498 research outputs found

    Successful organizational learning in the management of agricultural research and innovation: The Mexican produce foundations

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    "Since the 1980s, developing countries' agriculture has become more complex and diversified. In general, the public research and extension institutions in these countries were criticized for not participating in the emergence of the most dynamic agricultural markets. In recent years, many of these institutions have struggled to adapt to the new environment but they could not overcome the hurdles posed by organizational rigidities, strict public regulations, deteriorating human capital, shrinking budgets and a model of science that hampered their integration into dynamic innovation processes. In general, developing countries applied similar agricultural research policies: separation of financing and implementation of research, reductions in direct budgetary allocations to research and extension institutions, elimination or major reduction of public extension, and introduction of competitive grants programs to induce a transformation of research organizations. Strong anecdotal information suggests that these policies had limited impact on the quality and pertinence of research, and on the performance of the public research institutions. Using a different set of instruments, the Mexican Produce Foundations (PF) had major and diverse impacts on the agricultural innovation and research systems. These impacts resulted mostly from activities the PF introduced as they learned to manage funds for research and extension, and to a lesser extent from the activities they were created for, i.e., manage a competitive fund for agricultural research and extension. The PF were able to introduce these activities because they developed strong abilities to learn, including identifying knowledge gaps and defining strategies to fill them. The questions this report seeks to answer are how an organization that manages public funds for research and extension could sustain organizational innovations over extended periods, and how it could learn and adapt to maximize its impact on the agricultural innovation system. Previous studies found that human resources, organizational cultures and governance structures are three of the most important factors influencing institutional change and innovative capabilities. Despite their importance, these factors have been largely neglected in the literature on agricultural research and extension policies. This document analyzes what role these factors played in the Mexican experience." from textAgricultural research, Agricultural innovation, Developing countries,

    Seguimiento de la implantación del Grado en Biología. Estrategias para la coordinación docente

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    Durante el curso académico 2013-2014 ha tenido lugar la implantación del último curso del Grado en Biología. Esto permite hacer un análisis completo de la implantación del título así como un estudio sobre el diseño y desarrollo del Trabajo de fin de Grado y la adaptación del Programa de Prácticas externas. Estrategias de trabajo a través de las comisiones de semestre, comisión de garantía de calidad del Centro, reuniones con el alumnado, grupos de acción tutorial, etc. han permitido detectar anomalías y reforzar aspectos positivos para el correcto funcionamiento del título. Cabe resaltar la alta participación del alumnado en la asignatura optativa de prácticas externas, así como un número elevado de alumnos/as matriculados en las optativas de cuarto curso vinculadas al Itinerario 2: Biotecnología y Biosanitaria. En cuanto a los Trabajos de Fin de Grado en curso, destaca el elevado número de trabajos experimentales, seguidos de los bibliográficos y en menor medida, los vinculados a empresas/instituciones

    Reflexiones tras la implantación del Grado en Biología en la UA

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    Con el curso académico 2013-2014 finaliza la implantación de los títulos de Grado en la Universidad de Alicante, y con ello se abre un período de análisis de este proceso que será la antesala de la evaluación y la acreditación de títulos. Los actuales títulos de Grado se diseñaron en un escenario socio-cultural-económico muy diferente al que se ha tenido durante el proceso de implantación. Los recortes en la financiación han sido el principal desencadenante de una dinámica en la que tanto aquellos involucrados en la gestión como los encargados de las tareas docentes han tenido que asumir la impartición de materias en grupos numerosos, con falta de recursos y una interpretación cuanto menos ambigua del concepto “evaluación continua”. Asimismo, los recortes en los programas de becas han tenido efectos tanto en el número y tipo de matrículas como en la participación del alumnado en programas de movilidad. Este trabajo pretende ser un resumen del análisis de resultados relativos a la implantación del Grado en Biología en la Universidad de Alicante para su posterior uso en el diseño de estrategias de mejora para la docencia en este título

    Parenting programs for underserved populations: Issues of scientific integrity and social justice

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    Research suggests that parenting programs are effective for preventing behavioral and emotional difficulties in children, but a lot more attention needs to be paid to issues of context and culture during the development, testing, and implementation of these interventions. The views and needs of underserved and disenfranchised communities in the USA and the Global South are often not taken into account for the development and testing of interventions. The successful implementation of evidence-based interventions for vulnerable children and families in underserved and marginalized communities requires careful consideration of how existing paradigms of prevention, evaluation, and implementation science impact issues of social justice and equity. This paper will describe how a team of parenting program researchers has been collaborating with their partners globally in generating local knowledge by balancing the need for rigorous scientific methods with issues of power. Authors from the USA, Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia draw on their experiences regarding challenges and successes with issues regarding study design and measurement, the transferability and adaptation of interventions, and the dissemination and implementation of different parenting interventions while placing communities at the center of their efforts through participatory methods. We describe innovative approaches that span the continuum of intervention development, adaptation, optimization, evaluation, implementation, and scale-up of different parenting programs for vulnerable children and families across the world. We conclude by offering specific and pragmatic recommendations to increase access of culturally relevant and effective parenting programs in these communities

    Prediction Model for Bankruptcy in Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)

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    [ESP] La presente investigación sobre la predicción de fracaso empresarial tiene como objetivo aplicar y validar el modelo ponderado de la valoración de riesgo RPV en las micro y pequeñas empresas (MiPyMEs) de la región sur del estado de Hidalgo (México), a fin de identificar las variables relacionadas con el proceso de quiebra. Para alcanzar este objetivo, el estudio se propone la contrastación empírica del (RPV) de Mosqueda 2010. Los resultados arrojan información importante que permite corroborar las variables que inciden en la quiebra, obteniendo valores más precisos al riesgo, lo que permitió validar y reforzar el modelo. [ENG] The main purpose of this research is to validate and improve the Weighted Ratio Valuation Model (RPV) model in micro and small enterprises in Central Mexico, in order to propose an alternative to financial valuation methods to anticipate bankruptcy in this sector of the economy. To achieve this objective, the study proposes the empirical application of Mosqueda 2010. The results shed important information that allowed the identification of variables that lead to bankruptcy, making risk detection more accurate, which, in turn, made it possible to validate and consolidate the model.

    Optimización de la logística de distribución utilizando técnicas de la inteligencia artificial

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    La logística en Argentina está influida por el decisivo peso de la producción primaria en la organización del sistema, por una orientación prevalente hacia las exportaciones globales y las dirigidas al mercado regional sudamericano, y por una matriz de transporte dominada por el transporte automotor de cargas y la concentración portuaria. La logística remite a flujos de materiales y de información; a lugares de manipulación, depósito y transformación de las mercancías; a redes y nodos de circulación; y a tiempos de movimiento y no movimiento que responden a aspectos materiales (las infraestructuras, los transportes y las cargas) y también a aspectos funcionales (los servicios, las normativas y regulaciones). En suma, la logística implica un uso del territorio en el tiempo, una convergencia espacio-temporal, una organización y sincronización de flujos a través de estrategias sobre los nodos y las redes. Esta aproximación resalta las limitaciones de miradas parciales y destaca la necesidad de considerar una perspectiva integral que incluya, además, los aspectos organizacionales y de coordinación. La consideración de infraestructuras de circulación; servicios de transporte; infraestructuras de comunicaciones; servicios de almacenamiento y agregado de valor; normativas y regulaciones y costos operativos, entre otros, da cuenta del desafío que involucra una coordinación amplia de políticas estatales de diferente tipo y a cargo de estructuras administrativas diversas. El despliegue de la logística como uno de los “usos del territorio”, abre la posibilidad de acentuar el enfoque territorial. En esta línea de investigación se aborda la optimización de la logística de distribución de cargas y paquetería. Para tal fin se propone el desarrollo de software logístico, que incorpore herramientas basadas en inteligencia artificial, como soporte para la toma de decisiones a nivel gerencial y asistido por herramientas que permitan evaluar la incidencia de la matriz de costos y buscar el equilibrio del sistema. Se considera que el abordaje de la optimización de la logística de distribución centrada en la provincia de La Pampa tendría impacto en la matriz productiva y de servicios de toda la región.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Distance Learning In Time Of Crisis: A Case Study At The School Of Agricultural Engineering And Environment Of Universitat Politècnica De València

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    [EN] Higher education is continuously evolving to keep up with the challenges posed by the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) to education. In this sense, distance learning is booming, with an increasing number of higher education students taking advantage of the flexibility remote learning provides. The School of Agricultural Engineering and Environment (ETSIAMN) of Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) has been gradually incorporating ICT tools in its bachelor and master degrees for the last two decades. As a result, many college students and university instructors are familiar with ICT techniques. However, the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis has put distance learning in the spotlight like never before, forcing students, faculty, and staff to adapt to the new situation with hardly any preparation time. For that reason, it is convenient to analyse in depth the results and impact of the teaching and evaluation methodologies developed and applied during this critical period, as a way to detect and amend potential inefficiencies in the learning process. The specific goal of this study was to analyse the teaching period during the COVID-19 crisis in ETSIAMN, which covered the spring semester of the academic year 2019-2020. To this purpose, 114 instructors and 274 students were surveyed in July 2020, belonging to four bachelor degrees (agricultural and biological engineering; forestry engineering; food engineering; and biotechnology), and three master degrees (agricultural and biological engineering; forestry engineering, and oenology). Regarding the experimental design for the survey, three main blocks were identified: the first block corresponds to teaching methodologies, comparing students and faculty preferences for distance lecturing; the second block focuses on evaluation modalities and exam configurations; and the final block centers on the difficulties found by both students and lecturers along the adaptation process from conventional to distance teaching. Results showed that instructors and students preferred a combination of live streaming with recorded lectures, being multiple choice the favourite examination type, although many students rated first a project-based evaluation. Overall, students rejected tests with no possibilities to go back on already answered questions, and instructors mostly preferred limiting the time to complete the on-line tests. The lack of motivation was the main barrier encountered by students to achieve an effective learning. Finally, a set of counterweighting measures to improve and promote the successful implementation of distance learning in engineering colleges is proposed.Clemente Polo, G.; Garcia-Prats, A.; Lisón, P.; Rubio Michavila, C.; Ricarte Benedito, B.; Estruch-Guitart, V.; Fenollosa Ribera, ML.... (2020). Distance Learning In Time Of Crisis: A Case Study At The School Of Agricultural Engineering And Environment Of Universitat Politècnica De València. IATED Academy. 3938-3945. https://doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2020.0889S3938394

    COVID-19 Impact: A Case Study at the School of Agricultural Engineering and Environment of the Universitat Politècnica de València

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    [EN] To study the first impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the results obtained by students belonging to the School of Agricultural Engineering and Environment at the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain), the average of the marks corresponding to three academic years (2016-2019) was compared to those obtained in 2019-2020 for a total of four bachelor's degrees and two semesters. Our results suggest a positive effect on the marks obtained during the activation of emergency remote teaching during the spring semester of 2019-2020 in three out of the four degrees, with these differences being significant for the whole study. Moreover, just at the end of that period, instructors and students were surveyed regarding teaching methodologies, evaluation modalities, and difficulties found throughout the process of adapting to distance teaching. Our results allow us to sensibly think about that exceptional situation in order to propose a set of counterweighting measures which could improve the implementation of distance learning in engineering colleges.Clemente Polo, G.; Garcia-Prats, A.; Lisón, P.; Rubio Michavila, C.; Vidal-Puig, S.; Ricarte Benedito, B.; Estruch-Guitart, V.... (2022). COVID-19 Impact: A Case Study at the School of Agricultural Engineering and Environment of the Universitat Politècnica de València. Sustainability. 14(17):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/su141710607114141

    Protist taxonomic and functional diversity in soil, freshwater and marine ecosystems

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    Protists dominate eukaryotic diversity and play key functional roles in all ecosystems, particularly by catalyzing carbon and nutrient cycling. To date, however, a comparative analysis of their taxonomic and functional diversity that compares the major ecosystems on Earth (soil, freshwater and marine systems) is missing. Here, we present a comparison of protist diversity based on standardized high throughput 18S rRNA gene sequencing of soil, freshwater and marine environmental DNA. Soil and freshwater protist communities were more similar to each other than to marine protist communities, with virtually no overlap of Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) between terrestrial and marine habitats. Soil protists showed higher γ diversity than aquatic samples. Differences in taxonomic composition of the communities led to changes in a functional diversity among ecosystems, as expressed in relative abundance of consumers, phototrophs and parasites. Phototrophs (eukaryotic algae) dominated freshwater systems (49% of the sequences) and consumers soil and marine ecosystems (59% and 48%, respectively). The individual functional groups were composed of ecosystem- specific taxonomic groups. Parasites were equally common in all ecosystems, yet, terrestrial systems hosted more OTUs assigned to parasites of macro-organisms while aquatic systems contained mostly microbial parasitoids. Together, we show biogeographic patterns of protist diversity across major ecosystems on Earth, preparing the way for more focused studies that will help understanding the multiple roles of protists in the biosphere