705 research outputs found

    Fluctuation formula for nonreversible dynamics in the thermostated Lorentz gas

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    We investigate numerically the validity of the Gallavotti-Cohen fluctuation formula in the two and three dimensional periodic Lorentz gas subjected to constant electric and magnetic fields and thermostated by the Gaussian isokinetic thermostat. The magnetic field breaks the time reversal symmetry, and by choosing its orientation with respect to the lattice one can have either a generalized reversing symmetry or no reversibility at all. Our results indicate that the scaling property described by the fluctuation formula may be approximately valid for large fluctuations even in the absence of reversibility.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Heart-Kidney Interaction: Epidemiology of Cardiorenal Syndromes

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    Cardiac and kidney diseases are common, increasingly encountered, and often coexist. Recently, the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Working Group convened a consensus conference to develop a classification scheme for the CRS and for five discrete subtypes. These CRS subtypes likely share pathophysiologic mechanisms, however, also have distinguishing clinical features, in terms of precipitating events, risk identification, natural history, and outcomes. Knowledge of the epidemiology of heart-kidney interaction stratified by the proposed CRS subtypes is increasingly important for understanding the overall burden of disease for each CRS subtype, along with associated morbidity, mortality, and health resource utilization. Likewise, an understanding of the epidemiology of CRS is necessary for characterizing whether there exists important knowledge gaps and to aid in the design of clinical studies. This paper will provide a summary of the epidemiology of the cardiorenal syndrome and its subtypes

    Some Recent Advances in Bound-State Quantum Electrodynamics

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    We discuss recent progress in various problems related to bound-state quantum electrodynamics: the bound-electron g factor, two-loop self-energy corrections and the laser-dressed Lamb shift. The progress relies on various advances in the bound-state formalism, including ideas inspired by effective field theories such as Nonrelativistic Quantum Electrodynamics. Radiative corrections in dynamical processes represent a promising field for further investigations.Comment: 12 pages, nrc1 LaTeX styl

    The Effects of Atmospheric Dispersion on High-Resolution Solar Spectroscopy

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    We investigate the effects of atmospheric dispersion on observations of the Sun at the ever-higher spatial resolutions afforded by increased apertures and improved techniques. The problems induced by atmospheric refraction are particularly significant for solar physics because the Sun is often best observed at low elevations, and the effect of the image displacement is not merely a loss of efficiency, but the mixing of information originating from different points on the solar surface. We calculate the magnitude of the atmospheric dispersion for the Sun during the year and examine the problems produced by this dispersion in both spectrographic and filter observations. We describe an observing technique for scanning spectrograph observations that minimizes the effects of the atmospheric dispersion while maintaining a regular scanning geometry. Such an approach could be useful for the new class of high-resolution solar spectrographs, such as SPINOR, POLIS, TRIPPEL, and ViSP

    Effect of combined uphill-downhill sprint training on kinematics and maximum running speed in experienced sprinters

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    This study examined the effects of sprint running training on sloping surfaces (3°) in experienced sprinters using selected kinematic variables. Twelve experienced sprinters were randomly allocated to two training groups (combined uphill–downhill and horizontal). Pre- and post-training tests were performed to examine the effects of six weeks of training on maximum running speed, step rate, step length, step time, contact time, braking and propulsive phase of contact time, flight time and selected postural characteristics during a step cycle in the final steps of a 35m sprint test. In the combined uphill–downhill training group, maximum running speed was substantially greater (from 9.08 ± 0.90 m s-1 to 9.51 ± 0.62 m s-1; p <0.05) after training by 4.8%; step rate, contact time, step time and concentric phase was not modified. There were no significant changes in maximal speed or sprint kinematics in the horizontal training group. Overall, the posture characteristics did not change with training. The combined uphill–downhill training method was substantially more effective in improving the maximum running speed in experienced sprinters than a traditional horizontal training method

    Tsallis non-extensive statistics, intermittent turbulence, SOC and chaos in the solar plasma. Part one: Sunspot dynamics

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    In this study, the nonlinear analysis of the sunspot index is embedded in the non-extensive statistical theory of Tsallis. The triplet of Tsallis, as well as the correlation dimension and the Lyapunov exponent spectrum were estimated for the SVD components of the sunspot index timeseries. Also the multifractal scaling exponent spectrum, the generalized Renyi dimension spectrum and the spectrum of the structure function exponents were estimated experimentally and theoretically by using the entropy principle included in Tsallis non extensive statistical theory, following Arimitsu and Arimitsu. Our analysis showed clearly the following: a) a phase transition process in the solar dynamics from high dimensional non Gaussian SOC state to a low dimensional non Gaussian chaotic state, b) strong intermittent solar turbulence and anomalous (multifractal) diffusion solar process, which is strengthened as the solar dynamics makes phase transition to low dimensional chaos in accordance to Ruzmaikin, Zeleny and Milovanov studies c) faithful agreement of Tsallis non equilibrium statistical theory with the experimental estimations of i) non-Gaussian probability distribution function, ii) multifractal scaling exponent spectrum and generalized Renyi dimension spectrum, iii) exponent spectrum of the structure functions estimated for the sunspot index and its underlying non equilibrium solar dynamics.Comment: 40 pages, 11 figure

    How Unpopular Policies are Made: Examples from South Africa, Singapore, and Bangladesh

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    In this article we contribute to the emerging knowledge on migration policy?making in two ways. Firstly, we address the relative lack of research on the gendered nature of migration policy?making. Secondly we contribute to understanding migration policymaking in postcolonial contexts. Based on case studies from Bangladesh, South Africa, and Singapore, we trace the drivers of policy change in these contexts and how the gendered vulnerability of the intended beneficiaries impacted the policy process. We found that there were four main drivers of migration policy?making in each of the countries. They were: the role?players in the policy change process, the debates that shaped the policy change, the research involved, and the political context in which the policy change took place. While our research drew on existing policy frameworks, it also showed that policy development is shaped by complex socio?political conditions.DFIDMigrating out of Povert

    X-ray Spectroscopy and Variability of AGN Detected in the 2 Ms Chandra Deep Field-North Survey

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    We investigate the nature of the faint X-ray source population through X-ray spectroscopy and variability analyses of 136 AGN detected in the 2 Ms Chandra Deep Field-North survey with > 200 background-subtracted 0.5-8.0 keV counts [F(0.5-8.0 keV)=(1.4-200)e-15 erg cm^{-2} s^{-1}]. Our preliminary spectral analyses yield median spectral parameters of Gamma=1.61 and intrinsic N_H=6.2e21 cm^{-2} (z=1 assumed when no redshift available) when the AGN spectra are fitted with a simple absorbed power-law model. However, considerable spectral complexity is apparent (e.g., reflection, partial covering) and must be taken into account to model the data accurately. Moreover, the choice of spectral model (i.e., free vs. fixed photon index) has a pronounced effect on the derived N_H distribution and, to a lesser extent, the X-ray luminosity distribution. Ten of the 136 AGN (~7%) show significant Fe Kalpha emission-line features with equivalent widths in the range 0.1-1.3 keV. Two of these emission-line AGN could potentially be Compton thick (i.e., Gamma < 1.0 and large Fe Kalpha equivalent width). Finally, we find that 81 (~60%) of the 136 AGN show signs of variability, and that this fraction increases significantly (~80-90%) when better photon statistics are available.Comment: Submitted to Advances in Space Research for New X-ray Results from Clusters of Galaxies and Black Holes (Oct 2002; Houston, TX), eds. C. Done, E.M. Puchnarewicz, M.J. Ward. Requires cospar.sty (6 pgs, 10 figs

    The braid groups of the projective plane and the Fadell-Neuwirth short exact sequence

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    International audienceWe study the pure braid groups Pn(RP2)P_n(RP^2) of the real projective plane RP2RP^2, and in particular the possible splitting of the Fadell-Neuwirth short exact sequence 1Pm(RP2 x1,...,xnPn+m(RP2)pPn(RP2)11 \to P_m(RP^2 \ {x_1,...,x_n} \to P_{n+m}(RP^2) \stackrel{p_{\ast}}{\to} P_n(RP^2) \to 1, where n2n\geq 2 and m1m\geq 1, and pp_{\ast} is the homomorphism which corresponds geometrically to forgetting the last mm strings. This problem is equivalent to that of the existence of a section for the associated fibration p:Fn+m(RP2)Fn(RP2)p: F_{n+m}(RP^2) \to F_n(RP^2) of configuration spaces. Van Buskirk proved in 1966 that pp and pp_{\ast} admit a section if n=2n=2 and m=1m=1. Our main result in this paper is to prove that there is no section if n3n\geq 3. As a corollary, it follows that n=2n=2 and m=1m=1 are the only values for which a section exists. As part of the proof, we derive a presentation of Pn(RP2)P_n(RP^2): this appears to be the first time that such a presentation has been given in the literature