60 research outputs found

    First Mexican species of the genus Cosberella (Collembola, Hypogastruridae)

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    A new species of Cosberella is described and illustrated from a temperate forest of Citlaltépetl formation, Veracruz State. It is characterized by the following combination of characters: Th I with 2 + 2 dorsal setae; 2 + 2 axial setae on Th II–III; two capitate tenent hairs on each leg; unguiculus half the length of unguis; unguis with tooth; six dental setae and Abd VI without anal spines. A key for the species of the genus is included


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    ABSTRACT: We present a comparison at the generic level of the cave Collembola fauna recorded around the world. Using the biogeographical provinces proposed by KEY WORDS: Diversity, cave, distribution, springtails, troglobites Caves represent a very peculiar environment, drawing the attention of many different kinds of research, including archaeology, biology, hydrology, geology and ethnology, and cultural aspects including legends and myths (Barr an

    Diversity and dynamics of microarthropods from different biotopes of Las Sardinas cave (Mexico)

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    aBstract an ecological study of the microarthropod communities from las sardinas cave was undertaken. Four different biotopes were studied over the course of a year: bat guano, litter, soil under the chemoautotrophic bacteria colonies and as a control, plain soil without litter or guano. a total of 27,913 specimens of a total of 169 species were collected. analysis of Variance (anoVa) showed that there is a significant effect of biotope on the recorded density, and the post hoc Tukey's test showed that guano is the most different biotope with the highest value of density recorded. The interaction between season and biotope variables was not significant. In the most extreme case, 99 percent of the microarthropods in soil under chemoautotrophic bacteria were mites, mainly in the family Histiostomidae


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    RESUMEN En este artículo se muestran los resultados de un estudio que pretende aprovechar el gas producido en los campos de Ecopetrol localizados en el departamento del Putumayo (Colombia), que comprende los campos de Orito y Área Sur y se evalúan las oportunidades para su aprovechamiento en recuperación de condensados que mezclados con el crudo, incrementarán la producción de estos campos, a la vez que se acondiciona el gas remanente para ser utilizado como combustible en autogeneración eléctrica. Actualmente el costo de adquirir energía eléctrica directamente de la red nacional en el Putumayo resulta 3 veces mayor que para departamentos ubicados en la zona central del país debido a su ubicación geográfica, mientras que el gas producido en los campos del Putumayo debido a su composición del 70% en volumen de CO2, desde el origen de su explotación, se envía a tea para su disposición. En consecuencia, para cubrir las necesidades energéticas de los campos de Orito y Área Sur y aprovechar integralmente el gas producido, se plantea un modelo dividido en dos fases: una comprende el completamiento de la tercera etapa de compresión del sistema de gas lift y la otra, tiene que ver con. la instalación de una planta de tratamiento de gas. Para el Área Sur se considera la instalación de una estación compresora y una planta de tratamiento de gas natural. El estudio ha sido estructurado en cuatro secciones para su mejor comprensión. En la sección uno se presenta los aspectos relacionados con la calidad del gas y tipos de contaminantes, en especial aquellos que por su naturaleza agria ó ácida, como el CO2, afectan el manejo y la utilización del gas como combustible; en la sección dos se describen los procesos disponibles a nivel comercial para la remoción de estos contaminantes en altas concentraciones, los aspectos a tener en cuenta para la selección y dimensionamiento de los mismos; en la sección tres se presenta la información necesaria para el modelamiento y la definición del modelo de simulación numérica en estado estacionario del procesamiento del gas; y en la sección cuatro se dan los resultados de mayor relevancia a tener en cuenta con el desarrollo de un proyecto. Palabras clave: gas rico, autogeneración, condesados, simulación, endulzamiento   ABSTRACT This article shows the results of a directed study on how to use the gas produced in Ecopetrol’s fields, which are located in the department of Putumayo (Colombia), covering the fields of Orito and the South Area and evaluating opportunities for its use in recovery of condensate which could be mixed with crude oil in order to increase production from these fields, while the remaining gas is treated to be use as fuel in electrical generation. Currently the cost of buying electricity from the national system in Putumayo is 3 times higher than the cost of buying produced electricity in departments located in the center of the country, it is explained by its geographical location, while the gas produced in the fields of Putumayo because of its composition 70% by volume of CO2 from the source of its exploitation, are sent to the flare. Consequently, to meet the energy needs of the fields of Orito and the South Area using their produced gas, a model was created which has been divided into two phases: one involves the complement of the third stage of compression of the gas lift system and the other involves the installation of a gas treatment plant. In the South Area is considered the installation of a gas compressor station and one natural gas processing plant. The study has been divided into four sections for a best understanding. The first section presents aspects related to gas quality and types of pollutants, especially those which are acid by their nature, such as CO2 . The 2nd section two describes the processes commercially available for the removal in high concentrations of these pollutants, and also the aspects to be considered for selection of the same; the 3er section shows the information necessary with the purpose to create a model and define the model numerical simulation of gas process, and the 4th section gives the results more relevant to consider the development of a Project. Keywords: rich gas, self-generation, condensates, simulation, sweetin


