1,825 research outputs found

    Desenvolupament d’una aplicació de gestió amb .NET

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    “Desenvolupament d’una aplicació de gestió amb .NET” és un treball final de carrera d’Enginyeria Tècnica de Telecomunicacions en l’especialitat de Telemàtica, de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Ca l’Alberta és un establiment que es dedica a la venda de productes en el sector de la merceria, roba de treball, moda d’home i de dona. Els responsables de la botiga estaven buscant un software de gestió i venda per tal d’informatitzar-la i poder portar un control més exhaustiu dels moviments d’aquesta. Finalment, es van decidir per demanar-nos a nosaltres la realització d’aquesta eina de gestió. La realització d’aquest treball basa el seu contingut pràctic en el disseny i la implementació d’un software adequat per a Ca l’Alberta. Hem dividit el programa en dues parts per a facilitar l’ús a l’usuari i en elles es permetran les funcions relacionades amb les gestions de productes, proveïdors, venedors, clients, estadístiques, etc. Podrem veure a la memòria totes les passes seguides fins arribar a un producte final que es destaca perquè no només és aplicable a aquesta botiga sinó a qualsevol altra del sector


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    Purpose: This paper analyzes trust in superiors as an informal control mechanism to reduce budgetary slack. We examine how relationships between trust of subordinates in their superiors and economic incentive reduce the tendency of subordinates to create budgetary slack.Methodology: An experiment was designed with participants who play the role of manager or executive alternativelyFindings: Results show that the introduction of an economic incentive does not affect the relationship between trust and budgetary slack.Implications/limitations: This study will let organizations to further the budgeting process by using informal mechanism, such as trust, as a complement to traditional mechanism (e.g. monetary/ economic incentives). This enhances the effectiveness of the organization’s actions and policies. Originality/Value: The findings of this study complement the results of previous studies on how trust is related to financial and non-financial performance criteria

    Avaliação do desempenho de leitos flutuantes de macrófitas (Vetiveria zizanioides e Phragmites australis) na remoção de metais pesados da água da Ribeira de Água Forte (Aljustrel, Sul de Portugal)

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    A área envolvente da sub-bacia da Ribeira do Roxo (bacia hidrográfica do Rio Sado), dispõe de troços completamente estéreis, pondo em causa a produtividade das atividades agrícolas aí praticadas. Tal, poderá ser devido, para alem de outros fatores, à afluência da Ribeira de Água Forte, que apresenta características de Drenagem Mineira Ácida (DMA). Considera-se, assim, pertinente a resolução deste problema, recorrendo a soluções eficazes e ambientalmente sustentáveis. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a eficiência de remoção de metais pesados da água da Ribeira de Água Forte utilizando a tecnologia de Leitos Flutuantes (LFs) de macrófitas (Vetiveria zizanioides e Phragmites australis), em instalação piloto, monitorizando e avaliando a qualidade da água e o desempenho das mesmas. Foram construídos dois leitos, cada um contendo um tipo de macrófita e água proveniente da Ribeira de Água Forte, monitorizando-se a sua evolução durante 6 meses. Obtiveram-se taxas médias de remoção dos metais pesados na água do LF da Vetiveria zizanioides e do LF da Phragmites australis, de Fe=40%; Zn=25%; Cu=15%; Mn=14% e Fe=27%; Zn=17%; Mn=16%; Cu=6%; respetivamente. A ordem de acumulação de metais pesados na biomassa total da Vetiveria zizanioides foi de Fe>Zn>Cu>Mn e na Phragmites australis foi de Fe>Zn>Mn>Cu. O crescimento da Vetiveria zizanioides e Phragmites australis na biomassa foliar foi de 7,1 ± 0,3 cm/mês e 2,5 ± 0,0 cm/mês e na biomassa radicular 3,8 ± 0,1 cm/mês e 4,1 ± 0,2 cm/mês, respetivamente. O crescimento das macrófitas evidenciaram capacidade de sobrevivência neste tipo de meio sem a ocorrência de dano severo na sua morfologia externa e anatómica, embora com alguma inibição do crescimento. Os resultados sugerem que a tecnologia de leitos flutuantes pode ser uma alternativa ambientalmente sustentável, permitindo a remoção de metais pesados a longo prazo

