
The braid groups of the projective plane and the Fadell-Neuwirth short exact sequence


International audienceWe study the pure braid groups Pn(RP2)P_n(RP^2) of the real projective plane RP2RP^2, and in particular the possible splitting of the Fadell-Neuwirth short exact sequence 1Pm(RP2 x1,...,xnPn+m(RP2)pPn(RP2)11 \to P_m(RP^2 \ {x_1,...,x_n} \to P_{n+m}(RP^2) \stackrel{p_{\ast}}{\to} P_n(RP^2) \to 1, where n2n\geq 2 and m1m\geq 1, and pp_{\ast} is the homomorphism which corresponds geometrically to forgetting the last mm strings. This problem is equivalent to that of the existence of a section for the associated fibration p:Fn+m(RP2)Fn(RP2)p: F_{n+m}(RP^2) \to F_n(RP^2) of configuration spaces. Van Buskirk proved in 1966 that pp and pp_{\ast} admit a section if n=2n=2 and m=1m=1. Our main result in this paper is to prove that there is no section if n3n\geq 3. As a corollary, it follows that n=2n=2 and m=1m=1 are the only values for which a section exists. As part of the proof, we derive a presentation of Pn(RP2)P_n(RP^2): this appears to be the first time that such a presentation has been given in the literature

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