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    RESUMEN En este artículo se muestran los resultados de un estudio que pretende aprovechar el gas producido en los campos de Ecopetrol localizados en el departamento del Putumayo (Colombia), que comprende los campos de Orito y Área Sur y se evalúan las oportunidades para su aprovechamiento en recuperación de condensados que mezclados con el crudo, incrementarán la producción de estos campos, a la vez que se acondiciona el gas remanente para ser utilizado como combustible en autogeneración eléctrica. Actualmente el costo de adquirir energía eléctrica directamente de la red nacional en el Putumayo resulta 3 veces mayor que para departamentos ubicados en la zona central del país debido a su ubicación geográfica, mientras que el gas producido en los campos del Putumayo debido a su composición del 70% en volumen de CO2, desde el origen de su explotación, se envía a tea para su disposición. En consecuencia, para cubrir las necesidades energéticas de los campos de Orito y Área Sur y aprovechar integralmente el gas producido, se plantea un modelo dividido en dos fases: una comprende el completamiento de la tercera etapa de compresión del sistema de gas lift y la otra, tiene que ver con. la instalación de una planta de tratamiento de gas. Para el Área Sur se considera la instalación de una estación compresora y una planta de tratamiento de gas natural. El estudio ha sido estructurado en cuatro secciones para su mejor comprensión. En la sección uno se presenta los aspectos relacionados con la calidad del gas y tipos de contaminantes, en especial aquellos que por su naturaleza agria ó ácida, como el CO2, afectan el manejo y la utilización del gas como combustible; en la sección dos se describen los procesos disponibles a nivel comercial para la remoción de estos contaminantes en altas concentraciones, los aspectos a tener en cuenta para la selección y dimensionamiento de los mismos; en la sección tres se presenta la información necesaria para el modelamiento y la definición del modelo de simulación numérica en estado estacionario del procesamiento del gas; y en la sección cuatro se dan los resultados de mayor relevancia a tener en cuenta con el desarrollo de un proyecto. Palabras clave: gas rico, autogeneración, condesados, simulación, endulzamiento   ABSTRACT This article shows the results of a directed study on how to use the gas produced in Ecopetrol’s fields, which are located in the department of Putumayo (Colombia), covering the fields of Orito and the South Area and evaluating opportunities for its use in recovery of condensate which could be mixed with crude oil in order to increase production from these fields, while the remaining gas is treated to be use as fuel in electrical generation. Currently the cost of buying electricity from the national system in Putumayo is 3 times higher than the cost of buying produced electricity in departments located in the center of the country, it is explained by its geographical location, while the gas produced in the fields of Putumayo because of its composition 70% by volume of CO2 from the source of its exploitation, are sent to the flare. Consequently, to meet the energy needs of the fields of Orito and the South Area using their produced gas, a model was created which has been divided into two phases: one involves the complement of the third stage of compression of the gas lift system and the other involves the installation of a gas treatment plant. In the South Area is considered the installation of a gas compressor station and one natural gas processing plant. The study has been divided into four sections for a best understanding. The first section presents aspects related to gas quality and types of pollutants, especially those which are acid by their nature, such as CO2 . The 2nd section two describes the processes commercially available for the removal in high concentrations of these pollutants, and also the aspects to be considered for selection of the same; the 3er section shows the information necessary with the purpose to create a model and define the model numerical simulation of gas process, and the 4th section gives the results more relevant to consider the development of a Project. Keywords: rich gas, self-generation, condensates, simulation, sweetin

    Comparison of traditional and DNA metabarcoding samples for monitoring tropical soil arthropods (Formicidae, Collembola and Isoptera)