    Plataforma hardware universal para prácticas sobre sistemas electrónicos analógico-digitales avanzados en régimen de semipresencialidad

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    Aquest projecte tracta d’implementar una metodologia per fer pràctiques d’Electrònica Analògica amb circuits avançats que es puguin configurar fàcilment dins d’una placa hardware universal. Aquesta metodologia es basa en el procés habitual que segueixen els dissenyadors electrònics i consta de tres fases: 1- disseny i càlcul teòric del circuit 2- simulació del circuit 3- mesures sobre un prototip 4- validació del disseny Aquest procés s’ha de fer seqüencialment i estaria controlat per un programa web que donaria als estudiants el timing correcte de les tasques a realitzar i els ajudaria amb els continguts teòrics necessaris. El fet de que el programa sigui web facilita la semipresencialitat de les sessions de laboratori i permet una gran millora a l’autoaprenentatge dels estudiants. Tant el software que controla la metodologia com el material de pràctiques es transferible a qualsevol assignatura que faci pràctiques de circuits analògics

    Comparison of skull growth in two ecosystem modifiers: beavers Castor canadensis (Rodentia: Castoridae) and muskrats Ondatra zibethicus (Rodentia: Cricetidae)

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    Beavers and muskrats are semi-aquatic, generalist herbivorous rodents regarded as invasive in southern South America, with high impacts on the ecosystem. They share some morphological characters of the skull, but different body sizes and phylogenetic history, showing evident shape differences in young and adult skulls during the development in both species. Considering their similar ecological specializations, skull shape could be achieved through different or similar patterns of allometric growth during ontogeny. We analyzed quantitatively the ontogenetic series including 94 specimens of beavers and muskrats and performed multivariate and bivariate analyses considering 20 linear measurements. Our main results from the different approaches suggest high differences in the ontogenetic trajectories of beavers and muskrats, implying disparity in the muscular, functional, and structural conditions of the skull of both species. These differences reflect that although skulls might undergo similar mechanical stress, it is possible to reach a cranial morphology compatible with the similar behavioral and ecological specializations between both species from patterns of skull development that are markedly different.Fil: Segura Gago, Alda Valentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Flores, David Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; Argentina. Fundación Miguel Lillo. Dirección de Zoología. Instituto de Vertebrados; ArgentinaFil: Deferrari, Guillermo Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur. Instituto de Ciencias Polares, Ambientales y Recursos Naturales; Argentin

    Smart cities’ development in Spain: a comparison of technical and social indicators with reference to european cities

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    The evolution of the Spanish cities towards their digital transformation, integration of the Internet of Things (IoT), and improvement of social cohesion have been promoted by the government. However, this evolution has not yet been evaluated, and this assessment is considerably relevant as more than 200 M€ has been spent from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through five calls divided into two national plans (2014–2020). In this evaluation, the projects of 61 beneficiary local entities have been analysed. The lines of action executed have been identified and compared, using standardised indicators, with the actions conducted in the European metropolis that are smart city references. The actions planned in the last call (Smart Territories National Plan) closely resemble the philosophy of the latest generation paradigm of smart cities (holistic approach and specialisation in topics such as tourism or intelligent buildings) from the initial point where the areas of technology, software, and governance were focused. This work offers a precise picture of the priorities and lines of the progress of smart cities at each period of the last decade and helps technicians and investigators evaluate executed projects and design new lines of development

    Utilização colaborativa de representações multimédia no ensino: um estudo de investigação-ação com professores de física e química

