1,221 research outputs found

    Aborsie: ’n Juridiese, etiese en regsetiese vraagstuk

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    In die geledere van skokkende en onetiese dade in die menslike samelewing, beklee aborsie ’n besondere plek. Vir wetenskaplike doeleindes kan aborsie oor die algemeen gedefinieer word as die skeiding van of afdrywing uit die moederlyf van die „produk” van konsepsie, synde ’n fetus (Geldenhuys, 1974:11; O’Donovan 1975:2). ’n Verdere element van die definisie, wat die blote afdrywing van die vrug gewoonlik kwalifiseer, is dat die fetus, met betrekking tot nageboortelike lewe gesproke, nie lewensvatbaar moes gewees het nie. Met die byvoeging van hierdie element tot die eie definisie word tans egter vertoef ten einde eers die belangrike vraag wanneer lewe ontstaan, te beantwoord

    Changes in Vitamin A and C Levels In Black Mine-Workers

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    An investigation of the vitamin A and C status of Black mine-workers was carried out at the request of the Anglo American Corporation of South Africa Ltd. It was found that, although there was no evidence of widespread vitamin A deficiency, there was sufficient evidence of subclinical deficiency to warrant further investigation. In spite of apparently adequate vitamin C intakes, a relatively high incidence of subclinical vitamin C deficiency was found. It is strongly recommended that further studies be undertaken to establish what are the minimum levels of vitamin A and C required daily to reduce effectively the incidence of subclinical deficiency

    Baseline chest radiographic features of HIV-infected children eligible for antiretroviral therapy

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    Background. South Africa’s HIV mortality is primarily due to pulmonary disease. No evidence exists regarding a correlation between specific chest radiographic patterns and CD4 levels of immunity in HIV-infected children.Objectives. We aimed to determine the prevalence of specific radiographic features in HIV-infected children initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) to develop a guideline of expected baseline radiographic appearances, and the radiographic features that predominate at specific levels of immune suppression (defined by CD4 percentage ranges), which would narrow the radiological differential diagnosis.Method. Retrospective review of the baseline chest radiographs of 92 consecutive paediatric outpatients initiating ART.Results. Normal radiographs were reported in 54% of patients. Those with radiographic abnormalities had parenchymal disease (34%), mediastinal disease (22%) and pleural disease (1%). Parenchymal disease was predominantly air space (28%), and mediastinal disease was predominantly cardiomegaly (21%); lymphadenopathy was rare (1%). Radiological appearances of TB were seen in 9% of patients. A statistically significant association was shown between immune suppression and air space disease (p=0.049) with a relative risk of 0.46 (95% CI 0.24 - 0.88) for air space disease in immune-suppressed children. This association was independent of age.Conclusion. Baseline chest radiographs in paediatric outpatients presenting for initiation of ART are predominantly normal, but also demonstrate a significant number of pathological radiological features – primarily air space disease and cardiomegaly. The only statistically significant association between radiographic features and immune suppression was air space disease, which correlated with a higher level of immunity.S Afr Med J 2011;101:829-834

    Accurate laboratory wavelengths of the e 3 Σ–(ν' = 5) – X 1 Σ+(ν'' = 0) band of 12C16O

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    CITATION: Dickenson, G. D. et al. 2010. Accurate laboratory wavelengths of the e 3 Σ–(ν' = 5) – X 1 Σ+(ν'' = 0) band of 12C16O. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 714(2):L268–L270, doi:10.1088/2041-8205/714/2/L268.The original publication is available at https://iopscience.iop.org/journal/2041-8205The forbidden singlet-triplet transitions of carbon monoxide (CO) are important in the interpretation of vacuum ultraviolet interstellar absorption spectra and in particular for the measurement of large CO column densities. Twenty rovibronic lines of the e 3Σ–(ν' = 5) – X 1Σ+(ν'' = 0) band of 12 C 16O for which laboratory wavelengths were previously unavailable were identified in laser-induced fluorescence excitation spectra. Wavelengths were assigned to five rovibronic transitions to an average accuracy of 0.0028 Å. A further 15 lines could not be fully resolved and average wavelengths were measured for these groups of closely spaced lines. A wavelength difference of 0.011 ± 0.0028 Å between the measured wavelengths and the calculated wavelengths in the atlas of Eidelsberg & Rostas demonstrates the need for more experimental data on CO.https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2041-8205/714/2/L268Publisher's versio

