239 research outputs found

    Future evolution of sandy beaches in a changing climate. The case of the balearic islands

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    The fate of the beaches around the world has a paramount importance as they are one the main assets for touristic activities and act as a natural barrier for coastal protection in front of marine storms. Climate change could put them at risk as sea level rise and changes in the wave characteristics may dramatically modify their shape. In this work, a new methodology has been developed to determine the flooding of sandy beaches due to changes in sea level and waves. The methodology allows a cost-effective and yet accurate estimation of the wave runup for a wide range of beach equilibrium profiles and for different seagrass coverage. This, combined with regional projections of sea level and wave evolution, has allowed a quantification of the future total water level and coastline retreat for 869 beaches across the Balearic Islands for the next decades as a function greenhouse gases emission scenario. The most pessimistic scenario (RCP8.5) at the end of the century yields an averaged percentage of flooded area of 66% under mean conditions which increases up to 86% under extreme conditions. Moreover, 72 of the 869 beaches of the region would permanently disappear while 314 would be completely flooded during storm episodes. Under a moderate scenario of emissions (RCP4.5), 37 beaches would permanently disappear while 254 would disappear only during storm episodes. In both cases, the average permanent loss of beach surface at the end of the century would be larger than 50% rising over 80% during storm conditions. The results obtained for the Balearic Islands can be extrapolated to the rest of the Mediterranean as the beaches in all the region have similar characteristics and will be affected by similar changes in sea level and wave climate. These projections indicate that adaptation plans for beach areas should be put in place as soon as possible

    How Peclet number affects microstructure and transient cluster aggregation in sedimenting colloidal suspensions

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    We study how varying the P \'eclet number (Pe) affects the steady state sedimentation of colloidal particles that interact through short-ranged attractions. By employing a hybrid molecular dynamics simulation method we demonstrate that the average sedimentation velocity changes from a non- monotonic dependence on packing fraction {\phi} at low Pe numbers, to a monotonic decrease with {\phi} at higher Pe numbers. At low Pe number the pair correlation functions are close to their equilibrium values, but as the Pe number increases, important deviations from equilibrium forms are observed. Although the attractive forces we employ are not strong enough to form permanent clusters, they do induce transient clusters whose behaviour is also affected by Pe number. In particular, clusters are more likely to fragment and less likely to aggregate at larger Pe numbers, and the probability of finding larger clusters decreases with increasing Pe number. Interestingly, the life-time of the clusters is more or less independent of Pe number in the range we study. Instead, the change in cluster distribution occurs because larger clusters are less likely to form with increasing Pe number. These results illustrate some of the subtleties that occur in the crossover from equilibrium like to purely non-equilibrium behaviour as the balance between convective and thermal forces changes.Comment: 8 page

    Magnetic susceptibility of insulators from first principles

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    We present an {\it ab initio} approach for the computation of the magnetic susceptibility χ\chi of insulators. The approach is applied to compute χ\chi in diamond and in solid neon using density functional theory in the local density approximation, obtaining good agreement with experimental data. In solid neon, we predict an observable dependence of χ\chi upon pressure.Comment: Revtex, to appear in Physical Review Lette

    Temporal evolution of temperatures in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden based on in situ observations (1958–2017)

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    The Red Sea holds one of the most diverse marine ecosystems in the world, although fragile and vulnerable to ocean warming. Several studies have analysed the spatio-temporal evolution of temperature in the Red Sea using satellite data, thus focusing only on the surface layer and covering the last ∼30 years. To better understand the long-term variability and trends of temperature in the whole water column, we produce a 3-D gridded temperature product (TEMPERSEA) for the period 1958–2017, based on a large number of in situ observations, covering the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. After a specific quality control, a mapping algorithm based on optimal interpolation have been applied to homogenize the data. Also, an estimate of the uncertainties of the product has been generated. The calibration of the algorithm and the uncertainty computation has been done through sensitivity experiments based on synthetic data from a realistic numerical simulation. TEMPERSEA has been compared to satellite observations of sea surface temperature for the period 1981–2017, showing good agreement especially in those periods when a reasonable number of observations were available. Also, very good agreement has been found between air temperatures and reconstructed sea temperatures in the upper 100 m for the whole period 1958–2017, enhancing confidence in the quality of the product. The product has been used to characterize the spatio-temporal variability of the temperature field in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden at different timescales (seasonal, interannual and multidecadal). Clear differences have been found between the two regions suggesting that the Red Sea variability is mainly driven by air–sea interactions, while in the Gulf of Aden the lateral advection of water plays a relevant role. Regarding long-term evolution, our results show only positive trends above 40 m depth, with maximum trends of 0.045 + 0.016 ∘C decade−1 at 15 m, and the largest negative trends at 125 m (−0.072+0.011 ∘C decade−1). Multidecadal variations have a strong impact on the trend computation and restricting them to the last 30–40 years of data can bias high the trend estimates.En prensa2,29