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    Este estudo foi realizado no contexto de uma ação de formação subordinada ao tema das representações multimédia e destinada a professores de física e química de uma escola secundária. A ação, dinamizada pelo investigador e com a duração de seis meses, foi realizada na forma de Círculo de Estudos, durante o qual se procurou promover o trabalho colaborativo entre os dez professores participantes, todos eles integrando, tal como o investigador, o grupo de física e química da escola em referência. Como opção metodológica de base foi adotada uma estratégia de investigação-ação, configurando uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa. A coexistência de diversas técnicas de recolha de dados, como entrevistas individuais, observação naturalista, conversas informais e análise documental, permitiu o recurso a procedimentos de triangulação metodológica na condução da análise de conteúdo que deu corpo aos resultados do estudo. A evidência recolhida sugere que o modelo de formação testado parece possuir, embora com naturais condicionantes, os requisitos necessários para promover o desenvolvimento do conhecimento técnico-pedagógico do conteúdo nos professores, estimulando a adoção de práticas colaborativas na utilização didática de representações multimédia; ABSTRACT: This study was performed in the training program framework of multimedia representation and it was intented for teachers of physics and chemistry of a secondary school. The training action, with six months duration, was conducted by the investigator and it was held in the form of Study Circle. During this program the investigator sought to promote collaborative work among the ten participating teachers, all of them, including the researcher, integrating the physics and chemistry group in that school. An action research strategy was adopted as a basic methodological option thus setting a qualitative research. The coexistence of different data collection techniques such as interviews, naturalistic observation, informal conversations and document analysis, allowed the use of methodological triangulation procedures in content analysis, which gave body to the study results. The evidence collected suggests that the tested training model seems to have, although with natural constraints, the necessary requirements to endorse the development of technological pedagogical content knowledge in teachers, stimulating the adoption of collaborative practices in the didactic use of multimedia representations

    Digital twin for machine-learning-based vehicle CO2 emissions concentration prediction in embedded system

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    In this paper, we describe the design, implementation, and installation of a digital twin version of a physical CO 2 monitoring system with the aim of democratizing access to affordable CO 2 emission measuring and enabling the creation of effective pollutant reduction strategies. The presented digital twin acts as a replacement that enables the measuring of CO 2 emissions without the use of a physical sensor. The exhibited work is specifically designed to be installed on a low-powered Micro Controller Unit (MCU), enabling its accessibility to a broader base of users. To this end, an optimized Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model was trained to be capable of predicting CO 2 emission concentrations with 87.15% accuracy when performing on the MCU. The ANN model is the result of a compound optimization technique that enhances the speed and accuracy of the model while reducing its computational complexity. The results outline that the implementation of the digital twin is 86.4% less expensive than its physical CO 2 counterpart, whilst still providing highly accurate and reliable data

    Stakeholders’ perceptions of new digital energy management platform in municipality of Loulé, Southern Portugal: a SWOT-AHP analysis

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    This study aimed to develop a multi-stakeholder analysis to identify the best strategies for the integration of a new Digital Energy Management Platform (DEMP). The municipality of Loulé (South of Portugal) was used as a case study. A Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) framework combined with an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) framework and a TOWS Matrix was employed to analyse the stakeholder’s perceptions to propose strategies for integrating the DEMP. Five focus stakeholder groups were involved. Results showed that stakeholders considered that the positive aspects of DEMP outweigh the negative aspects by approximately 36%. Strengths were ranked with 34.4%, Opportunities with 33.8%, Weaknesses with 20.2%, and Threats with 11.6%. The sequence of factors with the highest overall score by stakeholders was O1(12.7%) > S2(11.1%) > W2(7.4%) > T3(4.1%). Based on stakeholder perceptions, the most suitable strategies were those that use Strengths and Opportunities of the system (SO strategies), and strategies that take advantage of Opportunities while dealing with Weaknesses (WO strategies), achieving a prevalence compared with the other strategies of 34% and 27%, respectively. Therefore, the participation process involving stakeholders’ groups in the implementation and monitoring of the DEMP provided an action plan and consensus capable of meeting the environmental and municipal energy management challenges.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A formação profissional na Administração Pública em países europeus

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    Estudo realizado em 2009 pela Equipa Multidisciplinar de Investigação e Consultoria (EMIC) do INA