201 research outputs found

    Lagrangian Velocity Statistics in Turbulent Flows: Effects of Dissipation

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    We use the multifractal formalism to describe the effects of dissipation on Lagrangian velocity statistics in turbulent flows. We analyze high Reynolds number experiments and direct numerical simulation (DNS) data. We show that this approach reproduces the shape evolution of velocity increment probability density functions (PDF) from Gaussian to stretched exponentials as the time lag decreases from integral to dissipative time scales. A quantitative understanding of the departure from scaling exhibited by the magnitude cumulants, early in the inertial range, is obtained with a free parameter function D(h) which plays the role of the singularity spectrum in the asymptotic limit of infinite Reynolds number. We observe that numerical and experimental data are accurately described by a unique quadratic D(h) spectrum which is found to extend from hmin0.18h_{min} \approx 0.18 to hmax1h_{max} \approx 1, as the signature of the highly intermittent nature of Lagrangian velocity fluctuations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in PR

    Intermittency of velocity time increments in turbulence

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    We analyze the statistics of turbulent velocity fluctuations in the time domain. Three cases are computed numerically and compared: (i) the time traces of Lagrangian fluid particles in a (3D) turbulent flow (referred to as the "dynamic" case); (ii) the time evolution of tracers advected by a frozen turbulent field (the "static" case), and (iii) the evolution in time of the velocity recorded at a fixed location in an evolving Eulerian velocity field, as it would be measured by a local probe (referred to as the "virtual probe" case). We observe that the static case and the virtual probe cases share many properties with Eulerian velocity statistics. The dynamic (Lagrangian) case is clearly different; it bears the signature of the global dynamics of the flow.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in PR

    Fully developed turbulence and the multifractal conjecture

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    We review the Parisi-Frisch MultiFractal formalism for Navier--Stokes turbulence with particular emphasis on the issue of statistical fluctuations of the dissipative scale. We do it for both Eulerian and Lagrangian Turbulence. We also show new results concerning the application of the formalism to the case of Shell Models for turbulence. The latter case will allow us to discuss the issue of Reynolds number dependence and the role played by vorticity and vortex filaments in real turbulent flows.Comment: Special Issue dedicated to E. Brezin and G. Paris

    Explicit predictability and dispersion scaling exponents in fully developed turbulence

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    We apply a simple method to provide explicit expressions for different scaling exponents in intermittent fully developed turbulence, that before were only given through a Legendre transform. This includes predictability exponents for infinitesimal and non infinitesimal perturbations, Lagrangian velocity exponents, and dispersion exponents. We obtain also new results concerning inverse statistics corresponding to exit-time moments.Comment: Physics Letters A (in press

    Acceleration and vortex filaments in turbulence

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    We report recent results from a high resolution numerical study of fluid particles transported by a fully developed turbulent flow. Single particle trajectories were followed for a time range spanning more than three decades, from less than a tenth of the Kolmogorov time-scale up to one large-eddy turnover time. We present some results concerning acceleration statistics and the statistics of trapping by vortex filaments.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    On the origin of intermittency in wave turbulence

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    Using standard signal processing tools, we experimentally report that intermittency of wave turbulence on the surface of a fluid occurs even when two typical large-scale coherent structures (gravity wave breakings and bursts of capillary waves on steep gravity waves) are not taken into account. We also show that intermittency depends on the power injected into the waves. The dependence of the power-law exponent of the gravity-wave spectrum on the forcing amplitude cannot be also ascribed to these coherent structures. Statistics of these both events are studied.Comment: To be published in EP

    Spin-Glass Model for Inverse Freezing

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    We analyze the Blume-Emery-Griffiths model with disordered magnetic interaction displaying the inverse freezing phenomenon. The behaviour of this spin-1 model in crystal field is studied throughout the phase diagram and the transition and spinodal lines for the model are computed using the Full Replica Symmetry Breaking Ansatz that always yelds a thermodynamically stable phase. We compare the results both with the quenched disordered model with Ising spins on lattice gas - where no reentrance takes place - and with the model with generalized spin variables recently introduced by Schupper and Shnerb [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 037202 (2004)]. The simplest version of all these models, known as Ghatak-Sherrington model, turns out to hold all the general features characterizing an inverse transition to an amorphous phase, including the right thermodynamic behavior.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the Proceeding for the X International Workshop on Disordered Systems (2006), Molveno, Ital

    Rigorous Polynomial Approximation using Taylor Models in Coq

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    International audienceOne of the most common and practical ways of representing a real function on machines is by using a polynomial approximation. It is then important to properly handle the error introduced by such an approximation. The purpose of this work is to offer guaranteed error bounds for a specific kind of rigorous polynomial approximation called Taylor model. We carry out this work in the Coq proof assistant, with a special focus on genericity and efficiency for our implementation. We give an abstract interface for rigorous polynomial approximations, parameter- ized by the type of coefficients and the implementation of polynomials, and we instantiate this interface to the case of Taylor models with inter- val coefficients, while providing all the machinery for computing them. We compare the performances of our implementation in Coq with those of the Sollya tool, which contains an implementation of Taylor models written in C. This is a milestone in our long-term goal of providing fully formally proved and efficient Taylor models

    Proving Tight Bounds on Univariate Expressions with Elementary Functions in Coq

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    International audienceThe verification of floating-point mathematical libraries requires computing numerical bounds on approximation errors. Due to the tightness of these bounds and the peculiar structure of approximation errors, such a verification is out of the reach of generic tools such as computer algebra systems. In fact, the inherent difficulty of computing such bounds often mandates a formal proof of them. In this paper, we present a tactic for the Coq proof assistant that is designed to automatically and formally prove bounds on univariate expressions. It is based on a formalization of floating-point and interval arithmetic, associated with an on-the-fly computation of Taylor expansions. All the computations are performed inside Coq's logic, in a reflexive setting. This paper also compares our tactic with various existing tools on a large set of examples