740 research outputs found

    Secondary invasion after clearing invasive Acacia saligna in the South African fynbos

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    CITATION: Nsikane, M. M., et al. 2019. Secondary invasion after clearing invasive Acacia saligna in the South African fynbos, South African Journal of Botany, 125: 280-289. doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2019.07.034The original publication is available at https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/south-african-journal-of-botanyIt is often assumed that clearing invasive alien species will lead to the dissipation of their negative impacts and recovery of native plant diversity. However, this is often not the case because clearing of primary invasive alien species can lead to secondary invasion by non-target species. We investigated the effects of vegetation type and application of fire during management of biomass after clearing invasive acacias on secondary invasion in the South African fynbos. Furthermore, we determined how these effects change with years after clearing. We sampled vegetation in lowland and mountain fynbos cleared of invasive Acacia saligna using the “fell, stack and burn” method. During burning of the stacked slash, the area at the centre of the stack experiences a high severity fire while the area at the edge experiences a low severity fire. After fire, burn scars remain in place of the stacked slash. We sampled in and outside of 80 burn scars over three years after clearing. Overall, we set out to (1) identify species that are secondary invaders; (2) determine whether secondary invader richness and cover differ between where there were high and low severity fires and no fires, and how these differences change with years after clearing; and (3) determine whether secondary invader richness and cover differ in and between lowland and mountain fynbos, and how these differences change with years after clearing. We identified 32 secondary invader species. Mean secondary invader richness was lower where there were high severity fires (2.75) compared to where there were low severity fires (3.28) and no fires (3.24). Mean secondary invader proportion cover was lower where there were no fires (0.14) compared to where there were high severity fires (0.19) and low severity fires (0.2). Three years after clearing, secondary invader richness and cover had not changed or was now higher than in the first year, while secondary invader richness was similar between lowland and mountain fynbos. Secondary invader cover was similar between lowland and mountain fynbos up to two years after clearing but was 58% lower in lowland fynbos in the third year. Fire application after clearing invasive acacias can have positive (i.e. reduction of Acacia soil seed banks by triggering mass germination) and negative (i.e. favors the dominance of secondary invaders) effects. As a result, slash should be spread throughout the restoration site instead of being stacked and then burnt to reduce Acacia soil seed banks. To avoid the establishment of a second generation of invasive acacias, the seedlings that germinate can be controlled through manual weeding, mowing and herbicide application. Due to the persistence and abundance of secondary invaders up to three years after clearing at levels similar to or higher than in the first year, we conclude that practicing restoration ecologists must manage these species to ensure successful restoration of native plant diversity.Publisher’s versio

    Homeopathy for seasonal allergic rhinitis: rationale, design and methods of the three-armed randomized controlled HOMEOSAR trial

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    Background: Patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) frequently use homeopathic therapy. Although there is some evidence that homeopathy may be effective in treating symptoms of SAR, there is a lack of high-quality clinical trials. Therefore, the aim of the homeopathy for SAR (HOMEOSAR) trial is to determine the efficacy of individualized or standardized homeopathic drug treatment compared to placebo regarding rhinitis-related quality of life in patients with SAR. Methods: This randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, three-armed intervention study will be conducted at two university hospital outpatient clinics for complementary and integrative medicine in Berlin and in 12 office-based practices specializing in homeopathic treatment in Germany. A total of 270 patients with clinical symptoms of SAR and positive allergy test to birch and grass pollen will receive homeopathic anamnesis and subsequently be randomized into (a) standardized homeopathic drug treatment with Galphimia Glauca (potency D6), (b) individualized homeopathic drug treatment (D6), or (c) placebo. All three groups can receive on-demand rescue medication as needed. Treatment will consist of two consultations and daily intake of the study medication for 4 weeks during the pollen season. The primary outcome is the mean overall score of the Rhinitis Quality of Life Questionnaire (RQLQ) in weeks 3 and 4, analyzed using analysis of covariance (adjusted for baseline RQLQ overall score and study center). A closed testing procedure will be used to control the overall type I error comparing the 3 treatment groups. Secondary outcomes include the overall RQLQ and its seven domain scores, responder status (decrease in RQLQ overall score of at least 0.5 points compared to the baseline value), use of rescue medication, intensity of total and individual SAR symptoms based on visual analog scale, generic health-related quality of life, safety, utilization of health care resources and associated costs. In addition, a qualitative data analysis is planned. Conclusion: The results of our study will contribute to clarifying the possible therapeutic effects of homeopathic drug treatment for patients with SAR

    Definition of Application Scenarios

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    The objective of D1 is to identify and analyse a set of application scenarios that, on the one hand, exemplify those application areas that might benefit from the technology being developed within the CORTEX project and, on the other hand, might serve as a source of requirements on this technology. Furthermore, at least a subset of the application scenarios considered here is expected to serve as source of demonstrator applications later in the projec

    Juggling multiple identities: the untold stories behind a PhD ethnographic study

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    This article explores the fluidity and dynamicity of a Chinese PhD student’s research experience in negotiating her identities in a longitudinal ethnographic study, first in China and then in the UK. It adopts retrospective and reflexive document analysis of research journals written by her over a 5-year period of overseas study. The analytical framework for the critical reflection of knowledge production synthesizes key concepts of ontology, epistemology, reflexivity, positionality, serendipity, and intersectionality to describe and interpret the researcher’s struggles between insider and outsider, uncertain feelings about different values and beliefs, and emotions due to changing circumstances of family life. The reflexive analysis indicates that PhD students who undertake qualitative studies would function in a far more fluid manner than the often simplistically documented binary roles between an “insider” participant and an outsider researcher in their theses. The article argues that this fluidity in identity shifts and complexity in data collection and analysis are in most cases part and parcel of the research process, which is crucial for researchers to be aware of. Researchers should feel confident to tell the “messy stories” reflexively so as to enhance credibility and trustworthiness of the research findings

    The Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso

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    Borexino, a large volume detector for low energy neutrino spectroscopy, is currently running underground at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy. The main goal of the experiment is the real-time measurement of sub MeV solar neutrinos, and particularly of the mono energetic (862 keV) Be7 electron capture neutrinos, via neutrino-electron scattering in an ultra-pure liquid scintillator. This paper is mostly devoted to the description of the detector structure, the photomultipliers, the electronics, and the trigger and calibration systems. The real performance of the detector, which always meets, and sometimes exceeds, design expectations, is also shown. Some important aspects of the Borexino project, i.e. the fluid handling plants, the purification techniques and the filling procedures, are not covered in this paper and are, or will be, published elsewhere (see Introduction and Bibliography).Comment: 37 pages, 43 figures, to be submitted to NI

    Abnormal Regional and Global Connectivity Measures in Subjective Cognitive Decline Depending on Cerebral Amyloid Status

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    Background: Amyloid-β accumulation was found to alter precuneus-based functional connectivity (FC) in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia, but its impact is less clear in subjective cognitive decline (SCD), which in combination with AD pathologic change is theorized to correspond to stage 2 of the Alzheimer’s continuum in the 2018 NIA-AA research framework. Objective: This study addresses how amyloid pathology relates to resting-state fMRI FC in SCD, especially focusing on the precuneus. Methods: From the DELCODE cohort, two groups of 24 age- and gender-matched amyloid-positive (SCDAβ+) and amyloidnegative SCD (SCDβ−) patients were selected according to visual [18F]-Florbetaben (FBB) PET readings, and studied with resting-state fMRI. Local (regional homogeneity [ReHo], fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations [fALFF]) and global (degree centrality [DC], precuneus seed-based FC) measures were compared between groups. Follow-up correlation analyses probed relationships of group differences with global and precuneal amyloid load, as measured by FBB standard uptake value ratios (SUVR=⫖FBB). Results: ReHo was significantly higher (voxel-wise p < 0.01, cluster-level p < 0.05) in the bilateral precuneus for SCDAβ+patients, whereas fALFF was not altered between groups. Relatively higher precuneus-based FC with occipital areas (but no altered DC) was observed in SCDAβ+ patients. In this latter cluster, precuneus-occipital FC correlated positively with global (SCDAβ+) and precuneus SUVRFBB (both groups). Conclusion: While partial confounding influences due to a higher APOE ε4 carrier ratio among SCDAβ+ patients cannot be excluded, exploratory results indicate functional alterations in the precuneus hub region that were related to amyloid-β load, highlighting incipient pathology in stage 2 of the AD continuum

    Promoting independence, health and well-being for older people: : a feasibility study of computer-aided health and social risk appraisal system in primary care

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    © The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Walters et al, BMC Family Practice (2017), 18:47, DOI: 10.1186/s12875-017-0620-6Abstract Background: With population ageing, research is needed into new low-cost, scalable methods of effective promotion of health and wellbeing for older people. We aimed to assess feasibility, reach and costs of implementing a new tailored computer-aided health and social risk appraisal system in primary care. Methods: Design: Feasibility study. Setting: Five General Practices in London (Ealing) and Hertfordshire, United Kingdom (UK) Participants: Random sample of patients aged 65+years. Intervention: The Multi-dimensional Risk Appraisal for Older people (MRA-O) system includes: 1) Postal questionnaire including health, lifestyle, social and environmental domains; 2) Software system generating a personalised feedback report with advice on health and wellbeing; 3) Follow-up of people with new concerning or complex needs by GPs or practice nurses. Evaluation: Feasibility of implementation; participant wellbeing, functional ability and quality of life; social needs, health risks, potential lifestyle changes; and costs of implementation. Results: Response rates to initial postal invitations were low (526/1550, 34%). Of these, 454/526 (86%) completed MRA-O assessments. Compared to local UK Census data on older people, participants were younger, more were owner-occupiers and fewer were from ethnic minority groups than expected. A range of problems was identified by participants, including pain in last week (269/438, 61.4%), low physical activity (173/453, 38.2%), sedentary lifestyle (174/447, 38.3%), falls (117/439, 26.7%), incontinence (111/441 25.2%), impaired vision 116/451 (25.7%), impaired hearing (145/431, 33.6%), depressed mood (71/451, 15.7%), impaired memory (44/444 9.9%), social isolation (46/449, 10.2%) and loneliness (31/442, 7.0%). Self-rated health was good/excellent in 312/437 (71.4%), and quality of life and well-being were slightly above age-specific population norms. Implementation costs were low. Practices reviewed medical records of 143/454 (31.5%) of participants as a consequence of their responses, and actively followed up 110/454 (24.2%) of their patients. Conclusions: A computer-aided risk appraisal system was feasible for General Practices to implement, yields useful information about health and social problems, and identifies individual needs. Participation rates were however low, particularly for the oldest old, the poorest, and ethnic minority groups, and this type of intervention may increase inequalities in access. Widespread implementation of this approach would require work to address potential inequalities.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio