37 research outputs found


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    Over the past quarter-century germ cell tumors are one of the few cancers for which highly effective treatment is found. However there is a lack of awareness of young men and general practitioners about germ cell tumors which is often cause of late medical aid appealability and potential diagnostic errors. Reducing the time between patient's medical aid appealability and final diagnosis may contribute to the diagnostics of germ cell tumors in the early stages, reducing the amount of treatment and improving survival rates.За последние четверть века герминогенные опухоли (ГО) стали одним из немногих онкологических заболеваний, при которых возможно высокоэффективное лечение. Однако сохраняется недостаточная осведомленность молодых мужчин и врачей общей практики о герминогенных опухолях, что часто является причиной поздней обращаемости и возможных диагностических ошибок. Сокращение времени от обращения пациента до окончательной постановки диагноза может способствовать диагностике ГО яичка на ранних стадиях, уменьшению объема необходимых лечебных мероприятий и улучшению показателей выживаемости больных


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    The results of the experimental study of immune response of human skin malignant melanoma cells Mel 226 on photodynamic exposure are represented in the article. Photoinduced apoptosis of skin malignant melanoma was studied in vitro. The study showed that irradiation with the agent fotoditazin at dose of 0.5–2.5 µg/ml (6 and 10 min exposure 30 min before irradiation; irradiation parameters: wavelength of 662 nm, total light dose from 40 to 60 J/cm2) induced early apoptosis. The increase of the time of laser irradiation significantly accelerates the conversion of photosensitized tumor cells from early to late apoptosis.В статье представлены результаты экспериментального исследования иммунного ответа клеток меланомы кожи человека Mel 226 на фотодинамическое воздействие. Изучен фотоиндуцированный апоптоз клеток меланомы кожи in vitro. Исследования показали, что облучение с препаратом фотодитазин в концентрациях 0,5-2,5 мкг/мл (экспозиция в течение 6 и 10 мин за 30 мин до облучения; параметры облучения: длина волны 662 нм, суммарная доза облучения от 40 до 60 Дж/см2) индуцирует ранний апоптоз. Увеличение времени лазерного облучения достоверно ускоряет переход фотосенсибилизированных опухолевых клеток из ранней фазы апоп-тоза в позднюю

    Меланома полового члена и уретры: обзор литературы и наблюдения из практики

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    One of clinical and anatomical types of melanoblastoma is melanoma of the glans penis appearing on the skin or mucosa of the penis (external opening of the urethra or ureter, internal or external layer of the foreskin). It’s a rare disease, and most of specialists are unfamiliar with it, including oncologists and urologists. Thus, the conducted research has practical importance as it may improve diagnostics and treatment of patients with this oncological pathology. Одной из клинико-анатомических разновидностей меланобластомы является меланома головки полового члена, возникающая на коже полового члена или на слизистой оболочке (наружном отверстии мочеиспускательного канала или уретры, внутреннем или наружном листке крайней плоти). Это редкое заболевание, малоизвестное широкому кругу специалистов, в том числе онкологам и урологам, поэтому выполненная работа имеет большое практическое значение, так как позволит улучшить диагностику и лечение больных данной онкопатологией

    Primary Black Hole Spin in OJ 287 as Determined by the General Relativity Centenary Flare

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    OJ 287 is a quasi-periodic quasar with roughly 12 year optical cycles. It displays prominent outbursts that are predictable in a binary black hole model. The model predicted a major optical outburst in 2015 December. We found that the outburst did occur within the expected time range, peaking on 2015 December 5 at magnitude 12.9 in the optical R -band. Based on Swift /XRT satellite measurements and optical polarization data, we find that it included a major thermal component. Its timing provides an accurate estimate for the spin of the primary black hole, ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/2041-8205/819/2/L37/apjl523055ieqn1.gif] i=0.313pm0.01i =0.313pm 0.01 . The present outburst also confirms the established general relativistic properties of the system such as the loss of orbital energy to gravitational radiation at the 2% accuracy level, and it opens up the possibility of testing the black hole no-hair theorem with 10% accuracy during the present decade.Peer reviewe

    A Search for QPOs in the Blazar OJ287: Preliminary Results from the 2015/2016 Observing Campaign

