1,115 research outputs found

    Structural attributes of nucleotide sequences in promoter regions of supercoiling-sensitive genes: how to relate microarray expression data with genomic sequences

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    The level of supercoiling in the chromosome can affect gene expression. To clarify the basis of supercoiling sensitivity, we analyzed the structural features of nucleotide sequences in the vicinity of promoters for the genes with expression enhanced and decreased in response to loss of chromosomal supercoiling in E. coli. Fourier analysis of promoter sequences for supercoiling-sensitive genes reveals the tendency in selection of sequences with helical periodicities close to 10 nt for relaxation-induced genes and to 11 nt for relaxation-repressed genes. The helical periodicities in the subsets of promoters recognized by RNA polymerase with different sigma factors were also studied. A special procedure was developed for study of correlations between the intensities of periodicities in promoter sequences and the expression levels of corresponding genes. Significant correlations of expression with the AT content and with AT periodicities about 10, 11, and 50 nt indicate their role in regulation of supercoiling-sensitive genes.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figure

    Cytological Characteristics of Postoperative Metastases of Papillary Thyroid Cancer During the Development of Secondary Radioiodine Refractoriness

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    Radioiodine refractoriness is the main problem in the diagnosis and treatment of papillary thyroid carcinoma. The aim of the study was to investigate the cytological and immunocytochemical changes of thyrocytes in fine-needle aspiration smears of thyroid papillary cancer metastases in the course of the development of secondary radioiodine resistance. A total of 70 postoperative metastases of thyroid papillary cancer (secondary radioiodine refractory metastases, previously responsive to radioiodine, that eventually loses the ability to radioiodine accumulation, radioiodine-avid metastases, primary radioiodine-refractory metastases), immunohistochemical staining of thyroid peroxidase, thyroglobulin, cytokeratin 17 and cytological analysis were performed. Revealing the presence of specific cellular phenotypes and structures in punctuates, a low percentage of thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin-positive thyrocytes allows the development of the method of cytological prediction of the radioiodine therapy effectiveness

    Development of Cottage Cheese Technology Using Whey Broth of Linder Flowers

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    The article presents research results of determining the rational amount of whey broth of linden flowers that favored the increase of the goat cottage cheese quality after adding to cheese seeds.It was established, that under the influence of the rational amount of 10-20 % of broth, introduced to cheese seeds of development batches (D 1, D 2) of the products at its setting (instead of the same amount of eliminated cheese whey), there took place the increase of the protein content by 0,3, 0,5 % and moisture by 0,6, 1,7 %, comparing with the control.The use of the rational amount of broth in development batches favored the increase of the product output of 100 kg of skimmed milk by 0,6, 0,8 %, respectively, comparing with the control.Whey broth of linden flowers also stimulated the development of the healthy microflora, which amount in development batches of the product (D1- D2) was higher in 2,5 and 2,8 times, comparing with an analogous result in the control.It maximally bring commodity parameters of development batches of cottage cheese to requirements of the product, manufactured of cow milk, and increases the number of consumers of goat milk products

