116 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Gaya Hidup, Suasana Toko Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Giggle Box Cafe & Resto Semarang

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    The development of more modern area make a change for trend or lifestyle in society. Modern society who came in restaurant or cafe is not only for enjoying the food and drink, but also to enjoying the atmosphere who created by the cafe. This makes business people in culinary business should consider store atmosphere and service quality at his cafe or restaurant. Store atmosphere and service quality created by the restaurant to be one factorin encouraging of purchase decision. This research was conduted as the sales at Giggle Box Cafe & Resto Semarang continued to fluctuate from February 2014 – February 2016, so we have to know how lifestyle, store atmosphere and service quality influences the purchase decision.The purpose of this study is to find out the influences of lifestyle, store atmosphere and servicce quality to the purchasing decision at Giggle Box Cafe & Resto Semarang. The type of research is explanatory research. Interviews with questionnaire were adopted for dara collection in this study. The selected sample of 100 people by using non-probability sampling technique used is incidental sampling.The research results showed that lifestyle, store atmosphere and service quality influenced on purchase decisions, partially or simultaneously. The results obtained by analyxing the primary data with validity test, reliability test, crosstab analysis, correlation coefficient, simple and multiple regression analysis, the coefficient of detrmination, and significance test ( t and F). The results of this study indicate that there is a strong relationship between the variables in the category of lifestyle, store atmosphere and service quality with the purchase decision where the r value of 0.879. These three independent variables proved to have a positive and significant impact on purchasing decisions. Evidenced by the results of test calculations positive regression coefficient of 0.563 for lifestyle, 0.284 to 0.146 for the store atmosphere and quality of service. Pengauh lifestyle variables have the greatest dar other variables. F-count value amounted to 108.974 larger than F-table (3.938). Based on the results of the study, the researchers suggested that management Giggle Box Cafe & Resto need to improve the design of the room, increase the variety of types of music played, increasing the availability of parking area

    Peranan Komunikasi Organisasi dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Sorong

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    Communication holds a very important role in organization. The aim is to build the cooperation between humans who involve in organization and possess the effect in the process of achieving the organization goal. The aim of this research are to find and analyze the role of organizational communication in increasing the performance of the civil Servant in secretariat office of Sorong Regency. The method used in this research was qualitative, data were collected by observation participation, structured interview, and documentation. The result showed that the role of organization communication in increasing the performance of the civil Servant in secretariat office of Sorong Regency did not work effectively and efficiently. The role of leadership in organization still less, it can be seen from the minimum number of direct briefing from the leader toward the effective working mechanism. The role of the organization environment toward human resources in secretariat office of Sorong Regency related to position assignment in every post did not suit to the civil servant educational background. The civil servant performed uncaring service to the society. The motivation role in achieving the organization role is insufficient and the ignorance of the civil servant toward the job description

    Penggunaan Media Audio Visual dalam Pembelajaran Geografi untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Tuntang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan media audio visual dapat meningkatkan minat belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran GEOGRAFI di SMA N 1 TUNTANG. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas atau sering disebut dengan CAR (Classroom Action Research). Penelitian Tindakan kelas merupakan suatu pencermatan terhadap kegiatan belajar berupa sebuah tindakan, yang sengaja dimunculkan dan terjadi dalam sebuah kelas secara bersama. Model yang dikemukakan oleh Kemmis & Mc Taggart terdiri dari empat komponen, yaitu: perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Keempat komponen yang berupa untaian tersebut dipandang sebagai suatu siklus. Minat belajar siswa semakin meningkat ketika pembelajaran sudah di mulai mereka mulai memahami apa isi materi dalam media Audio Visual karena memang video di desain dengan praktis dan langsung pada inti materi. Maka dari itu siswa mudah dalam memahami materi pelajaran Geografi dan minat belajar mereka menigkat. Bahkan minat belajar kelas XI IPS 1 sudah mencapai pada kategori BAIK dengan persentase 94% dan Kategori Sangat Baik 3%.This study aims to determine whether the use of audio-visual media can increase student interest in learning GEOGRAPHY in SMA N 1 Tuntang. This research is a classroom action research is often called the CAR (Classroom Action Research). Action Research is an pencermatan class on learning activities in the form of an action, which is deliberately raised and occur within a class together. The model proposed by Kemmis & Mc Taggart consists of four components, namely: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The four components that form the thread is seen as a cycle. Student interest increased when the learning has already begun they begin to understand what the content of the material in the media Audio Visual because the video is designed with simple and straight to the core material so not so pedantic and therefore the students easily understand the subject matter of Geography and interests learn them increase. Even interest in learning class XI IPS 1 has reached the GOOD category with a percentage of 94% and 3% Category Very Good

    Cultivating Resilience in Adolescence: How Educational Environments Can Support Positive Youth Development During Identity Exploration

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    Adolescence is a critical stage of human development, one that can be especially challenging for teens that are navigating certain vulnerabilities in their identity formation. With the World Health Organization stating that 14% of 10–19 year-olds experience mental health conditions, educational environments are increasingly needed to address mental concerns in their curriculums. This qualitative research project used a combination of art based inquiry and narrative analysis to answer the following question, “How can educational environments promote resilience and positive youth development during adolescent identity exploration?” Findings illuminated several emergent themes that culminated in the following four recommendations for educational environments; 1) Integrate opportunities for creative self-expression in general education spaces, 2) Professional development for educators to integrate Social Emotional Learning (SEL), 3) Create opportunities for social interactions between students and educators, 4) Create and support opportunities for social interactions between students, and 5) Ensure educational spaces include mental health support for students

    Ciencia de datos aplicada al estudio la fauna íctica en la zona del Río Paraná

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    El constante crecimiento del volumen de información es transversal a todos los ámbitos de nuestra vida cotidiana y hacen necesaria la utilización de nuevos métodos y enfoques analíticos que nos permitan navegar entre el volumen de información que se genera día a día y nos brinde la posibilidad de extraer conocimiento útil u oculto en esa gran cantidad de datos. La ciencia de datos, minería de datos o descubrimiento de conocimiento, son términos que tienen una amplia trayectoria y una gran cantidad de estudios realizados. En contraparte, en el ámbito biológico, existe una gran cantidad de estudios sobre la comunidad y dinámica de la fauna íctica; pero no se ha localizado ningún estudio específico que unifique las dos áreas. El presente trabajo propone la aplicación de técnicas de Ciencia de Datos a un set de información que describe el monitoreo de la fauna íctica en un tramo del Río Paraná. El objetivo es poder determinar y entender las relaciones entre variables biológicas y ambientales e intentar descubrir comportamientos no apreciables a simple vista. El resultado de este trabajo será un aporte al Proyecto de Biología Pesquera Regional y a través de ellos, a las entidades que toman decisiones y gestionan los recursos para la conservación y preservación de la fauna íctica en el río Paraná.Eje: Bases de Datos y Minería de Datos.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles and Incorporation to a Porous Nickel Electrode to Improve its Catalytic Performance Towards the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction

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    [EN] Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were successfully synthesized by a facile chemical reduction method in the presence of the stabilizer polyvinylpyrrolidone and characterized by UV-vis spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The gold nanoparticles were then incorporated onto the surface of a porous Ni electrode by simple addition of the nanoparticles suspension, followed by heat treatment at 350 degrees C for 1 h under nitrogen atmosphere. The modified electrode was morphologically characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy. Then, the effect of the modification with Au nanoparticles was studied in the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) by pseudo-steady-state polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), at different temperatures and compared with a pure porous Ni electrode. The modified electrode showed a clear improvement in its catalytic performance mainly due to the intrinsic catalytic activity of the Au nanoparticles. From the Tafel representations and the EIS, it was estimated that the HER on the electrode modified with AuNPs takes place by the Volmer-Heyrovsky mechanism.Ramiro Medina Orta is grateful to Consejo Nacional Ciencia y Tecnologia and Consejo Potosino de Ciencia y Tecnologia for the doctorate scholarship 472041. Also, he wishes to thank the Instituto de Metalurgia of Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi for the opportunity of a research stay. We also thank Dr. Nubia Arteaga Larios and M.M.I.M. Martha Alejandra Lomeli Pacheco (Instituto de Metalurgia, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi) for their help with the UV-vis spectroscopy.Medina-Orta, R.; Labrada-Delgado, GJ.; Silva-Pereyra, HG.; Ortega Navarro, EM.; Pérez-Herranz, V.; Sánchez-Loredo, MG. (2022). Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles and Incorporation to a Porous Nickel Electrode to Improve its Catalytic Performance Towards the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Electrocatalysis. 13(1):47-61. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12678-021-00690-7476113

    Estrogens stimulate serotonin neurons to inhibit binge-like eating in mice

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    Binge eating afflicts approximately 5% of US adults, though effective treatments are limited. Here, we showed that estrogen replacement substantially suppresses binge-like eating behavior in ovariectomized female mice. Estrogen-dependent inhibition of binge-like eating was blocked in female mice specifically lacking estrogen receptor-α (ERα) in serotonin (5-HT) neurons in the dorsal raphe nuclei (DRN). Administration of a recently developed glucagon-like peptide-1–estrogen (GLP-1–estrogen) conjugate designed to deliver estrogen to GLP1 receptor–enhanced regions effectively targeted bioactive estrogens to the DRN and substantially suppressed binge-like eating in ovariectomized female mice. Administration of GLP-1 alone reduced binge-like eating, but not to the same extent as the GLP-1–estrogen conjugate. Administration of ERα-selective agonist propylpyrazole triol (PPT) to murine DRN 5-HT neurons activated these neurons in an ERα-dependent manner. PPT also inhibited a small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (SK) current; blockade of the SK current prevented PPT-induced activation of DRN 5-HT neurons. Furthermore, local inhibition of the SK current in the DRN markedly suppressed binge-like eating in female mice. Together, our data indicate that estrogens act upon ERα to inhibit the SK current in DRN 5-HT neurons, thereby activating these neurons to suppress binge-like eating behavior and suggest ERα and/or SK current in DRN 5-HT neurons as potential targets for anti-binge therapies

    Evaluation of probiotic lactobacillus as adjuvants for nasal immunization with chimeric pneumococcal vaccine