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    We analyse the light curve in the R band of the blazar OJ287, gathered during the 2015/2016 observing season. We did a search for quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) using several methods over a wide range of timescales. No statistically significant periods were found in the high-frequency domain both in the ground-based data and in Kepler observations. In the longer-period domain, the Lomb–Scargle periodogram revealed several peaks above the 99% significance level. The longest one—about 95 days—corresponds to the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) period of the more massive black hole. The 43-day period could be an alias, or it can be attributed to accretion in the form of a two-armed spiral wave.Peer reviewe

    Authenticating the Presence of a Relativistic Massive Black Hole Binary in OJ 287 Using Its General Relativity Centenary Flare : Improved Orbital Parameters

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    Results from regular monitoring of relativistic compact binaries like PSR 1913+16 are consistent with the dominant (quadrupole) order emission of gravitational waves (GWs). We show that observations associated with the binary black hole (BBH) central engine of blazar OJ 287 demand the inclusion of gravitational radiation reaction effects beyond the quadrupolar order. It turns out that even the effects of certain hereditary contributions to GW emission are required to predict impact flare timings of OJ 287. We develop an approach that incorporates this effect into the BBH model for OJ 287. This allows us to demonstrate an excellent agreement between the observed impact flare timings and those predicted from ten orbital cycles of the BBH central engine model. The deduced rate of orbital period decay is nine orders of magnitude higher than the observed rate in PSR 1913+16, demonstrating again the relativistic nature of OJ 287's central engine. Finally, we argue that precise timing of the predicted 2019 impact flare should allow a test of the celebrated black hole "no-hair theorem" at the 10% level.Peer reviewe

    Успехи и перспективы клеточной иммунотерапии метастатической меланомы

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    В обзоре освещаются ключевые элементы клеточной иммунотерапии в онкологии на примере меланомы кожи как одной из наиболее иммуногенных и изученных в этом направлении опухолей. Приведена схема анализа иммунологических данных для выбора оптимальной стратегии модуляции иммунного ответа. Представлены основные концепции в разработке клеточной иммунотерапии, механизмы резистентности к данному лечебному подходу и современные способы их преодоления. Освещены принципы иммунотерапии на основе дендритных клеток, опухоль-инфильтрирующих лимфоцитов (TIL) и концепция иммунологической инженерии. Отмечена важность иммуногенетических подходов для дальнейшего развития клеточной иммуноонкологии

    Authenticating the Presence of a Relativistic Massive Black Hole Binary in OJ 287 Using Its General Relativity Centenary Flare: Improved Orbital Parameters

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    © 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Results from regular monitoring of relativistic compact binaries like PSR 1913+16 are consistent with the dominant (quadrupole) order emission of gravitational waves (GWs). We show that observations associated with the binary black hole (BBH) central engine of blazar OJ 287 demand the inclusion of gravitational radiation reaction effects beyond the quadrupolar order. It turns out that even the effects of certain hereditary contributions to GW emission are required to predict impact flare timings of OJ 287. We develop an approach that incorporates this effect into the BBH model for OJ 287. This allows us to demonstrate an excellent agreement between the observed impact flare timings and those predicted from ten orbital cycles of the BBH central engine model. The deduced rate of orbital period decay is nine orders of magnitude higher than the observed rate in PSR 1913+16, demonstrating again the relativistic nature of OJ 287's central engine. Finally, we argue that precise timing of the predicted 2019 impact flare should allow a test of the celebrated black hole "no-hair theorem" at the 10% level

    A Search for QPOs in the Blazar OJ287: Preliminary Results from the 2015/2016 Observing Campaign

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    We analyse the light curve in the R band of the blazar OJ287, gathered during the 2015/2016 observing season. We did a search for quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) using several methods over a wide range of timescales. No statistically significant periods were found in the high-frequency domain both in the ground-based data and in Kepler observations. In the longer-period domain, the Lomb–Scargle periodogram revealed several peaks above the 99% significance level. The longest one—about 95 days—corresponds to the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) period of the more massive black hole. The 43-day period could be an alias, or it can be attributed to accretion in the form of a two-armed spiral wave