    Migración rusa y aspectos psicológicos

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    The problem of regional migration is treated in the article. The development of the Far Eastern territories is a priority now. The government has developed many large-scale projects aimed at supporting the remote region, but the problem of emigration of the economically active population has not settled since 1991. The problem of the outflow of promising young personnel from its territory is particularly acute. The purpose of this research is to study the reasons for the migration of young people from the Primorsky Region - one of the regions of the Far East. The main tasks were to obtain visions of migration moods and motivation of migration behavior of students. The study used a psychological verbal-communicative method - a survey in which a specially designed list of questions was used as a means to collect information from the respondent. The survey covered about 1,000 respondents between the ages of 15 and 30.  The research has shown that the main reason for emigration of school graduates is the opportunity to progress, studying in prestigious domestic and foreign universities, working in the largest Russian and foreign companies, that not enough represented here. Excellent and good rated school graduates prefer to enter Moscow and St. Petersburg universities. This means that most prospective workers in the future want to leave the territory of the region. Analysis of the responses of the university graduates revealed the prevalence of negative expectations about their future and the future of the territories. The data indicated that the main reasons to leave the country and the Primorsky Region are low job prospects for university graduates, lack of self-realization possibilities, low wages and the instability of the region’s political and socio-economic situation. In addition, the situation is exacerbated by the fact that respondents, for the most part, do not know about the projects that are being implemented in the region and do not see career prospects, which confirms the implementation of many strategic projects of the region only on paper. The lack of measures to prevent the emigration of young people will have a number of negative economic and social consequences, one of which is the reduction of competitevness of the territory. Creating favorable conditions for young people in the region, active public policy to attract young skilled professionals in Primorye is a prerequisite for the development of the region's intellectual capital and a guarantee of its dynamic socio-economic development.El problema de la migración regional se trata en el artículo. El desarrollo de los territorios del Lejano Oriente es una prioridad ahora. El gobierno ha desarrollado muchos proyectos a gran escala destinados a apoyar a la región remota, pero el problema dela emigración de la población económicamente activa no se ha resuelto desde 1991. Elproblema de la salida de jóvenes prometedores de su territorio es particularmente grave. El propósito de esta investigación es estudiar las razones de la migración de jóvenes de la región de Primorsky, una de las regiones del Lejano Oriente. Las tareas principales fueron obtener visiones de los estados de ánimo migratorios y la motivación del comportamiento migratorio de los estudiantes. El estudio utilizó un método psicológico verbal-comunicativo, una encuesta en la que se utilizó una lista especialmente diseñada de preguntas como un medio para recopilar información del encuestado. La encuesta abarcó a aproximadamente 1,000 encuestados entre las edades de 15 y 30. La investigación ha demostrado que la razón principal de la emigración de los graduados de laescuela es la oportunidad de progresar, estudiando en prestigiosas universidades nacionales y extranjeras, trabajando en las mayores universidades rusas y extranjeras. empresas, que no están suficientemente representadas aquí. Los graduados de escuelas excelentes y con buena calificación prefieren ingresar a las universidades de Moscú y San Petersburgo. Esto significa que la mayoría de los futuros trabajadores en el futurodesean abandonar el territorio de la región. El análisis de las respuestas de los graduados universitarios reveló la prevalencia de expectativas negativas sobre su futuro y el futuro de los territorios. Los datos indicaron que las principales razones para abandonar el país y la región de Primorsky son las bajas perspectivas laborales paralos graduados universitarios, la falta de posibilidades de autorrealización, los bajos salarios y la inestabilidad de la situación política y socioeconómica de la región.Además, la situación se ve exacerbada por el hecho de que los encuestados, en su mayor parte, no conocen los proyectos que se están implementando en la región y no ven perspectivas de carrera, lo que confirma la implementación de muchos proyectos estratégicos de la región solamente. en papel. La falta de medidas para prevenir la emigración de los jóvenes tendrá una serie de consecuencias económicas y sociales negativas, una de las cuales es la reducción de la competitividad del territorio. La creación de condiciones favorables para los jóvenes de la región, una política pública activa paraatraer a jóvenes profesionales calificados en Primorye es un requisito previo para el desarrollo del capital intelectual de la región y una garantía de su dinámico desarrollo socioeconómico

    Russian Migration and Psychological Aspect

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    The problem of regional migration is treated in the article. The development of the Far Eastern territories is a priority now. The government has developed many large-scale projects aimed at supporting the remote region, but the problem of emigration of the economically active population has not settled since 1991. The problem of the outflow of promising young personnel from its territory is particularly acute. The purpose of this research is to study the reasons for the migration of young people from the Primorsky Region - one of the regions of the Far East. The main tasks were to obtain visions of migration moods and motivation of migration behavior of students. The study used a psychological verbal-communicative method - a survey in which a specially designed list of questions was used as a means to collect information from the respondent. The survey covered about 1,000 respondents between the ages of 15 and 30.  The research has shown that the main reason for emigration of school graduates is the opportunity to progress, studying in prestigious domestic and foreign universities, working in the largest Russian and foreign companies, that not enough represented here. Excellent and good rated school graduates prefer to enter Moscow and St. Petersburg universities. This means that most prospective workers in the future want to leave the territory of the region. Analysis of the responses of the university graduates revealed the prevalence of negative expectations about their future and the future of the territories. The data indicated that the main reasons to leave the country and the Primorsky Region are low job prospects for university graduates, lack of self-realization possibilities, low wages and the instability of the region’s political and socio-economic situation. In addition, the situation is exacerbated by the fact that respondents, for the most part, do not know about the projects that are being implemented in the region and do not see career prospects, which confirms the implementation of many strategic projects of the region only on paper. The lack of measures to prevent the emigration of young people will have a number of negative economic and social consequences, one of which is the reduction of competitevness of the territory. Creating favorable conditions for young people in the region, active public policy to attract young skilled professionals in Primorye is a prerequisite for the development of the region's intellectual capital and a guarantee of its dynamic socio-economic development.The problem of regional migration is treated in the article. The development of the Far Eastern territories is a priority now. The government has developed many large-scale projects aimed at supporting the remote region, but the problem of emigration of the economically active population has not settled since 1991. The problem of the outflow of promising young personnel from its territory is particularly acute. The purpose of this research is to study the reasons for the migration of young people from the Primorsky Region - one of the regions of the Far East. The main tasks were to obtain visions of migration moods and motivation of migration behavior of students. The study used a psychological verbal-communicative method - a survey in which a specially designed list of questions was used as a means to collect information from the respondent. The survey covered about 1,000 respondents between the ages of 15 and 30.  The research has shown that the main reason for emigration of school graduates is the opportunity to progress, studying in prestigious domestic and foreign universities, working in the largest Russian and foreign companies, that not enough represented here. Excellent and good rated school graduates prefer to enter Moscow and St. Petersburg universities. This means that most prospective workers in the future want to leave the territory of the region. Analysis of the responses of the university graduates revealed the prevalence of negative expectations about their future and the future of the territories. The data indicated that the main reasons to leave the country and the Primorsky Region are low job prospects for university graduates, lack of self-realization possibilities, low wages and the instability of the region’s political and socio-economic situation. In addition, the situation is exacerbated by the fact that respondents, for the most part, do not know about the projects that are being implemented in the region and do not see career prospects, which confirms the implementation of many strategic projects of the region only on paper. The lack of measures to prevent the emigration of young people will have a number of negative economic and social consequences, one of which is the reduction of competitevness of the territory. Creating favorable conditions for young people in the region, active public policy to attract young skilled professionals in Primorye is a prerequisite for the development of the region's intellectual capital and a guarantee of its dynamic socio-economic development

    La administración pública en el contexto de la reflexión del nivel digital inno-vador moderno de desarrollo económico

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    The article analyzes the state and society's interaction to achieve an innovative idea based on strategic thinking and culture, which determine justice in society, realize their behavior, and substantiate the importance of innovative digital technologies in a neo-information society determines a person as innovative. The research shows the necessity of innovative thinking among different-level managers able to create and manage innovative knowledge of personnel, creating innovative values. A practical vector of the transition of the economy to an innovation level is proposed.El artículo analiza la interacción del Estado y la sociedad para lograr una idea innovadora basada en el pensamiento estratégico y la cultura, que determina la justicia en la sociedad, reconociendo su comportamiento, y fundamenta la importancia de las tecnologías digitales innovadoras en una sociedad de neoinformación. lo que determina a una persona como innovadora. La investigación muestra la necesidad de un pensamiento innovador entre los gerentes de diferentes niveles capaces de crear y gestionar el conocimiento innovador del personal, creando valores innovadores. Se propone un vector práctico de transición de la economía a un nivel de innovación

    La administración pública en el contexto de la reflexión del nivel digital inno-vador moderno de desarrollo económico

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    El artículo analiza la interacción del Estado y la sociedad para lograr una idea innovadora basada en el pensamiento estratégico y la cultura, que determina la justicia en la sociedad, reconociendo su comporta-miento, y fundamenta la importancia de las tecnologías digitales innovadoras en una sociedad de neoin-formación. lo que determina a una persona como innovadora. La investigación muestra la necesidad de un pensamiento innovador entre los gerentes de diferentes niveles capaces de crear y gestionar el conocimiento innovador del personal, creando valores innovadores. Se propone un vector práctico de transición de la economía a un nivel de innovació

    Photolysis of Fluorinated Graphites with Embedded Acetonitrile Using a White-Beam Synchrotron Radiation

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    Fluorinated graphitic layers with good mechanical and chemical stability, polar C–F bonds, and tunable bandgap are attractive for a variety of applications. In this work, we investigated the photolysis of fluorinated graphites with interlayer embedded acetonitrile, which is the simplest representative of the acetonitrile-containing photosensitizing family. The samples were continuously illuminated in situ with high-brightness non-monochromatized synchrotron radiation. Changes in the compositions of the samples were monitored using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy. The NEXAFS N K-edge spectra showed that acetonitrile dissociates to form HCN and N2 molecules after exposure to the white beam for 2 s, and the latter molecules completely disappear after exposure for 200 s. The original composition of fluorinated matrices CF0.3 and CF0.5 is changed to CF0.10 and GF0.17, respectively. The highly fluorinated layers lose fluorine atoms together with carbon neighbors, creating atomic vacancies. The edges of vacancies are terminated with the nitrogen atoms and form pyridinic and pyrrolic units. Our in situ studies show that the photolysis products of acetonitrile depend on the photon irradiation duration and composition of the initial CFx matrix. The obtained results evaluate the radiation damage of the acetonitrile-intercalated fluorinated graphites and the opportunities to synthesize nitrogen-doped graphene materials

    Study of the influence of morphology and strength of interphase boundaries on the integral mechanical properties of NiCr-TiC composite

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    Sintered metal-ceramic materials are characterized by high mechanical and tribological properties. A key element of the internal structure of the metal-ceramic composites which have an important, and in many cases, a decisive influence on the integral mechanical properties of these materials is the interphase boundary. In this paper, based on numerical simulation we show the influence of morphology and strength properties of interfaces for integral mechanical properties of the dispersion-reinforced composite NiCr-TiC (50 : 50). Computer simulation results indicate that the phase boundary significantly contributes to the integral mechanical characteristics of a composite material and to the nature of the initiation and development of cracks