140 research outputs found

    p-Adic and Adelic Harmonic Oscillator with Time-Dependent Frequency

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    The classical and quantum formalism for a p-adic and adelic harmonic oscillator with time-dependent frequency is developed, and general formulae for main theoretical quantities are obtained. In particular, the p-adic propagator is calculated, and the existence of a simple vacuum state as well as adelic quantum dynamics is shown. Space discreteness and p-adic quantum-mechanical phase are noted.Comment: 10 page

    p-Adic and Adelic Free Relativistic Particle

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    We consider spectral problem for a free relativistic particle in p-adic and adelic quantum mechanics. In particular, we found p-adic and adelic eigenfunctions. Within adelic approach there exist quantum states that exhibit discrete structure of spacetime at the Planck scale.Comment: 9 page

    Reality in Noncommutative Gravity

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    We study the problem of reality in the geometric formalism of the 4D noncommutative gravity using the known deformation of the diffeomorphism group induced by the twist operator with the constant deformation parameters \vt^{mn}. It is shown that real covariant derivatives can be constructed via \star-anticommutators of the real connection with the corresponding fields. The minimal noncommutative generalization of the real Riemann tensor contains only \vt^{mn}-corrections of the even degrees in comparison with the undeformed tensor. The gauge field hmnh_{mn} describes a gravitational field on the flat background. All geometric objects are constructed as the perturbation series using \star-polynomial decomposition in terms of hmnh_{mn}. We consider the nonminimal tensor and scalar functions of hmnh_{mn} of the odd degrees in \vt^{mn} and remark that these pure noncommutative objects can be used in the noncommutative gravity.Comment: Latex file, 14 pages, corrected version to be publised in CQ

    A Method for Evaluating Local Scour Depth at Bridge Piers due to Debris Accumulation

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Thomas Telford via the DOI in this record This paper introduces a novel method for evaluating the effect of debris accumulation on local scour depth at bridge piers. The concept of a debris factor is proposed to replace the current effective and equivalent pier width approaches that have been shown to overestimate debris-induced scour in many instances. The concept enables a simpler, more direct and realistic estimation of the change in local scour depth due to debris since it accounts for (i) debris length (streamwise), width (spanwise) and thickness (depth wise), and (ii) the influence of debris elevation in flow, i.e. is applicable for free-surface debris, submerged debris, or debris resting on the stream bed. The concept works with all existing local scour equations alongside other factors that influence scour depth such as flow angle of attack and pier shape. The mathematical model that underpins the proposed concept is derived through multiple linear regression on experimental data obtained at Exeter and elsewhere. The proposed method is shown to improve accuracy by at least 24% and 5% in comparison to the effective and equivalent pier width approaches, respectively. More importantly, the method is shown to be robust, providing highly consistent results with significantly less uncertainty.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Synthesis and characterization of hardened Cu-Fe-Ni-P alloy

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    In the manufacturing industry of electrical contacts, the prohibition of the use of toxic metals (Cd, Be), and desire to avoid the alloying with precious metals (Ag) has created a need for new alloys with good electrical conductivity and high mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. As a potentially useful material for this purpose, we have analyzed the continuously cast Cu-Fe-Ni-P alloy in various heat treatment conditions. Sequence of phase transformations during heat treatment was followed by 4 point D.C. electrical resistivity measuring method, and analyzed by scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy. Measurements of Vickers hardness and electrical conductivity after various heat treatment procedures indicate on high potential of Cu-Fe-Ni-P alloys as a material for electrical contacts

    On p-Adic Sector of Adelic String

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    We consider construction of Lagrangians which are candidates for p-adic sector of an adelic open scalar string. Such Lagrangians have their origin in Lagrangian for a single p-adic string and contain the Riemann zeta function with the d'Alembertian in its argument. In particular, we present a new Lagrangian obtained by an additive approach which takes into account all p-adic Lagrangians. The very attractive feature of this new Lagrangian is that it is an analytic function of the d'Alembertian. Investigation of the field theory with Riemann zeta function is interesting in itself as well.Comment: 10 pages. Presented at the 2nd Conf. on SFT and Related Topics, Moscow, April 2009. Submitted to Theor. Math. Phy

    Experimental calibration and validation of sewer/surface flow exchange equations in steady and unsteady flow conditions

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.The linkage between sewer pipe flow and floodplain flow is recognised to induce an important source of uncertainty within two-dimensional (2D) urban flood models. This uncertainty is often attributed to the use of empirical hydraulic formulae (the one-dimensional (1D) weir and orifice steady flow equations) to achieve data-connectivity at the linking interface, which require the determination of discharge coefficients. Because of the paucity of high resolution localised data for this type of flows, the current understanding and quantification of a suitable range for those discharge coefficients is somewhat lacking. To fulfil this gap, this work presents the results acquired from an instrumented physical model designed to study the interaction between a pipe network flow and a floodplain flow. The full range of sewer-to-surface and surface-to-sewer flow conditions at the exchange zone are experimentally analysed in both steady and unsteady flow regimes. Steady state measured discharges are first analysed considering the relationship between the energy heads from the sewer flow and the floodplain flow; these results show that existing weir and orifice formulae are valid for describing the flow exchange for the present physical model, and yield new calibrated discharge coefficients for each of the flow conditions. The measured exchange discharges are also integrated (as a source term) within a 2D numerical flood model (a finite volume solver to the 2D Shallow Water Equations (SWE)), which is shown to reproduce the observed coefficients. This calibrated numerical model is then used to simulate a series of unsteady flow tests reproduced within the experimental facility. Results show that the numerical model overestimated the values of mean surcharge flow rate. This suggests the occurrence of additional head losses in unsteady conditions which are not currently accounted for within flood models calibrated in steady flow conditions.The research has been supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grants ID: EP/K040405/1)

