712 research outputs found

    La evaluación del desempeño docente en la educación superior

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    The purpose of this article is to present a critical review of the ways in which the performance of university teachers are usually evaluated. Generally, the institutions state proposal of evaluation that usually coincide with what is evaluated and the use of the results. It includes the review of the different evaluation models to show the discrepancies between the objectives and the practices, that is, the poor relationship between the model used and what is done. Universities usually declare that the focus of the evaluation is improvement of practice. One of the most used instruments is the questionnaire, with which an accurate measurement can be made, but generally it does not evaluate the teaching performance, but, in the best-case scenario, the opinion of the students. If universities state that the evaluation should serve to improve the teaching practice, it would be advisable to favor the constructivist model that promotes changes required through the reflection that arises from the review of the self-evaluation, the hetero-evaluation and the co-evaluation.El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una revisión crítica de las maneras en que se tiende a evaluar el desempeño de los docentes universitarios. Por lo general, las instituciones enuncian propósitos de la evaluación que suelen no coincidir con lo que se evalúa y con el uso que se hace de los resultados. Se incluye la revisión de distintos modelos de evaluación Para mostrar los desfases entre objetivos y prácticas, es decir, la pobre relación de lo que se hace, con el modelo del declarado. Se tiende a enunciar que el objetivo de la evaluación está centrado en la mejora continua. Uno de los instrumentos más utilizados es el cuestionario, con el que se pretende hacer una evaluación precisa, pero que, por lo general, no evalúa el desempeño docente, sino, en el mejor de los casos, la opinión de los estudiantes. Si se declara que la evaluación debe servir para mejorar la práctica docente, convendría privilegiar el modelo constructivista que permitiría favorecer los cambios que se requieren a través de la reflexión que surja de la revisión de la autoevaluación, la hetero-evaluación y la co-evaluación

    La evaluación del desempeño docente en la educación superior

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    The purpose of this article is to present a critical review of the ways in which the performance of university teachers are usually evaluated. Generally, the institutions state proposal of evaluation that usually coincide with what is evaluated and the use of the results. It includes the review of the different evaluation models to show the discrepancies between the objectives and the practices, that is, the poor relationship between the model used and what is done. Universities usually declare that the focus of the evaluation is improvement of practice. One of the most used instruments is the questionnaire, with which an accurate measurement can be made, but generally it does not evaluate the teaching performance, but, in the best-case scenario, the opinion of the students. If universities state that the evaluation should serve to improve the teaching practice, it would be advisable to favor the constructivist model that promotes changes required through the reflection that arises from the review of the self-evaluation, the hetero-evaluation and the co-evaluation.El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una revisión crítica de las maneras en que se tiende a evaluar el desempeño de los docentes universitarios. Por lo general, las instituciones enuncian propósitos de la evaluación que suelen no coincidir con lo que se evalúa y con el uso que se hace de los resultados. Se incluye la revisión de distintos modelos de evaluación Para mostrar los desfases entre objetivos y prácticas, es decir, la pobre relación de lo que se hace, con el modelo del declarado. Se tiende a enunciar que el objetivo de la evaluación está centrado en la mejora continua. Uno de los instrumentos más utilizados es el cuestionario, con el que se pretende hacer una evaluación precisa, pero que, por lo general, no evalúa el desempeño docente, sino, en el mejor de los casos, la opinión de los estudiantes. Si se declara que la evaluación debe servir para mejorar la práctica docente, convendría privilegiar el modelo constructivista que permitiría favorecer los cambios que se requieren a través de la reflexión que surja de la revisión de la autoevaluación, la hetero-evaluación y la co-evaluación

    Endothoracic thyroid. Indications of endothoracic approach

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    Introduction and objective: The incidence of endothoracic goiter among patients undergoing thyroidectomy ranges from 6% to 30%. Although the cervical approach is sufficient in most cases, the endothoracic approach may be necessary in 1-5.5% of patients. So it is advisable to anticipate it. The objective of this article is to describe the indications if this kind of approach. Synthesis: The main risk factors for performing sternotomy in cases of substernal goiter are the extension below the aortic arch and the retrotracheal or retrovascular location. The thoracic approach will be equally necessary in mediastinal ectopic goiters without connection to the cervical thyroid. The evaluation by a thoracic surgeon in cases of forgotten goitre will be recommended, as well as in patients with a history of radiotherapy or cervical surgery and suspected malignancy with extra-thyroid involvement. The choice of approach will depend on the location, the size of the mass and its relationship with the neighboring organs. Minimally invasive approaches can be safe alternatives to sternotomy or thoracotomy. The most frequent postoperative complications of endothoracic thyroid resection are typical of thyroid surgery: temporary or permanent recurrent paralysis, hypoparathyroidism, respiratory failure and postoperative bleeding. Conclusions: Up to 5% of thyroidectomies, a thoracic approach may be necessary, so it is convenient to anticipate it. The thoracic approach will be necessary in cases of goiter with extension below the arch, retrotracheal or retrovascular location and in mediastinal goiters without connection to the cervical thyroid./n Introducción y objetivo: La incidencia de bocio endotorácico entre los pacientes sometidos a tiroidectomía oscila entre el 6% y el 30%. Aunque el abordaje cervical es suficiente en la mayoría de los casos, el abordaje endotorácico puede ser necesario en el 1-5.5% de los pacientes. Por lo que es recomendable anticiparlo. El objetivo del presente artículo es describir los factores predictivos de necesidad de este tipo de abordaje. Síntesis: Los principales factores de riesgo para la realización de esternotomía en los casos de bocio subesternal son la extensión por debajo del cayado aórtico y la localización retrotraqueal o retrovascular. El abordaje torácico será igualmente necesario en bocios ectópicos mediastínicos sin conexión con el tiroides cervical y se recomendará la valoración por un cirujano torácico en casos de bocio olvidado, así como en pacientes con antecedentes de radioterapia o cirugía cervical y sospecha de malignidad con afectación extra-tiroidea. La elección del abordaje dependerá de la localización, del tamaño de la masa y su relación con los órganos vecinos; los abordajes mínimamente invasivos pueden ser alternativas seguras a la esternotomía o la toracotomía. Las complicaciones postoperatorias más frecuentes de la resección de tiroides endotorácico son típicas de la cirugía tiroidea: parálisis recurrencial temporal o permanente, hipoparatiroidismo, insuficiencia respiratoria y sangrado postoperatorio. Conclusiones: Hasta en un 5% de las tiroidectomías, puede ser necesario un abordaje torácico, por lo que es conveniente anticiparlo. El abordaje torácico será necesario en casos de bocio con extensión por debajo del cayado, localización retrotraqueal o retrovascular y en bocios mediastínicos sin conexión con el tiroides cervical./n

    Community pharmacy is the key to improving vitamin D levels

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    Introduction: Vitamin D is an essential micronutrient that participates in the body's fundamental physiological processes. The pharmacist should involve the patient in his medication adherence, leading to a change in the patient's attitude towards his medication and towards his health problem, in order to achieve the pharmacological objective set. Methods: Quasi-experimental multicenter study design with non-probabilistic convenience sampling. A pharmacist-led intervention in health educationwas carried out, divided in two groups, face-to-face interviewand on-line survey, and the results were evaluated 3 months later to observe if there was any change in the patient's health status or in their vitamin D levels. Results: The study was conducted in four pharmacies through face-to-face interviews (n=49 patients) and online surveys (n = 23). Pharmaceutical intervention improved habits of exercise (0.81 ± 1.44 days/week face-to-face interviews vs −0.09 ± 2.35 days/week online surveys (p = 0.048)). In face-to-face interviews, consumption of vitamin D-rich foods was increased (0.55 unit of tuna/week; p = 0.035 and 0.56 unit of avocado/week; p = 0.001) and was improved correct intake of vitamin D supplements (32.5% baseline to 69.8% at 3 months). The increase in 25- hydroxyvitamin D levels (11.5 ng/mL after 3 months (p = 0.021)) was correlated to salmon consumption (0.951; p = 0.013) and the improvement of quality of life was correlated to avocado consumption (1; p < 0.001). Conclusion: There are habits that improve vitamin D production such as increased physical activity, the correct use of vitamin D supplements and the consumption of foods with high vitamin D levels. The role of the pharmacist is crucial, involving the patient in the treatment making aware of the benefits for his/her health status of increasing vitamin D levels

    Breaking the configurational anisotropy in Fe single crystal nanomagnets

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    In this work, we improve the ability to tailor the switching mechanism in nanomagnets by introducing an additional, highly controlled source of anisotropy: magnetocrystalline anisotropy. We analyze the vortex dynamics in single crystal Fe nanotriangles with different orientations of the crystalline axes. By experimental studies and simulation, we show that the angular dependence of the vortex annihilation field springs from the convolution of the crystalline and configurational anisotropies. In contrast, the remanence and the nucleation field present a much simpler behavior controlled by the existence of a single symmetry axis when shape and crystalline orientation are taken into account

    Use of Persistent Analogs of Abscisic Acid as Palliatives against Salt-stress Induced Damage in Citrus Plants

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    The effectiveness of several abscisic acid (ABA) analogs as palliatives against salt stress in intact citrus plants has been tested in this work. The effect of ABA, 8¢-methylene ABA, 8¢-acetylene ABA, ABA methyl ester, 8¢-methylene ABA methyl ester, and 8¢-acetylene ABA methyl ester on citrus responses to salt stress was studied on 2-year-old grafted plants. Leaf abscission, chloride accumulation, ethylene production, and net photosynthetic rate were the parameters used to characterize the performance of plants under stress. Data indicate that 8¢-methylene ABA was the most effective compound in delaying the deleterious effects of high salinity on citrus plants. Its regular application reduced leaf chloride concentration, ethylene production, and leaf abscission. Furthermore, it delayed the depletion of CO2 assimilation under these adverse conditions. Abscisic acid and 8¢-acetylene ABA also reduced salt-stress induced injuries in citrus, although to a lower extent. Neither ABA methyl ester nor its 8¢-C modified analogs showed biological activity in these assays

