367 research outputs found

    Multi-Scale Threat Assessment of Riverine Ecosystems in the Colorado River Basin

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    Freshwater ecosystems are facing a deepening biodiversity crisis. Developing robust indicators to assess ecological integrity across large spatial scales and identifying the specific threats and pathways of impairment are thus critically needed if we are to inform freshwater conservation strategies. Here we present the first comprehensive threat assessment across the Colorado River Basin – one of the largest and most endangered river basins in North America – using a spatial framework accounting for the wide range of human activities (land uses, transportation infrastructure, exploitative activities, water withdrawals), pathways (local footprint, overland runoff, upstream cumulative effects), and spatial extent of influence (valley bottom, catchment and river network) known to affect the ecological integrity of riverine ecosystems. We quantified and mapped 69 individual threat indices with geospatial tools for each permanent, ephemeral, and intermittent stream segment within the Basin, encompassing a total of \u3e1,067,700 river kilometers. We further aggregated these indices into components of water quality (diffuse and point-source pollution), hydrology (flow regulation/uses and climate change), and physical system (connectivity and geomorphology). To demonstrate the potential of our framework to inform spatial planning decision processes, we examined the typical combinations of threats experienced by different hydrologic areas and stream segment types, identified candidate watersheds for habitat restoration and enhancement where hotspots of biodiversity and threat overlapped, and assessed the associations between threat indices and in situ measurements of ecological integrity describing a suite of biological (benthic macroinvertebrate, fish), chemical (total nitrogen load, water conductivity), hydrological (flow alteration) and physical indicators (streambed stability, instream habitat complexity). Our assessment highlights clear disparities in term of overall degree of threat that result from different combinations and contributions of individual stressors, with different priorities emerging for perennial versus intermittent or ephemeral stream segments, and between the upper and lower parts of the Basin. Importantly, we showed that our threat indices were generally correlated with biological, chemical, hydrological and physical indicators of ecological integrity they were intended to capture. In addition to its implications for the conservation and management of the highly imperiled Colorado River Basin, our case study illustrates how multi-faceted threat mapping can be used to assess the ecological integrity of riverine ecosystems in the absence of spatially extensive in situ measurements

    Modelling of interactions of polar and nonpolar pollutants with soil minerals and soil organic matter

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    Environmental pollution of soils by organic contaminants such as pesticides is one of the serious problems of our civilization. Contaminants can undergo various physical, chemical and biological transformation processes in soils governing behaviour, distribution, and fate of organic species in environment and subsequent environmental risks. Mechanistic understanding of molecular interactions of organic pollutants with main soil components represents a key factor for estimating the behaviour of contaminants in soils. Molecular modelling offers an opportunity to investigate and characterize various details of these interactions at molecular level providing specifications, which are difficult to obtain at the experimental level. This work represents a comprehensive overview of our investigations of the molecular interactions of organic contaminants with selected soil components. Particularly, we focused on the characterization of the structure and the surface complexation of the phenoxyacetic acid derivatives (herbicides MCPA and 2,4-D) and typical soil minerals such as clay minerals (kaolinite and montmorillonite) and iron oxyhydroxides (goethite and lepidocrocite). Further, interactions of several representative nonpolar polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (e.g. naphthalene, anthracene, pyrene, and phenanthrene) with iron oxyhydroxides were modelled, as well. It was found that in case of polar species, hydrogen bonds and electrostatic interactions play an important role in the formation of the surface complexes. In case of nonpolar PAHs, dispersion forces dominate in the planar stacking of the PAHs molecules on mineral surfaces. Another study focused at a complex 3D model representing humic substances firstly, featuring polar hydrophilic and nonpolar hydrophobic domains and also a nanopore SOM structure. This model was taken to simulate trapping and interactions of MCPA (polar) and naphthalene (nonpolar) species inside of the nanopore. It was found that MCPA is preferentially stabilized close to polar functional groups (carboxyl) whereas naphthalene interacts mostly with nonpolar aliphatic chains through dispersion interactions

    Initial coupling and reaction progression of directly deposited biradical graphene nanoribbon monomers on iodine-passivated versus pristine Ag(111)

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    The development of widely applicable methods for the synthesis of C-C-bonded nanostructures on inert and insulating surfaces is a challenging yet rewarding milestone in the field of on-surface synthesis. This would enable studies of nearly unperturbed covalent nanostructures with unique electronic properties as graphene nanoribbons (GNR) and π-conjugated 2D polymers. The prevalent Ullmann-type couplings are almost exclusively carried out on metal surfaces to lower the temperature required for initial dehalogenation well below the desorption threshold. To overcome the necessity for the activation of monomers on the target surface, we employ a recently developed Radical Deposition Source (RaDeS) for the direct deposition of radicals onto inert surfaces for subsequent coupling by addition reactions. The radicals are generated en route by indirect deposition of halogenated precursors through a heated reactive tube, where the dehalogenation reaction proceeds. Here, we use the ditopic 6,11-diiodo-1,2,3,4-tetraphenyltriphenylene (DITTP) precursor that afforded chevron-like GNR on Au(111) via the usual two-staged reaction comprised of monomer-coupling into covalent polymers and subsequent formation of an extended GNR by intramolecular cyclodehydrogenation (CDH). As a model system for inert surfaces, we use Ag(111) passivated with a closed monolayer of chemisorbed iodine that behaves in an inert manner with respect to dehalogenation reactions and facilitates the progressive coupling of radicals into extended covalent structures. We deposit the DITTP-derived biradicals onto both iodine-passivated and pristine Ag(111) surfaces. While on the passivated surface, we directly observe the formation of covalent polymers, on pristine Ag(111) organometallic intermediates emerge instead. This has decisive consequences for the further progression of the reaction: heating the organometallic chain directly on Ag(111) results in complete desorption, whereas the covalent polymer on iodine-passivated Ag(111) can be transformed into the GNR. Yet, the respective CDH proceeds directly on Ag(111) after thermal desorption of the iodine passivation. Accordingly, future work is aimed at the further development of approaches for the complete synthesis of GNR on inert surfaces