    Revalorization of Posidonia oceanica Waste for the Thermochemical Production of Biochar

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    Every year, many tonnes of Posidonia oceanica are removed from Mediterranean beaches to maintain the quality and pleasure of use of the beaches. Most of this waste ends up in landfills, entailing removal costs. In this work, the Posidonia oceanica material was characterised, and a washing system was developed to obtain biochar. An adequate washing of the starting biomass was shown to play a key role as it led to an over 90% salt content reduction and, therefore, a decrease in conductivity values. The use of biochar as a soil remediator improves soil properties, carbon sequestration, and plant growth. However, not all types of biochars are suitable for this type of application. Therefore, the properties of biochar made from Posidonia oceanica at different temperatures (300, 400, and 500 °C) were studied. All the biochars obtained showed to exceed 10% organic carbon, which is the lower limit to be applied to soils, the maximum percentage having been obtained at 300 °C. In addition, all presented pH values (8.02, 10.32, and 10.38 for the temperatures of 300, 400, and 500 °C, respectively) that were similar to those of other effective biochars for the remediation of acid soils.The present study was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain) [grant number PID2019-108632RB-I00] and by Prometheus Programme (Spain) [grant number CIPROM/2021/027]

    Assessment of Red Sea temperatures in CMIP5 models for present and future climate

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    The increase of the temperature in the Red Sea basin due to global warming could have a large negative effect on its marine ecosystem. Consequently, there is a growing interest, from the scientific community and public organizations, in obtaining reliable projections of the Red Sea temperatures throughout the 21st century. However, the main tool used to do climate projections, the global climate models (GCM), may not be well suited for that relatively small region. In this work we assess the skills of the CMIP5 ensemble of GCMs in reproducing different aspects of the Red Sea 3D temperature variability. The results suggest that some of the GCMs are able to reproduce the present variability at large spatial scales with accuracy comparable to medium and high-resolution hindcasts. In general, the skills of the GCMs are better inside the Red Sea than outside, in the Gulf of Aden. Based on their performance, 8 of the original ensemble of 43 GCMs have been selected to project the temperature evolution of the basin. Bearing in mind the GCM limitations, this can be an useful benchmark once the high resolution projections are available. Those models project an averaged warming at the end of the century (2080–2100) of 3.3 ±> 0.6°C and 1.6 ±> 0.4°C at the surface under the scenarios RCP8.5 and RCP4.5, respectively. In the deeper layers the warming is projected to be smaller, reaching 2.2 ±> 0.5°C and 1.5 ±> 0.3°C at 300 m. The projected warming will largely overcome the natural multidecadal variability, which could induce temporary and moderate decrease of the temperatures but not enough to fully counteract it. We have also estimated how the rise of the mean temperature could modify the characteristics of the marine heatwaves in the region. The results show that the average length of the heatwaves would increase ~15 times and the intensity of the heatwaves ~4 times with respect to the present conditions under the scenario RCP8.5 (10 time and 3.6 times, respectively, under scenario RCP4.5).En prensa4,41

    Impact of climate change on surface stirring and transport in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Understanding how climate change will affect oceanic fluid transport is crucial for environmental applications and human activities. However, a synoptic characterization of the influence of climate change on mesoscale stirring and transport in the surface ocean is missing. To bridge this gap, we exploit a high-resolution, fully coupled climate model of the Mediterranean basin using a Network Theory approach. We project significant increases of horizontal stirring and kinetic energies in the next century, likely due to increments of available potential energy. The future evolution of basin-scale transport patterns hints at a rearrangement of the main hydrodynamic provinces, defined as regions of the surface ocean that are well mixed internally but with minimal cross-flow across their boundaries. This results in increased heterogeneity of province sizes and stronger mixing in their interiors. Our approach can be readily applied to other oceanic regions, providing information for the present and future marine spatial planning.En prensa3,79