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    Vaccine protection against photogenic gram-positive bacteria including different species ofstreptococci is an important problem of contemporary molecular biology. Streptococcal infections are mostcommon bacterial infections surpassing by the economic losses all the infections excluding influenza. The gatesof streptococcal infection, oral cavity or vagina, are covered with immune and non-immune mucosal cells thatare the first line of defenses. Subcutaneous immunization not always stimulate the local immunity on mucosalsurfaces. On the other hand, mucosal vaccination can provide an appropriate local immune response togetherwith systemic protection. However, mucosal immunization often requires usage of special and effectiveadjuvants especially in case of vaccines based on recombinant proteins.For protection against Streptococcus pneumoniae infection, two chimeric recombinant proteins (PSPF andPSP) have been tested as vaccines. Recombinant proteins PSPF and PSP carry immunogenic epitopes fromthe respiratory pathogen including PspA, Spr1875 and PsaA. PSPF structure also carries a fraction of flagellin-FliC molecule in comparison with PSP, which does not have this fragment. This portion of PSPF was includedas internal adjuvant intended for the stimulation of Toll-like receptor 5.In this work, the adjuvant capacity of two probiotic strains, Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL1505 andL. rhamnosus L32 was evaluated. It was demonstrated that both lactic acid bacteria strains were able to provideadjuvant effects by enhancing the mucosal and systemic immune responses after their co-administration withthe recombinant chimeric protein PSPF. The adjuvant effect of both Lactobacillus strains was significantlydecreased after their thermal inactivation. However, the cell walls of bacteria showed a marked adjuvant activity.An improved protection against several S. pneumoniae serotypes after mucosal immunization of infant micewith PSPF vaccine with probiotic strains or their cell walls was also demonstrated here.The recombinant chimeric protein PSPF administered with immunomodulatory probiotic strains or theirbacterial components would be a promising vaccine for immunization of humans against S. pneumoniae,particularly in children.Одной из наиболее актуальных задач медико-биологической науки является создание вакцинных препаратов против патогенных стрептококков – самых распространенных бактериаль-ных возбудителей заболеваний человека, экономический ущерб от которых уступает лишь потерям от гриппозной инфекции. Входными воротами стрептококковой инфекции являются слизистые обо-лочки респираторного и мочеполового тракта. Парентеральный способ введения вакцин не всегда позволяет добиваться одинаково эффектив-ной стимуляции местного иммунитета на слизистых оболочках, а вакцины, вводимые через слизи-стые оболочки, способны эффективно стимулировать иммунную защиту в области введения, а также обеспечить развитие системного иммунного ответа. Введение через слизистые оболочки вакцинных препаратов белковой природы требует исполь-зования специальных эффективных и безопасных адъювантов, поскольку рекомбинантные белки обычно проявляют недостаточную ммуногенность при таком способе введения. В работе в качестве вакцинных адъювантов при мукозальной иммунизации лабораторных животных пневмококковыми химерными рекомбинантными белками PSPF и PSP были апробированы два штамма пробиотиков – Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL1505 и L32. Рекомбинантные химерные белки PSPF и PSP несут в своей структуре несколько иммуногенных эпитопов PspA, Spr1875, PsaA и предназначены для вакцинации против инфекции Streptococcus pneumoniae. Белки, отличие которых связано с присутствием в струк-туре PSPF участка молекулы флагеллина – FliC, по-разному стимулировали иммунный ответ при совместном введении с двумя штаммами пробиотиков. Установлено, что оба исследованных штам-ма L. rhamnosus были способны оказывать адъювантный эффект при интраназальном введении вак-цинных белков, проявлявшийся в усилении секреторного и гуморального иммунного ответа на со-вместно введенный рекомбинантный химерный белок PSPF. Выраженной стимуляции продукции специфических IgA носовых смывов и IgG сыворотки крови на PSP под влиянием L. rhamnosus L32 не происходило. Адъювантный эффект от вводимых лактобациллярных препаратов существенно сни-жался после температурной инактивации бактерий, однако препарат клеточных стенок L. rhamnosus CRL1505 проявлял выраженную активность. Стимуляция иммунного ответа адъювантами приводила к усилению протективного эффекта вакцины в экспериментах на лабораторных животных, инфици-рованных S. pneumoniae. Установлено, что некоторые штаммы лактобацилл, в частности Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL1505 и L32, могут быть использованы в качестве адъювантов в составе мукозальных вакцин, однако эта способность зависит от свойств вакцинного препарата и формы введения пробиотиков.Fil: Leontieva, G. F.. Institute of Experimental Medicine; RusiaFil: Kramskaya, T. A.. Institute of Experimental Medicine; RusiaFil: Grabovskaya, K. B.. Institute of Experimental Medicine; Rusia; RusiaFil: Filimonova, V. Yu.. Institute of Experimental Medicine; Rusia; RusiaFil: Laiño, Jonathan Emiliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Villena, Julio Cesar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Alvarez, Gladis Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Danilenko, V. N.. Academy of Sciences. Institute of General Genetics. Head, Division of Fundamental Genetic Studies in Biotechnology; RusiaFil: Suvorov, A. N.. St. Peterburg State University; Rusia. Institute of Experimental Medicine. Head, Division of Molecular Microbiology; Rusi