207 research outputs found

    Large and small-scale structures and the dust energy balance problem in spiral galaxies

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    The interstellar dust content in galaxies can be traced in extinction at optical wavelengths, or in emission in the far-infrared. Several studies have found that radiative transfer models that successfully explain the optical extinction in edge-on spiral galaxies generally underestimate the observed FIR/submm fluxes by a factor of about three. In order to investigate this so-called dust energy balance problem, we use two Milky Way-like galaxies produced by high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations. We create mock optical edge-on views of these simulated galaxies (using the radiative transfer code SKIRT), and we then fit the parameters of a basic spiral galaxy model to these images (using the fitting code FitSKIRT). The basic model includes smooth axisymmetric distributions along a S\'ersic bulge and exponential disc for the stars, and a second exponential disc for the dust. We find that the dust mass recovered by the fitted models is about three times smaller than the known dust mass of the hydrodynamical input models. This factor is in agreement with previous energy balance studies of real edge-on spiral galaxies. On the other hand, fitting the same basic model to less complex input models (e.g. a smooth exponential disc with a spiral perturbation or with random clumps), does recover the dust mass of the input model almost perfectly. Thus it seems that the complex asymmetries and the inhomogeneous structure of real and hydrodynamically simulated galaxies are a lot more efficient at hiding dust than the rather contrived geometries in typical quasi-analytical models. This effect may help explain the discrepancy between the dust emission predicted by radiative transfer models and the observed emission in energy balance studies for edge-on spiral galaxies.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The Shape of Dark Matter Haloes IV. The Structure of Stellar Discs in Edge-on Galaxies

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    We present optical and near-infrared archival observations of eight edge-on galaxies. These observations are used to model the stellar content of each galaxy using the FitSKIRT software package. Using FitSKIRT, we can self-consistently model a galaxy in each band simultaneously while treating for dust. This allows us to accurately measure both the scale length and scale height of the stellar disc, plus the shape parameters of the bulge. By combining this data with the previously reported integrated magnitudes of each galaxy, we can infer their true luminosities. We have successfully modelled seven out of the eight galaxies in our sample. We find that stellar discs can be modelled correctly, but have not been able to model the stellar bulge reliably. Our sample consists for the most part of slow rotating galaxies, and we find that the average dust layer is much thicker than what is reported for faster rotating galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication by Monthly Notices RAS. Hi-res. version available at www.astro.rug.nl/~vdkruit/Petersetal-IV.pd

    Three-dimensional dynamic MR-hysterosalpingography; a new, low invasive, radiation-free and less painful radiological approach to female infertility

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to propose a new method for imaging the uterine cavity and Fallopian tube patency by three-dimensional dynamic magnetic resonance hysterosalpingography (3D dMR-HSG) and to analyse if, by using a higher viscosity contrast solution, direct visualization of the Fallopian tubes may be achieved by this new technique. METHODS: 10 consecutive infertile women underwent 3D dMR-HSG and conventional HSG as gold standard. 3D dMR-HSG consisted of injection of 20 ml of a gadolinium-polyvidone solution into the uterine cavity while acquiring five consecutive three-dimensional (3D) T1-weighted MR-sequences. RESULTS: In three patients the catheter became dislodged during 3D dMR-HSG. However, in one of these patients the examination was still partially diagnostic. Imaging findings of 3D dMR-HSG showed good correlation with conventional hysterosalpingography and allowed 3D imaging of the uterine cavity and of Fallopian tube patency in 8/10 patients and direct visualization of the Fallopian tubes in 5/7 patients. CONCLUSION: 3D dMR-HSG represents a new and promising imaging approach to female infertility causing less pain and avoiding exposure of the ovaries to ionizing radiation. By using a higher viscosity MR-contrast agent it allows not only visualization of uterine cavity and Fallopian tube patency but also direct visualization of Fallopian tube

    HERschel Observations of Edge-on Spirals (HEROES). II: Tilted-ring modelling of the atomic gas disks

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    Context. Edge-on galaxies can offer important insights in galaxy evolution as they are the only systems where the distribution of the different components can be studied both radially and vertically. The HEROES project was designed to investigate the interplay between the gas, dust, stars and dark matter (DM) in a sample of 7 massive edge-on spiral galaxies. Aims. In this second HEROES paper we present an analysis of the atomic gas content of 6 out of 7 galaxies in our sample. The remaining galaxy was recently analysed according to the same strategy. The primary aim of this work is to constrain the surface density distribution, the rotation curve and the geometry of the gas disks in a homogeneous way. In addition we identify peculiar features and signs of recent interactions. Methods. We construct detailed tilted-ring models of the atomic gas disks based on new GMRT 21-cm observations of NGC 973 and UGC 4277 and re-reduced archival HI data of NGC 5907, NGC 5529, IC 2531 and NGC 4217. Potential degeneracies between different models are resolved by requiring a good agreement with the data in various representations of the data cubes. Results. From our modelling we find that all but one galaxy are warped along the major axis. In addition, we identify warps along the line of sight in three galaxies. A flaring gas layer is required to reproduce the data only for one galaxy, but (moderate) flares cannot be ruled for the other galaxies either. A coplanar ring-like structure is detected outside the main disk of NGC 4217, which we suggest could be the remnant of a recent minor merger event. We also find evidence for a radial inflow of 15 +- 5 km/s in the disk of NGC 5529, which might be related to the ongoing interaction with two nearby companions. (Abridged)Comment: 39 pages, 38 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Disused Paleogene regional stages from Belgium: Montian, Heersian, Landenian, Paniselian, Bruxellian, Laekenian, Ledian, Wemmelian and Tongrian

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    An overview of nine disused Paleogene regional stages from Belgium is presented. Some of these regional chronostratigraphic units were already brought into use in the nineteenth century, but are nowadays considered ill defined and of no use in the light of the modern stratigraphic concepts. An overview of their definition and history is given, together with the argumentation for the abandonment of each unit and its present status. The disused chronostratigraphic units belong to the Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene series

    HERschel Observations of Edge-on Spirals (HEROES). I: Far-infrared morphology and dust mass determination

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    Context. Edge-on spiral galaxies with prominent dust lanes provide us with an excellent opportunity to study the distribution and properties of the dust within them. The HEROES project was set up to observe a sample of seven large edge-on galaxies across various wavelengths for this investigation. Aims. Within this first paper, we present the Herschel observations and perform a qualitative and quantitative analysis on them, and we derive some global properties of the far infrared and submillimetre emission. Methods. We determine horizontal and vertical profiles from the Herschel observations of the galaxies in the sample and describe the morphology. Modified black-body fits to the global fluxes, measured using aperture photometry, result in dust temperatures and dust masses. The latter values are compared to those that are derived from radiative transfer models taken from the literature. Results. On the whole, our Herschel flux measurements agree well with archival values. We find that the exponential horizontal dust distribution model often used in the literature generally provides a good description of the observed horizontal profiles. Three out of the seven galaxies show signatures of extended vertical emission at 100 and 160 {\mu}m at the 5{\sigma} level, but in two of these it is probably due to deviations from an exactly edge-on orientation. Only for NGC 4013, a galaxy in which vertically extended dust has already been detected in optical images, we can detect vertically extended dust, and the derived scaleheight agrees with the value estimated through radiative transfer modelling. Our analysis hints at a correlation between the dust scaleheight and its degree of clumpiness, which we infer from the difference between the dust masses as calculated from modelling of optical data and from fitting the spectral energy distribution of Herschel datapoints.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Quantum Rod Emission Coupled to Plasmonic Lattice Resonances: A Collective Directional Source of Polarized Light

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    We demonstrate that an array of optical antennas may render a thin layer of randomly oriented semiconductor nanocrystals into an enhanced and highly directional source of polarized light. The array sustains collective plasmonic lattice resonances which are in spectral overlap with the emission of the nanocrystals over narrow angular regions. Consequently, different photon energies of visible light are enhanced and beamed into definite directions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The dust energy balance in the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 4565

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    We combine new dust continuum observations of the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 4565 in all Herschel/SPIRE (250, 350, 500 micron) wavebands, obtained as part of the Herschel Reference Survey, and a large set of ancillary data (Spitzer, SDSS, GALEX) to analyze its dust energy balance. We fit a radiative transfer model for the stars and dust to the optical maps with the fitting algorithm FitSKIRT. To account for the observed UV and mid-infrared emission, this initial model was supplemented with both obscured and unobscured star-forming regions. Even though these star-forming complexes provide an additional heating source for the dust, the far-infrared/submillimeter emission long wards of 100 micron is underestimated by a factor of 3-4. This inconsistency in the dust energy budget of NGC 4565 suggests that a sizable fraction (two-thirds) of the total dust reservoir (Mdust ~ 2.9e+8 Msun) consists of a clumpy distribution with no associated young stellar sources. The distribution of those dense dust clouds would be in such a way that they remain unresolved in current far-infrared/submillimeter observations and hardly comtribute to the attenuation at optical wavelengths. More than two-thirds of the dust heating in NGC 4565 is powered by the old stellar population, with localized embedded sources supplying the remaining dust heating in NGC 4565. The results from this detailed dust energy balance study in NGC 4565 is consistent with that of similar analyses of other edge-on spirals.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    From fabrication to mode mapping in silicon nitride microdisks with embedded colloidal quantum dots

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    We report on the fabrication of free-standing and optically active microdisks with cadmium-based colloidal quantum dots embedded directly into silicon nitride. We show that the process optimization results in low-loss silicon nitride microdisks. The Si 3 N 4 matrix provides the stability necessary to preserve the optical properties of the quantum dots and observe efficient coupling of the photoluminescence to the resonating microdisk modes. Using a spectrally and spatially resolved microphotoluminescence measurement, we map the emission pattern from the microdisk. This technique allows us to identify the resonant modes. The results show good agreement with numerical mode simulations. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    M & L Jaargang 3/5

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    Roger Deneef De Demervallei tussen Aarschot en Werchter. Deel 1. [The Demer valley between Aarchot and Werchter (part 1).]R. Nijs en G. De Geyter Het kwartsiet van Tienen: petrografische kenmerken en gebruik als bouwsteen. [The quartzite of Tienen: petrographic characteristics and use as building stone.]Dirk Van Eenhooge Het Rood Kloosterken een archeologisch vooronderzoek. [The Rood Kloosterken (Red Monastery) a preliminary archaelogical inquiry.]Jos Vandenbreeden In Memoriam-Patrimonium [In Memoriam-Patrimonium (Decay of Brussels architectural heritage.]SummaryM&L Binnenkran
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