479 research outputs found

    Rotational kinetics of absorbing dust grains in neutral gas

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    We study the rotational and translational kinetics of massive particulates (dust grains) absorbing the ambient gas. Equations for microscopic phase densities are deduced resulting in the Fokker-Planck equation for the dust component. It is shown that although there is no stationary distribution, the translational and rotational temperatures of dust tend to certain values, which differ from the temperature of the ambient gas. The influence of the inner structure of grains on rotational kinetics is also discussed.Comment: REVTEX4, 20 pages, 2 figure


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    Increased BDNF levels and NTRK2 gene association suggest a disruption of BDNF/TrkB signaling in autism

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    The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a neurotrophin fundamental for brain development and function, has previously been implicated in autism. In this study, the levels of BDNF in platelet-rich plasma were compared between autistic and control children, and the role of two genetic factors that might regulate this neurotrophin and contribute to autism etiology, BDNF and NTRK2, was examined. We found that BDNF levels in autistic children (n = 146) were significantly higher (t = 6.82; P < 0.0001) than in control children (n = 50) and were positively correlated with platelet serotonin distribution (r = 0.22; P = 0.004). Heritability of BDNF was estimated at 30% and therefore candidate genes BDNF and NTRK2 were tested for association with BDNF level distribution in this sample, and with autism in 469 trio families. Genetic association analysis provided no evidence for BDNF or NTRK2 as major determinants of the abnormally increased BDNF levels in autistic children. A significant association with autism was uncovered for six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) [0.004 (Z((1df)) = 2.85) < P < 0.039 (Z((1df)) = 2.06)] and multiple haplotypes [5 × 10(-4) (χ((3df)) = 17.77) < P < 0.042 (χ((9df)) = 17.450)] in the NTRK2 gene. These results do not withstand correction for multiple comparisons, however, reflect a trend toward association that supports a role of NTRK2 as a susceptibility factor for the disorder. Genetic variation in the BDNF gene had no impact on autism risk. By substantiating the previously observed increase in BDNF levels in autistic children in a larger patient set, and suggesting a genetic association between NTRK2 and autism, this study integrates evidence from multiple levels supporting the hypothesis that alterations in BDNF/tyrosine kinase B (TrkB) signaling contribute to an increased vulnerability to autism

    Inhibition of electromagnetically induced absorption due to excited state decoherence in Rb vapor

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    The explanation presented in [Taichenachev et al, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 61}, 011802 (2000)] according to which the electromagnetically induced absorption (EIA) resonances observed in degenerate two level systems are due to coherence transfer from the excited to the ground state is experimentally tested in a Hanle type experiment observing the parametric resonance on the % D1 line of 87^{87}Rb. While EIA occurs in the F=1F=2F=1\to F^{\prime}=2 transition in a cell containing only RbRb vapor, collisions with a buffer gas (30torr30 torr of NeNe) cause the sign reversal of this resonance as a consequence of collisional decoherence of the excited state. A theoretical model in good qualitative agreement with the experimental results is presented.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Nonmonotonic inelastic tunneling spectra due to surface spin excitations in ferromagnetic junctions

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    The paper addresses inelastic spin-flip tunneling accompanied by surface spin excitations (magnons) in ferromagnetic junctions. The inelastic tunneling current is proportional to the magnon density of states which is energy-independent for the surface waves and, for this reason, cannot account for the bias-voltage dependence of the observed inelastic tunneling spectra. This paper shows that the bias-voltage dependence of the tunneling spectra can arise from the tunneling matrix elements of the electron-magnon interaction. These matrix elements are derived from the Coulomb exchange interaction using the itinerant-electron model of magnon-assisted tunneling. The results for the inelastic tunneling spectra, based on the nonequilibrium Green's function calculations, are presented for both parallel and antiparallel magnetizations in the ferromagnetic leads.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, version as publishe

    Recomendações sobre o uso dos testes de exercício na prática clínica

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    Resumo: A elaboração deste documento pelo grupo de trabalho da European Respiratory Society tem como objectivo apresentar as recomendações sobre o uso clínico dos testes de exercício em doentes com patologia cardiorrespiratória, dando particular ênfase à avaliação funcional, à avaliação do prognóstico e à avaliação das intervenções terapêuticas.A intolerância ao esforço físico é um dos sintomas mais frequentes, condicionando a perda de qualidade de vida do doente com patologia cardiorrespiratória crónica. Pode definir-se âintolerância ao exercícioâ numa perspectiva clínica à incapacidade que o doente apresenta para realizar tarefas que os indivíduos saudáveis considerariam toleráveis.A intolerância ao exercício, considerada em termos do pico de consumo de oxigénio atingido no esforço máximo (VâO2pico) não pode ser prevista por parâmetros avaliados em repouso, como o volume expiratório máximo no primeiro segundo (FEV1), a transferência alvéolo-capilar do monóxido de carbono (DLCO), a fracção de ejecção do ventrículo esquerdo ou o índice de massa corporal (IMC). A avaliação em exercício impõe alguns desafios técnicos: a aplicação de protocolos específicos de incremento de carga de forma precisa e reprodutível, com o recurso habitual a ergómetros, tais como a bicicleta ergométrica e o tapete rolante.A prova de exercício cardiorrespiratória (CPET) é considerada o gold standard na avaliação das causas de intolerância ao exercício em doentes com doença cardíaca e pulmonar e é baseado no princípio de que a falência do sistema ocorre tipicamente quando o sistema (seja ele músculo-energético, cardiovascular ou pulmonar) se encontra sob stress. A CPET compreende a imposição de um exercício com cargas crescentes (ou seja, incremental) limitado por sintomas, enquanto se monitorizam as variáveis cardiopulmonares (exemplo: consumo de oxigénio (VâO2), produção de dióxido de carbono (VâCO2), ventilação minuto (VâE), frequência cardíaca (fC)), a percepção de sintomas (exemplo: a dispneia e o desconforto nos membros inferiores) e, quando necessárias, as avaliações da dessaturação arterial do oxigénio relacionada com o esforço, da hiperinsuflação dinâmica e da força muscular dos membros. Os sistemas são forçados até ao seu limite tolerável, de forma controlada, o que permite detectar respostas que identificam padrões de alteração e que podem ser relacionadas com padrões de referência previamente estudados e publicados pelas sociedades respiratórias europeia e americanas1-3.Neste documento, é descrito o papel da CPET como auxiliar no diagnóstico e na avaliação funcional e prognóstica. A CPET pode: â Fornecer uma medição objectiva da capacidade para o exercício; â Identificar os mecanismos que limitam a tolerância ao exercício; â Estabelecer índices de prognóstico; â Monitorizar a progressão da doença e a resposta às intervenções terapêuticas. â Auxiliar no diagnóstico, em situações de broncoconstrição induzida pelo exercício e de dessaturação arterial do oxigénio. Na identificação das causas de intolerância ao exercício, a CPET pode detectar: â Alterações na entrega de oxigénio (desde a sua entrada nas vias aéreas, passando pelo sistema de transporte cardiocirculatório, até à entrega às mitocôndrias das fibras musculares); â Limitação ventilatória no exercício; â Alteração do controlo ventilatório; â Alteração das trocas gasosas pulmonares; â Percepção excessiva de sintomas (exemplos: dispneia, precordialgia, fadiga muscular periférica); â Disfunção metabólica muscular; â Descondicionamento; â Fraco esforço dispendido. Com um bom esforço realizado, se o valor do pico do consumo de oxigénio atingido foi normal e o motivo para parar a prova foi dispneia ou fadiga muscular, então pode considerar-se que o indivíduo estudado tem uma normal tolerância ao exercício. Este cenário irá excluir doença pulmonar (DPOC, doença intersticial pulmonar, doença vascular pulmonar) ou cardíaca (insuficiência cardíaca congestiva) significativas como causa de intolerância.A prova de exercício cardiopulmonar pode auxiliar no diagnóstico diferencial entre limitação no esforço de origem pulmonar ou cardiocirculatória. Pode fornecer um perfil de respostas que caracterizam determinadas doenças; exemplo: na DPOC são frequentes a limitação ventilatória, a hiperinsuflação dinâmica, a dessaturação arterial com o exercício, a dispneia, a disfunção dos músculos periféricos; na doença intersticial pulmonar são frequentes a dispneia, a restrição ventilatória mecânica e as alterações graves das trocas gasosas. Outros padrões de respostas podem ser encontrados na broncoconstrição induzida pelo exercício, na doença vascular pulmonar, na insuficiência cardíaca e em cardiopatias congénitas. A avaliação cardiorrespiratória no exercício fornece ainda indicadores prognósticos em várias doenças. Descrevem-se neste documento vários trabalhos que estudaram os parâmetros indicadores de prognóstico em doenças como a DPOC, a doença intersticial pulmonar, a hipertensão pulmonar primária, a fibrose quística e a insuficiência cardíaca.Este documento demonstra ainda a utilidade dos testes de exercício na definição das respostas às intervenções terapêuticas, em avaliações seriadas.O grupo de trabalho envolvido neste documento considerou importante apresentar as indicações baseadas na evidência para a realização dos testes de exercício na prática clínica. A evidência actual é clara quanto à utilidade da prova de exercício cardiopulmonar, das provas de marcha e das provas de carga constante na avaliação do grau de intolerância ao exercício, do prognóstico e dos efeitos das intervenções terapêuticas em doentes adultos com doença pulmonar crónica (DPOC, doença intersticial pulmonar, hipertensão pulmonar primária), em crianças e adultos com fibrose quística, em crianças e adultos com broncospasmo induzido pelo exercício, em adultos com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva e em crianças e adolescentes com cardiopatias congénitas.Na elaboração deste documento, os autores pretenderam fornecer as respostas às perguntas que se colocam com frequência na prática clínica: â Quando se deve pedir uma avaliação da intolerância ao esforço? â Qual o teste mais adequado? â Quais as variáveis a seleccionar na avaliação do prognóstico de determinada doença ou na avaliação do efeito de uma intervenção terapêutica particular? O documento contém ainda um suplemento que pode ser obtido on-line e que descreve as bases fisiológicas subjacentes aos parâmetros avaliados nas provas de exercício cardiopulmonar