    Morphology evolution of thermally annealed polycrystalline thin films

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    Investigation of the morphology evolution of annealed polycrystalline Au(111) films by atomic force microscopy and x-ray diffraction leads to a continuous model that correlates such an evolution to local interactions between grains triggering different mechanisms of stress accommodation (grain zipping and shear strain) and relaxation (gap filling and grain rotation). The model takes into consideration findings concerning the in-plane reorientation of the grains during the coalescence to provide a comprehensive picture of the grain-size dependence of the interactions (underlying the origin of the growth stress in polycrystalline systems); and in particular it sheds light on the postcoalescence compressive stress as a consequence of the kinetic limitations for the reorientation of larger surface structuresThis paper was supported by the projects F1-54173 (bilateral program CSIC-Conacyt) 200960I182 (CSIC), and CCG10-UAM/MAT-5537 (DGUI-Comunidad de Madrid and Universidad Aut´onoma deMadrid). A.G.G. acknowledges the financial support of the MICINN Spanish Ministry under the project ESP2006-14282-C02-0

    Fisheries-based approach to disentangle mackerel (Scomber scombrus) migration in the Cantabrian Sea

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    Mackerel is an important commercial pelagic species present in the western and eastern North Atlantic. The Northeast Atlantic Mackerel (NEAM) stock has its southernmost spawning area mainly located western Iberian Peninsula and southern Biscay. This species performs extensive annual migrations. The present study is focused on the distribution of this species along the Cantabrian Sea, an essential area of the South Spawning Component (SSC), and the environmental drivers that can affect its migration phenology. We have used data from Vessel Monitoring System and Logbooks of the hand line fishery to estimate the catch per unit of effort (CPUE) as a proxy of its distribution and abundance. CPUEs data of fisheries targeting NEAM provided us with a tool to discriminate the most important predictors for both its prespawning and the postspawning behavior. Among the drivers that can affect mackerel migration, we have analyzed wind speed and direction, temperature at surface (SST) and at 200 m depth, chlorophyll a, mixed layer depth, upwelling intensity, and the most representative geographical variables: depth, slope of the seafloor, and distance to coast. We used generalize additive models to highlight the predictors most closely related to the phenology of the species and to shape the spatial–temporal abundance of NEAM in the southern Bay of Biscay waters. Temperature and wind speed and direction are the most important factors that affect prespawning and postspawning migration of NEAM SSC and shape its niche tracking leading to a gradual advance of the spawning season.Postprint2,04

    Concept note for ICCAT ecoregion workshop identification of regions in the ICCAT convention area for supporting the implementation of ecosystem based fisheries management

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    The overall aim of the workshop is to advance in the identification of candidate ecologically meaningful regions that can serve as a basis to produce a more integrated ecosystem-based advice, and thereby support the implementation and operationalization of ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) in the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) convention area. The candidate regions should have boundaries that make ecological sense, and are practical in informing fisheries management. The workshop will gather CPC national scientists and external experts from different scientific disciplines (e.g. biogeography, oceanography, ecology, fisheries and fisheries management in the ICCAT area) to develop a “proof of concept” for broad-scale regionalization of the ICCAT convention area.L'objectif général de l'atelier est de progresser dans l'identification de possibles régions écologiquement significatives qui peuvent servir de base pour produire un avis écosystémique plus intégré, et ainsi soutenir la mise en œuvre et la mise en marche de la gestion des pêcheries basée sur les écosystèmes (EBFM) dans la zone de la Convention de la Commission internationale pour la conservation des thonidés de l'Atlantique (ICCAT). Les régions candidates doivent avoir des limites qui ont un sens écologique, et qui sont pratiques pour renseigner la gestion des pêcheries. L'atelier réunira des scientifiques nationaux des CPC et des experts externes de différentes disciplines scientifiques (par exemple, la biogéographie, l'océanographie, l'écologie, la pêche et la gestion des pêcheries dans la zone de l'ICCAT) afin de développer une preuve conceptuelle pour une régionalisation à grande échelle de la zone de la Convention ICCATEl objetivo global del taller es avanzar en la identificación de posibles regiones ecológicamente significativas que puedan servir como base para formular un asesoramiento basado en el ecosistema más integrado, apoyando la implementación y puesta en marcha de la ordenación pesquera basada en el ecosistema (EBFM) en la zona del Convenio de la Comisión Internacional para la Conservación del Atún Atlántico (ICCAT). Las regiones candidatas deberían tener límites que tengan sentido ecológico y que sean prácticas para aportar información a la ordenación pesquera. El taller reunirá a científicos nacionales de las CPC y a expertos externos de diversas disciplinas (por ejemplo, biogeografía, oceanografía, ecología, pesca y ordenación pesquera en la zona de ICCAT) para desarrollar una demostración conceptual para una regionalización a gran escala de la zona del Convenio de ICCAT.Versión del edito