127 research outputs found

    Acidólisis enzimática de trioleina con los ácidos palmítico y caprílico: Optimización de los parámetros de la reacción mediante la metodología de superficie de respuesta

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    An acidolysis reaction of triolein with caprylic and palmitic acids was performed using immobilized sn-1,3 specific lipase from Mucor miehei to produce a reduced calorie spreadable structured lipid (SL). Response surface methodology was applied to model and optimize the reaction conditions using a four-factor five-level central composite rotatable design. The selected factors were time (10-24 h), enzyme load (10-25 wt%), substrate mole ratio (Triolein:Caprylic acid:Palmitic acid), (1:1:1-1:2.5:2.5) and temperature (45-60 °C). The produced SLs were compared to fat extracts of commercial margarine in terms of melting profile and solid fat content (SFC). SL with a melting peak of 42 °C and SFC of 40.69% at 0 °C was very similar to soft margarines. The caloric value of this SL was determined as 37.74 kJ/g, theoretically. The optimum reaction conditions were found as reaction time 14 h; substrate mole ratio 1:2.1:2.1; temperature 58 °C; and enzyme load 15 wt%. Under optimum conditions, the product contained 29.68% COC, 25.47% POC, and 3.80% POP.La reacción de acidolísis de la trioleina con los ácidos caprílico y palmítico se realizó utilizando lipasa inmovilizada Mucor miehei, específica de sn-1, 3, para producir una grasa de untar baja en calorías compuesta de lípidos estructurados (SL). La metodología de superficie de respuesta se aplica para modelar y optimizar las condiciones de reacción utilizando un factor-cuatro y nivel-cinco de diseño central compuesto. Los factores seleccionados fueron el tiempo (10-24 h), la carga de enzima (10-25% en peso), la relación molar de sustratos (Trioleína:Ácido Caprílico:Ácido Palmítico), (1:1:1-1:2.5:2.5) y la temperatura (45-60 °C). Los SLs producidos se compararon con extractos de grasa de margarina comercial en términos de perfil de fusión y contenido de grasa sólida (SFC). El SL con un pico de fusión a 42 °C y SFC de 40,69% a 0 °C era muy similar a las margarinas suaves. El valor calórico de este SL se determinó teóricamente siendo 37,74 kJ/g. Las condiciones óptimas de reacción encontradas fueron 14 h de tiempo de reacción; una relación molar de sustratos 1:2.1:2.1; una temperatura de 58 °C, y una carga enzima de 15% en peso. En condiciones óptimas el producto contenía 29,68% de AOC, 25,47% de POC, y 3,80% de POP

    Post-outburst X-ray flux and timing evolution of Swift J1822.3-1606

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    Swift J1822.3-1606 was discovered on 2011 July 14 by the Swift Burst Alert Telescope following the detection of several bursts. The source was found to have a period of 8.4377 s and was identified as a magnetar. Here we present a phase-connected timing analysis and the evolution of the flux and spectral properties using RXTE, Swift, and Chandra observations. We measure a spin frequency of 0.1185154343(8) s1^{-1} and a frequency derivative of 4.3±0.3×1015-4.3\pm0.3\times10^{-15} at MJD 55761.0, in a timing analysis that include significant non-zero second and third frequency derivatives that we attribute to timing noise. This corresponds to an estimated spin-down inferred dipole magnetic field of B5×1013B\sim5\times10^{13} G, consistent with previous estimates though still possibly affected by unmodelled noise. We find that the post-outburst 1--10 keV flux evolution can be characterized by a double-exponential decay with decay timescales of 15.5±0.515.5\pm0.5 and 177±14177\pm14 days. We also fit the light curve with a crustal cooling model which suggests that the cooling results from heat injection into the outer crust. We find that the hardness-flux correlation observed in magnetar outbursts also characterizes the outburst of Swift J1822.3-1606. We compare the properties of Swift J1822.3-1606 with those of other magnetars and their outbursts.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The nature of the X-ray sources in dwarf galaxies in nearby clusters from the KIWICS

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    We present a deep search for and analysis of X-ray sources in a sample of dwarf galaxies (Mr_{r} < -15.5 mag) located within twelve galaxy clusters from the Kapteyn IAC WEAVE INT Cluster Survey (KIWICS) of photometric observations in the r\textit{r} and g\textit{g} using the Wide Field Camera (WFC) at the 2.5-m Isaac Newton telescope (INT). We first investigated the optical data, identified 2720 dwarf galaxies in all fields and determined their characteristics; namely, their colors, effective radii, and stellar masses. We then searched the Chandra\textit{Chandra} data archive for X-ray counterparts of optically detected dwarf galaxies. We found a total of 20 X-ray emitting dwarf galaxies, with X-ray flux ranging from 1.7×1015\times10^{-15} to 4.1×1014\times10^{-14} erg cm2^{-2} s1^{-1} and X-ray luminosities varying from 2×1039\times10^{39} to 5.4×1041\times10^{41} erg s1^{-1}. Our results indicate that the X-ray luminosity of the sources in our sample is larger than the Eddington luminosity limit for a typical neutron star, even at the lowest observed levels. This leads us to conclude that the sources emitting X-rays in our sample are likely black holes. Additionally, we have employed a scaling relation between black hole and stellar mass to estimate the masses of the black holes in our sample, and have determined a range of black hole masses from 4.6×104\times10^{4} to 1.5×106\times10^{6} M_\odot. Finally, we find a trend between X-ray to optical flux ratio and X-ray flux. We discuss the implications of our findings and highlight the importance of X-ray observations in studying the properties of dwarf galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 11 pages, 7 figure