    Clastic Polygonal Networks Around Lyot Crater, Mars: Possible Formation Mechanisms From Morphometric Analysis

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    Polygonal networks of patterned ground are a common feature in cold-climate environments. They can form through the thermal contraction of ice-cemented sediment (i.e. formed from fractures), or the freezing and thawing of ground ice (i.e. formed by patterns of clasts, or ground deformation). The characteristics of these landforms provide information about environmental conditions. Analogous polygonal forms have been observed on Mars leading to inferences about environmental conditions. We have identified clastic polygonal features located around Lyot crater, Mars (50°N, 30°E). These polygons are unusually large (> 100 m diameter) compared to terrestrial clastic polygons, and contain very large clasts, some of which are up to 15 metres in diameter. The polygons are distributed in a wide arc around the eastern side of Lyot crater, at a consistent distance from the crater rim. Using high-resolution imaging data, we digitised these features to extract morphological information. These data are compared to existing terrestrial and Martian polygon data to look for similarities and differences and to inform hypotheses concerning possible formation mechanisms. Our results show the clastic polygons do not have any morphometric features that indicate they are similar to terrestrial sorted, clastic polygons formed by freeze-thaw processes. They are too large, do not show the expected variation in form with slope, and have clasts that do not scale in size with polygon diameter. However, the clastic networks are similar in network morphology to thermal contraction cracks, and there is a potential direct Martian analogue in a sub-type of thermal contraction polygons located in Utopia Planitia. Based upon our observations, we reject the hypothesis that polygons located around Lyot formed as freeze-thaw polygons and instead an alternative mechanism is put forward: they result from the infilling of earlier thermal contraction cracks by wind-blown material, which then became compressed and/or cemented resulting in a resistant fill. Erosion then leads to preservation of these polygons in positive relief, while later weathering results in the fracturing of the fill material to form angular clasts. These results suggest that there was an extensive area of ice-rich terrain, the extent of which is linked to ejecta from Lyot crater

    A standardised approach towards PROving the efficacy of foods and Food Constituents for Health CLAIMs (PROCLAIM: providing guidance

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    Diet is well known to have beneficial health properties that extend beyond traditionally accepted nutritional effects. The approach involved in elucidating these beneficial physiological effects is becoming more important, as reflected by increasing research being undertaken. With growing consumer awareness of foods and food constituents and their relationship to health, the key questions for regulators, scientists and the food industry continue to relate to: (1) how consumers could be protected and have confidence that the health claims on foods are well supported by the evidence; (2) how research on physiological effects of food (constituents) and their health benefits could be stimulated and supported; (3) how research findings could be used in the development of innovative new food products. The objectives of this paper are to provide a set of recommendations on the substantiation of health claims for foods, to develop further guidance on the choice of validated markers (or marker patterns) and what effects are considered to be beneficial to the health of the general public (or specific target groups). Finally, the case for developing a standardised approach for assessing the totality of the available scientific data and weighing the evidence is propose

    Large-scale Bright Fronts in the Solar Corona: A Review of "EIT waves"

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    ``EIT waves" are large-scale coronal bright fronts (CBFs) that were first observed in 195 \AA\ images obtained using the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) onboard the \emph{Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)}. Commonly called ``EIT waves", CBFs typically appear as diffuse fronts that propagate pseudo-radially across the solar disk at velocities of 100--700 km s1^{-1} with front widths of 50-100 Mm. As their speed is greater than the quiet coronal sound speed (csc_s\leq200 km s1^{-1}) and comparable to the local Alfv\'{e}n speed (vAv_A\leq1000 km s1^{-1}), they were initially interpreted as fast-mode magnetoacoustic waves (vf=(cs2+vA2)1/2v_{f}=(c_s^2 + v_A^2)^{1/2}). Their propagation is now known to be modified by regions where the magnetosonic sound speed varies, such as active regions and coronal holes, but there is also evidence for stationary CBFs at coronal hole boundaries. The latter has led to the suggestion that they may be a manifestation of a processes such as Joule heating or magnetic reconnection, rather than a wave-related phenomena. While the general morphological and kinematic properties of CBFs and their association with coronal mass ejections have now been well described, there are many questions regarding their excitation and propagation. In particular, the theoretical interpretation of these enigmatic events as magnetohydrodynamic waves or due to changes in magnetic topology remains the topic of much debate.Comment: 34 pages, 19 figure

    Coronal Shock Waves, EUV waves, and Their Relation to CMEs. I. Reconciliation of "EIT waves", Type II Radio Bursts, and Leading Edges of CMEs

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    We show examples of excitation of coronal waves by flare-related abrupt eruptions of magnetic rope structures. The waves presumably rapidly steepened into shocks and freely propagated afterwards like decelerating blast waves that showed up as Moreton waves and EUV waves. We propose a simple quantitative description for such shock waves to reconcile their observed propagation with drift rates of metric type II bursts and kinematics of leading edges of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Taking account of different plasma density falloffs for propagation of a wave up and along the solar surface, we demonstrate a close correspondence between drift rates of type II bursts and speeds of EUV waves, Moreton waves, and CMEs observed in a few known events.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures. Solar Physics, published online. The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co