26 research outputs found

    Integração de métodos multicritério na busca da sustentabilidade agrícola para a produção de tomates no município de São José de Ubá-RJ.

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    Este estudo discute alternativas para os sistemas produtivos da terra no plantio de tomates em São José de Ubá-RJ e as relações de trabalho passíveis de serem colocadas em pratica de forma a promover uma agricultura sustentavel na região, priorizando os aspectos economicos, ambientais e culturais do problema. A introdução da questão cultural aumenta a complexidade da questão, sendo necessário o uso de uma metodologia capaz de lidar com toda a subjetividade envolvida nesse processo de tomada de decisão. O estudo visa contribuir para a conquista de um processo sustentavel na região, estabelecendo um processo de tomada de decisão pautado nas opinioes do agricultor, respeitando principalmente as questões culturais do problema. As características do ambiente de tomada de decisão indicaram o uso de uma combinação de métodos de apoio a decisão multicritério - MACBETH e VIP Analysis - para a seleção da melhor alternativa capaz de possibilitar o alcance dos objetivos propostos

    Landscape - wildfire interactions in southern Europe: implications for landscape management

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    ReviewEvery year approximately half a million hectares of land are burned by wildfires in southern Europe, causing large ecological and socio-economic impacts. Climate and land use changes in the last decades have increased fire risk and danger. In this paper we review the available scientific knowledge on the relationships between landscape and wildfires in the Mediterranean region, with a focus on its application for defining landscape management guidelines and policies that could be adopted in order to promote landscapes with lower fire hazard. The main findings are that (1) socio-economic drivers have favoured land cover changes contributing to increasing fire hazard in the last decades, (2) large wildfires are becoming more frequent, (3) increased fire frequency is promoting homogeneous landscapes covered by fire-prone shrublands; (4) landscape planning to reduce fuel loads may be successful only if fire weather conditions are not extreme. The challenges to address these problems and the policy and landscape management responses that should be adopted are discussed, along with major knowledge gapsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pressure-induced fusogenic conformation of vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein

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    Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is composed of a ribonucleoprotein core surrounded by a lipid envelope presenting an integral glycoprotein (G). The homotrimeric VSV G protein exhibits a membrane fusion activity that can be elicited by low pH. The fusion event is crucial to entry into the cell and disassembly followed by viral replication. To understand the conformational changes involved in this process, the effects of high hydrostatic pressure and urea on VSV particles and isolated G protein were investigated. With pressures up to 3.0 kbar VSV particles were converted into the fusogenic conformation, as measured by a fusion assay and by the binding of bis-ANS. The magnitude of the changes was similar to that promoted by lowering the pH. To further understand the relationship between stability and conversion into the fusion-active states, the stability of the G protein was tested against urea and high pressure. High urea produced a large red shift in the tryptophan fluorescence of G protein whereas pressure promoted a smaller change. Pressure induced equal fluorescence changes in isolated G protein and virions, indicating that virus inactivation induced by pressure is due to changes in the G protein. Fluorescence microscopy showed that pressurized particles were capable of fusing with the cell membrane without causing infection. We propose that pressure elicits a conformational change in the G protein, which maintains the fusion properties but suppresses the entry of the virus by endocytosis. Binding of bis-ANS indicates the presence of hydrophobic cavities in the G protein. Pressure also caused an increase in light scattering of VSV G protein, reinforcing the hypothesis that high pressure elicits the fusogenic activity of VSV G protein. This "fusion-intermediate state" induced by pressure has minor changes in secondary structure and is likely the cause of nonproductive infections.42185540554

    Crises hipertensivas em portadores de hipertensão arterial em tratamento ambulatorial Crisis hipertensivas en portadores de hipertensión arterial en tratamiento ambulatorio Hypertensive crises in bearers of arterial hypertension in ambulatorial treatment

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    O presente estudo avaliou as características sociodemográficas e de adesão terapêutica de 27 portadores de hipertensão arterial em tratamento ambulatorial que apresentaram crises de urgências ou emergências hipertensivas e haviam sido atendidos em uma unidade de leito-dia e em uma unidade de emergência da cidade de Fortaleza-Ceará, no período de outubro de 2002 a maio de 2003. A maioria era mulher, com idade de 50 a 60 anos, pouca escolaridade, tempo de tratamento inferior a cinco anos e tempo de diagnóstico entre cinco e dez anos. O uso dos remédios foi o tratamento mais referido, seguido pela redução do consumo de sal e comparecimento às consultas. No entanto, o fato de comparecerem às consultas e receberem orientação parece não modificar o comportamento, uma vez que a maioria dos entrevistados não praticava exercícios físicos e demonstrava deficiência no conhecimento sobre a doença, atribuindo a elevação da pressão arterial a fatores emocionais.<br>El presente estudio evaluó las características sociodemográficas y de adhesión terapéutica de 27 portadores de hipertensión arterial en tratamiento ambulatorio que presentaron crisis de urgencias o emergencias hipertensivas y habían sido atendidos en una unidad de internamiento diurno y en una unidad de emergencia de la ciudad de Fortaleza - Ceará, en el período de octubre del 2002 a mayo del 2003. La mayoría fue del sexo femenino, con edad de 50 a 60 años, poca escolaridad, tiempo de tratamiento inferior a cinco años y tiempo de diagnóstico entre cinco y diez años. El uso de los remedios fue el tratamiento más referido, seguido por la reducción del consumo de sal y asistencia a las consultas. Entre tanto, el hecho de asistir a las consultas y recibir orientación parece no modificar su comportamiento, pues la mayoría de los entrevistados no praticaba ejercicios físicos y demostraba falta de conocimiento sobre la enfermedad, atribuyendo la elevación de la presión arterial a factores emocionales.<br>This study assessed the socio-demographic characteristics and the characteristics of therapeutic adhesion of 27 bearers of arterial hypertension undergoing ambulatorial treatment who had hypertensive urgencies crises or emergencies in the city of Fortaleza in the period between October of 2002 and May of 2003. The majority were women, between 50 and 60-years old, with little formal education, treatment time shorter than 5 years and time of diagnosis varying from 5 to 10 years. The use of medicine was the treatment that was most mentioned, followed by the reduction of the consumption of salt and attendance to medical appointments. However, attending the appointments and receiving orientation did not seem to change their behavior, since most of the patients that were interviewed practiced no physical exercises and demonstrated little knowledge of the illness, for they attributed the rise of the arterial pressure to emotional factors