59 research outputs found

    Practicing food anxiety: Making Australian mothers responsible for their families’ dietary decisions

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    Concerns about the relationship between diet, weight, and health find widespread expression in the media and are accompanied by significant individual anxiety and responsibilization. However, these pertain especially to mothers, who undertake the bulk of domestic labor involved in managing their families’ health and wellbeing. This article employs the concept of anxiety as social practice to explore the process whereby mothers are made accountable for their families’ dietary decisions. Drawing on data from an Australian study that explored the impact of discourses of childhood obesity prevention on mothers, the article argues that mothers’ engagements with this value-laden discourse are complex and ambiguous, involving varying degrees of self-ascribed responsibility and blame for children's weight and diets. We conclude by drawing attention to the value of viewing food anxiety as social practice, in highlighting issues that are largely invisible in both official discourses and scholarly accounts of childhood obesity prevention

    Cotidianos Escolares em Imagens

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    O artigo tem como objetivo problematizar os cotidianos escolares em imagens, a partir de intercessores e conceitos da Filosofia da diferença de Deleuze e Guattari. Para tanto, assume como referĂȘncia os dados-imagens-grafites produzidos durante as pesquisas que desenvolvemos com os cotidianos de escolas pĂșblicas de VitĂłria/ES, Brasil. O texto assume que para falar dos cotidianos escolares em imagens, de modo a potencializar o intempestivo, a produção de sentidos e a multiplicidade dos conhecimentos, Ă© preciso investir em uma outra atitude de pesquisa que considere o caos, o acaso e a permanente abertura e complexidade dos cotidianos escolares como potĂȘncias para a constituição de um plano de imanĂȘncia e para a criação de conceitos. O artigo sustenta a ideia de impossibilidade de se eleger imagens que seriam consideradas as mais representativas para se falar dos acontecimentos das escolas


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    Svrha istraĆŸivanja bila je proučiti i usporediti odnos izmeđ funkcionalnog statusa i trajanja jutarnje zakočenosti u ĆĄakama s obzirom na dob, razinu obrazovanja i spol u bolesnika s reumatoidnim artritisom (RA). IstraĆŸena je povezanost tih čimbenika u odnosu na postojanje reumatoidnog faktora, odnosno seroloĆĄki status. Ova retrospektivna studija provedena je u 250 bolesnika s klasičnim oblikom RA (186 ĆŸena, 64 muĆĄkarca). Ispitanici su bili u dobi između 25 i 60 godina, (x=49.96) s trajanjem bolesti od jedne do 27 godina (x =6.41) i nisu ispunjavali revidirane dijagnostičke kriterije ACR-a (American College of Rheumatology – 1987). Svi ispitanici pripadali su II. i III. funkcionalnom razredu prema Steinbrockerovoj klasifi kaciji. Odnos između funkcionalnih razreda i odabranih varijabli (trajanje jutarnje ukočenosti u rukama, spol, dob i stupanj obrazovanja) u odnosu na serostatus mjeren je point-biserijalnim koefi cijentom korelacije. Nađena je pozitivna, iako niska korelacija između trajanja jutarnje ukočenosti i funkcionalnih klasa [(r=0.10, y=0.00x 2.37, p> 0.05) seronegativni, (r=0.12, y=0.00x 2.30, p>0.05) seropozitivni]. Visoke pozitivne vrijednosti dobivene su pri određivanju koefi cijenta linearne korelacije između trajanja bolesti i funkcionalnih klasa (p<0.01). Također su visoke vrijednosti dobivene za koefi cijent korelacije između dobi i funkcionalnih klasa [(r=0.29, p<0.01) seronegativni, (r=0.47, p<0.01) seropozitivni]. Slabije obrazovani bolesnici bili su znatno viĆĄe zastupljeni u III. funkcionalnom razredu [23 (50%) seronegativni, 19 (42.2%) seropozitivni] nego u II. funkcionalnom razredu [16 (20.3%) seronegativni, 22 (27.5%) seropozitivni]. Zaključno, prema ovoj studiji bolesnika s reumatoidnim artritisom dulje trajanje jutarnje zakočenosti bilo je povezano sa stupnjem funkcionalne nesposobnosti. Funkcionalna nesposobnost bila je povećana s trajanjem bolesti, ovisna o dobi i obrazovnoj razini te je izraĆŸenija u starijoj dobi, bez obzira na RA seroloĆĄki status. U odnosu na seroloĆĄki status i spol, razlike nisu znatne.Th e purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between disability status and duration of morning stiff ness in hands with regard to age, level of education, and gender in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Also, the authors wanted to investigate this relationship with regard to the presence of rheumatoid factor, i.e., the serological status. A retrospective study was conducted in 250 patients with the classic form of RA (186 females, 64 males, mean age Xb = 49.96 years, range 25-60 years, disease duration 1-27 years, Xb = 6.41) previously diagnosed with RA according to the ACR (American College of Rheumatology 1987 criteria). All patients were in Steinbrocker functional classes II and III. Th e probability level was expressed by p < 0.01 and p < 0.05. Th e relationship between the variables was measured by point-biserial correlation. Th e correlation between duration of morning stiff ness and functional class was positive but low [(r = 0.10, y = 0.00x + 2.37, p > 0.05) seronegative, (r = 0.12, y = 0.00x + 2.30, p > 0.05) seropositive]. High positive values were obtained for the linear correlation coeffi cient between duration of the disease and functional class (p < 0.01). Also, high values were obtained regarding the coeffi cient of correlation between age and functional class [(r = 0.29, p < 0.01) seronegative, (r = 0.47, p < 0.01) seropositive]. Uneducated patients were signifi cantly more represented in functional class III [23 (50%) seronegative, 19 (42.2%) seropositive] than in functional class II [16 (20.3%) seronegative, 22 (27.5%) seropositive]. In conclusion, in this study of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, increased duration of morning stiff ness was associated with functional disability. Functional disability increased with the duration of the disease, depended on age and educational level, and was more pronounced in older age, regardless of RA serological status. With regard to serological status and sex, the diff erences were non-signifi cant

    Du latin médiéval au pluriel des langues, le tournant de la Renaissance

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    LUCE GIARD: From Medieval Latin to the Piurality of Languages at the Turn ofthe Renaissance The transformation, between 1400 and 1600, of the relationship between logic and grammar in the major European languages is explained by the transformation of the object-Ianguage of this relationship on the one hand, and of its status on the other. In the Middle Ages, logic and grammar operated on an impoverished Latin which, while it held a monopoly over writing, did not have any reaI speakers, but constituted a second language, semi-artificiaI in character, comfortable in the stability of its synchrony and of its own formaI linguistic knowledge. With the humanistic rupture, the vemacular made a debut. As they acceded to writing, slowly constituting their own corpus of textual references and defming their own ways of a proper fonnal linguistic knowledge, these actually-lĂŻving, natural, and hence changing languages became the raw materiaI for a new grammatical and logical analysis conscious of the diversity and non-systematicism of use.Giard Luce. Du latin mĂ©diĂ©val au pluriel des langues, le tournant de la Renaissance. In: Histoire ÉpistĂ©mologie Langage, tome 6, fascicule 1, 1984. Logique et grammaire, sous la direction de Suzanne Bachelard . pp. 35-55

    S'il faut conclure ou comment l'histoire intellectuelle de la Renaissance est encore Ă  Ă©crire

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    On propose de donner une signification forte aux caractĂ©ristiques de l'histoire intellectuelle de la Renaissance, telles que ce volume les donne Ă  voir. Il s'ensuit une comparaison critique des historiographies italienne, française et anglophone, quant Ă  l'intĂ©rĂȘt portĂ© Ă  la production scientifique et philosophique, de Copernic Ă  l'avant-GalilĂ©e, et quant au rĂŽle attribuĂ© Ă  l'identitĂ© confessionnelle des protagonistes. Le constat tournant au dĂ©savantage de l'historiographie française, on suggĂšre d'en trouver la raison dans les choix, Ă  moyen terme, de l'École des Annales, et dans les effets, Ă  long terme, de la sĂ©paration entre l'Église et l'État (1906). La conjonction des deux a maintenu l'ignorance sur l'universitĂ© mĂ©diĂ©vale, la philosophie scolastique, l'hĂ©ritage de l'une et l'autre Ă  la Renaissance. D'oĂč l'absence de postĂ©ritĂ©, en France, de Pierre Duhem, d'Etienne Gilson et mĂȘme d'Alexandre KoyrĂ©, tous trois admirĂ©s et influents ailleurs. L'habitude nationale de radicaliser la «rupture instauratrice» due Ă  Descartes a contribuĂ© Ă  la mĂȘme carence. Des signes avant-coureurs d'un retournement de perspectives sont signalĂ©s : modification gĂ©nĂ©rale du contexte idĂ©ologique et Ă©pistĂ©mique, approfondissement français et rĂ©flexion sur le savoir et le croire, toutes choses dont l'historiographie de la Renaissance devrait bĂ©nĂ©ficier.Giard Luce. S'il faut conclure ou comment l'histoire intellectuelle de la Renaissance est encore Ă  Ă©crire. In: Sciences et religions. De Copernic Ă  GalilĂ©e (1540-1610) Actes du colloque international - Rome 12-14 dĂ©cembre 1996. Rome : École Française de Rome, 1999. pp. 491-522. (Publications de l'École française de Rome, 260

    Origenes Dela Enseñanza Jesuita

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    The Jesuit College. a Center for Knowledge, Art and Faith 1548-1773

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    L’ambiguĂŻte du mot « science » et sa source latine

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    Peut-on lĂ©gitimement employer le mot « science » pour dĂ©signer des savoirs antĂ©rieurs Ă  la constitution historique de ce que nous considĂ©rons aujourd’hui comme des sciences en rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  l’état prĂ©sent des sciences de la nature ? Cet embarras, tout historien le rencontre, dĂšs qu’il accepte de loger son travail sous l’intitulĂ© de l’histoire des sciences. Georges Canguilhem remarquait autrefois que « considĂ©rĂ©e sous l’aspect qu’elle offre dans le recueil des Actes d’un CongrĂšs, l’histoire des ..

    Travaux de cuisine gestes d'autrefois

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    Dominique Julia, Jacques Revel et Roger Chartier (éd.), Les universités européennes du XVIe au XVIIIe siÚcle. Histoire sociale des populations étudiantes, tome 1

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    Giard Luce. Dominique Julia, Jacques Revel et Roger Chartier (Ă©d.), Les universitĂ©s europĂ©ennes du XVIe au XVIIIe siĂšcle. Histoire sociale des populations Ă©tudiantes, tome 1. In: Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, tome 35 N°3, Juillet-septembre 1988. pp. 513-515
