37 research outputs found

    Assessment of soil fungal diversity in different alpine tundra habitats by means of pyrosequencing

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    Abstract Studying fungal diversity is vital if we want to shed light on terrestrial ecosystem functioning. However, there is still poor understanding of fungal diversity and variation given that Fungi are highly diversified and that most of fungal species remain uncultured. In this study we explored diversity with 454 FLX sequencing technology by using the Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 (ITS1) as the fungal barcode marker in order to evaluate the effect of 11 environmental conditions on alpine soil fungal diversity, as well as the consistency of those results by taking into account rare or unidentified Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units (MOTUs). In total we obtained 205131 ITS1 reads corresponding to an estimated fungal gamma diversity of between 5100 and 12 000 MOTUs at a 98% similarity threshold when considering respectively only identified fungal and all MOTUs. Fungal beta-diversity patterns were significantly explained by the environmental conditions, and were very consistent for abundant/rare and fungal/unidentified MOTUs confirming the ecological significance of rare/unidentified MOTUs, and therefore the existence of a fungal rare biosphere. This study shows that a beta-diversity estimation based on pyrosequencing is robust enough to support ecological studies. Additionally, our results suggest that rare MOTUs harbour ecological Guillaume Lentendu and Lucie Zinger equally contributed to this paper. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this articl

    Protist taxonomic and functional diversity in soil, freshwater and marine ecosystems

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    Protists dominate eukaryotic diversity and play key functional roles in all ecosystems, particularly by catalyzing carbon and nutrient cycling. To date, however, a comparative analysis of their taxonomic and functional diversity that compares the major ecosystems on Earth (soil, freshwater and marine systems) is missing. Here, we present a comparison of protist diversity based on standardized high throughput 18S rRNA gene sequencing of soil, freshwater and marine environmental DNA. Soil and freshwater protist communities were more similar to each other than to marine protist communities, with virtually no overlap of Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) between terrestrial and marine habitats. Soil protists showed higher γ diversity than aquatic samples. Differences in taxonomic composition of the communities led to changes in a functional diversity among ecosystems, as expressed in relative abundance of consumers, phototrophs and parasites. Phototrophs (eukaryotic algae) dominated freshwater systems (49% of the sequences) and consumers soil and marine ecosystems (59% and 48%, respectively). The individual functional groups were composed of ecosystem- specific taxonomic groups. Parasites were equally common in all ecosystems, yet, terrestrial systems hosted more OTUs assigned to parasites of macro-organisms while aquatic systems contained mostly microbial parasitoids. Together, we show biogeographic patterns of protist diversity across major ecosystems on Earth, preparing the way for more focused studies that will help understanding the multiple roles of protists in the biosphere

    Towards a global platform for linking soil biodiversity data

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    Soil biodiversity is immense, with an estimated 10–100 million organisms belonging to over 5000 taxa in a handful of soil. In spite of the importance of soil biodiversity for ecosystem functions and services, information on soil species, from taxonomy to biogeographical patterns, is incomplete and there is no infrastructure to connect pre-existing or future data. Here, we propose a global platform to allow for greater access to soil biodiversity information by linking databases and repositories through a single open portal. The proposed platform would for the first time, link data on soil organisms from different global sites and biomes, and will be inclusive of all data types, from molecular sequences to morphology measurements and other supporting information. Access to soil biodiversity species records and information will be instrumental to progressing scientific research and education. Further, as demonstrated by previous biodiversity synthesis efforts, data availability is key for adapting to, and creating mitigation plans in response to global changes. With the rapid influx of soil biodiversity data, now is the time to take the first steps forward in establishing a global soil biodiversity information platform

    Protist taxonomic and functional diversity in soil, freshwater and marine ecosystems

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    Protists dominate eukaryotic diversity and play key functional roles in all ecosystems, particularly by catalyzing carbon and nutrient cycling. To date, however, a comparative analysis of their taxonomic and functional diversity that compares the major ecosystems on Earth (soil, freshwater and marine systems) is missing. Here, we present a comparison of protist diversity based on standardized high throughput 18S rRNA gene sequencing of soil, freshwater and marine environmental DNA. Soil and freshwater protist communities were more similar to each other than to marine protist communities, with virtually no overlap of Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) between terrestrial and marine habitats. Soil protists showed higher γ diversity than aquatic samples. Differences in taxonomic composition of the communities led to changes in a functional diversity among ecosystems, as expressed in relative abundance of consumers, phototrophs and parasites. Phototrophs (eukaryotic algae) dominated freshwater systems (49% of the sequences) and consumers soil and marine ecosystems (59% and 48%, respectively). The individual functional groups were composed of ecosystem- specific taxonomic groups. Parasites were equally common in all ecosystems, yet, terrestrial systems hosted more OTUs assigned to parasites of macro-organisms while aquatic systems contained mostly microbial parasitoids. Together, we show biogeographic patterns of protist diversity across major ecosystems on Earth, preparing the way for more focused studies that will help understanding the multiple roles of protists in the biosphere

    Tree diversity and species identity effects on soil fungi, protists and animals are context dependent

