66 research outputs found

    Linear solar module - Refinement, measurement, and evaluation of optics Final report

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    Optical section using xenon or mercury-xenon arc lamp source for solar simulato

    Identifying landscape hot and cold spots of soil greenhouse gas fluxes by combining field measurements and remote sensing data

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    Upscaling chamber measurements of soil greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes from point scale to landscape scale remain challenging due to the high variability in the fluxes in space and time. This study measured GHG fluxes and soil parameters at selected point locations (n=268), thereby implementing a stratified sampling approach on a mixed-land-use landscape (∼5.8 km2). Based on these field-based measurements and remotely sensed data on landscape and vegetation properties, we used random forest (RF) models to predict GHG fluxes at a landscape scale (1 m resolution) in summer and autumn. The RF models, combining field-measured soil parameters and remotely sensed data, outperformed those with field-measured predictors or remotely sensed data alone. Available satellite data products from Sentinel-2 on vegetation cover and water content played a more significant role than those attributes derived from a digital elevation model, possibly due to their ability to capture both spatial and seasonal changes in the ecosystem parameters within the landscape. Similar seasonal patterns of higher soil/ecosystem respiration (SR/ER–CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes in summer and higher methane (CH4) uptake in autumn were observed in both the measured and predicted landscape fluxes. Based on the upscaled fluxes, we also assessed the contribution of hot spots to the total landscape fluxes. The identified emission hot spots occupied a small landscape area (7 % to 16 %) but accounted for up to 42 % of the landscape GHG fluxes. Our study showed that combining remotely sensed data with chamber measurements and soil properties is a promising approach for identifying spatial patterns and hot spots of GHG fluxes across heterogeneous landscapes. Such information may be used to inform targeted mitigation strategies at the landscape scale.</p

    A Variable Star Census in a Perseus Field

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    The Berlin Exoplanet Search Telescope is a small-aperture, wide-field telescope dedicated to time-series photometric observations. During an initial commissioning phase at the Thueringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, Germany, and subsequent operations at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence, France, a 3.1 {\deg} x 3.1 {\deg} circumpolar field close to the galactic plane centered at ({\alpha}, {\delta}) = (02h 39m 23s, +52{\deg} 01' 46") (J 2000.0) was observed between 2001 August and 2006 December during 52 nights. From the 32129 stars observed, a subsample of 145 stars with clear stellar variability was detected out of which 125 are newly identified variable objects. For five bright objects, the system parameters were derived by modeling the light curve.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Solubility of Rock in Steam Atmospheres of Planets

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    Extensive experimental studies show that all major rock-forming elements (e.g., Si, Mg, Fe, Ca, Al, Na, K) dissolve in steam to a greater or lesser extent. We use these results to compute chemical equilibrium abundances of rocky-element-bearing gases in steam atmospheres equilibrated with silicate magma oceans. Rocky elements partition into steam atmospheres as volatile hydroxide gases (e.g., Si(OH)4, Mg(OH)2, Fe(OH)2, Ni(OH)2, Al(OH)3, Ca(OH)2, NaOH, KOH) and via reaction with HF and HCl as volatile halide gases (e.g., NaCl, KCl, CaFOH, CaClOH, FAl(OH)2) in much larger amounts than expected from their vapor pressures over volatile-free solid or molten rock at high temperatures expected for steam atmospheres on the early Earth and hot rocky exoplanets. We quantitatively compute the extent of fractional vaporization by defining gas/magma distribution coefficients and show that Earth's subsolar Si/Mg ratio may be due to loss of a primordial steam atmosphere. We conclude that hot rocky exoplanets that are undergoing or have undergone escape of steam-bearing atmospheres may experience fractional vaporization and loss of Si, Mg, Fe, Ni, Al, Ca, Na, and K. This loss can modify their bulk composition, density, heat balance, and interior structure

    A 1.9 Earth Radius Rocky Planet and the Discovery of a Non-Transiting Planet in the Kepler-20 System*

