21 research outputs found

    Die Kommissare des NDR : über die Entwicklung der Ermittlerfigur im Tatort

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    Die Bachelorarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung und der Ermittlerfigur im Tatort. Anhand der Tatorte des NDR wird untersucht, inwieweit sich die Figur des Kommissars innerhalb der letzten 40 Jahre verändert hat. Im Laufe der Arbeit entsteht eine Übersicht aller bisherigen Kommissare, die beim NDR ermittelt haben. Neben dieser Untersuchung gibt es auch einen Einblick in den Aufbau der ARD sowie einen Exkurs in die Geschichte des deutschen Fernsehkrimis und natürlich speziell des Tatortes

    Lithiumamide, -hydrazonides and -ketazides as components for acyclic, cyclic, and spirocyclic boron-, phosphorus, and silicon compounds and monomeric, and dimeric amino-imino-borens

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    Obwohl Hydrazone und Azine in unterschiedlichen Industriezweigen eingesetzt werden, ist die Chemie ihrer Salze wenig untersucht. Bisher bekannte Reaktionen lithiierter Hydrazone mit Halogensilanen und -phosphanen führten bereits zu interessanten Resultaten, z. B. zu stabilen Radikalkationen der 1,2-Diaza-2-silycylopentene oder zur Synthese ungesättigter Phosphorverbindungen. Azine bilden mit Lithiumorganylen Monoanionen in 1- und Dianionen in 1,6- Position

    Test environments for the GRACE follow-on laser ranging interferometer

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    In the year 2017 a follow-on mission to the very successful joint German/US mission GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment) will be launched. As of this day the two GRACE satellites have successfully been mapping the spatial and temporal varitations of the gravitational �eld of the Earth by satellite-to-satellite tracking for over a decade. The main science instrument on GRACE and its successor mission GRACE Follow-On which is used to measure the inter-satellite distance changes is a microwave link sensor. However, an additional instrument, the laser ranging interferometer (LRI), will be implemented into the architecture of the GRACE Follow-On satellites as a technology demonstrator. In this paper we will give a brief overview of a �ber-based test environment which is currently used during the assembly, integration and test of the LRI ight hardware

    Interspacecraft link simulator for the laser ranging interferometer onboard GRACE Follow-On

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    Link acquisition strategies are key aspects for interspacecraft laser interferometers. We present an optical fiber-based setup able to simulate the interspacecraft link for the laser ranging interferometer (LRI) on gravity recovery and climate experiment Follow-On. It allows one to accurately recreate the far-field intensity profile depending on the mispointing between the spacecraft, Doppler shifts, and spacecraft attitude jitter. Furthermore, it can be used in late integration stages of the mission, since no physical contact with the spacecraft is required. The setup can also be easily adapted to other similar missions and different acquisition algorithms

    GRACE-Follow On Laser Ranging Interferometer: German contribution

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    The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) is a joint US/German mission that has been mapping the Earth's gravity �eld since 2002 by measuring the distance variations between two spacecraft using a micro-wave link. GRACE is reaching the end of its lifetime. For this reason and in order to minimize data gaps, an almost identical mission will be launched in 2017. This mission is called GRACE-Follow On (GRACE-FO) and it will include an additional instrument as a technological demonstrator to monitor distance changes between the spacecraft. This instrument is the Laser Ranging Interferometer (LRI), which is based on heterodyne laser interferometry at 1064nm and takes advantage of many technologies developed for LISA. In this paper a short overview of the current status of the German contribution is presented


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    The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) is a successful Earth observation mission launched in 2002 consisting of two identical satellites in a polar low-Earth orbit [1]. The distance variations between these two satellites are measured with a Micro Wave Instrument (MWI) located in the central axis. In data postprocessing the spatial and temporal variations of the Earth’s gravitational field are recovered, which are among other things introduced by changing groundwater levels or ice-masses [2, 3, 4, 5]. The Laser Ranging Interferometer (LRI) on-board the GRACE Follow-On (GFO) mission, which will be launched in 2017 by the joint collaboration between USA (NASA) and Germany (GFZ), is a technology demonstrator to provide about two orders of magnitude higher measurement accuracy than the initial GRACE MWI, about 80 nm/√Hz in the measurement band between 2 mHz and 0.1 Hz. The integration of the LRI units on both GFO S/C has been finished in summer 2016. The design as well as the functional, performance, and thermal-vacuum tests results of the German LRI flight units will be presented