1,696 research outputs found

    Nota sobre la pirofilita de Águilas (Murcia, SE de España)

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    Se hace un estudio previo del yacimiento de la pirofilita de Águilas (Provincia de Murcia, SE de España). Pirofilita, cuarzo, micas blancas y caolinita son los constituyentes de estas mineralizaciones filonianas que encajan enfisuras de las filitas del complejo Alpujárride. El origen de la pirofilita está relacionado con un proceso de metamorfismoregional de un material sedimentario rico en aluminio. La principal reacciónimplicada seria:1 Caolinita + 2 SiO2 = 1 Pirofilita + H2OSe contempla asimismo como posibilidad alternativa, un proceso de segregación metamórfica. Se dan datos ópticos, de análisis químico y de difracción de Rayos X

    Evaluation of the creation of a web page with six open educational resources as a tool to enhance the learning of the English Language on Higher Education

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    Los Recursos Educativos abiertos, actualmente, ocupan un papel muy importante en el proceso de la Enseñanza del idioma inglés. Son herramientas gratuitas que se le ofrecen a los docentes para una mejor calidad en sus clases y para que los estudiantes tengan un mayor aprovechamiento y aprendan de una manera más sencilla y mediática. Este mundo digital en el que se vive actualmente, con estudiantes conocidos como nativos digitales, exige a los docentes (inmigrantes digitales) un esfuerzo cada vez mayor e implica una capacitación constante para los requerimientos actuales. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar un proyecto de investigación acerca de la creación y evaluación de una página Web que cuenta con seis recursos educativos abiertos, todos ellos enfocados en ser una herramienta importante para la enseñanza del idioma inglés. En dicho proyecto de investigación, para realizar la evaluación del proyecto fue utilizado el método cualitativo y el método de casos, y se realizó mediante el uso de distintos instrumentos, principalmente encuestas, aplicadas a docentes del idioma inglés de 4 universidades de los países de México y Colombia y expertos relacionados al campo de la educación a nivel superior y de la informática que laboran en dichas universidades. Como conclusión del proyecto, de acuerdo a los instrumentos utilizados, estos arrojaron resultados positivos en la evaluación de la página web, en la mayoría de las ocasiones los recursos con los que contaba la página favorecieron en la enseñanza del idioma en los docentes, y como consecuencia, en el aprendizaje de los estudiantesOpen Educational Resources nowadays have an important role in the process of Teaching as a second language. They are free tools offered for teachers to increase the classes´ quality and for students to have academic progress in order they learn in an easy and fun way. The digital world in which we live now, with students known as digital natives, demands to the teachers (digital immigrants) an important effort and involves a constant training for the current requirements. The objective of this article is to present a research project about the creation and evaluation of a Web Page that has six open educational resources; all of them focused on being an important instrument for the English language teaching. To evaluate the research project it was used the qualitative method and the case study method, through the use of different instruments, mainly surveys, for teachers of the English language from four different universities of Mexico and Colombia and experts related to the field of higher education and in computer science that work in those universities. As a conclusion, through the instruments used to evaluate the web page, there were found positive results and in most of the cases the resources that the web page had contributed in the English language teaching process, and consequently, in the learning of the students

    Caracterización energética de la unión de 1,3,6- naftalén trisulfonato al factor de crecimiento para fibroblastos ácido humano: implicaciones para su uso como agente anti-angiogénico