    The Generality of the GUGA MRCI Approach in COLUMBUS for Treating Complex Quantum Chemistry

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    The core part of the program system COLUMBUS allows highly efficient calculations using variational multireference (MR) methods in the framework of configuration interaction with single and double excitations (MR-CISD) and averaged quadratic coupled-cluster calcu- lations (MR-AQCC), based on uncontracted sets of configurations and the graphical unitary group approach (GUGA). The availability of analytic MR-CISD and MR-AQCC energy gradients and analytic nonadiabatic couplings for MR-CISD enables exciting applications including, e.g., investigations of π-conjugated biradicaloid compounds, calculations of multitudes of excited states, development of dia- batization procedures, and furnishing the electronic structure information for on-the-fly surface nonadiabatic dynamics. With fully vari- ational uncontracted spin-orbit MRCI, COLUMBUS provides a unique possibility of performing high-level calculations on compounds containing heavy atoms up to lanthanides and actinides. Crucial for carrying out all of these calculations effectively is the availability of an efficient parallel code for the CI step. Configuration spaces of several billion in size now can be treated quite routinely on stan- dard parallel computer clusters. Emerging developments in COLUMBUS, including the all configuration mean energy multiconfiguration self-consistent field method and the graphically contracted function method, promise to allow practically unlimited configuration space dimensions. Spin density based on the GUGA approach, analytic spin-orbit energy gradients, possibilities for local electron correlation MR calculations, development of general interfaces for nonadiabatic dynamics, and MRCI linear vibronic coupling models conclude this overview

    Survival and settling of larval Macoma balthica in a large-scale mesocosm experiment at different f CO2 levels

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    Anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are causing severe changes in the global inorganic carbon balance of the oceans. Associated ocean acidification is expected to pose a major threat to marine ecosystems worldwide, and it is also expected to be amplified in the Baltic Sea where the system is already exposed to relatively large natural seasonal and diel pH fluctuations. We studied the responses of larvae of the benthic key species Macoma balthica to a range of future CO2 scenarios using six similar to 55 m(3) mesocosms encompassing the entire pelagic community. The mesocosms were deployed in the northern Baltic Sea in June 2012. We focused on the survival, growth and subsequent settlement process of Macoma balthica when exposed to different levels of future CO2. The size and time to settlement of M. balthica increased along the CO2 gradient, suggesting a developmental delay. With ongoing climate change, both the frequency and extent of regularly occurring high CO2 conditions are likely to increase, and a permanent pH decrease will likely occur. The strong impact of increasing CO2 levels on early-stage bivalves is alarming as these stages are crucial for sustaining viable populations, and a failure in their recruitment would ultimately lead to negative effects on the population.Peer reviewe

    Multireference approaches for excited states of molecules

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    Understanding the properties of electronically excited states is a challenging task that becomes increasingly important for numerous applications in chemistry, molecular physics, molecular biology, and materials science. A substantial impact is exerted by the fascinating progress in time-resolved spectroscopy, which leads to a strongly growing demand for theoretical methods to describe the characteristic features of excited states accurately. Whereas for electronic ground state problems of stable molecules the quantum chemical methodology is now so well developed that informed nonexperts can use it efficiently, the situation is entirely different concerning the investigation of excited states. This review is devoted to a specific class of approaches, usually denoted as multireference (MR) methods, the generality of which is needed for solving many spectroscopic or photodynamical problems. However, the understanding and proper application of these MR methods is often found to be difficult due to their complexity and their computational cost. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the most important facts about the different theoretical approaches available and to present by means of a collection of characteristic examples useful information, which can guide the reader in performing their own applications

    Temporal biomass dynamics of an Arctic plankton bloom in response to increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide

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    Ocean acidification and carbonation, driven by anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), have been shown to affect a variety of marine organisms and are likely to change ecosystem functioning. High latitudes, especially the Arctic, will be the first to encounter profound changes in carbonate chemistry speciation at a large scale, namely the under-saturation of surface waters with respect to aragonite, a calcium carbonate polymorph produced by several organisms in this region. During a CO2 perturbation study in Kongsfjorden on the west coast of Spitsbergen (Norway), in the framework of the EU-funded project EPOCA, the temporal dynamics of a plankton bloom was followed in nine mesocosms, manipulated for CO2 levels ranging initially from about 185 to 1420 ÎĽatm. Dissolved inorganic nutrients were added halfway through the experiment. Autotrophic biomass, as identified by chlorophyll a standing stocks (Chl a), peaked three times in all mesocosms. However, while absolute Chl a concentrations were similar in all mesocosms during the first phase of the experiment, higher autotrophic biomass was measured as high in comparison to low CO2 during the second phase, right after dissolved inorganic nutrient addition. This trend then reversed in the third phase. There were several statistically significant CO2 effects on a variety of parameters measured in certain phases, such as nutrient utilization, standing stocks of particulate organic matter, and phytoplankton species composition. Interestingly, CO2 effects developed slowly but steadily, becoming more and more statistically significant with time. The observed CO2-related shifts in nutrient flow into different phytoplankton groups (mainly dinoflagellates, prasinophytes and haptophytes) could have consequences for future organic matter flow to higher trophic levels and export production, with consequences for ecosystem productivity and atmospheric CO2.publishedVersio
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