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    Plant species richness and the presence of certain influential species (sampling effect) drive the stability and functionality of ecosystems as well as primary production and biomass of consumers. However, little is known about these floristic effects on richness and community composition of soil biota in forest habitats owing to methodological constraints. We developed a DNA metabarcoding approach to identify the major eukaryote groups directly from soil with roughly species-level resolution. Using this method, we examined the effects of tree diversity and individual tree species on soil microbial biomass and taxonomic richness of soil biota in two experimental study systems in Finland and Estonia and accounted for edaphic variables and spatial autocorrelation. Our analyses revealed that the effects of tree diversity and individual species on soil biota are largely context dependent. Multiple regression and structural equation modelling suggested that biomass, soil pH, nutrients and tree species directly affect richness of different taxonomic groups. The community composition of most soil organisms was strongly correlated due to similar response to environmental predictors rather than causal relationships. On a local scale, soil resources and tree species have stronger effect on diversity of soil biota than tree species richness per se

    Correction to: A comprehensive fungi-specific 18S rRNA gene sequence primer toolkit suited for diverse research issues and sequencing platforms

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    Following publication of the original article [1], we have been notified that three of the primer names identified as most promising candidates for fungal community surveys were incorrectly renamed following the primer nomenclature system proposed by Gargas & DePriest [2]

    Life in leaf litter: Novel insights into community dynamics of bacteria and fungi during litter decomposition.

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    Microorganisms play a crucial role in the biological decomposition of plant litter in terrestrial ecosystems. Due to the permanently changing litter quality during decomposition, studies of both fungi and bacteria at a fine taxonomic resolution are required during the whole process. Here we investigated microbial community succession in decomposing leaf litter of temperate beech forest using pyrotag sequencing of the bacterial 16S and the fungal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rRNA genes. Our results reveal that both communities underwent rapid changes. Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes dominated over the entire study period, but their taxonomic composition and abundances changed markedly among sampling dates. The fungal community also changed dynamically as decomposition progressed, with ascomycete fungi being increasingly replaced by basidiomycetes. We found a consistent and highly significant correlation between bacterial and fungal richness (R = 0.76, P < 0.001) and community structure (RM antel = 0.85, P < 0.001), providing evidence of coupled dynamics in the fungal and bacterial communities. A network analysis highlighted non-random co-occurrences among bacterial and fungal taxa as well as a shift in the cross-kingdom co-occurrence pattern of their communities from the early to the later stages of decomposition. During this process, macronutrients, micronutrients, C:N ratio and pH were significantly correlated with the fungal and bacterial communities, while bacterial richness positively correlated with three hydrolytic enzymes important for C, N and P acquisition. Overall, we provide evidence that the complex litter decay is the result of a dynamic cross-kingdom functional succession

    Soil filtration-sedimentation improves shelled protist recovery in eukaryotic eDNA surveys.

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    A large part of the soil protist diversity is missed in metabarcoding studies based on 0.25 g of soil environmental DNA (eDNA) and universal primers due to ca. 80% co-amplification of non-target plants, animals and fungi. To overcome this problem, enrichment of the substrate used for eDNA extraction is an easily implemented option but its effect has not yet been tested. In this study, we evaluated the effect of a 150 μm mesh size filtration and sedimentation method to improve the recovery of protist eDNA, while reducing the co-extraction of plant, animal and fungal eDNA, using a set of contrasted forest and alpine soils from La Réunion, Japan, Spain and Switzerland. Total eukaryotic diversity was estimated by V4 18S rRNA metabarcoding and classical amplicon sequence variant calling. A 2- to 3-fold enrichment in shelled protists (Euglyphida, Arcellinida and Chrysophyceae) was observed at the sample level with the proposed method, with, at the same time, a 2-fold depletion of Fungi and a 3-fold depletion of Embryophyceae. Protist alpha diversity was slightly lower in filtered samples due to reduced coverage in Variosea and Sarcomonadea, but significant differences were observed in only one region. Beta diversity varied mostly between regions and habitats, which explained the same proportion of variance in bulk soil and filtered samples. The increased resolution in soil protist diversity estimates provided by the filtration-sedimentation method is a strong argument in favour of including it in the standard protocol for soil protist eDNA metabarcoding studies

    Determinants of deadwood-inhabiting fungal communities in temperate forests: molecular evidence from a large scale deadwood decomposition experiment

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    Despite the important role of wood-inhabiting fungi (WIF) in deadwood decomposition, our knowledge of the factors shaping the dynamics of their species richness and community composition is scarce. This is due to limitations regarding the resolution of classical methods used for characterizing WIF communities and to a lack of well-replicated long-term experiments with sufficient numbers of tree species. Here, we used a large scale experiment with logs of 11 tree species at an early stage of decomposition, distributed across three regions of Germany, to identify the factors shaping WIF community composition and Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU) richness using next generation sequencing. We found that tree species identity was the most significant factor, corresponding to (P < 0.001) and explaining 10% (representing 48% of the explainable variance) of the overall WIF community composition. The next important group of variables were wood-physicochemical properties, of which wood pH was the only factor that consistently corresponded to WIF community composition. For overall WIF richness patterns, we found that approximately 20% of the total variance was explained by wood N content, location, tree species identity and wood density. It is noteworthy that the importance of determinants of WIF community composition and richness appeared to depend greatly on tree species group (broadleaved vs. coniferous) and it differed between the fungal phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota