesidad de realizar relevamientos en otras localidades al este y al oeste de los Andes, en busca de esta especie.Aglaoctenus Tullgren, 1905 is a genus of South American spiders that belong to the Lycosidae family, of which five species are known. We report by the first time its presence in Chile, based on specimens of Aglaoctenus puyen Piacentini, 2011 that were observed in highlands of the Andes, in February 2018. A male, and a female carrying spiderlings on her abdomen, were recorded and photographed in a West slope of Tronador mount, at Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park, in Los Lagos Region. We present data and pictures that reveal undocumented habits of this recently described species. These findings highlight the need of exploration efforts in other localities East and West of the Andean Range.Fil: Ojeda, Valeria Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Hernandez Maizón, Dante. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Ortiz, Gala. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Piacentini, Luis Norberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”; Argentin