    Optimisation of tower site locations for camera-based wildfire detection systems

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    Early forest fire detection can effectively be achieved by systems of specialised tower-mounted cameras. With the aim of maximising system visibility of smoke above a prescribed region, the process of selecting multiple tower sites from a large number of potential site locations is a complex combinatorial optimisation problem. Historically, these systems have been planned by foresters and locals with intimate knowledge of the terrain rather than by computational optimisation tools. When entering vast new territories, however, such knowledge and expertise may not be available to system planners. A tower site-selection optimisation framework that may be used in such circumstances is described in this paper. Metaheuristics are used to determine candidate site layouts for an area in the Nelspruit region in South Africa currently monitored by the ForestWatch detection system. Visibility cover superior to that of the existing system in the region is achieved and obtained in several days, whereas traditional approaches normally require months of speculation and planning. Following the results presented here, the optimisation framework is earmarked for use in future ForestWatch system planning

    Migration of etonogestrel contraceptive implants: Implications for difficult removals services need in southern Africa

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    The first difficult contraceptive implant removals clinic in sub-Saharan Africa was started 2 years ago at New Somerset Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, and has seen two cases of implant migration. We report these cases here. The first was a case of fascial migration and the second one of migration via the cephalic vein, both to a site just anterior to the glenohumeral joint. Both implants were removed without complications. Even with correct insertion technique, migrations can occur. Healthcare providers need to know how to manage difficult removals, and how to access and refer to difficult removals services when necessary. These services must therefore be available in all settings where implants are offered, to ensure access to rights-based family planning services for all women in southern Africa

    Berg adder (Bitis atropos): An unusual case of acute poisoning

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    A 5-year-old boy presented to hospital with mild local cytotoxic and severe neurotoxic symptoms. The neurotoxic symptoms included ptosis, fixed dilated pupils and flaccid paralysis with respiratory failure. Mild hyponatraemia was also a clinical feature. After various unsuccessful treatment options were followed, the Tygerberg Poison Information Centre was contacted and a diagnosis of berg adder bite was made. Berg adder bites are uncommon and therefore not usually considered in the differential diagnosis of a patient presenting with an unexplained clinical picture. A timeous poison information helpline consultation is recommended in this situation

    Effect of enrichment of maize meal with nicotinic acid and riboflavin upon the Vitamin and protein nutritional status of young school-going and pre-school children

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    A series of experiments was undertaken to investigate the feasibility of enriching maize meal with nicotinic acid and riboflavin. First the necessary level of enrichment was established and then the efficacy of such enrichment of maize was tested in the field on children and young adults. This report deals with the results of an experiment designed to establish whether such an enrichment scheme would have any detrimental effects on· young growing children with marginal protein calorie malnutrition. As in the previous experiments, a marked improvement in the nicotinic acid and riboflavin status was found in the experimental group. These biochemical findings were in conformity with the improvement in clinical status found. Moreover, such enrichment did not have any noticeable adverse effects. The hypothesis that vitamin enrichment could cause growth stimulation, and thus aggravate an existing marginal protein deficiency state, could not in any way be substantiated. The enrichment of maize meal with riboflavin and nicotinic acid during milling has been shown conclusively to be highly effective in improving the vitamin nutritional status while at the same time not harming the protein nutritional status of young children. Since the previous experiments proved it to be economically and technologically feasible, it is now strongly recommended that such an enrichment scheme be introduced on a national basis with the least possible delay.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 1641 (1974)

    Returning persons with SARS-CoV-2 to the field of play in professional golf: a risk assessment and risk reduction approach

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    Objectives This pilot study aimed to see whether a risk assessment and risk reduction approach was a practical and feasible approach, as compared with standard isolation for fully vaccinated, asymptomatic persons positive for SARS-CoV-2. Methods This prospective cohort study included all players and caddies participating in two large professional golf events from 7 to 20 February 2022 in South Africa. Fully vaccinated persons testing positive who were asymptomatic were subject to risk assessment and risk reduction measures to protect the integrity of the event. Asymptomatic individuals who could socially distance in outdoor areas were allowed to participate. Close contacts were subject to daily rapid antigen tests and asked to prioritise outdoor space. Results The protocols put in place for the events were practical, feasible, and well accepted by event participants and staff during the study period. There was a total of 378 player-week episodes and 378 caddie-week episodes during the study period. Three persons tested positive while registered at events during the study period (0.4% of person episodes). The positive tests were returned from two players and one caddie, all of which were asymptomatic at the time of testing. There was one high-risk contact who consistently returned negative antigen tests. There was no evidence of transmission. Conclusions The approach was practical and feasible. A risk assessment and risk reduction approach allowed fully vaccinated asymptomatic persons with SARS-CoV-2 to participate in golf, an outdoor sport where social distancing is possible, compared with standard isolation
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