204 research outputs found

    Two geomagnetic regional models for Albania and south-east Italy from 1990 to 2010 with prediction to 2012 and comparison with IGRF-11

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    Here we present a revised geomagnetic reference model for the region comprising Albanian territory, south-east part of Italian Peninsula and Ionian Sea from 1990 to 2010 with prediction to 2012. This study is based on the datasets of magnetic measurements taken during different campaigns in Albania and Italy in the time of concern, together with a total intensity data set from the Ørsted and CHAMP satellite missions. The model is designed to represent the Cartesian components, X, Y, Z and the total intensity F of the main geomagnetic field (and its secular variation) for the period of interest. To develop the model, we applied a Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis (SCHA) of the geomagnetic potential over a 16° cap with most of the observations concentrated in the central 4° half-angle. The use of a larger cap than that containing the data was made to reduce the typical problems in SV modelling over small regions. Also a new technique, called ``Radially Simplified Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis" (RS-SCHA), was developed to improve the model especially in the radial variation of the geomagnetic field components. Both these models provide an optimal representation of the geomagnetic field in the considered region compared with the International Geomagnetic Reference Field model (IGRF-11) and can be used as reference models to reduce magnetic surveys undertaken in the area during the time of validity of the model, or to extrapolate the field till 2012

    ITalian Geomagnetic Reference Field (ITGRF): update for 2000 and secular variation model up to 2005 by autoregressive forecasting

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    The updated version of the ITalian Geomagnetic Reference Field (ITGRF) for 2000.0 and its secular variation model up to 2005.0 are presented in this paper. The main field model is based on a simple polynomial approximation in latitude and longitude of the geomagnetic field elements computed from IGRF on a 12° „ 11° grid centred over Italy. The annual means from L'Aquila observatory were used to determine the baseline level, imposing a constant observatory anomaly bias. This procedure gives a set of 6 coefficients every 5 years from 1960 to 2005 for the horizontal H, total field F, vertical Z and declination D elements of the geomagnetic field. The extrapolation of ITGRF to 2005 is based on an autoregressive forecasting of the L'Aquila observatory annual means. Comparison of the field values computed from the model with those recorded at the other Italian observatory (Castello Tesino) shows that the ITGRF improves the fit of the secular variation pattern with respect to the global IGRF model by a factor of 3. The ITGRF represents a reliable alternative to global models when reducing magnetic surveys to a common reference epoch over the Italian region

    Deep seafloor magnetic observations under GEOSTAR project

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    Performing good quality magnetic observations is not an easy task; making them in the extreme marine environment is even much more challenging. The European funded GEOSTAR project succeeded in reaching this difficult goal. After the shallow seawater test experiment performed in the Adriatic sea in 1998, the main aims of the GEOSTAR project were achieved two years later during the six-month deep seafloor mission in the Tyrrhenian sea at around 2 km depth. Details and results about the shallow seawater mission in the Adriatic sea were published in previous articles; this paper is concerned with the deep seafloor mission in the Tyrrhenian sea close to Ustica Island and presents some results related to the geomagnetic recordings

    Altered thymic differentiation and modulation of arthritis by invariant NKT cells expressing mutant ZAP70

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    Various subsets of invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells with different cytokine productions develop in the mouse thymus, but the factors driving their differentiation remain unclear. Here we show that hypomorphic alleles of Zap70 or chemical inhibition of Zap70 catalysis leads to an increase of IFN-gamma-producing iNKT cells (NKT1 cells), suggesting that NKT1 cells may require a lower TCR signal threshold. Zap70 mutant mice develop IL-17-dependent arthritis. In a mouse experimental arthritis model, NKT17 cells are increased as the disease progresses, while NKT1 numbers negatively correlates with disease severity, with this protective effect of NKT1 linked to their IFN-gamma expression. NKT1 cells are also present in the synovial fluid of arthritis patients. Our data therefore suggest that TCR signal strength during thymic differentiation may influence not only IFN-gamma production, but also the protective function of iNKT cells in arthritis

    The scope of language contact as a constraint factor in language change: The periphrasis haber de plus infinitive in a corpus of language immediacy in modern Spanish

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    In this work an empirical study grounded in the principles and methods of the comparative variationist framework is conducted to measure the scope of language contact as a factor constraining some potentially diverging uses of a Spanish verbal periphrasis that has undergone a sharp decline over the last century (haber de plus infinitive). The analysis is based on three independent samples of text that correspond to three dialectal areas of peninsular Spanish (monolingual zones, Catalan-speaking linguistic territories and the north-western linguistic area). These samples, extracted from a corpus made up of texts of communicative immediacy from the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries, confirm the existence of a certain linguistic convergence in the expressive habits of the speakers in the bilingual communities. In each region, however, the outcomes are different, due to parallel differences in the structural position of the periphrasis in each language. However, a thorough analysis of the variable context that surrounds the periphrasis shows that the observed differences do not affect the essence of the underlying grammar of this variant, whose decline (which favours tener que plus infinitive and becomes faster as the 20th century advances) is constrained by identical linguistic and extralinguistic conditioning factors in all the dialectal areas

    Some cultural consequences in Spain of the Spanish Invasion of Morocco 1859-60

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    This article argues is a contribution to the study of interrelationships between colonialism, art, and literature in the nineteenth century. The article argues that the Spanish invasion of Morocco in 1859 led to contradictions and tensions within liberal nationalism, not least because of concerns about the tensions between the need for military reassertion of Spain and the respect for the independence of nations. This led to some reconfiguration of Spanish intellectuals' already complex relationship with North Africa and Islam. A major, perhaps surprising consequence of this reconfiguration, was some equation of Moroccan identity with a monotonous surface that was resistant to the gaze. In consequence, the Catalan painter Fortuny's crucial experience of Morocco led him to value near blank surfaces, and thus to make a major contribution to the origins of modern art

    Alcohol Use Disorders (AUD) among Tuberculosis Patients: A Study from Chennai, South India

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    BACKGROUND: Alcohol Use Disorders (AUDs) among tuberculosis (TB) patients are associated with nonadherence and poor treatment outcomes. Studies from Tuberculosis Research Centre (TRC), Chennai have reported that alcoholism has been one of the major reasons for default and mortality in under the DOTS programme in South India. Hence, it is planned to conduct a study to estimate prevalence of alcohol use and AUDs among TB patients attending the corporation health centres in Chennai, India. METHODOLOGY: This is a cross-sectional cohort study covering 10 corporation zones at Chennai and it included situational assessment followed by screening of TB patients by a WHO developed Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test AUDIT scale. Four zones were randomly selected and all TB patients treated during July to September 2009 were screened with AUDIT scale for alcohol consumption. RESULTS: Out of 490 patients, 66% were males, 66% were 35 years and above, 57% were married, 58% were from the low monthly income group of <Rs 5000 per month. No females reported alcohol use. Overall, out of 490 TB pts, 29% (141) were found to consume alcohol. Among 141 current drinkers 52% (73) had an AUDIT score of >8. Age (>35 years), education (less educated), income (<Rs 5000 per month), marital status (separated/divorced) and treatment category (Category 2) were statistically significant for TB patients with alcohol use than those TB patients without alcohol use. CONCLUSIONS: AUD among TB patients needs to be addressed urgently and the findings suggest the importance of integrating alcohol treatment into TB care

    Fusarium and allied fusarioid taxa (FUSA). 1

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    Seven Fusarium species complexes are treated, namely F. aywerte species complex (FASC) (two species), F. buharicum species complex (FBSC) (five species), F. burgessii species complex (FBURSC) (three species), F. camptoceras species complex (FCAMSC) (three species), F. chlamydosporum species complex (FCSC) (eight species), F. citricola species complex (FCCSC) (five species) and the F. concolor species complex (FCOSC) (four species). New species include Fusicolla elongata from soil (Zimbabwe), and Neocosmospora geoasparagicola from soil associated with Asparagus officinalis (Netherlands). New combinations include Neocosmospora akasia, N. awan, N. drepaniformis, N. duplosperma, N. geoasparagicola, N. mekan, N. papillata, N. variasi and N. warna. Newly validated taxa include Longinectria gen. nov., L. lagenoides, L. verticilliforme, Fusicolla gigas and Fusicolla guangxiensis. Furthermore, Fusarium rosicola is reduced to synonymy under N. brevis. Finally, the genome assemblies of Fusarium secorum (CBS 175.32), Microcera coccophila (CBS 310.34), Rectifusarium robinianum (CBS 430.91), Rugonectria rugulosa (CBS 126565), and Thelonectria blattea (CBS 952.68) are also announced her