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    The equilibrium interaction of anti-cancer agent 1,3,6-naphatalene trisulfonate with human acidic fi broblast growthfactor has been studied by calorimetry. The affi nity decreases with increasing ionic strength. At pH 7.0 and 0.15 MNaCl concentration, a binding constant of the protein with the ligand was estimated in the 102 – 103 M-1 range, anaffi nity two orders of magnitude lower than that of aFGF with heparin. The interaction is enthalpically driven, andthe entropy change is unfavorable. A small heat capacity change with an unusual positive value of 90 cal K-1mol-1 wasdetermined from the temperature dependence of the enthalpies. Changes in accessible apolar and polar surface areasin the interaction were calculated from the thermodynamic data obtained and parametric equations in the literature.The results were compared with those measured from NMR data. The study includes structural bioenergetic considerationsabout the possible use of 1,3,6-naphatalene trisulfonate as an anti-angiogenic agent itself, or as a lead for thedevelopment of anti-angiogenic drugs.Se ha estudiado, mediante calorimetría isotérmica de reacción, la interacción del agente anticancerígeno 1,3,6-naftaléntrisulfonato con el factor de crecimiento para fi broblastos ácido humano. La afi nidad decrece con el aumento de lafuerza iónica. A pH 7,0 y NaCl 0,15 M, la constante de unión de la proteína con el ligando se encuentra en el rango102 – 103 M-1, una afi nidad dos órdenes de magnitud menor que la del FGFa por heparina. El cambio de entalpíafavorece la interacción, siendo el cambio de entropía desfavorable. De la dependencia del cambio de entalpía con latemperatura se calculó un pequeño cambio en la capacidad calorífi ca del proceso, con un valor excepcionalmentepositivo de 90 cal K-1mol-1. A partir de los datos termodinámicos medidos y de ecuaciones paramétricas establecidasen la literatura, se calcularon cambios en la superfi cie accesible al disolvente, tanto polar como apolar, que acompañana la interacción. Los resultados se compararon con los medidos mediante resonancia magnética nuclear. Elestudio incluye consideraciones de bioenergética estructural sobre el posible uso de 1,3,6-naftalén trisulfonato comoagente antiangiogénico o como molécula líder para el desarrollo de fármacos anti-angiogénicos

    Structure-function dissection of Myxococcus xanthus CarD N-terminal domain, a defining member of the CarD-CdnL-TRCF family of RNA polymerase interacting proteins

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    © 2015 Bernal-Bernal et al. Two prototypes of the large CarD-CdnL-TRCF family of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP)-binding proteins, Myxococcus xanthus CarD and CdnL, have distinct functions whose molecular basis remain elusive. CarD, a global regulator linked to the action of several extracytoplasmic function (ECF) σ-factors, binds to the RNAP β subunit (RNAP-β) and to protein CarG via an N-terminal domain, CarDNt, and to DNA via an intrinsically unfolded C-terminal domain resembling eukaryotic high-mobility-group A (HMGA) proteins. CdnL, a CarDNt-like protein that is essential for cell viability, is implicated in σA-dependent rRNA promoter activation and interacts with RNAP-β but not with CarG. While the HMGA-like domain of CarD by itself is inactive, we find that CarDNt has low but observable ability to activate ECF σ-dependent promoters in vivo, indicating that the C-terminal DNA-binding domain is required to maximize activity. Our structure-function dissection of CarDNt reveals an N-terminal, five-stranded β-sheet Tudor-like domain, CarD1-72, whose structure and contacts with RNAP-β mimic those of CdnL. Intriguingly, and in marked contrast to CdnL, CarD mutations that disrupt its interaction with RNAP-β did not annul activity. Our data suggest that the CarDNt C-terminal segment, CarD61-179, may be structurally distinct from its CdnL counterpart, and that it houses at least two distinct and crucial function determinants: (a) CarG-binding, which is specific to CarD; and (b) a basic residue stretch, which is also conserved and functionally required in CdnL. This study highlights the evolution of shared and divergent interactions in similar protein modules that enable the distinct activities of two related members of a functionally important and widespread bacterial protein family.Peer Reviewe

    Visual behavior influence on decision in volleyball blocking

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer la influencia del comportamiento visual (localización, número y duración de las fijaciones visuales) sobre la toma de decisiones en la acción del bloqueo en voleibol. Se analizó el comportamiento visual de 38 jugadoras de voleibol (23.9 4.2 años), que competían de manera federada, mediante el sistema de registro de movimientos oculares (Mobile Eye) durante la visualización de secuencias de video proyectadas a tamaño real. Los modelos de regresión obtenidos muestran que se obtienen mayores porcentajes de acierto cuando la duración de las fijaciones es reducida en las zonas HC y CB, y cuando aumenta el número de fijaciones en la zona BM y disminuye en la zona CBThe purpose of this study was to determine the influence of visual behaviour (visual fixation location, number and duration) on decision-making in volleyball blocking. The visual behavior of 38 volleyball players (23.9 4.2 years), who took part in federated competition, was analyzed with the eye tracking system (Mobile Eye) during visualization of real size video sequences. Regression models show that higher success percentages were obtained when the duration of fixations is low in HC and CB areas, and when the number of fixations increases in BM zone and decreases in CB zon

    Present and future of the OTELO project

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    OTELO is an emission-line object survey carried out with the red tunable filter of the instrument OSIRIS at the GTC, whose aim is to become the deepest emission-line object survey to date. With 100% of the data of the first pointing finally obtained in June 2014, we present here some aspects of the processing of the data and the very first results of the OTELO survey. We also explain the next steps to be followed in the near future.Comment: Oral contribution presented in the XI Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society held on September 8-12, in Teruel, Spain (7 pages, 2 figures, 1 table). To appear in Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VIII, Proceedings of the XI Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society. Eds. A. J. Cenarro, F. Figueras, C. Hern\'andez-Monteagudo, J. Trujillo, L. Valdiviels

    OTELO survey: optimal emission-line flux determination with OSIRIS/GTC

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    Emission-line galaxies are important targets for understanding the chemical evolution of galaxies in the universe. Deep, narrow-band imaging surveys allow to detect and study the flux and the equivalent widths (EW) of the emission line studied. The present work has been developed within the context of the OTELO project, an emission line survey using the Tunable Filters (TF) of OSIRIS, the first generation instrument on the GTC 10.4m telescope located in La Palma, Spain, that will observe through selected atmospheric windows relatively free of sky emission lines. With a total survey area of 0.1 square degrees distributed in different fields, reaching a 5 \sigma depth of 10^-18 erg/cm^2/s and detecting objects of EW < 0.3 A, OTELO will be the deepest emission line survey to date. As part of the OTELO preparatory activities, the objective of this study is to determine the best combination of sampling and full width at half maximum (FWHM) for the OSIRIS tunable filters for deblending H\alpha from [NII] lines by analyzing the flux errors obtained. We simulated the OTELO data by convolving a complete set of synthetic HII galaxies in EW with different widths of the OSIRIS TFs. We estimated relative flux errors of the recovered H\alpha and [NII]6583 lines. We found that, for the red TF, a FWHM of 12 A and a sampling of 5 A is an optimal combination that allow deblending H\alpha from the [NII]6583 line with a flux error lower than 20%. This combination will allow estimating SFRs and metallicities using the H\alpha flux and the N2 method, respectively.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Some authors added. Accepted for publication in PAS

    La evaluación del Plan Nacional de Evaluación y Calidad Universitaria desde la Grounded Theory

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    Los profundos cambios que se han producido en las últimas dos décadas en las universidades europeas han facilitado que se pase del paradigma de cantidad al de calidad. Es decir, hace unos años el objetivo prioritario consistió en posibilitar un mayor acceso de estudiantes a la universidad; en la actualidad, y una vez alcanzado este primer objetivo, lo que se persigue es mejorar los servicios que la universidad presta a la sociedad. Una de las herramientas para conseguir este cambio, y con ello transformar la cultura universitaria, ha sido la institucionalización de la evaluación, entendida como una herramienta para la mejora continua. En España, no es hasta 1995 cuando se aprueba el Plan Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad Universitaria, que ha concluido recientemente. Transcurridos unos años desde su aprobación, se ha realizado un profundo análisis del mismo, más concretamente, se ha metaevaluado el Plan para conocer cuáles han sido sus logros y desaciertos y proponer soluciones.The deep changes that have taken place in the Europeans Universities in the last two decades, have provoked a change of the paradigm of quantity to the one of quality. It means, that many years ago the prioritary aim consisted in making the access of the students to University as big as possible. Once reached this aim, nowadays, the services reddered to society by the University are pursued. One of the tools to achieve this change and transform the university culture, has been the institucionalization of the evaluation, which must be understood as a tool for a continuous improvement. In Spain, this has not happened until 1995, year in which a General Plan for the Evaluation of the University Quality was approved. This plan has been recently concluded. After a few years since its passing, a deep analysis of this plan has been made. To be precise, the plan has been metaeveluated to know which have been its successes and mistakes, and propose different solutions for them