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    The soil fauna of the tropics remains one of the least known components of the biosphere. Long-term monitoring of this fauna is hampered by the lack of taxonomic expertise and funding. These obstacles may potentially be lifted with DNA metabarcoding. To validate this approach, we studied the ants, springtails and termites of 100 paired soil samples from Barro Colorado Island, Panama. The fauna was extracted with Berlese-Tullgren funnels and then either sorted with traditional taxonomy and known, individual DNA barcodes (“traditional samples”) or processed with metabarcoding (“metabarcoding samples”). We detected 49 ant, 37 springtail and 34 termite species with 3.46 million reads of the COI gene, at a mean sequence length of 233 bp. Traditional identification yielded 80, 111 and 15 species of ants, springtails and termites, respectively; 98%, 37% and 100% of these species had a Barcode Index Number (BIN) allowing for direct comparison with metabarcoding. Ants were best surveyed through traditional methods, termites were better detected by metabarcoding, and springtails were equally well detected by both techniques. Species richness was underestimated, and faunal composition was different in metabarcoding samples, mostly because 37% of ant species were not detected. The prevalence of species in metabarcoding samples increased with their abundance in traditional samples, and seasonal shifts in species prevalence and faunal composition were similar between traditional and metabarcoding samples. Probable false positive and negative species records were reasonably low (13–18% of common species). We conclude that metabarcoding of samples extracted with Berlese-Tullgren funnels appear suitable for the long-term monitoring of termites and springtails in tropical rainforests. For ants, metabarcoding schemes should be complemented by additional samples of alates from Malaise or light traps

    Globally invariant metabolism but density-diversity mismatch in springtails.

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    Soil life supports the functioning and biodiversity of terrestrial ecosystems. Springtails (Collembola) are among the most abundant soil arthropods regulating soil fertility and flow of energy through above- and belowground food webs. However, the global distribution of springtail diversity and density, and how these relate to energy fluxes remains unknown. Here, using a global dataset representing 2470 sites, we estimate the total soil springtail biomass at 27.5 megatons carbon, which is threefold higher than wild terrestrial vertebrates, and record peak densities up to 2 million individuals per square meter in the tundra. Despite a 20-fold biomass difference between the tundra and the tropics, springtail energy use (community metabolism) remains similar across the latitudinal gradient, owing to the changes in temperature with latitude. Neither springtail density nor community metabolism is predicted by local species richness, which is high in the tropics, but comparably high in some temperate forests and even tundra. Changes in springtail activity may emerge from latitudinal gradients in temperature, predation and resource limitation in soil communities. Contrasting relationships of biomass, diversity and activity of springtail communities with temperature suggest that climate warming will alter fundamental soil biodiversity metrics in different directions, potentially restructuring terrestrial food webs and affecting soil functioning

    Global fine-resolution data on springtail abundance and community structure

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    Springtails (Collembola) inhabit soils from the Arctic to the Antarctic and comprise an estimated ~32% of all terrestrial arthropods on Earth. Here, we present a global, spatially-explicit database on springtail communities that includes 249,912 occurrences from 44,999 samples and 2,990 sites. These data are mainly raw sample-level records at the species level collected predominantly from private archives of the authors that were quality-controlled and taxonomically-standardised. Despite covering all continents, most of the sample-level data come from the European continent (82.5% of all samples) and represent four habitats: woodlands (57.4%), grasslands (14.0%), agrosystems (13.7%) and scrublands (9.0%). We included sampling by soil layers, and across seasons and years, representing temporal and spatial within-site variation in springtail communities. We also provided data use and sharing guidelines and R code to facilitate the use of the database by other researchers. This data paper describes a static version of the database at the publication date, but the database will be further expanded to include underrepresented regions and linked with trait data.</p

    Estación Experimental de Aula Dei. Memoria anual 2014

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    67 Pags.Esta memoria recoge la actividad científica de la Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (EEAD-CSIC) durante el año 2014, conteniendo información específica sobre las siguientes actividades de la EEAD-CSIC: Publicaciones (ISI y no ISI; Actas de congresos; Libros y Capítulos de Libro), Transferencia tecnológica, Tesis, Congresos, Cursos, Seminarios, Estancias, Actividades de cultura científica, Eventos. Incluye, además, un informe de financiación, directorio del personal en activo durante el año y tabla-resumen de las estadísticas relacionadas con los procesos técnicos y servicios de la Unidad Técnica de Biblioteca y Documentación.Peer reviewe