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    Kepler-20 is a solar-type star (V = 12.5) hosting a compact system of five transiting planets, all packed within the orbital distance of Mercury in our own Solar System. A transition from rocky to gaseous planets with a planetary transition radius of ∼ 1.6 R⊕ has recently been proposed by several publications in the literature (Rogers 2015; Weiss& Marcy 2014). Kepler-20b (Rp ∼ 1.9 R⊕) has a size beyond this transition radius, however previous mass measurements were not sufficiently precise to allow definite conclusions to be drawn regarding its composition. We present new mass measurements of Kepler-20 three of the planets in the Kepler-20 system facilitated by 104 radial velocity measurements from the HARPS-N spectrograph and 30 archival Keck/HIRES observations, as well as an updated photometric analysis of the Kepler data and an asteroseismic analysis of the host star (M* = 0.948 ± 0.051 M☉ and R* = 0.964 ± 0.018 R☉).Kepler-20b is a 1.868+0.066 −0.034 R⊕ planet in a 3.7 day period with amass of 9.70+1.41 −1.44 M⊕ resulting in a mean density of 8.2 +1.5 −1.3 g cm−3 indicating a rocky composition with an iron to silicate ratio consistent with that of the Earth. This makes Kepler-20b the most massive planet with a rocky composition found to date. Furthermore, we report the discovery of an additional non-transiting planet with a minimum mass of 19.96+3.08 −3.61 M⊕ and an orbital period of ∼ 34 days in the gap between Kepler-20f (P ∼ 11 days) and Kepler-20d (P ∼78 days).PostprintPeer reviewe

    An Accurate Mass Determination for Kepler-1655b, a Moderately Irradiated World with a Significant Volatile Envelope

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    Funding: A.C.C. acknowledges support from STFC consolidated grant number ST/M001296/1. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant Agreement No. 313014 (ETAEARTH).We present the confirmation of a small, moderately-irradiated (F= 155±7 F⊕) Neptune with a substantial gas envelope in a P=11.8728787±0.0000085-day orbit about a quiet, Sun-like G0V star Kepler-1655. Based on our analysis of the Kepler light curve, we determined Kepler-1655b’s radius to be 2.213±0.082 R⊕. We acquired 95 high-resolution spectra with TNG/HARPS-N, enabling us to characterize the host star and determine an accurate mass for Kepler-1655b of 5.0±^3.1_2.8 M⊕ via Gaussian-process regression. Our mass determination excludes an Earth-like composition with 98% confidence. Kepler-1655b falls on the upper edge of the evaporation valley, in the relatively sparsely occupied transition region between rocky and gas-rich planets. It is therefore part of a population of planets that we should actively seek to characterize further.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Characterization of the planetary system Kepler-101 with HARPS-N. A hot super-Neptune with an Earth-sized low-mass companion

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    We report on the characterization of the Kepler-101 planetary system, thanks to a combined DE-MCMC analysis of Kepler data and forty radial velocities obtained with the HARPS-N spectrograph. This system was previously validated by Rowe et al. (2014) and is composed of a hot super-Neptune, Kepler-101b, and an Earth-sized planet, Kepler-101c. These two planets orbit the slightly evolved and metal-rich G-type star in 3.49 and 6.03 days, respectively. With mass Mp=51.14.7+5.1 MM_{\rm p}=51.1_{-4.7}^{+5.1}~M_{\oplus}, radius Rp=5.770.79+0.85 RR_{\rm p}=5.77_{-0.79}^{+0.85}~R_{\oplus}, and density ρp=1.450.48+0.83g  cm3\rho_{\rm p}=1.45_{-0.48}^{+0.83} \rm g\;cm^{-3}, Kepler-101b is the first fully-characterized super-Neptune, and its density suggests that heavy elements make up a significant fraction of its interior; more than 60%60\% of its total mass. Kepler-101c has a radius of 1.250.17+0.19 R1.25_{-0.17}^{+0.19}~R_{\oplus}, which implies the absence of any H/He envelope, but its mass could not be determined due to the relative faintness of the parent star for highly precise radial-velocity measurements (Kp=13.8K_{\rm p}=13.8) and the limited number of radial velocities. The 1 σ1~\sigma upper limit, Mp<3.8 MM_{\rm p} < 3.8~M_{\oplus}, excludes a pure iron composition with a 68.3%68.3\% probability. The architecture of the Kepler-101 planetary system - containing a close-in giant planet and an outer Earth-sized planet with a period ratio slightly larger than the 3:2 resonance - is certainly of interest for planet formation and evolution scenarios. This system does not follow the trend, seen by Ciardi et al. (2013), that in the majority of Kepler systems of planet pairs with at least one Neptune-size or larger planet, the larger planet has the longer period.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted in A&