1,600 research outputs found

    The Complexity of the Simplex Method

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    The simplex method is a well-studied and widely-used pivoting method for solving linear programs. When Dantzig originally formulated the simplex method, he gave a natural pivot rule that pivots into the basis a variable with the most violated reduced cost. In their seminal work, Klee and Minty showed that this pivot rule takes exponential time in the worst case. We prove two main results on the simplex method. Firstly, we show that it is PSPACE-complete to find the solution that is computed by the simplex method using Dantzig's pivot rule. Secondly, we prove that deciding whether Dantzig's rule ever chooses a specific variable to enter the basis is PSPACE-complete. We use the known connection between Markov decision processes (MDPs) and linear programming, and an equivalence between Dantzig's pivot rule and a natural variant of policy iteration for average-reward MDPs. We construct MDPs and show PSPACE-completeness results for single-switch policy iteration, which in turn imply our main results for the simplex method

    Edge Elimination in TSP Instances

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    The Traveling Salesman Problem is one of the best studied NP-hard problems in combinatorial optimization. Powerful methods have been developed over the last 60 years to find optimum solutions to large TSP instances. The largest TSP instance so far that has been solved optimally has 85,900 vertices. Its solution required more than 136 years of total CPU time using the branch-and-cut based Concorde TSP code [1]. In this paper we present graph theoretic results that allow to prove that some edges of a TSP instance cannot occur in any optimum TSP tour. Based on these results we propose a combinatorial algorithm to identify such edges. The runtime of the main part of our algorithm is O(n2log⁥n)O(n^2 \log n) for an n-vertex TSP instance. By combining our approach with the Concorde TSP solver we are able to solve a large TSPLIB instance more than 11 times faster than Concorde alone

    Avoiding unnecessary demerging and remerging of multi‐commodity integer flows

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    Resource flows may merge and demerge at a network node. Sometimes several demerged flows may be immediately merged again, but in different combinations compared to before they were demerged. However, the demerging is unnecessary in the first place if the total resources at each of the network nodes involved remains unchanged. We describe this situation as “unnecessary demerging and remerging (UDR)” of flows, which would incur unnecessary operations and costs in practice. Multi‐commodity integer flows in particular will be considered in this paper. This deficiency could be theoretically overcome by means of fixed‐charge variables, but the practicality of this approach is restricted by the difficulty in solving the corresponding integer linear program (ILP). Moreover, in a problem where the objective function has many cost elements, it would be helpful if such operational costs are optimized implicitly. This paper presents a heuristic branching method within an ILP solver for removing UDR without the use of fixed‐charge variables. We use the concept of “flow potentials” (different from “flow residues” for max‐flows) guided by which underutilized arcs are heuristically banned, thus reducing occurrences of UDR. Flow connection bigraphs and flow connection groups (FCGs) are introduced. We prove that if certain conditions are met, fully utilizing an arc will guarantee an improvement within an FCG. Moreover, a location sub‐model is given when the former cannot guarantee an improvement. More importantly, the heuristic approach can significantly enhance the full fixed‐charge model by warm‐starting. Computational experiments based on real‐world instances have shown the usefulness of the proposed methods

    Constant Rank Bimatrix Games are PPAD-hard

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    The rank of a bimatrix game (A,B) is defined as rank(A+B). Computing a Nash equilibrium (NE) of a rank-00, i.e., zero-sum game is equivalent to linear programming (von Neumann'28, Dantzig'51). In 2005, Kannan and Theobald gave an FPTAS for constant rank games, and asked if there exists a polynomial time algorithm to compute an exact NE. Adsul et al. (2011) answered this question affirmatively for rank-11 games, leaving rank-2 and beyond unresolved. In this paper we show that NE computation in games with rank ≄3\ge 3, is PPAD-hard, settling a decade long open problem. Interestingly, this is the first instance that a problem with an FPTAS turns out to be PPAD-hard. Our reduction bypasses graphical games and game gadgets, and provides a simpler proof of PPAD-hardness for NE computation in bimatrix games. In addition, we get: * An equivalence between 2D-Linear-FIXP and PPAD, improving a result by Etessami and Yannakakis (2007) on equivalence between Linear-FIXP and PPAD. * NE computation in a bimatrix game with convex set of Nash equilibria is as hard as solving a simple stochastic game. * Computing a symmetric NE of a symmetric bimatrix game with rank ≄6\ge 6 is PPAD-hard. * Computing a (1/poly(n))-approximate fixed-point of a (Linear-FIXP) piecewise-linear function is PPAD-hard. The status of rank-22 games remains unresolved

    On the Solution of Linear Programming Problems in the Age of Big Data

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    The Big Data phenomenon has spawned large-scale linear programming problems. In many cases, these problems are non-stationary. In this paper, we describe a new scalable algorithm called NSLP for solving high-dimensional, non-stationary linear programming problems on modern cluster computing systems. The algorithm consists of two phases: Quest and Targeting. The Quest phase calculates a solution of the system of inequalities defining the constraint system of the linear programming problem under the condition of dynamic changes in input data. To this end, the apparatus of Fejer mappings is used. The Targeting phase forms a special system of points having the shape of an n-dimensional axisymmetric cross. The cross moves in the n-dimensional space in such a way that the solution of the linear programming problem is located all the time in an "-vicinity of the central point of the cross.Comment: Parallel Computational Technologies - 11th International Conference, PCT 2017, Kazan, Russia, April 3-7, 2017, Proceedings (to be published in Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 753

    On the Complexity of an Unregulated Traffic Crossing

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    The steady development of motor vehicle technology will enable cars of the near future to assume an ever increasing role in the decision making and control of the vehicle itself. In the foreseeable future, cars will have the ability to communicate with one another in order to better coordinate their motion. This motivates a number of interesting algorithmic problems. One of the most challenging aspects of traffic coordination involves traffic intersections. In this paper we consider two formulations of a simple and fundamental geometric optimization problem involving coordinating the motion of vehicles through an intersection. We are given a set of nn vehicles in the plane, each modeled as a unit length line segment that moves monotonically, either horizontally or vertically, subject to a maximum speed limit. Each vehicle is described by a start and goal position and a start time and deadline. The question is whether, subject to the speed limit, there exists a collision-free motion plan so that each vehicle travels from its start position to its goal position prior to its deadline. We present three results. We begin by showing that this problem is NP-complete with a reduction from 3-SAT. Second, we consider a constrained version in which cars traveling horizontally can alter their speeds while cars traveling vertically cannot. We present a simple algorithm that solves this problem in O(nlog⁥n)O(n \log n) time. Finally, we provide a solution to the discrete version of the problem and prove its asymptotic optimality in terms of the maximum delay of a vehicle

    Nonclassicality of pure two-qutrit entangled states

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    We report an exhaustive numerical analysis of violations of local realism by two qutrits in all possible pure entangled states. In Bell type experiments we allow any pairs of local unitary U(3) transformations to define the measurement bases. Surprisingly, Schmidt rank-2 states, resembling pairs of maximally entangled qubits, lead to the most noise-robust violations of local realism. The phenomenon seems to be even more pronounced for four and five dimensional systems, for which we tested a few interesting examples.Comment: 6 pages, journal versio

    Subtropical Real Root Finding

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    We describe a new incomplete but terminating method for real root finding for large multivariate polynomials. We take an abstract view of the polynomial as the set of exponent vectors associated with sign information on the coefficients. Then we employ linear programming to heuristically find roots. There is a specialized variant for roots with exclusively positive coordinates, which is of considerable interest for applications in chemistry and systems biology. An implementation of our method combining the computer algebra system Reduce with the linear programming solver Gurobi has been successfully applied to input data originating from established mathematical models used in these areas. We have solved several hundred problems with up to more than 800000 monomials in up to 10 variables with degrees up to 12. Our method has failed due to its incompleteness in less than 8 percent of the cases

    b-coloring is NP-hard on co-bipartite graphs and polytime solvable on tree-cographs

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    A b-coloring of a graph is a proper coloring such that every color class contains a vertex that is adjacent to all other color classes. The b-chromatic number of a graph G, denoted by \chi_b(G), is the maximum number t such that G admits a b-coloring with t colors. A graph G is called b-continuous if it admits a b-coloring with t colors, for every t = \chi(G),\ldots,\chi_b(G), and b-monotonic if \chi_b(H_1) \geq \chi_b(H_2) for every induced subgraph H_1 of G, and every induced subgraph H_2 of H_1. We investigate the b-chromatic number of graphs with stability number two. These are exactly the complements of triangle-free graphs, thus including all complements of bipartite graphs. The main results of this work are the following: - We characterize the b-colorings of a graph with stability number two in terms of matchings with no augmenting paths of length one or three. We derive that graphs with stability number two are b-continuous and b-monotonic. - We prove that it is NP-complete to decide whether the b-chromatic number of co-bipartite graph is at most a given threshold. - We describe a polynomial time dynamic programming algorithm to compute the b-chromatic number of co-trees. - Extending several previous results, we show that there is a polynomial time dynamic programming algorithm for computing the b-chromatic number of tree-cographs. Moreover, we show that tree-cographs are b-continuous and b-monotonic

    On the Number of Iterations for Dantzig-Wolfe Optimization and Packing-Covering Approximation Algorithms

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    We give a lower bound on the iteration complexity of a natural class of Lagrangean-relaxation algorithms for approximately solving packing/covering linear programs. We show that, given an input with mm random 0/1-constraints on nn variables, with high probability, any such algorithm requires Ω(ρlog⁥(m)/Ï”2)\Omega(\rho \log(m)/\epsilon^2) iterations to compute a (1+Ï”)(1+\epsilon)-approximate solution, where ρ\rho is the width of the input. The bound is tight for a range of the parameters (m,n,ρ,Ï”)(m,n,\rho,\epsilon). The algorithms in the class include Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition, Benders' decomposition, Lagrangean relaxation as developed by Held and Karp [1971] for lower-bounding TSP, and many others (e.g. by Plotkin, Shmoys, and Tardos [1988] and Grigoriadis and Khachiyan [1996]). To prove the bound, we use a discrepancy argument to show an analogous lower bound on the support size of (1+Ï”)(1+\epsilon)-approximate mixed strategies for random two-player zero-sum 0/1-matrix games
