126 research outputs found

    Edge atoms effects on the perpendicular anisotropy of ultrathin magnetic layers

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    The present work reports experimental and theoretical results for electrodeposited Co/Au(111) ultrathin layers with very specific magnetic behavior. We show that the observed two peaks in the out-of-plane magnetization versus deposition time variation could be explained by the remarkably high perpendicular anisotropy of the perimeter atoms of low- dimensional islands formed during the layer-by-layer growth, as compared to that of the surface atoms. Our results indicate that it is possible to sustain high anisotropy in very small grains without coming across the superparamagnetic limit, opening excellent opportunities for materials engineering

    Influence of variability of material mechanical properties on seismic performance of steel and steel-concrete composite structures

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    Modern standards for constructions in seismic zones allow the construction of buildings able to dissipate the energy of the seismic input through an appropriate location of cyclic plastic deformations involving the largest possible number of structural elements, forming thus a global collapse mechanisms without failure and instability phenomena both at local and global level. The key instrument for this purpose is the capacity design approach, which requires an appropriate selection of the design forces and an accurate definition of structural details within the plastic hinges zones, prescribing at the same time the oversizing of non-dissipative elements that shall remain in the elastic field during the earthquake. However, the localization of plastic hinges and the development of the global collapse mechanism is strongly influenced by the mechanical properties of materials, which are characterized by an inherent randomness. This variability can alter the final structural behaviour not matching the expected performance. In the present paper, the influence of the variability of material mechanical properties on the structural behaviour of steel and steel/concrete composite buildings is analyzed, evaluating the efficiency of the capacity design approach as proposed by Eurocode 8 and the possibility of introducing an upper limitation to the nominal yielding strength adopted in the design

    Feasibility, psychological outcomes and practical use of a stress-preventive leadership intervention in the workplace hospital:The results of a mixed-method phase-II study

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    OBJECTIVES: Hospitals are psychologically demanding workplaces with a need for context-specific stress-preventive leadership interventions. A stress-preventive interprofessional leadership intervention for middle management has been developed. This phase-II study investigates its feasibility and outcomes, including work-related stress, well-being and transformational leadership. DESIGN: This is a mixed-methods study with three measure points (T0: baseline, T1: after the last training session, T2: 3-month follow-up). Additionally, focus groups were conducted to assess participants’ change in everyday work. SETTING: A tertiary hospital in Germany. PARTICIPANTS: N=93 leaders of different professions. INTERVENTION: An interactive group setting intervention divided in five separate sessions ((1) self-care as a leader, (2) leadership attitudes and behaviour, (3) motives, needs and stressors of employees, (4) strengthen the resource ‘team’, (5) reflection and focus groups). The intervention was conducted between June 2018 and March 2020 in k=5 runs of the intervention. OUTCOME MEASURES: Feasibility and acceptance were measured with a self-developed intervention specific questionnaire. Psychological outcomes were assessed with the following scales: work-related strain with the Irritation Scale, well-being with the WHO-5 Well-being Index and transformational leadership with the Questionnaire of Integrative Leadership. RESULTS: After the intervention at T2, over 90% of participants reported that they would recommend the intervention to another coworker (92.1%, n=59) and all participants (n=64) were satisfied with the intervention and rated the intervention as practical relevant for their everyday work. Participants’ self-rated cognitive irritation was reduced, whereas their well-being and transformational leadership behaviour were improved over time. Focus group discussions revealed that participants implemented intervention contents successfully in their everyday work. CONCLUSIONS: This intervention was feasible and showed first promising intraindividual changes in psychological outcomes. Participants confirmed its practical relevance. As a next step, the intervention will be evaluated as part of a multicentre—randomised controlled trial within the project SEEGEN (SEElische GEsundheit am Arbeitsplatz KrankeNhaus)

    Vinculaciones humanas e institucionales a través del uso de la energía solar: la Comisaría del Menor y las mini cocinas solares

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    Este trabajo trata acerca de una experiencia de transferencia de tecnología solar, especialmente apropiada para las actuales circunstancias que viven la región y el país. La misma se inició con la Comisaría del Menor, ubicada a cien metros de la Universidad Nacional de Salta (UNSa). Su finalidad es usar mini cocinas solares como alternativa del empleo de leña o gas para la cocción de alimentos y acercar un nivel científico sencillo a adolescentes con problemas socio-económicos para estimular una veta quizás postergada, pero también como vía de vinculación con menores detenidos en la Comisaría. Actualmente, después de casi tres décadas de existencia de la UNSa, vemos que la universidad está rodeada de asentamientos y barrios pobres, así como la mencionada cárcel de menores, pudiendo ejercer su influencia e impacto social, cultural, socioeconómico y académico más allá de la asistencia de los alumnos a sus aulas o el empleo de sus instalaciones deportivas, sino a través de la concurrencia de sus docentes a los lugares donde son necesitados, a fin de acercar propuestas concretas para la solución de problemas. En este trabajo se muestran estas acciones solidarias.This work describes an experience of solar technology transfer, especially appropriate for current circumstances experienced in the region and the country. It began with the Minority Commissary located a hundred meters in front of UNSa. It is aimed at the use of small solar cookers as an alternative to firewood or bottled gas to cook food; to take basic science to adolescents with socio-economical problems to stimulate a - maybe- hidden vein, but also as a training means for detained minors. After almost three decades of existence, UNSa is enclosed of "asentamientos" and poor districts, as well as the above-mentioned Minors jail. Its influence and social impact are felt not only by cultural, socio-economical and academic attendance of the students in their classrooms or the use of their sport installations, but through the concurrence of their teachers and trained personnel to the places where they are needed, in order to evolve concrete proposals for the solution of problems. In this paper, these solidarity actions are illustrated.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Vinculaciones humanas e institucionales a través del uso de la energía solar: la Comisaría del Menor y las mini cocinas solares

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    Este trabajo trata acerca de una experiencia de transferencia de tecnología solar, especialmente apropiada para las actuales circunstancias que viven la región y el país. La misma se inició con la Comisaría del Menor, ubicada a cien metros de la Universidad Nacional de Salta (UNSa). Su finalidad es usar mini cocinas solares como alternativa del empleo de leña o gas para la cocción de alimentos y acercar un nivel científico sencillo a adolescentes con problemas socio-económicos para estimular una veta quizás postergada, pero también como vía de vinculación con menores detenidos en la Comisaría. Actualmente, después de casi tres décadas de existencia de la UNSa, vemos que la universidad está rodeada de asentamientos y barrios pobres, así como la mencionada cárcel de menores, pudiendo ejercer su influencia e impacto social, cultural, socioeconómico y académico más allá de la asistencia de los alumnos a sus aulas o el empleo de sus instalaciones deportivas, sino a través de la concurrencia de sus docentes a los lugares donde son necesitados, a fin de acercar propuestas concretas para la solución de problemas. En este trabajo se muestran estas acciones solidarias.This work describes an experience of solar technology transfer, especially appropriate for current circumstances experienced in the region and the country. It began with the Minority Commissary located a hundred meters in front of UNSa. It is aimed at the use of small solar cookers as an alternative to firewood or bottled gas to cook food; to take basic science to adolescents with socio-economical problems to stimulate a - maybe- hidden vein, but also as a training means for detained minors. After almost three decades of existence, UNSa is enclosed of "asentamientos" and poor districts, as well as the above-mentioned Minors jail. Its influence and social impact are felt not only by cultural, socio-economical and academic attendance of the students in their classrooms or the use of their sport installations, but through the concurrence of their teachers and trained personnel to the places where they are needed, in order to evolve concrete proposals for the solution of problems. In this paper, these solidarity actions are illustrated.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Analysis of benzo[a]pyrene metabolites formed by rat hepatic microsomes using high pressure liquid chromatography: optimization of the method

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    A simple and sensitive method was developed to separate the carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), and six of its oxidation metabolites generated by rat hepatic microsomes enriched with cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A1, by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The HPLC method, using an acetonitrile/water gradient as mobile phase and UV detection, provided appropriate separation and detection of both mono- and di-hydroxylated metabolites of BaP as well as BaP diones formed by rat hepatic microsomes and the parental BaP. In this enzymatic system, 3-hydroxy BaP, 9-hydroxy BaP, BaP-4,5-dihydrodiol, BaP-7,8-dihydrodiol, BaP-9,10-dihydrodiol and BaP-dione were generated. Among them the mono-hydroxylated BaP metabolite, 3-hydroxy BaP followed by di-hydroxylated BaP products, BaP-7,8-dihydrodiol and BaP-9,10-dihydrodiol, predominated, while BaP-dione was a minor metabolite. This HPLC method will be useful for further defining the roles of the CYP1A1 enzyme with both in vitro and in vivo models in understanding its real role in activation and detoxification of BaP

    Vinculaciones humanas e institucionales a través del uso de la energía solar: la Comisaría del Menor y las mini cocinas solares

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    Este trabajo trata acerca de una experiencia de transferencia de tecnología solar, especialmente apropiada para las actuales circunstancias que viven la región y el país. La misma se inició con la Comisaría del Menor, ubicada a cien metros de la Universidad Nacional de Salta (UNSa). Su finalidad es usar mini cocinas solares como alternativa del empleo de leña o gas para la cocción de alimentos y acercar un nivel científico sencillo a adolescentes con problemas socio-económicos para estimular una veta quizás postergada, pero también como vía de vinculación con menores detenidos en la Comisaría. Actualmente, después de casi tres décadas de existencia de la UNSa, vemos que la universidad está rodeada de asentamientos y barrios pobres, así como la mencionada cárcel de menores, pudiendo ejercer su influencia e impacto social, cultural, socioeconómico y académico más allá de la asistencia de los alumnos a sus aulas o el empleo de sus instalaciones deportivas, sino a través de la concurrencia de sus docentes a los lugares donde son necesitados, a fin de acercar propuestas concretas para la solución de problemas. En este trabajo se muestran estas acciones solidarias.This work describes an experience of solar technology transfer, especially appropriate for current circumstances experienced in the region and the country. It began with the Minority Commissary located a hundred meters in front of UNSa. It is aimed at the use of small solar cookers as an alternative to firewood or bottled gas to cook food; to take basic science to adolescents with socio-economical problems to stimulate a - maybe- hidden vein, but also as a training means for detained minors. After almost three decades of existence, UNSa is enclosed of "asentamientos" and poor districts, as well as the above-mentioned Minors jail. Its influence and social impact are felt not only by cultural, socio-economical and academic attendance of the students in their classrooms or the use of their sport installations, but through the concurrence of their teachers and trained personnel to the places where they are needed, in order to evolve concrete proposals for the solution of problems. In this paper, these solidarity actions are illustrated.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    A European research agenda for somatic symptom disorders, bodily distress disorders, and functional disorders: Results of an estimate-talk-estimate delphi expert study

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    Background: Somatic Symptom Disorders (SSD), Bodily Distress Disorders (BDD) and functional disorders (FD) are associated with high medical and societal costs and pose a substantial challenge to the population and health policy of Europe. To meet this challenge, a specific research agenda is needed as one of the cornerstones of sustainable mental health research and health policy for SSD, BDD, and FD in Europe. Aim: To identify the main challenges and research priorities concerning SSD, BDD, and FD from a European perspective. Methods: Delphi study conducted from July 2016 until October 2017 in 3 rounds with 3 workshop meetings and 3 online surveys, involving 75 experts and 21 European countries. EURONET-SOMA and the European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM) hosted the meetings. Results: Eight research priorities were identified: (1) Assessment of diagnostic profiles relevant to course and treatment outcome. (2) Development and evaluation of new, effective interventions. (3) Validation studies on questionnaires or semi-structured interviews that assess chronic medical conditions in this context. (4) Research into patients preferences for diagnosis and treatment. (5) Development of new methodologic designs to identify and explore mediators and moderators of clinical course and treatment outcomes (6). Translational research exploring how psychological and somatic symptoms develop from somatic conditions and biological and behavioral pathogenic factors. (7) Development of new, effective interventions to personalize treatment. (8) Implementation studies of treatment interventions in different settings, such as primary care, occupational care, general hospital and specialty mental health settings. The general public and policymakers will benefit from the development of new, effective, personalized interventions for SSD, BDD, and FD, that will be enhanced by translational research, as well as from the outcomes of research into patient involvement, GP-patient communication, consultation-liaison models and implementation. Conclusion: Funding for this research agenda, targeting these challenges in coordinated research networks such as EURONET-SOMA and EAPM, and systematically allocating resources by policymakers to this critical area in mental and physical well-being is urgently needed to improve efficacy and impact for diagnosis and treatment of SSD, BDD, and FD across Europe