54 research outputs found

    Paglia micronizzata e fertilizzante organico quali supporti alimentari nell'allevamento di <i>Daphnia obtusa</i>

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    Experimental results from a culture of a microcrustacean, Daphnia obtusa Kurz emend. Scourfleld (Cladocerans), are presented. The experiments have been realized at an aquaculture farm using the thermal discharge of a thermoelectic power plant, in tanks whose volume was suitable for a production of biomass consistent with the needs of a small size fry farm. Two different feeding combinations have been supplied with standard concentrations of algal cells integrated by cellulose and organic fertilizer respectively. Numerical production from data of population density has been used to determine the relative efficiencies of the different feeding combinations, while the remaining estimated population parameters have been reserved to characterize the density fluctuations of the population

    Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound: a Simple and Effective Tool in Defining a Rapid Diagnostic Work-up for Small Nodules Detected in Cirrhotic Patients during Surveillance

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    Disappearance of portal blood flow and arterial vascularization is the hallmark of hepatocarcinogenesis. The capability of a dynamic imaging modality detecting arterial hypervascularization of small nodules is crucial to promote a rapid diagnostic and therapeutic work-up improving survival. We aimed to evaluate the capability of CEUS to detect arterial vascularization of ≤ 2 cm HCC nodules arising during surveillance so as to shorten the diagnostic and therapeutic work-up

    A novel DAG-dependent mechanism links PKCα and cyclin B1 regulating the G2/M progression of cell cycle

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    Protein kinase C α has been reported to regulate cell cycle in several cell lines. Most of the reports describe a role for PKC α in G1/S transition but little is known about its possible involvement in G2/M progression. Our studies on the effects of PKC inhibitors, PKC α silencing and overexpression demonstrated a novel and positive role for PKC α in cyclin B1 regulation in human erythroleukemia cell line, K562. On the other hand, using PKC inhibitors and a PKC α inactive mutant, we could report that PKC α activity was not necessary for cyclin B1 regulation. Moreover, immunoprecipitation and immunocytochemistry experiments showed that these two proteins could physically interact each other and enter into the nuclei during G2/M progression. In order to better understand this mechanism, we investigated how PKC α could be attracted into the nuclei. We found a high increase of nuclear DAG during the G2/M phase. Then, using PMA and PLC inhibitors, we showed that PKC α translocation was due to the increase in nuclear DAG. Surprisingly, we saw the same effect on cyclin B1. Finally, in order to discover which PLC was involved, we silenced the nuclear localized PLCβ1 founding a decrease in PKC α and cyclin B1 nuclear amount. Taken together, our data demonstrate the existence of a novel DAG dependent mechanism linking PKC α and cyclin B1 which can regulate their entry into the nuclei during the G2/M phase of cell cycle

    Microwave Ablation in Intermediate Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Cirrhosis: An Italian Multicenter Prospective Study

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    Background and Aims: To report long-term results in treatment of intermediate hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in cirrhotics using new high-powered microwaves (MWS) ablation alone. Methods: This multicenter study included 215 cirrhotics (age range: 67-84 years; 137 males; 149 Child A, 66 Child B) who underwent percutaneous ultrasound-guided high-powered MWS ablation instead of transarterial chemoembolization. Among the patient population, 109 had a single nodule (Ø 5.3-8 cm) [group A], 70 had 2 nodules (Ø 3-6 cm) [group B] and 36 had 3-5 nodules (Ø 1.5-6.8 cm) [group C]. MWS ablation efficacy was evaluated using enhanced-computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging. Primary end-point was 5-year cumulative overall survival (OS). Results: On enhanced-computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging, complete ablation rates were 100% for 1.5-3.5 cm nodules. In nodules &gt;3.5-5 cm, it was 89% for the first ablation and 100% for the second. For lesions &gt;5-8 cm, ablation was up to 92%. Overall, 1-, 3- and 5-year survival rates were 89, 60, and 21%, respectively. The cumulative OS rate of group A was 89%, 66% and 34% at 1, 3 and 5 years. The cumulative OS rate of group B was 88%, 60% and 11% at 1, 3 and 5 years. The cumulative OS rate of group C was 86%, 55% and 0%. The 5-year survival rate was significantly different among the groups (p &lt;0.001). One patient died from rupture of HCC. Upon multivariate analysis, preablation total bilirubin &gt;1.5 mg/dL was an independent factor for predicting lower survival. Conclusions: Percutaneous MWS ablation of intermediate HCC is safe and effective in inducing large volume of necrosis in intermediate HCC nodules, providing long-term survival rates similar to transarterial chemoembolization. Preablation total bilirubin &gt;1.5 mg/dL as expression of liver function reserve is the main factor predicting a worse outcome

    Core Depressive Symptoms In Depressed Cancer OutpatientsB

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    Objective: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of core depressive symptoms among cancer outpatients diagnosed with depressive or adjustment disorders with depressed mood. We also aimed to detect potential differences between patient self-assessment and psychiatrist evaluation in classifying the severity of depression. Methods: Fifty-two outpatients diagnosed with solid tumor malignancy and depressive or adjustment disorder with depressed mood were assessed using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD-17) (and its shortened version the HAMD-7) and the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (ZSDS) (and its shortened version BZSDS). Results: Based on HAMD-7 results, the prevalence of moderate depression was low (7.7%); using the BZSDS moderate depression was absent. Mild depression was identified in 82.3% and 73% of our subjects using the HAMD-7 and the BZSDS, respectively. The strength of agreement between psychiatrist and patients' self-evaluation for mild depression was "slight", employing the original and the abbreviated versions of both scales. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the prevalence of core depressive symptoms is very low in cancer patients diagnosed with depressive disorder. The lack of a strong agreement between psychiatrist and patient in classifying the severity of depression highlights the importance of factors such as well-being and functional status among depressed cancer patients in their self assessment of depression. © Massimo et al


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    Introdução. A doença renal crônica constitui um grande problema de saúde pública, podendo levar o portador a necessitar de tratamento hemodialítico, o que causa uma série de modificações no cotidiano, com restrições e comprometimento da qualidade de vida. Objetivo. Caracterizar o perfil dos portadores de doença renal crônica submetidos a tratamento hemodialítico e avaliar sua qualidade de vida. Método. Estudo transversal analítico realizado no Centro de Nefrologia do Maranhão. Os dados foram coletados no período de agosto a dezembro de 2009 por meio do instrumento abreviado, traduzido para o português e validado para a população brasileira Kidney Disease and Quality of Life - Short Form (KDQOL-SF TM 1.3). Resultados. Foram entrevistados 110 pacientes sendo 60% homens, a faixa etária predominante foi de 50 e 59 anos (23 %).  Foi evidenciado prejuízo na qualidade de vida para as seguintes dimensões: Função Física, Sobrecarga da Doença Renal, Função Sexual, Função Emocional e Papel Profissional, sendo esta última a mais afetada, com média de 14,8. Os maiores valores encontrados estão nas dimensões Estímulo por Parte da Equipe de Diálise e Função Cognitiva, com médias de 91,1 e 85,4, respectivamente. Conclusão. Os resultados evidenciaram que os pacientes sofreram restrições e comprometimento em sua qualidade de vida correlacionado com aspectos físicos, sociais, mentais e emocionais.Palavras-chave: Qualidade de vida. Doença renal crônica. Hemodiálise.AbstractIntroduction. The chronic renal failure represents a major public health problem. This disease may lead to the necessity for hemodialysis treatment and thus causing several changes in the everyday life of patients with limitations and impairment of their quality of life. Objective. To characterize the profile of patients with chronic renal failure disease on hemodialysis and evaluate the patients' quality of life. Methods. Analytical and cross-sectional study performed in the nephrology center of Maranhão. Data were collected from August to December 2009 using the Kidney Disease and Quality of Life - Short Form (KDQOL-SF TM 1.3) which was abbreviated and translated into Portuguese as well as validated by the brazilian population. Results. Out of 110 patients interviewed, 60% were males. Most of them (23%) were from 50 to 59 years of age. The results showed that the domains physical functioning, burden of renal disease, sexual function, emotional function and professional role contributed to impairment in quality of life. Professional role was the domain that most contributed with an average of 14.8. The highest scores were found in the domains dialysis staff encouragement and cognitive function with 91.1 and 85.4, respectively. Conclusion. The patients suffered limitations and impairment in their quality of life correlated with physical, social, mental and emotional aspects. Keywords: Quality of life. Chronic renal failure. Hemodialysis

    Immunohistochemical investigations on Brucella ceti-infected, neurobrucellosis-affected striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba)

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    Bacteria of the genus Brucella cause brucellosis, an infectious disease common to humans as well as to terrestrial and aquatic mammals. Since 1994 several cases of Brucella spp. infection have been reported in marine mammals worldwide. Indeed, since human brucellosis ranks as one of the most common bacterial zoonotic infections on a global scale, it is necessary to increase our knowledge about it also in the marine environment. Brucella ceti, which is phenotypically similar to other smooth brucellae as B. abortus and B. melitensis, shares with the latter two the same surface antigens that are routinely used for the serological diagnosis of Brucella spp. infection. Marine mammal Brucella spp. infections are characterized by a pathogenicity similar to their terrestrial counterparts, with the occurrence of abortion, stillbirth and orchitis and an involvement of the host’s central nervous system (CNS), similarly to what happens in mankind. While sero-epidemiological data suggest that Brucella spp. infection is widespread globally, detecting Brucella spp.-associated antigens by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in tissues from infected animals is often troublesome. The present study was aimed at investigating, by means of IHC based upon the utilization of an anti-Brucella LPS monoclonal antibody (MAb), the CNS immunoreactivity (IR) shown by B. ceti-infected, neurobrucellosis-affected striped dolphins

    The Many Manifestations of Downsizing: Hierarchical Galaxy Formation Models confront Observations

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    [abridged] It has been widely claimed that several lines of observational evidence point towards a "downsizing" (DS) of the process of galaxy formation over cosmic time. This behavior is sometimes termed "anti-hierarchical", and contrasted with the "bottom-up" assembly of the dark matter structures in Cold Dark Matter models. In this paper we address three different kinds of observational evidence that have been described as DS: the stellar mass assembly, star formation rate and the ages of the stellar populations in local galaxies. We compare a broad compilation of available data-sets with the predictions of three different semi-analytic models of galaxy formation within the Lambda-CDM framework. In the data, we see only weak evidence at best of DS in stellar mass and in star formation rate. We find that, when observational errors on stellar mass and SFR are taken into account, the models acceptably reproduce the evolution of massive galaxies, over the entire redshift range that we consider. However, lower mass galaxies are formed too early in the models and are too passive at late times. Thus, the models do not correctly reproduce the DS trend in stellar mass or the archaeological DS, while they qualitatively reproduce the mass-dependent evolution of the SFR. We demonstrate that these discrepancies are not solely due to a poor treatment of satellite galaxies but are mainly connected to the excessively efficient formation of central galaxies in high-redshift haloes with circular velocities ~100-200 km/s. [abridged]Comment: MNRAS accepted, 16 pages, 10 figure