    Preliminary data on the ovarian histological structures observed in black hakes (M. polli and M. senegalensis) off Mauritania

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    The black hakes, Merluccius polli and M. senegalensis, are target species of a trawl Spanish fleet in Mauritanian waters. M. polli is a deep-water hake while M. senegalensis shows a shallower distribution. Both species are mixed in the landings, although the deeper hake totals a greater fraction (85%) of the catch due to the fishing strategy of the trawl fleet. The female gonads of both hakes were collected during an experimental survey carried out in the Mauritanian EEZ. Mature ovaries were examined from the start of the reproductive season in this area. Ovaries were processed by a standard histological technique. Histological characteristics of ovarian tissues and oocyte stages were studied by light microscopy. The ovaries of black hakes showed various stages of oocyte development from the small sized, chromatin nuclear and perinucleolar oocytes, and the medium sized, cortical alveoli and vitellogenic oocytes. This last stage presents yolk granules occupying the cytoplasm at different levels. In the case of M. senegalensis, the presence of large sized oocytes with early migration of the nucleus to the animal pole, as well as fusion of oil droplets indicate maturation and imminent spawning, thus, indicating an earlier spawning than M. polli. Furthermore, postovulatory follicles observed in M. senegalensis indicate a recent batch spawning episode. This result is concordant with the values of GSI obtained for both species in these waters. The reproductive period extends from October to Mars with a defined peak in December - January for females of both hakes, although the shallower species, M. senegalensis, shows an earlier spawning in this study. Atretic stages were observed, but their incidence was low because the sampling corresponds to the beginning of the spawning period. The species are multiple batch spawners as suggested by their oocyte size frequency distribution in the ovary. The present study is a first approach to ovarian histology of M. polli and M. senegalensis, and intended to provide basic knowledge for further detailed studies on the reproductive biology of these species, essential for an adequate assessment of this stock.Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO

    Morphological, physiological, and molecular scion traits are determinant for salt-stress tolerance of grafted citrus plants

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    IntroductionCitrus productivity has been decreasing in the last decade in the Mediterranean basin as a consequence of climate change and the high levels of salinity found in the aquifers. Citrus varieties are cultivated grafted onto a rootstock, which has been reported as responsible for plant tolerance to adverse situations. However, other important factors for stress tolerance relying in the scion have been less studied. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the grafted scion on citrus tolerance to salt stress.MethodsFour different citrus rootstock/scion combinations were subjected to salt stress for 30 days, using Carrizo citrange (CC) or Citrus macrophylla (CM) as rootstocks, and Navelina orange (NA) or Oronules mandarin (OR) as scions. CM-OR was the most tolerant combination, whereas CC-NA was the most sensitive one.Results and discussionOur results support the idea that the rootstock plays an important role in salt stress tolerance, but scion is also crucial. Thus, photosynthesis and transpiration, processes regulated by abscisic acid and jasmonic acid, are determinant of plant performance. These photosynthetic parameters were not affected in plants of the salt-tolerant combination CM-OR, probably due to the lower intoxication with Cl− ions, allowing a better performance of the photosynthetic machinery under stress conditions. The different stomatal density of the two citrus scions used in this work (higher in the sensitive NA in comparison to the tolerant OR) also contributes to the different tolerance of the grafted plants to this adverse condition. Additionally, CsDTX35.1 and CsDTX35.2, genes codifying for Cl− tonoplast transporters, were exclusively overexpressed in plants of the salt-tolerant combination CM-OR, suggesting that these transporters involved in Cl− compartmentalization could be crucial for salt stress tolerance. It is concluded that to improve citrus tolerance to high salinity, it is important that scions have a versatile photosynthetic system, an adequate stomatal density, and a proper modulation of genes coding for Cl− transporters in the tonoplast

    Heterogeneous Photocatalytic Degradation of Ibuprofen Over TiO2–Ag Supported on Activated Carbon from Waste Tire Rubber

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    In recent years it has been discovered that some common use medicines, such as ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are found in water sources in concentrations that have the potential to affect aquatic organisms. On the other hand, waste used tires are a massive problem for the environment due to the leaching of toxic compounds to soils and water. Also, the exposition to environmental conditions can make them sources of vectors like mosquitoes. In this work, three activated carbon (AC) catalysts derived from waste tire rubber, titanium dioxide and silver were synthesized using the sol–gel method. Morphological characterizations such as SEM and TEM were performed in which, the agglomeration of titanium particles and silver crystals on the surface of the AC is evident. In the XRD analysis, the presence of elemental silver nanoparticles was detected. In the diffuse reflectance spectroscopy analysis, the decrease in the titanium band gap, as well as activity in the visible spectrum, was observed. The photocatalytic tests were performed at pH 3 and 7 in the presence of UV/Vis radiation. These tests show that there are differences between the catalyst in both, UV and visible regions. Adsorption is a major phenomenon for the removal of ibuprofen, followed by photolytic decomposition. In visible spectra, the catalysts show a good performance for the removal of ibuprofen