    Structure, stability and stress properties of amorphous and nanostructured carbon films

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    Structural and mechanical properties of amorphous and nanocomposite carbon are investigated using tight-binding molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations. In the case of amorphous carbon, we show that the variation of sp^3 fraction as a function of density is linear over the whole range of possible densities, and that the bulk moduli follow closely the power-law variation suggested by Thorpe. We also review earlier work pertained to the intrinsic stress state of tetrahedral amorphous carbon. In the case of nanocomposites, we show that the diamond inclusions are stable only in dense amorphous tetrahedral matrices. Their hardness is considerably higher than that of pure amorphous carbon films. Fully relaxed diamond nanocomposites possess zero average intrinsic stress.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    The LOTUS International Multifunctional Digital Twin

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from MDPI via the DOI in this recordData Availability Statement: Data are available from the project website: https://www.lotus-india.eu/3rd International Joint Conference on Water Distribution Systems Analysis & Computing and Control for the Water Industry (WDSA/CCWI 2024)The LOTUS project was concerned with the development of low-cost innovative technology for water quality and resource management in urban and rural water systems in India. This paper is concerned with the development of a digital twin for the public water distribution network of Guwahati that will enable researchers from the Guwahati Institute of Technology to develop and test leak detection algorithms.European Union Horizon 202

    Sadržaj i UV-Vis apsorbance frakcija organske materije barskog treseta (Divčibare, Srbija)

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    This paper presents peat soil organic matter characteristics at Divčibare Mountain (950 m a.s.l, mountain climate). Excessive wetting is caused by groundwater and floods, and plant litter originates from hydrophilic vegetation. An investigation was aimed at determining the correlation between organic matter characteristics (humification degree, stability and bioavailability) with factors of soil formation and the most important physico-chemical characteristics of peat. Peat is mild acid and has a low base saturation. The content of organic matter is higher than 60% at depth of 40-80 cm, and higher than 40% at depths of 0-40 and 80-105 cm, respectively. Investigated peat had sapric characteristics. A content of humic acids in total organic matter indicates its unequal humification degree within profile, moderate to high at depth of 0-40 cm, low at 40-80-cm depth, and very low beneath 80 cm. A value of Ch/Cf ratio indicates high humus stability up to 80 cm where it has humate-type humus, while below 80 cm humus is the humatefulvate type. A low content of fractions separated with 0.1N cold H2SO4, and cold and hot water, points out a low bioavailability of organic matter through whole soil profile. UV-Vis indices indicate a low humification degree of humic acids (increased to 80-cm depth), and a very low humification degree of fulvic acids (variable, the highest at 60-80-cm depth). Overall results indicate that particle size of mineral fraction, soil reaction, and cation exchange capacity had no significant impact on organic matter characteristics. Soil moisture content, that is alterations of oxido-reductive conditions throughout soil profile had the crucial impact on peat organic matter characteristics.U radu su prikazane karakteristike organske materije tresetišta na Divčibarama (950 m nadmorske visine, planinska klima). Suficitno vlaženje je uzrokovano podzemnom i poplavnom vodom, a biljni ostaci uglavnom potiču od hidrofilnih zeljastih biljaka. Cilj ispitivanja bio je utvrđivanje zavisnosti stanja organske materije (stepena humificiranosti, stabilnosti ili biodostupnosti) od pedogenetskih faktora i najvažnijih fizičkih i hemijskih osobina treseta. Treset je kisele reakcije, veoma slabo zasićen baznim katjonima. Sadržaj organske materije je >60% na dubini 40-80 cm, i >40% na 0-40 i 80-105 cm. Ispitivani treset je imao saprični karakter (stepen razloženosti organske materije >76%). Učešće huminskih kiselina u ukupnoj organskoj materiji pokazuje njen nejednak stepen humificiranosti po dubini profila, srednji do visok na 0-40 cm, nizak na 40-80 cm, a ispod 80 cm veoma nizak. Vrednosti odnosa Ch/Cf ukazuju na visoku stabilnost humusa do dubine od 80 cm gde je on humatnog, a ispod 80 cm humatno-fulvatnog tipa. Nizak sadržaj frakcija izdvojenih hladnom 0,1N H2SO4, i hladnom i vrućom H2O, ukazuje na malu biodostupnost (razgradljivost) organske materije po celoj dubini profila. UV-Vis indeksi su ukazali na niži stepen humificiranosti huminskih (povećavao do dubine 80 cm), i veoma nizak fulvo kiselina (promenljiv, najveći na 60-80 cm). Na osnovu primenjenih metoda istraživanja i statističke analize rezultata bilo je moguće zaključiti da mehanički sastav mineralne faze, reakcija zemljišta i stanje adsorptivnog kompleksa zemljišta nisu značajno uticali na stanje organske materije. Presudan uticaj na stanje organske materije ovog treseta imala je vlažnost zemljišta, odnosno promene oksido-redukcionih uslova po dubini profila