    Sedoanalgesia Administration with Propofol and Ketamine for Minor Urologic Interventions

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    Aim: In this study we aimed to administer sedoanalgesia with propofol and ketamine combination in patients undergoing planned minor urologic interventions with limited anesthesia. By combining these two medications, lower doses may be used, and we aimed to provide sufficient sedation, analgesia and amnesia without disrupting hemodynamic and respiratory stability and to increase patient and surgeon satisfaction. Material-Method: The study included 53 patients with planned minor urologic interventions aged from 19 to 85 years and physical situation ASA I-III. After six hours starvation, patients were taken to the surgery. Patients were monitored for electrocardiography (ECG), oxygen saturation (SPO2 ) and non-invasive blood pressure. For use if necessary a nasal O2 cannula was inserted. A vein in the back of the left hand was opened and 5 ml/min isotonic sodium chloride infusion was begun. Patient heart rate (HR), systolic arterial pressure (SAP), diastolic arterial pressure (DAP), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and oxygen saturation (SpO2 ) values were measured and a 5 point sedation scale (Table 1) was used to measure sedation scores. Basal values were recorded (0 min). Later patients were randomly divided into two groups with Group I administered intraurethral lidocaine gel for local anesthesia by the surgeon, while Group II were administered intravenous 0.015 mg/kg midazolam, 0.5 mg/kg 1% ketamine and 0.5 mg/kg 1% propofol by the authors for sedoanalgesia. At five minute intervals the HR, SAP, DAP, MAP, SpO2 values and sedation scores were measured and recorded. Results: Statistical evaluation found a statistically significant increase in SAP, DAP and MAP values measured at the 5th minute in Group I patients compared to preoperative values. In Group I patients, when the heart rate measured in the 1st and 5th minutes are compared with preoperative values there was a statistically significant increase identified. In Group II patients, there was a statistically significant fall in SpO2 values in the 1st and 5th minutes compared with preoperative values. When patient and surgeon satisfaction are compared with Group I, Group II was found to be statistically significantly higher. Though the blood pressure and heart rate increases in Group I patients were statistically significant, they were not at levels that required clinical intervention and/or treatment. Similarly the SpO2 decrease observed in Group II patients did not fall below 90% in any patient in spite of being statistically significant and rose again without clinical intervention and/or treatment. Conclusion: In this study we showed that sedoanalgesia administration with propofol and ketamine may be an alternative method for patients undergoing minor urology interventions that does not disrupt hemodynamic and respiratory stability, does not delay patient discharge, has low side effect incidence and has high patient and surgeon satisfaction

    Early X-ray and optical observations of the soft gamma-ray repeater SGR 0418+5729

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    Emission of two short hard X-ray bursts on 2009 June 5 disclosed the existence of a new soft gamma-ray repeater, now catalogued as SGR 0418+5729. After a few days, X-ray pulsations at a period of 9.1 s were discovered in its persistent emission. SGR 0418+5729 was monitored almost since its discovery with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (2-10 keV energy range) and observed many times with Swift (0.2-10 keV). The source persistent X-ray emission faded by a factor 10 in about 160 days, with a steepening in the decay about 19 days after the activation. The X-ray spectrum is well described by a simple absorbed blackbody, with a temperature decreasing in time. A phase-coherent timing solution over the 160 day time span yielded no evidence for any significant evolution of the spin period, implying a 3-sigma upper limit of 1.1E-13 s/s on the period derivative and of 3E+13 G on the surface dipole magnetic field. Phase-resolved spectroscopy provided evidence for a significant variation of the spectrum as a function of the stellar rotation, pointing to the presence of two emitting caps, one of which became hotter during the outburst. Finally, a deep observation of the field of SGR 0418+5729 with the new Gran Telescopio Canarias 10.4-m telescope allowed us to set an upper limit on the source optical flux of i'>25.1 mag, corresponding to an X-ray-to-optical flux ratio exceeding 10000, consistent with the characteristics of other magnetars.Comment: The paper (10 pages) contains 6 colour figures and 2 tables; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Status of the ROTSE-III telescope network

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    ROTSE-III is a homogeneous worldwide array of 4 robotic telescopes. They were designed to provide optical observations of γ-ray burst (GRB) afterglows as close as possible to the start of γ-ray emission. ROTSE-III is fulfilling its potential for GRB science, and provides optical observations for a variety of astrophysical sources in the interim between GRB events

    Prompt Optical Detection of GRB 050401 with ROTSE-IIIa

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    The ROTSE-IIIa telescope at Siding Spring Observatory, Australia, detected prompt optical emission from Swift GRB 050401. In this letter, we present observations of the early optical afterglow, first detected by the ROTSE-IIIa telescope 33 s after the start of gamma-ray emission, contemporaneous with the brightest peak of this emission. This GRB was neither exceptionally long nor bright. This is the first prompt optical detection of a GRB of typical duration and luminosity. We find that the early afterglow decay does not deviate significantly from the power-law decay observable at later times, and is uncorrelated with the prompt gamma-ray emission. We compare this detection with the other two GRBs with prompt observations, GRB 990123 and GRB 041219a. All three bursts exhibit quite different behavior at early times.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter