23 research outputs found

    The Minimal Left-Right Symmetric Model and Radiative Corrections to the Muon Decay

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    A self-consistent version of the left-right (LR) symmetric model is used to examine tree- as well as one-loop level radiative corrections to the muon decay. It is shown that constraints on the heavy sector of the model parameters are different when going beyond tree-level physics. In fact, in our case, the only useful constraints on the model can be obtained from the one-loop level calculation. Furthermore, corrections coming from the subset of SM particles within the LR model have a different structure from their SM equivalent, e.g. the top quark leading term contribution to Δρ\Delta \rho within the LR model is different from its SM counterpart. As a consequence, care must be taken in fitting procedures of models beyond the SM, where usually, only tree-level couplings modified by the SM radiative corrections are considered. This procedure is not always correct.Comment: small corrections, final version for proceeding

    Gauge-Independent Analysis of K_L --> e \mu in Left-Right Models

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    The lepton-flavour-violating decay K_L --> e \mu is studied in detail within the context of SU(2)_R x SU(2)_L x U(1)_(B-L) models, which include heavy Majorana neutrinos. Particular attention is paid to the gauge independence of this decay process to one loop. In analogy with earlier studies on the K^0\bar{K}^0 mixing, it is explicitly shown how restoration of gauge invariance occurs in the decay amplitude containing the box diagrams, when the relevant Higgs-dependent self-energy and vertex graphs are taken into account in the on-shell skeleton renormalization scheme. Based on the analytic expressions so derived, we find that the branching ratio B(K_L --> e \mu) can be considerably enhanced due to the presence of left- and right-handed currents in the loop, and can reach values close to or even larger than the present experimental limit 3.3 x 10^{-11} in the manifest left-right symmetric model. Constraints on the parameter space of typical left-right models are derived from the possible decay K_L --> e \mu and a global analysis of other low-energy data.Comment: 44 pages, LaTeX, six encapsulated figures include

    Muon Decay to One Loop Order in the Left-Right Symmetric Model

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    One loop corrections to the muon decay are studied in a popular and self-consistent version of the Left-Right symmetric model. It is shown quantitatively, that the corrections do not split into those that come from the Standard Model sector and some decoupling terms. For a heavy Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (SSB) scale of the order of a least 1 TeV, the contributions from the top quark have a logarithmic behaviour and there is a strong quadratic dependence on the heavy Higgs scalar masses. The dependence on the light Higgs boson mass is small. The heavy neutrinos are shown to play an important role, although secondary in comparison with the heavy scalar particles as long as the heavy neutrinos' Majorana Yukawa coupling matrix hMh_M obeys unitarity bounds.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Left-right symmetry and heavy particle quantum effects

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    We have renormalized a classical left-right model with a bidoublet, and left and right triplets in the Higgs sector. We focus on oblique corrections and show the interplay between the top quark, heavy neutrinos and Higgses contribution to the muon Δr\Delta r parameter. In the SM, custodial symmetry prevents large oblique corrections to appear. Although in LR models there is no such symmetry to make vanish the quadratically diverging terms, we have shown, that heavy Higgses contributions to Δr\Delta r are under control. Also the top contribution to Δr\Delta r, quite different from that in the SM, is discussed. However, heavy neutrinos seem to give the most important contributions. From oblique corrections, they can be as large as the SM top one. Moreover, vertex and box diagrams give additional non-decoupling effects and only concrete numerical estimates are able to answer whether the model is still self-consistent.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure

    Is it still worth searching for lepton flavor violation in rare kaon decays?

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    Prospective searches for lepton flavor violation (LFV) in rare kaon decays at the existing and future intermediate-energy accelerators are considered. The proposed studies are complementary to LFV searches in muon-decay experiments and offer a unique opportunity to probe models with approximately conserved fermion-generation quantum number with sensitivity superior to that in other processes. Consequently, new searches for LFV in kaon decays are an important and independent part of the general program of searches for lepton flavor violation in the final states with charged leptons.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures. An extended version of the talk given at the Chicago Flavor Seminar, February 27, 2004. In the new version some misprints were corrected and some new data for LFV-processes were added. The main content of the paper was not changed. The paper is published in Yad. Fiz. 68, 1272 (2005

    Left-right symmetry at LHC and precise 1-loop low energy data

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    Despite many tests, even the Minimal Manifest Left-Right Symmetric Model (MLRSM) has never been ultimately confirmed or falsified. LHC gives a new possibility to test directly the most conservative version of left-right symmetric models at so far not reachable energy scales. If we take into account precise limits on the model which come from low energy processes, like the muon decay, possible LHC signals are strongly limited through the correlations of parameters among heavy neutrinos, heavy gauge bosons and heavy Higgs particles. To illustrate the situation in the context of LHC, we consider the "golden" process ppe+Npp \to e^+ N. For instance, in a case of degenerate heavy neutrinos and heavy Higgs masses at 15 TeV (in agreement with FCNC bounds) we get σ(ppe+N)>10\sigma(pp \to e^+ N)>10 fb at s=14\sqrt{s}=14 TeV which is consistent with muon decay data for a very limited W2W_2 masses in the range (3008 GeV, 3040 GeV). Without restrictions coming from the muon data, W2W_2 masses would be in the range (1.0 TeV, 3.5 TeV). Influence of heavy Higgs particles themselves on the considered LHC process is negligible (the same is true for the light, SM neutral Higgs scalar analog). In the paper decay modes of the right-handed heavy gauge bosons and heavy neutrinos are also discussed. Both scenarios with typical see-saw light-heavy neutrino mixings and the mixings which are independent of heavy neutrino masses are considered. In the second case heavy neutrino decays to the heavy charged gauge bosons not necessarily dominate over decay modes which include only light, SM-like particles.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figs, KL-KS and new ATLAS limits taken into accoun

    Rare Charm Decays in the Standard Model and Beyond

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    We perform a comprehensive study of a number of rare charm decays, incorporating the first evaluation of the QCD corrections to the short distance contributions, as well as examining the long range effects. For processes mediated by the cu+c\to u\ell^+\ell^- transitions, we show that sensitivity to short distance physics exists in kinematic regions away from the vector meson resonances that dominate the total rate. In particular, we find that Dπ+D\to\pi\ell^+\ell^- and Dρ+D\to\rho\ell^+\ell^- are sensitive to non-universal soft-breaking effects in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with R-parity conservation. We separately study the sensitivity of these modes to R-parity violating effects and derive new bounds on R-parity violating couplings. We also obtain predictions for these decays within extensions of the Standard Model, including extensions of the Higgs, gauge and fermion sectors, as well as models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking.Comment: 45 pages, typos fixed, discussions adde

    Technical Design Report for the PANDA Solenoid and Dipole Spectrometer Magnets

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    This document is the Technical Design Report covering the two large spectrometer magnets of the PANDA detector set-up. It shows the conceptual design of the magnets and their anticipated performance. It precedes the tender and procurement of the magnets and, hence, is subject to possible modifications arising during this process.Comment: 10 pages, 14MB, accepted by FAIR STI in May 2009, editors: Inti Lehmann (chair), Andrea Bersani, Yuri Lobanov, Jost Luehning, Jerzy Smyrski, Technical Coordiantor: Lars Schmitt, Bernd Lewandowski (deputy), Spokespersons: Ulrich Wiedner, Paola Gianotti (deputy

    Physics Performance Report for PANDA: Strong Interaction Studies with Antiprotons

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    To study fundamental questions of hadron and nuclear physics in interactions of antiprotons with nucleons and nuclei, the universal PANDA detector will be built. Gluonic excitations, the physics of strange and charm quarks and nucleon structure studies will be performed with unprecedented accuracy thereby allowing high-precision tests of the strong interaction. The proposed PANDA detector is a state-of-the art internal target detector at the HESR at FAIR allowing the detection and identification of neutral and charged particles generated within the relevant angular and energy range. This report presents a summary of the physics accessible at PANDA and what performance can be expected.Comment: 216 page