1,287 research outputs found

    Turbulent drag reduction by anisotropic permeable substrates-analysis and direct numerical simulations

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    We explore the ability of anisotropic permeable substrates to reduce turbulent skin-friction, studying the influence that these substrates have on the overlying turbulence. For this, we perform DNSs of channel flows bounded by permeable substrates. The results confirm theoretical predictions, and the resulting drag curves are similar to those of riblets. For small permeabilities, the drag reduction is proportional to the difference between the streamwise and spanwise permeabilities. This linear regime breaks down for a critical value of the wall-normal permeability, beyond which the performance begins to degrade. We observe that the degradation is associated with the appearance of spanwise-coherent structures, attributed to a Kelvin-Helmholtz-like instability of the mean flow. This feature is common to a variety of obstructed flows, and linear stability analysis can be used to predict it. For large permeabilities, these structures become prevalent in the flow, outweighing the drag-reducing effect of slip and eventually leading to an increase of drag. For the substrate configurations considered, the largest drag reduction observed is 2025%\approx 20-25\% at a friction Reynolds number δ+=180\delta^+ = 180

    Luxación congénita de rótula

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    La luxación congénita de rótula es poco frecuente y de difícil diagnóstico precoz, diferenciándose de otras formas de luxación por ser permanentes, no reductibles por maniobras manuales y provocar en su evolución natural una deformidad grave y progresiva de la rodilla. El propósito de este artículo es presentar nuestros resultados de 6 rodillas en 5 pacientes tratadas entre 1975 y 1997, siendo en uno de ellos la deformidad bilateral. En 4 de los 5 casos se acompañaba de otras malformaciones: 2 casos con síndrome de Down, 1 síndrome polimalformativo y 1 caso con escoliosis por hemivértebra. El tratamiento quirúrgico ha sido uniforme en todos los casos y consistente en liberación del vasto externo, alargamiento de la fascia lata, liberación rotuliana externa, extirpación del tejido fibroso intra-articular, retensado capsulo-ligamentoso medial, alargamiento del cuadriceps y hemitransferencia del tendón patelar. Los resultados han sido buenos y excelentes, estando en relación con la edad del momento del diagnóstico y su tratamiento precoz.Congenital dislocation of the patella is an infrequent entity of difficulty early diagnosis. Differs from other patellar instabilities in that it is permanent, irreducible by manipulation and leads to a severe and progressive deformity of the knee. The purpose of the present study was to assess the results of 6 knees (5 patients) treated from 1975 through 1997. Four patients showed other malformations: two Down's syndromes, one polimalformative syndrome and one case of congenital scoliosis. All patients were treated with the same surgical protocol by means of vastus lateralis release, lengthening of the fascia lata, lateral retinacular release, resection of the intra-articular fibrous tissue, medial reefing, quadriceps tendon lenghthening and hemi-transference of the patellar tendon. The result was good or excellent depending on the time of diagnosis and early surgical treatment

    The magnetic field toward the young planetary nebula K~3-35

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    K 3-35 is a planetary nebula (PN) where H2O maser emission has been detected, suggesting that it departed from the proto-PNe phase only some decades ago. Interferometric VLA observations of the OH 18 cm transitions in K~3-35 are presented.OH maser emission is detected in all four ground state lines (1612, 1665, 1667, and 1720 MHz). All the masers appear blueshifted with respect to the systemic velocity of the nebula and they have different spatial and kinematic distributions.The OH 1665 and 1720 MHz masers appear spatially coincident with the core of the nebula, while the OH 1612 and 1667 MHz ones exhibit a more extended distribution. We suggest that the 1665 and 1720 masers arise from a region close to the central star, possibly in a torus, while the 1612 and 1667 lines originate mainly from the extended northern lobe of the outflow. It is worth noting that the location and velocity of the OH 1720 MHz maser emission are very similar to those of the H2O masers (coinciding within 0.1" and ~2 km/s, respectively). We suggest that the pumping mechanism in the H2O masers could be produced by the same shock that is exciting the OH 1720 MHz transition. A high degree of circular polarization (>50%) was found to be present in some features of the 1612, 1665, and 1720 MHz emission.For the 1665 MHz transition at ~ +18 km/s the emission with left and right circular polarizations (LCP and RCP) coincide spatially within a region of ~0.03" in diameter.Assuming that these RCP and LCP 1665 features come from a Zeeman pair, we estimate a magnetic field of ~0.9 mG within 150 AU from the 1.3 cm continuum peak. This value is in agreement with a solar-type magnetic field associated with evolved stars.Comment: 6 pages, 2 tables, 4 figures, ApJ accepte

    A collimated, ionized bipolar structure and a high density torus in the young planetary nebula IRAS 17347-3139

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    We present observations of continuum (lambda = 0.7, 1.3, 3.6 and 18 cm) and OH maser (lambda = 18 cm) emission toward the young planetary nebula IRAS 17347-3139, which is one of the three planetary nebulae that are known to harbor water maser emission. From the continuum observations we show that the ionized shell of IRAS 17347-3139 consists of two main structures: one extended (size ~1". 5) with bipolar morphology along PA=-30 degrees, elongated in the same direction as the lobes observed in the near-infrared images, and a central compact structure (size ~0". 25) elongated in the direction perpendicular to the bipolar axis, coinciding with the equatorial dark lane observed in the near-infrared images. Our image at 1.3 cm suggests the presence of dense walls in the ionized bipolar lobes. We estimate for the central compact structure a value of the electron density at least ~5 times higher than in the lobes. A high resolution image of this structure at 0.7 cm shows two peaks separated by about 0". 13 (corresponding to 100-780 AU, using a distance range of 0.8-6 kpc). This emission is interpreted as originating in an ionized equatorial torus-like structure, from whose edges the water maser emission might be arising. We have detected weak OH 1612 MHz maser emission at VLSR ~ -70 km/s associated with IRAS 17347-3139. We derive a 3 sigma upper limit of < 35% for the percentage of circularly polarized emission. Within our primary beam, we detected additional OH 1612 MHz maser emission in the LSR velocity ranges -5 to -24 and -90 to -123 km/s, associated with the sources 2MASS J17380406-3138387 and OH 356.65-0.15, respectively.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Kinematics of the H2O masers at the centre of the PN K3-35

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    We have studied the kinematics traced by the water masers located at the centre of the planetary nebula (PN) K3-35, using data from previous Very Large Array (VLA) observations. An analysis of the spatial distribution and line-of-sight velocities of the maser spots allows us to identify typical patterns of a rotating and expanding ring in the position-velocity diagrams, according to our kinematical model. We find that the distribution of the masers is compatible with tracing a circular ring with a ~0.021 arcsec (~100 AU) radius, observed with an inclination angle with respect to the line of sight of 55 degrees. We derive expansion and rotation velocities of 1.4 and 3.1 km/s, respectively. The orientation of the ring projected on the plane of the sky, at PA 158 degrees, is almost orthogonal to the direction of the innermost region of the jet observed in K3-35, suggesting the presence of a disc or torus that may be related to the collimation of the outflow.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted by MNRA

    Non-destructive Plant Morphometric and Color Analyses Using an Optoelectronic 3D Color Microscope

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    Gene function discovery in plants, as other plant science quests, is aided by tools that image, document, and measure plant phenotypes. Tools that acquire images of plant organs and tissues at the microscopic level have evolved from qualitative documentation tools, to advanced tools where software-assisted analysis of images extracts quantitative information that allows statistical analyses. They are useful to perform morphometric studies that describe plant physical characteristics and quantify phenotypes, aiding gene function discovery. In parallel, non-destructive, versatile, robust, and user friendly technologies have also been developed for surface topography analysis and quality control in the industrial manufacture sector, such as optoelectronic three-dimensional (3D) color microscopes. These microscopes combine optical lenses, electronic image sensors, motorized stages, graphics engines, and user friendly software to allow the visualization and inspection of objects of diverse sizes and shapes from different angles. This allow the integration of different automatically obtained images along the Z axis of an object, into a single image with a large depth-of-field, or a 3D model in color. In this work, we explored the performance of an optoelectronic microscope to study plant morphological phenotypes and plant surfaces in different model species. Furthermore, as a “proof-of-concept,” we included the phenotypic characterization (morphometric analyses at the organ level, color, and cell size measurements) of Arabidopsis mutant leaves. We found that the microscope tested is a suitable, practical, and fast tool to routinely and precisely analyze different plant organs and tissues, producing both high-quality, sharp color images and morphometric and color data in real time. It is fully compatible with live plant tissues (no sample preparation is required) and does not require special conditions, high maintenance, nor complex training. Therefore, though barely reported in plant scientific studies, optoelectronic microscopes should emerge as convenient and useful tools for phenotypic characterization in plant sciences