26,366 research outputs found

    Quantum-Induced Soft Supersymmetry Breaking In Supergravity

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    We calculate the one-loop quantum contributions to soft supersymmetry breaking terms in the scalar potential in supergravity theories regulated \`a la Pauli-Villars. We find ``universal'' contributions, independent of the regulator masses and tree level soft supersymmetry breaking, that contribute gaugino masses and A-terms equal to the ``anomaly mediated'' contributions found in analyses using spurion techniques, as well as a scalar mass term not identified in those analyses. The universal terms are in general modified -- and in some cases canceled -- by model-dependent terms. Under certain restrictions on the couplings we recover the one-loop results of previous ``anomaly mediated'' supersymmetry breaking scenarios. We emphasize the model dependence of loop-induced soft terms in the potential, which are much more sensitive to the details of Planck scale physics then are the one-loop contributions to gaugino masses. We discuss the relation of our results to previous analyses.Comment: 18 pages. This replacement corrects eqs. (7) and (31) and adds clarifying comments after eq. (11) and before eq. (18

    Anomaly Structure of Supergravity and Anomaly Cancellation

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    We display the full anomaly structure of supergravity, including new D-term contributions to the conformal anomaly. This expression has the super-Weyl and chiral U(1)_K transformation properties that are required for implementation of the Green-Schwarz mechanism for anomaly cancellation. We outline the procedure for full anomaly cancellation. Our results have implications for effective supergravity theories from the weakly coupled heterotic string theory.Comment: 8 page

    Effective Supergravity from the Weakly Coupled Heterotic String

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    The motivation for Calabi-Yau-like compactifications of the weakly coupled E8E8E_8\otimes E_8 heterotic string theory, its particle spectrum and the issue of dilaton stabilization are briefly reviewed. Modular invariant models for hidden sector condensation and supersymmetry breaking are described at the quantum level of the effective field theory. Their phenomenological and cosmological implications, including a possible origin for R-parity, are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, Talk presented at the Symposium in honor of Julius Wess, Jan. 10--11, 200

    The Axion Mass in Modular Invariant Supergravity

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    When supersymmetry is broken by condensates with a single condensing gauge group, there is a nonanomalous R-symmetry that prevents the universal axion from acquiring a mass. It has been argued that, in the context of supergravity, higher dimension operators will break this symmetry and may generate an axion mass too large to allow the identification of the universal axion with the QCD axion. We show that such contributions to the axion mass are highly suppressed in a class of models where the effective Lagrangian for gaugino and matter condensation respects modular invariance (T-duality).Comment: 10 page

    One Loop Soft Supersymmetry Breaking Terms in Superstring Effective Theories

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    We perform a systematic analysis of soft supersymmetry breaking terms at the one loop level in a large class of string effective field theories. This includes the so-called anomaly mediated contributions. We illustrate our results for several classes of orbifold models. In particular, we discuss a class of models where soft supersymmetry breaking terms are determined by quasi model independent anomaly mediated contributions, with possibly non-vanishing scalar masses at the one loop level. We show that the latter contribution depends on the detailed prescription of the regularization process which is assumed to represent the Planck scale physics of the underlying fundamental theory. The usual anomaly mediation case with vanishing scalar masses at one loop is not found to be generic. However gaugino masses and A-terms always vanish at tree level if supersymmetry breaking is moduli dominated with the moduli stabilized at self-dual points, whereas the vanishing of the B-term depends on the origin of the mu-term in the underlying theory. We also discuss the supersymmetric spectrum of O-I and O-II models, as well as a model of gaugino condensation. For reference, explicit spectra corresponding to a Higgs mass of 114 GeV are given. Finally, we address general strategies for distinguishing among these models.Comment: 49 pages: includes three tables and nine figure

    On Quadratic Divergences in Supergravity, Vacuum Energy and the Supersymmetric Flavor Problem

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    We examine the phenomenological consequences of quadratically divergent contributions to the scalar potential in supergravity effective Lagrangians. We focus specifically on the effect of these corrections on the vacuum configuration of scalar fields in softly-broken supersymmetric theories and the role these corrections play in generating non-diagonal soft scalar masses. Both effects can only be properly studied when the divergences are regulated in a manifestly supersymmetric manner -- something which has thus far been neglected in past treatments. We show how a supersymmetric regularization can impact past conclusions about both types of phenomena and discuss what types of high-energy theories are likely to be safe from unwanted flavor-changing neutral current interactions in the context of supergravity theories derived from heterotic string compactifications

    Multi-parametric solutions to the NLS equation

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    The structure of the solutions to the one dimensional focusing nonlin-ear Schr{\"o}dinger equation (NLS) for the order N in terms of quasi rational functions is given here. We first give the proof that the solutions can be expressed as a ratio of two wronskians of order 2N and then two determinants by an exponential depending on t with 2N -- 2 parameters. It also is proved that for the order N , the solutions can be written as the product of an exponential depending on t by a quotient of two polynomials of degree N (N + 1) in x and t. The solutions depend on 2N -- 2 parameters and give when all these parameters are equal to 0, the analogue of the famous Peregrine breather PN. It is fundamental to note that in this representation at order N , all these solutions can be seen as deformations with 2N -- 2 parameters of the famous Peregrine breather PN. With this method, we already built Peregrine breathers until order N = 10, and their deformations depending on 2N -- 2 parameters

    R-parity from the heterotic string

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    In T-duality invariant effective supergravity with gaugino condensation as the mechanism for supersymmetry breaking, there is a residual discrete symmetry that could play the role of R-parity in supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model.Comment: 9 page